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1、保护仪说明书东日英文 ESP Protective ControllerOperation ManualRodless Pumps,Inc.ChinaContent一、General 2二、Application Condition . 2三、User Interface & Main Function .3四、Operating Instructions . .6五、User Guide . 7六、Wiring Method 9七、Starting Notice 10 八、Electric Schematic10一、 GeneralOSPC-300型保护控制仪,是本公司技术升级换代后的第三代

2、产品。该保护控制仪不仅能为潜油电泵机组提供可靠的保护和控制,而且留有RS485通讯接口,可以满足用户远程监控的需求。OSPC-300 type of protective controller is the third generation product of our company. This kind of protective controller not only can provide the credible protection and control for the ESP unit, but also can provide the RS485 communication

3、to fulfill the requirement of the remote monitoring.二、Application Condition1、 Conditiona) 海拔高度不超过Height above sea level not exceed 1000m;b) 温度范围-25+50;(-25以下,液晶显示反应速度变慢,但不影响产品功能。)Temperature Range -25+50( when lower than-25 , the LCD display speed will be slower, but the Product Function will not be

4、 effected)c) 空气相对湿度不超过Relative humidity not exceed 85%;d) 外壳防护等级Housing protection level: IP30;e) 在没有导电尘埃、没有腐蚀性及爆炸性气体的场所。Operating in the environment without electric conduction dust and inflammable, explosive and corrosive gas.2、Power source工作电压Operating Voltage:110V15%; 频率Frequency:50Hz or 60Hz;Po

5、wer consumption:10W。3、模拟信号输入Analog signals input三相电流three phase current:05A,The Max overload capacity: 15A,50Hz or 60 Hz。Three phase voltage:0150V, 50Hz or 60Hz,三相四线three phase four wire system。 4、模拟信号输出*Analog signals output*三相电流输出信号为Three phase current output signal is 420mA。一相线电压Uab输出信号为Phase wir

6、e voltage Uab output signal is 420mA。5、通信*Communication*留有RS485通讯接口(MODBUS协议)。RS485 communication interface (MODBUS )注 :后缀*为选配模块。Note: “*”means not necessary, but you can choose.三、 用户界面及主要功能User interface& Main Function1、初上电界面When power on东日电气Time Interface 0 2、the three interface which monitor the

7、motor running:Daily power consumption: *kWhTotal power consumption: *kWh有功: *kW无功: *kVar 视在: *kVAPower factor:vol Current powerUab ia pUbc ib cos Uca ic ABC/CBA Interface 1 Interface 2 Interface3 按、键切换各个界面 Switch the three interface by pressing the 、 key3、用户参数设置和历史状态改变记录界面:User Parameter setting& Hi

8、story Records interfaceRated Voltage *VOvervoltage Protection *%Under Voltage Protection *%Frequency Hz Self start time delay s Current change *:5 First Voltage *Second voltage *Overload setting *A Underload setting *AUnti-time limit setting *% Current Unbalance *% Interface 1 Interface 2 Interface

9、3鉴相保护通讯地址历史事件 语言 时间液晶加热高级控制 Interface 4 Interface 5按、键切换各个界面,按、键切换界面内菜单。Switch the interface by pressing 、 key; Switch the menu by pressing the、 Key3.1Rated Voltage*过压和欠压保护的基准,如果用户开启过压或欠压保护,必须输入电机的额定电压,范围09000V,最小可调单位10V,默认值为2000V。 it the norm of the overvoltage and under voltage protection. It is n

10、ecessary to input the rated voltage, if user want to use the overvoltage or under voltage protection. Range 09000V, minimum voltage:10V. Default value: 2000V3.2 过压保护Overvoltage Protection*预设置参数,通过此参数设置,可使保护中心起到预警和保护作用;范围:030%,最小可调单位1%,0表示关闭,默认值10%。Presetting Parameter. The protective controller can

11、provide the warning and protection function through this parameter setting. Range: 030% ,minimum voltage:1%, 0 means shut down. Default Value :10%3.3 欠压保护Under voltage *预设置参数,通过此参数设置,可使保护中心起到预警和保护作用;范围:030%,最小可调单位1%,0表示关闭,默认值10%。Presetting Parameter. The protective controller can provide the warning

12、 and protection function through this parameter setting. Range: 030% ,minimum voltage:1%, 0 means shut down. Default Value :10%3.4频率 Frequency预设置参数,用户在启动电机前必须输入电源频率;50Hz或60Hz,默认值50Hz。Presetting Parameter. The power source frequency must be input before start the motor; 50Hz or 60Hz, Default value:50

13、Hz3.5过载整定 Overload Setting预设置参数,按电机额定电流整定,通过此参数设置,可使保护中心起到预警和保护作用;Presetting Parameter. This setting shall according to the motor rated current. The protective controller can provide the warning and protection function through this parameter setting.范围:015倍电流变比,最小可调单位1倍电流变比/50,默认值4倍电流变比。Range: 015 t

14、imes of the current transformation ratio. The minimum setting is 1 time of current transformation ratio/50. Default value is 4 times of current transformation ratio.等于最大值15倍电流变比时,此项保护关闭。If the setting is 15 times of current transformation ratio, this means no protection.3.6反时限调整Unti-time limit setti

15、ng 预设置参数,调整过载反时限动作时间,根据电机工况选择合适的过载反时限时间;Presetting parameter. The overload unti-time limit should be set base on motor condition范围:10%900%,最小可调单位10%,默认100%,详细参见附录。Range: 10%900%, Minimum setting value: 10%, Default value: 100%. Please refer to the Attachment for the details.3.7欠载整定Underload setting

16、预设置参数,通过此参数设置,可使保护中心起到预警和保护作用;The protective controller can provide the warning and protection function through this parameter setting.范围:05倍电流变比,最小可调单位1倍电流变比/50,0为关闭此项功能,默认值1.4倍电流变比。Range: 05 times of the current transformation ratio. The minimum setting value is 1 time of current transformation ra

17、tio/50. 0 means no protection. Default value is 1.4 times of current transformation ratio.3.8电流不平衡 Current unbalance预设置参数,通过此参数设置,可使保护中心起到预警和保护作用;The protective controller can provide the warning and protection function through this parameter setting.范围:040%,最小可调单位1%,0为关闭此项功能,默认值10%。Range: 040%, Min

18、imum setting value: 1%, 0 means no protection. Default value: 100%.3.9自启动延时 Self-start time delay预设置参数,只用于欠载停机;Presetting parameter. Only suit for under load stop范围:0100小时,最小可调单位1小时,0为关闭此项功能,默认值为0。Range: 0100 Hours, The Minimum setting value: 1H. 0 means no protection. Default value is 03.10 电流变比Cur

19、rent Transformation Ratio预设置参数,用户在启动电机前必须输入当前的电流互感器变比,如果此参数设置有误,会导致保护中心无法正常工作,数据显示也会不正常;Presetting Parameter. The current transformation ratio must be input before starting the motor. The wrong setting of this parameter will cause the error of the Protective controller范围:5/51000/5 ,最小可调单位5,默认值。Range

20、: 5/51000/5, the minimum setting value: 5. Default value: 75:53.11 原边电压 First Voltage预设置参数,用户在启动电机前必须输入当前电压互感器的原边电压;Presetting Parameter. The First voltage of the Voltage transformer must be input before starting the motor.范围:1009000V,最小可调单位10V,默认值2000V。Range: 1009000V. the Minimum setting value: 10

21、V, Default Value: 2000V3.12 副边电压Second Voltage预设置参数,用户在启动电机前必须输入当前电压互感器的副边电压;Presetting Parameter. The second voltage of the Voltage transformer must be input before starting the motor.范围:100150V,最小可调单位10V,默认值100V。Range: 100150V. the Minimum setting value: 10V, Default Value: 100V3.13鉴相保护Phase recog

22、nition protection预设置参数,保护或者不保护,默认值:不保护。Presetting Parameter. Protection or no protection. Default value: no Protection3.14通讯地址Communication address.预设置参数,需要数据远传时此参数必须设置;Presetting Parameter. This parameter shall be set when the remote motoring is need.范围:1247 ,最小可调单位1,默认值247,每台保护中心的通讯地址不能相同。Range: 1

23、247, the minimum setting value: 1, default value: 247. The communication address of each protective controller shall not be the same.3.15 历史事件History数据浏览项,显示最近各种状态改变时的电压、电流记录,掉电不消失;it can display the recent voltage, current records. The data will not disappear even power off.详细记录分析见附录。Please refer t

24、o attachment for the detailed information3.16 语言Language中英文选择。Chinese or English3.17 时间Time设置当前日期和时间。Setting the current date and time3.18 液晶加热 LCD Heating 在低温下若液晶显示模糊,开启后可自动加热液晶以保证液晶正常显示。The LCD will be out of focus at the low temperature. LCD heating can solve this problem3.19 高级控制 Advanced Contro

25、l用户禁用。This Function is forbidden for user四、 操作说明Operation Instruction1、键盘Keyboard键盘由“返回/取消”、 、和“确认/设置” 6个键组成,利用这6个键可以完成参数设置、界面浏览、工作记录查询。The keyboard is composed by “return/cancel” 、 、 and “confirm/set” six button. The parameter setting, interface browsing and records query can be finished through th

26、ese six button.2、按键操作key operation2.1保护中心上电,按键切换监视界面0、1、2、3。Power on, switch the interface 0、1、2、3 by pressing the button 、2.2保护中心运行或保护停机状态,按、键切换监视界面1、2、3、4。When the protective controller is running or is in the protection condition, switch the interface1、2、3 by pressing the button 、.2.3在监视界面0、1、2、3

27、任何一个界面下,按“确认/设置”键进入参数设置界面。按、 键切换界面1、2、3、4、5。If under the any of the interface 0、1、2、3, press the “confirm/set” button to enter into the parameter setting. Press the button 、 to switch the interface1、2、3、4、5.按、 键屏内焦点上下滚动。Press 、 button to move the focus举例说明设置过载整定值“60A”步骤如下:For example: the procedure

28、of setting overload value “60A”is as follows:第一步:在监视界面0、1、2、3任何一个界面下 按“确认/设置”键进入参数设置界面第一屏;First step: press the button “confirm/set” to enter into the parameter setting under any of the monitor interface0、1、2、3.第二步:调节、使过载整定A为反显状态;Second step: Press 、 to choose the A.第三步:按“确认/设置”键进入过载整定设置状态,调节整定过载值为6

29、0A;Third step: press the button “confirm/set” to enter into the setting. Press the button 、 to set the value at 60A.第四步:按“确认/设置”键保存当前设置好的整定值。Forth step: press the button “confirm/set” to save the setting value.注意:Note:如果不进行第四步操作,整定值为设定前的值。The value will keep the same without the forth step.如果在第二步操作界

30、面一分钟内无任何按键操作,系统则自动返回上一监视界面。The system will return to the monitor interface, if there is no operation at second step within one minute. 如果在第三步操作界面一分钟内无任何按键操作,系统自动返回第二步操作状态。The system will return to the monitor interface, if there is no operation at Third step within one minute.五、用户向导User Guide1、停机状态 the state of stop1.1初给保护中心上电,故障指示灯不亮。When the protective controller power on, the malfunction indicator is off. 1.2故障停机,显示器显示故障信息,并且相应指示灯亮。If failure stop, the LCD will show the failure information and the relative indicator will be lighted.1.3历史事件记录停机时的电流、电压以及时间,短路保护无详细记录。 The history can rec

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