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1、TEAMBUILDING,A.Principles of Effective Communication,What is communication?,The transfer of intended meaning.,2.What is communicated?,Ideas Opinions Concepts Orders,instructions Feelings,A.Principles of Effective Communication,3.Methods of communication.,Verbal Written Body Language Example(action o

2、r lack of action),4.Causes of Communication Problems,Lack of eye contact One-way communication only Lack of mutual understanding of goals or desired results Different frames of reference Feelings,A.Principles of Effective Communication,5.Defensive vs.Supportive Climates.,Evaluation(judging)-implied(

3、expression,speech,tone,etc.)Control-evokes resistance(perception of implied inadequacy)Superiority-indicates unwillingness to cooperate Manipulation-causes feelings of resentment,Defensive Climate Factors,Description-view speech as genuine request for information.Problem orientation-show sincere des

4、ire to collaborate Empathy-sender identifies with receivers problems Equality-defensiveness reduced Provisionalism-sender communicates willingness to be flexible,Supportive Climate Factors,A.Principles of Effective Communication,6.The Way to Effective Messages,Think through what you want to say befo

5、re you say it.Simplify your message.Be specific;dont beat around the bush.Try to be as brief as possible.Dont assume.Review important points.,A.Principles of Effective Communication,Ineffective,“Youre rude”.,Effective,“Youre finishing my sentences for me.”.,“Juanita,dont you think Eds chicken sort o

6、f reminds you of something from The Far Side.”,“Ed,Ive got some second thoughts about your barbecued chicken.”,“How many times have you been late this month?”,“Is there something preventing you from being on time?”,“That will get you into trouble.”,“If you continue to come to work late,youll leave m

7、e no choice but to put you on probation”,A.Principles of Effective Communication,7.Effective Feedback Techniques,Feedback is simply letting the speaker know you are listening.Respond with statements or questions like:-“You believe that.“-“Are you saying that.”(triggering phrases,not judgemental)-“Yo

8、ure concerned about.”,-“Tell me more.“-“Can you give me an example?.”-“Tell me in your own words.”,Ask questions-How?What?Where?Who?When?Why?,Feedback is probably the most under-used yet most helpful skill in communication.,Use“door openers”to encourage speaker.,A.Principles of Effective Communicati

9、on,8.Avoiding Verbal Turnoffs,Certain responses come across as rejection of another persons thoughts or feelings.Speaker may become defensive.,Preaching:.“You should take my advice.”Judging:.“But youre wrong!”Outdoing:.“You think you had it bad?Blah,blah,blah.”Withdrawing:.“Forget it!”Patronizing:.“

10、You dont really feel that way.”,A.Principles of Effective Communication,8.Avoiding Verbal Turnoffs,Killer Phrases throw up road blocks to potential solutions.When someone uses a killer phrase,the speaker can only:-Fight back-and how often is that productive?-Ignore it-but the damage is done.-Sit dow

11、n and shut up-and the idea dies.,Killer Phrases:“Dont be ridiculous!”“Are you through?”“We tried that before.”“It wont work.”“We dont want to be locked into that idea.”“There you go again.”,A.Principles of Effective Communication,9.Keys to Effective Listening,The Bad Listener,The Key,The Good Listen

12、er,Continually interrupts.,Stop Talking,Gives speakers time to say what they have to say.,Tunes out if delivery is poor.,Judge Content not Delivery,Judges content,skips over delivery errors.,Tends to enter into arguments.,Hold Your Fire,Holds temper,doesnt jump to conclusions.,Listens only for facts

13、.,Listen for Ideas,Listens for important themes.,Influenced by who speaker is.,React to ideas,not speaker.,Shows little attention,or fakes it.,Show Interest,Pays attention to what speaker says,not who they are.,Actively listens to understand rather than only to reply.,Is easily distracted.,Resist Di

14、stractions,Avoids distraction,knows how to concentrate.,Gives no feedback.,Asks Questions,Encourages speaker to develop points further.,Reacts to emotional words.,Keep an open mind,Knows loaded words and phrases,but does not get hung up on them.,“Remember:You cant listen if youre talking.”,A.Princip

15、les of Effective Communication,10.Basic Principles for Human Relations,Create a supportive climate for all your interpersonal relationships.-Take constructive approach Avoid personal attacks by taking a problem-oriented approach.-Objectively focus on the situation Respect and enhance the self-esteem

16、 of others.-Necessary for creating a supportive climate Set the example by taking constructive action at every opportunity.-Look for improvement opportunities and take action.,A.Principles of Effective Communication,11.Communication,Essential to teamwork-have a clear understanding of common targets.

17、Best tools for building cooperative relationships between employees.Vital to the success of the company.,Examples of effective communication:Assisting the team leader in developing standardized work instructions.Communicating necessary information between team members.Attending and participating in

18、team meetings to continuously improve performance.,A.Principles of Effective Communication,Team Building Part A Practice Exercises,1.What is communication?a.The transfer of meaning.,2.What is communicated?(circle)Yes or No a.Ideas Yes No b.Opinions Yes No c.Concepts Yes No d.Order,Instructions Yes N

19、o e.Feelings Yes No,3.You can communicate with body language.(circle)TrueFalse,4.You can cause communication problems with lack of eye contact.(circle)TrueFalse,5.Fill in the blanks:,is implied by expression,manner of speech,tone of voice,or verbal contact.evokes resistance.arouses feelings of inade

20、quacy.makes people become resentful.,intended,“Complete all 10 questions-then well check answers.”,Evaluation or judging,Control,Superiority,Manipulation,A.Principles of Effective Communication,Team Building Part A Practice Exercises,6.The listener should not view speech as a genuine request for inf

21、ormation.(circle)True False,7.Feedback is responding with statements or questions?(circle)True False,8.You are a bad listener if you tend to enter into arguments,show little attention and give no feedback.(circle)TrueFalse,10.Fill in the blanks:,encourage the speaker to say more about a problem.,“Do

22、or openers”,9.Communication is often viewed as a tool that links individuals to the team,as well as team members to the team leader.(circle)TrueFalse,B.Group Dynamics and Interaction,1.Advantages of the Team Concept,Increased awareness of the contribution and role of each member.Greater commitment t

23、o the team task because of increased participation and pride in team accomplishments.Increase in cooperative attitude among members.Better quality decisions because of increased member input.Greater commitment to decision implementation.More creative problem solving.Improved interpersonal relationsh

24、ips among members.Improved communication in all directions Increased efficiency in quantity and quality of work accomplished.,B.Group Dynamics and Interaction,2.Personal Skills for Working Together,Keep an open mind so you can go beyond the obvious.Pursue new ideas.Dont give up if,at first,it appear

25、s the idea wont work.Treat ideas equally.Do not try to assign a value to alternatives when they are suggested.Look for the most interesting aspect of each idea.Ask“good”questions.Listen with interest and respect.Ask:“How do you know?”,B.Group Dynamics and Interaction,Conflict Resolution,Depending on

26、 how it is managed,conflict can have a positive or negative effect on a team.Disruptive conflict can slow or completely stall productive team work.Understanding why conflict occurs can help in both avoiding it and in dealing with it when it happens.Usually the result of:-A lack of understanding of t

27、he other persons viewpoint.-Interpersonal resentment between individuals.-A competitive win/lose climate between individual members.-No constructive means of channeling it into deliberations.,B.Group Dynamics and Interaction,Guidelines for Resolving Conflict,Avoid personal attacks by taking a proble

28、m-oriented approach.Describe how the conflict is affecting team performance.Schedule a joint meeting between the involved parties.Allow each person to objectively state his or her viewpoint.Encourage each person to recognize that the problem needs resolution.Allow each person to provide input into p

29、ossible solutions.Get agreement on what each person will do to resolve the conflict.,B.Group Dynamics and Interaction,3.Tuckman Model of Team Life Cycle,Team gets acquainted-Introductions-Shared experiences-Personal Interests-Personal histories,Forming,Team defines the task/goal-Outcomes-Explanation

30、 of goals-Tasks needed to be done-Resources and support-Times lines-Frequency of meetings,Members are flexible,agreeable,but untrusting and careful about what they say.No procedures for working together.,B.Group Dynamics and Interaction,3.Tuckman Model of Team Life Cycle,Team experiences conflict ab

31、out:-Team purpose-Team leadership-Task assignments-Team operations,Storming,Storming characteristics-Communication becomes more honest.-Disagreements become more frequent.-People differentiate their personal needs from those of the team.-Morale dips as people begin to think the team will never“get i

32、t together.,B.Group Dynamics and Interaction,3.Tuckman Model of Team Life Cycle,Negativity-Continual criticism of team activities.,Forms of Storming,Dissatisfaction-with anything and everything.Can lead to negativity and other problems.,Hostility-Can take form of a person being aggressive,argumentat

33、ive,even threatening.,Crisis Mode-Team operating style where anything and everything is a crisis.Team must come together and honestly confront the issues.,Shooting Down Ideas-Common activity.Can be a sign of all the other forms.,Thankfully,storming mode is temporary.,B.Group Dynamics and Interaction,3.Tuckman Model of Team Life Cycle,Group has overcome differences and agreed on how it will operate

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