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1、中考英语完形填空2010中考英语复习题 完形填空( 一 )When Liu Kaiqu was young he was poor in Shanghai. One day he _1_a picture of a tiger and tried to sell it on the street. It caught the_2_ of an American. “ How much does it cost ?” He asked ,”500 dollars.”. The foreigner thought it was too _3_and asked again, “Can you ma

2、ke it cheaper?” He answered, “No.” Then he tore (撕) it into pieces. In great surprise, the foreigner said, “Young man, are you _4_?” “No, sir. Im not angry. I sold it _5_ 500 dollars because I thought it was worth the_6_ . But you wanted a lower price. It means _7_didnt think so and it is not good e

3、nough. Ill go on working harder and harder until my customers (顾客) are _8_ .” At that time, _9_Liu Kaiqu was not famous at all, he never _10_ his dream. Now he is well-known all over the world as a great artist.( ) 1. A. stole B. picked C.drew( ) 2. A. attention B. instruction C.discussion( ) 3. A.t

4、errible B. big C. dear( ) 4. A.afraid B. happy C.angry( ) 5. A.over B. for C.about( ) 6. A. size B. price C.weight( ) 7. A. you B. he C. it( ) 8. A.good B. satisfied C. bad( ) 9. A.though B. because C. whether( ) 10. A. cut up B. gave up C.sent up( 二 ) Only Mother Love is true love. It gives everybo

5、dy everything all her life. When you are still a baby, mother takes good care of you as _1_ as she can. In your walking hours she always holds you in her arms. When you are ill , she looks after you day and night and forgets about _2_ . When you are growing up day by day, she feels very happy. When

6、you are _3_enough to go to school, mother still looks after you all the time. In cold winter days she always tells you to _4_ more clothes. She always stands in the wind_5_for you back from school.When you hurry to leave home for school with _6_ breakfast, she always feels _7_ about you at home. She

7、 usually knows about your study and _8_ much money on your school things. When you do _9_ at school, you will see the brightest smile on her face. Mother is always ready to give everything she has to her children, not to _10_. What true love that is in the world! Well remember Mother Love for ever!(

8、 ) 1. A. possible B. important C. quickly( ) 2. A. her B. yourself C. herself( ) 3. A. young B. old C.strong ( ) 4. A.take off B. put on C. turn on( ) 5. A.asking B. waiting C. looking( ) 6. A. much B. few C. little( ) 7. A. worried B. afraid C.sad( ) 8. A.takes B. pays C. spends( ) 9. A. good B. we

9、ll C. bad( ) 10. A. return B.receive C.carry( 三 ) Helen Keller was a very bright, beautiful girl. At the age of six months she could already _1_ a few words. But before she was two years old, she was badly ill. She could not see _2_ hear, and soon she could not even talk. Since then Helen had to fig

10、ht for what she wanted. When she was six years old, her parents invited a _3_ for her. With her help, she _4_ to see and hear the world around her through her hands. She learned to _5_ the books for the blind(盲人). The teacher took Helen for long walks, and told her about all the beautiful sights( 景象

11、). Helen touched the flowers, _6_ the trees and smelled a rain storm before it came. After she _7_, she became a famous writer in America. Her first and most famous _8_ is “The Story of My Life”. Her story has brought new _9_ to many blind and deaf people. It has given light to (给.带去光明) those in dar

12、kness and encouraged them _10_ and work.( ) 1. A. say B. speak ) 2. A. or B. and C. but( ) 3. A. doctor B. singer C. teacher( ) 4. A.wanted B. liked C. began( ) 5. A. look B. read C. use( ) 6. A. watched B. grew C.climbed ( ) 7. A. looked up B. grew up C.picked up( ) 8. A. book B. work C. on

13、e( ) 9. A. hope B. lesson C. gift ( ) 10. A. live B. to live C. living ( 四 )Can we live without salt ? No. Salt is very important to us. We need salt _1_ our lives. Animals need it,_2_._3_ of the salt in our country comes from the sea. People make great pools and then _4_ them with sea water. When t

14、he sun _5_ the water, people can get salt _6_the ground. The sait is white. clean and beautiful.There_7_ salt here and there in our country. People in Sichuan get salt from wells( 井 ) and people in Jiangxi get salt from salt mines( 矿). In northwest part of our country. People can get salt from _8_.I

15、n our country theres plenty of salt and so we neednt buy salt from _ countries. Salt is cheap, but its very _10_ and important. ( ) 1. A. in B. on C. at ( ) 2. A. either B. yet C. too( ) 3. A. All B. Most C. Whole( ) 4. A.wash B. choose C. fill( ) 5. A. dries up B. takes away C.drives off( ) 6. A. o

16、ver B. from C. in( ) 7. A. are B. has C. is( ) 8. A. seas B. wells C. salt lakes( ) 9.A. another B. other C. the other ( ) 10. A. useful B. useless C. interesting( 五 )There was once a man who was very rich but very mean( 吝啬的)at the same time. Nobody _1_ him in the village. One day he said to them, “

17、I know you dont like me. When I _2_ , I will give everything to you. Then everyone will be happy.” Even then nobody believed him. The rich man couldnt understand_3_ they didnt believe him. One day he went for a walk. Under a tree he happened to hear a pig and a cow_4_.The pig said to the cow,“Everyb

18、ody likes you _5_ nobody likes me. Why? When I provide people with meat,ham(火腿)and so on, I give three or four things to them. But you give only one thing-milk. Why do people like you _6_and not me?” The cow answered,“ Look, I give them _7_ while I am alive. They see that I am generous(慷慨)with what

19、I have. But you give them _8_ while you re alive. Only after youre dead you give them meat, ham and so on. People dont believe in the _9_.They believe in the present(现在). If you give while you are alive, people will like you.”_10_that moment on, the rich man wasnt tightfisted(吝啬的) any more. Everyone

20、 began to like him. And he felt quite happpy.( )1.A. believed B. liked C.hated( )2.A. die B.leave C.return( )3.A. how B.why C.what( )4.A. crying B.talking C.lauging( )5.A. because C.but( )6.A.sometimes B.all the time the end( )7.A. milk B.who )8.A. something B.nothing C.everything(

21、)9.A. lifetime B.friendship C. future( )10.A. In B. At C. From( 六 ) Not all people like to work but everyone likes to play. All over the world men and women, boys and girls enjoy _1_. Since the days of long ago,adults(成年人) and children have called their friends together to spend hours, even days pla

22、ying games.Sports help people to live happily. They help to keep _2_ and feeling good. When they are playing games, people _3_ a lot. This is good _4_ their health. Having fun with their friends makes them_5_.Many people enjoy sports by watching others _6_ . In small towns, crowds(人群) meet to watch

23、the bicycles races or the soccer games. In big cities, thousands of people_7_to see an ice-skating show or baseball games.What are your favorite sports? Is the weather _8_where you live? Then swimming is probably one of your sports. Boys and girls in China love to _9_. There are wonderful beaches an

24、d there are beautiful_10_ and lakes across the country. The weather is also good for swimming.( )1. B. moves C. sports( )2. A. health B.healthy C.warm( )3. A.speak B. think C.move( )4. A. for B. with C. at( )5. A.happy B. sad C.angry( )6. A.jump B. run )7. A. buy tickets newsp

25、apers C. listen to radio( )8. B. hot C.cold( )9. A.skate B. cycle C. swim( )10. A. rivers B. villages C. mountains( 七 ) When Mr. Green retired(退休), he bought a small house in a village near the sea. He liked it and hoped to live a _1_ life in it. But to his surprise,many visitors came to see

26、his house in summer holidays, for it was _2_building in the village. From morning to night, there were visitors _3_ the house. They kept_4_ into the house through the vindows and many of_5_even went into the house. He decided to drive the visitors away. _6_he put a notice on the The notice said,”If you want to satisfy your curiosity(好奇心 ),come in and look around. Price: twenty dollars.” Mr. Green was sure that the _7_would not come any longer, but he was wrong. More and more visitors came and Mr. Green

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