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1、电厂常用英语词汇 常用词汇 主厂房 main power building设备缺陷 equipment defect 缺陷处理 defect treatment设备规范 Specification of equipment铭牌 nameplate 接线盒 terminal box热网 heating network 电网 network供货范围 scope of supply 参数 parameter停机, 停运 outage皮带速度 belt velocity 皮带传输 belt conveyor蒸汽参数 steam condition 蒸发量 generation rates功率因素 po

2、wer factor 输出负荷 continuous rating output额定蒸汽流量 Max. continuous rating(MCR) 额定电压 rated voltage额定电流 rated current 运行工况 operation condition值班员 attendant工日 man-day工时 man-hour事故甩负荷 emergency load dump四班三倒 three shift by four teams 白班 day shift 长白班 regular shift小休 short-time off 大休 long time-off行灯 safety

3、lamp, 手锤 hand hammer, 钢丝 reinforcing wire 螺丝刀 screw driver测厚仪 pachometer, 电筒 electric torch卡尺 Sliding caliper 撬棒 crowbar手拉葫芦 hand chain block 梯子 Ladder, 扳手 spanner安全帽 safety helmet手套 gloves分包商 sub-contractor承包商 contractor土建 civil work工作票 work order操作票 operation order 锅炉循环流化床(锅炉) the circulating flui

4、dized bed boiler(CFB)固体颗粒 soiled particles 底渣 bottom ash 循环灰 circulating ash 渣场 slag yard 磨煤机 coal pulverizer 输煤系统 coal handing system送灰器 ash conveyer吹灰器 soot blower 除尘器 precipitator 空气过滤器 air filter 石灰石仓 limestone silo 给煤机 coal feader返料装置 material returning device 布风板 air distributor 风嘴 air nozzles

5、 风帽 air cap燃烧室 combustion chamber旋风分离器 cyclone separator 床料 bed material布袋除尘器 bag filter 静电除尘器 electrostatic precipitator密相区 dense region 稀相区 dilute region煤仓 coal bunker 炉膛 furnace过热器 superheater 再热器 reheater输煤机 coal transporter煤粉锅炉 pulverized coal-fired boiler 上升管 riser 下降管 downcomer 烟囱 stack 过滤器 s

6、trainer母管 main pipe 母线 busbar烟道 flue 烟道挡板 chimney damper烟窗帽 chimney hood 冷渣机 slag cooler汽包 steam drum 流化风室 fluidized air chamber水冷壁 water-cooled wall 引风机 induced draught fan 送风机 forced draught fan一次风 primary air二次风 secondary air排水设备 drainage排污箱 blow down tank 排污系统 blow down system烟道净化器 flue gas puri

7、fier联箱 header(汇集分配工质)管束(排) tube bundle 管屏 tube platen蛇形管 coil 吊挂管 supporting tube鳍片管 finned tube, fin tube, gilled tube风门 air damper 炉膛容积 furnace volume漏风试验 air leakage test 膨胀补偿节 expansion joint变电站 substation 避雷针 lightening rod 配电盘 distribution board 阻波器 line trap 阻尼绕组 damper winding污油泵 Sump pump 卸

8、油泵 Oil unloading pump锅炉附件 (锅炉辅助设备) boiler accessories 辅助设施 auxiliary plant 烟道净化器 flue gas purifier净热值 Net heating value =低位发热量 low point heat value总热值 total heating value =高位发热量 high point heat value 空气干燥基水分 Air dry radicle water 空气干燥基弹筒发热量 Air dry radicle bomb container heat 收到基低位发热量 Received radic

9、le low point heat锅炉加沙系统 Boiler sand injection system三相感应电机 3-phase Induction motor防爆 Explosion-proof 循环流化床 3跟2 连接处有百叶窗(shutter ) 出来3内有旋风分离器(cyclone separator)1、煤仓; 2、炉膛; 3、分离器尾部烟道; 4、返料器; 5、外置式热交换器; 6、给煤机;7、冷渣器; 8、石灰石仓; 9、流化风室;10、汽包; 11、对流过热器; 12、省煤器;13、空气预热器; 14、电除尘器; 15、引风机; 16、烟囱; 17、一次风; 18、下二次风

10、;19、上二次风; 20、石灰石风机1. Coal bunker 2. Furnace 3. Backpass of separators 4. Material-returning device 5. External heat exchanger 6. Coal feeder 7. Slag cooler 8. Limestone silo; 9. Fluidized air chamber; 10. steam Drum; 11. convection superheater 12.Economizer; 13. Air preheater;14. Electrostatic preci

11、pitator (ESP); 15. I.D. fan; 16. Stack 17. Primary air; 18. Lower secondary air; 19. Upper secondary air; 20. Limestone fan; 电除尘器 electrostatic precipitator(ESP)除尘器 布袋除尘器 bag filter 稀相区 dense region炉膛内 密相区 dilute region1锅炉系统 boiler proper system 燃烧系统 Combustion system 蒸汽水系统 steamwater system2 锅炉辅件系统

12、 boiler auxiliary equipment system 煤和石灰石系统 coal and limestone system 烟风系统 fuel gas and air system 灰处理系统 ash handling system 锅炉控制系统 boiler control system 点火系统 igniition system3燃烧系统 combustion system炉膛 旋风分离器 furnace cyclone seperator燃烧器 布风板 burner air distributor煤道 点火装置 coal duct ignition device风帽 返料器

13、 air cap material-returning device空气预热器 air preheater4汽水系统 steam and water system汽包 低温过滤器 steam drum low temperature filter过热器 高温过滤器 superheater high temperature filter再热器 联箱 reheater header省煤器 减温器 economizer temperature reducer下降管 上升管 downcomer riser5循环流化床 the circulating fluidized bed boiler(CFB)锅

14、炉 除尘排渣系统 boiler dust clean and slag extracting system 汽水系统 烟风及燃烧系统 steam-water system flue gas & air and combustion system输煤系统 coal handling system 一次风机辅机(风机)二次风机 auxiliary system6煤粉炉 pulverized fuel boiler炉膛 furnace燃烧器 burner煤道 coal duct空气预热器 air preheater7汽包装置 steam turbine equipment排污装置 blow down

15、 device蒸汽清洗装置 steam cleaning device加药 dosing汽水分离器 steam-water separator8锅炉辅助设备 boiler auxiliary equipment通风设备 draft equipment给煤设备 coal feeder给水设备 water feeder运煤设备 coal transporter除尘设备 precipitator除渣设备 slag disposal equipment9通风设备 draft equipment一次风(送风) primary air (forced air)二次风 secondary air引风 ind

16、uced air返料风机 material returning fan烟风道 flue duct烟囱 stack 10除渣设备 slag disposal equipment除尘器 precipitator输灰机 ash transporter冷渣机 slag cooler输渣机 slag transporter11锅炉附件 boiler accessories安全门 safety valve吹灰器 soot blower控制设备 control device水位计 water level indicator热工仪表 thermodynamic instrument 汽机轴承 bearing

17、分流器 shunt锅炉补水处理boiler make-up water treatment 断路器 circuit breaker 电路 electric circuit分流器 shunt trip 电容器 capacity 排气压力 steam pressure at exhaust排气消音器 exhaust silencer 抽汽系统 steam extraction system 主蒸汽及盘路系统 main and bypass system 凝结水系统 condensate water system加热器疏水系统 heater drains and vents system 辅助系统

18、auxiliary steam system 润滑油系 lubricating oil system 水处理系统 water treatment system闭式水循 closed circle cooling water system 闭式冷却塔系closed cooling Tower system 主蒸汽及再热蒸汽系统 main steam and reheat steam system厂用及仪用压缩空气系统 station and instrument air compressed air system过热器蒸汽系superheater and steam system主厂房内厂用水系

19、统 service water system in main building 顶轴油系统 jacking oil system 密封油系统 sealing oil system轴封油系统 gland and steam sealing system轴封凝汽器 gland(steam)condenser 轴封供气阀 gland sealing valve汽机盘路系统 turbine bypass system汽水取样系统 steam water sampling system 液压系统 hydraulic system 液压选择阀 hydraulic selector 排气消音器 exhaus

20、t silencer排气系统 exhaust system 高压缸 high pressure cylinder球阀 globe valve闸阀 gate valve疏水阀 drain valve节流阀 throttle valve电磁阀 Solenoid valve截止阀 stop valve 主汽门(主蒸汽截止门) main stop valve调节门 control valve 逆止门 check valve抽汽调节阀 extraction control valve主汽净化系统 main steam cleaning system 挡板调节 damper adjustment 自来水

21、raw water 疏水泵 drain pump循环泵 circulating pump灰泵 ash pump胶球泵 (rubber)ball pump胶球清洗系统 rubber ball cleaning system负压 negative pressure 支吊架 supports and hangers 原料斗 raw material bunker 膨胀补偿节 expansion joint空气压缩器 air compressor灰斗 ash hooper 风门 air damper沸点 boiling temperature盘车 turning gear 盘车投入 turning g

22、ear start-up振动报警 vibration alarm 振动给煤器 vibrating feeder振动除灰装置 oscilating-type blower unit 轴外部伸 shaft extension轴位移 shaft displacement 遥控 remote control自动同步 self-timing 限制器 limiter 蓄压器 accumulator 空气凝汽器 air condenser鼓风机 air blower 真空系统 vacuum system注油器 oil injector 除盐水 demineralized water滤油网 oil filte

23、r 排气过滤器 air vent filter机力通风塔 induced draught tower 热井 hot well机力通风冷却塔 forced draught cooling tower 减温水 attempting water 汽蚀 cavitation 密封垫 gasket 扩容器 flash tank除氧器 deaerator 旁路 bypass valve汽机冲转 run up 保安电源系统 Emergency power supply system保安断路器 safety cutout 一 主蒸汽系统1郎肯循环锅炉(水加热) 蒸汽 汽轮机(水释热) 凝结器 给水泵 锅炉Bo

24、iler steam steam turbine condenser feed water pump boiler2主蒸汽系统高低压主蒸汽 主汽门 调门 高低压缸High pressure main steam main steam valve control valve high pressure cylinder二循环水系统 (1.凉水塔,2.机力通风塔) induced draught tower 循环泵 circulating pump 胶球泵 ball pump三 闭式水冷却系统高压给水泵工作油冷却器 high pressure feed water pump service oil

25、 cooler 化学取样冷却器 chemistry sampling cooler低压省煤器再循环泵 low pressure economizer recirculating pump 燃机闭式水空压机 gas turbine closed water air compresser 冷却水热网循环泵冷却器 heading network circulating pump cooler 系统燃机发电机空气冷却器 gas turbine generator air cooler汽轮发电机冷却器 steam turbine generator cooler燃机润滑油冷却器 gas turbine

26、lubricating cooler汽机润滑油冷却器 steam turbine lubricating cooler膨胀水箱 除盐水补水 expansion tank demineralized water feed water闭式水泵 closed water pump 滤网压差大(报警) the differential pressure is too high of filter闭式水换热器旋转滤网 closed water heat exchanger rotary strainer 循环水泵 凝结器 机力通风塔 胶球泵:清洗脏污四 凝结水系统热井 凝结水泵 杂用母管(减温水) 再循

27、环 汽机轴封加热器Hot well condensate pump service main pipe (attempting water) main pipe for miscellaneous use(temprature-reduction water) Steam turbine gland seal heater轴封加热器出口调门 给水泵 高压加热器 燃煤炉低压加热器 除氧加热器 water- feeding pumpoutlet control valve of gland seal heater (feed pump) high pressure heater coal-fire

28、d boiler low pressure heart deaerating heater 五 油系统 交流润滑油泵 直流润滑油泵 润滑油系统 板式换热器 排烟风机 高压油泵 注油器 顶轴油泵顶轴油系统 滤网 模块 机械超速保安系统 汽机胀差 轴向位移 轴振 瓦振 低真空 低油压 Alternate lubricating oil pump direct lubricating oil pump Lubricating oil system plate exchanger vapor extractor High pressure oil pump oil injector Jacking o

29、il pumpJacking oil system filter Module machine overspeedSecurity system steam turbine differential expansion axial displacement Shaft vibration watt vibration Low vacuum pressure low oil pressure l 六 辅汽系统辅汽联箱 auxiliary steam header轴封供气联箱 gland and steam sealing air supply header辅汽联络母管 auxiliary ste

30、am linking main pipe七轴封系统:轴封加热器 gland and steam sealing heater排气风机 exhaust fan八 抽汽供热系统 供热站 heat supply station 热网循环泵 heating network circulating pump热网疏水泵 heating network drain pump旋转隔板 rotating diaphragm抽气逆止门(防止倒流) extraction check valve 电气1主要设备发电机 generator励磁机 exciter变压器 transformer开关(断路器) switch ( circuit breaker )隔离开关(刀闸) disconnecting switch (isolating switch)熔断器(保险) fuse(safety fuse)电动机

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