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1、最新初二英语人教版新目标八年级英语下册第三单元第一课时教案设计名师优秀教案初二英语人教版新目标八年级英语下册第三单元第一课时教案设计教案 设计者:江西省赣州市赣县五云中学 李兰英 罗才龙 谢小清 一、背景 目标初中英语教材采用任务型语言教学(TASK-BASED LANGUAGE 新TEACHING)模式,融会话题、交际功能和语言结构,形成一套循序渐进的生活话的学习程序。以学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识的发展为基础,培养学生英语综合语言运用能力。强调从学生的学习兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导学生体验、实践、参与和交流来中发展学生的综合语言运用能力。增加了情感因素、学习

2、策略以及文化意识和跨文化交际能力等方面,体现了以人为本的教育观念,培养学生的终生学习能力,培养学生健全的人格和技能发展能力,提到了教育成功的核心。任务型的教学模式,其过程应该形成一种师生交往、积极互动、共同发展的过程。应该形成一种民主、开放的课堂教学氛围。让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标,感受成功。在学习过程中进行情感和策略调整,以形成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。 二、课题: 八年级英语(新目标)下Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived ? Section A (1a2c) 三、

3、教材分析 本单元教学以“不明飞行物到达时你在做什么,”导入,围绕“谈论过去发生的事情”这个这个话题展开教学,引导学生通过学习本单元的语言素材看图说话、句型操练、实际描述、对话表演,使学生学会用英语讲故事。这个话题贴近学生的生活,让他们有话可说。本单元的教材特点是话题集中,但句型不多。主要语法内容为when 引导的时间状语从句及过去进行时。 我选取的是本单元的第一个课时,本课出现了大量的地点名词(短语);一些实意动词;学习过去进行时及when和while 的用法。 四、教学方法 用计算机辅助教学,以任务型教学法为主体,以小组活动,两人协作为依托。以游戏、听力、口头练习和笔头练习为载体开展教学。根

4、据材料的信息,课后完成小短文来检查巩固这节课的知识。 五、教学内容及过程 教学目标: 1. Master the key words and phrases . 2. Learn to talk about the past events. 3. Learn to tell a story using the past and past progressive tense. 教学重难点:1.Learn to talk about the past events,using the target language. 2.Master the same and differences betwee

5、n when and while. 3.Can talk about things and tell stories by using the past and past .progressive tense. 情感目标: 1.Raise the students curiosity and interest in science by talking about The UFO. 2. Encourage them to explore the unknow world. 教学准备: CAI Tape recorder 教学过程:(Procedure)Step 1 Lead in Hello

6、, everyone ! Did you have a good time last weekend ? Were there something new things in your weekend holiday life ? Last Saturday evnening , I went to GanZhou for shopping . Do you know what happened?(板书happen 发生) An unusual object flew in the sky .Can you guess what it is ? And then what happened ?

7、 Do you want to know? Now lets see a short video. Step 2 Presentation 1. Show the video again for the class , and teach new words: UFO (Unidentified Fly Object 不明飞行物 飞碟)n. alien (外星人)n. land (登陆)v. 2. Show out the statements of 2a by CAI (复习一般过去时) ( ) The alien visited the Museum of Flight. (visitvi

8、sited) ( ) The alien bought a souvenir. (buy-bought) ( ) A UFO landed on Center Street . (land-landed) ( ) The alien went into a store . (go-went) ( ) An alien got out of the UFO. (get-got) 3. Play the tape,listen and order these statements1-5, then read the sentences. 4. Now lets see where alien wa

9、s going .(Present new phrases and sentence structures.) Show 6 pictures of real situation about where the alien was.Teach new vocabulary and sentence structures. Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 In the bathroom In the kitchen In the barber shop Picture 4 Picture 5 Picture 6 In the bedroom in the barber

10、s chair In front of the library A: Where was the alien?(point to picture 1) B: It was in the bathroom A: Where was was the alien?(picture2) B: It was in the kitchen (lead student say other pictures, and at the same time wtite these new phrases on the blackboard ). Students finish 1a. Read these voca

11、bulary after the teacher ,then students read together. Can you ask and answer like me ?(point the big screem, let students practice above dialogues) 5. Later, I did a survey about where my friends were when the UFO arrived? 1. cut hair (Lucy) in a barber shop 2.Cook dinner(Kate) in the kitchen 3. cu

12、t hair(Tom) in the barbers chair 4.Sleep (Jim) in the bedroom 5. Talk on the phone (Allen) in front of library 6. Take a shower(Tina) in the bathroom Present (lead student say) A:Where was Lucy when the alian landed? B: She was in the barbers shop when the alien landed. (practice other people as thi

13、s) A: And what was Allen doing when the alien landed? B: He was talking on the phone in front of the library when the alien landed. (lead student say out others like this) Sum up: past progressive tense ( was/were + doing) 过去某一时刻或某一时段正在进行的动作。 Step 3 Practice 1. Can you tell me about what you or your

14、 friends were doing? (Students practice this sentence structures by themsvlve, two or four in a group.) Like this : A: hello! Where were you when the UFO arrived? B: I was +地点 C: I was +地点 D: I was +地点 A: What were you doing when the UFO arrived ? B: I was +(doing) C: I was +(doing) D: I was +(doing

15、) A: where was your friend (某某)when the UFO arrived? B: He/She was +地点 A: What was youe friend doing when the alien landed? B: He/She was +(doing) A: Where were your parents when the UFO arrived? B: She was + 地点 A: What were your parents doing when the alien landed? B: They were +(doing) 2. Promt so

16、me pairs or groups to act out. 3. Play games Show 6 pictures ( 6 gold eggs). If you want to play this game ,you could choose one of these 6 eggs, and then I will open your egg which you pick out, and here will some information in it .You should use the information (have been write on )to make conwer

17、sations. 3. Listen to the tape and finish 1b ,then check the answers. And read the conversation . 4.Try to complete 2b with “when”and “while”.Students can see grammar focus first. And then play the tape for students to , and check their answers. 5. Play the tape again and the studeuts read sentence

18、by sentence after the tape. Pay attentation to the pronunciatin and intonation.Then read together by imitating . Step 4 Consolidation 1. Students look at 2b and grammar focus , see the same and the differences between when and while . 2. Lead students find out their differences 当的时候 后接的动词(一般) 后接的时态(

19、一般) when 短暂性 一般过去时 while 延续性 过去进行时 3(Make up sentences It was raining I got out of It was raining when I got out of my room.(例句) my room ?While it was raining,I got out of my room. The girl was I met her The girl was shopping when I met her. shopping ? We were eating My mother dinner Arrived home ?W

20、hile we were eating dinner,my aunt arrived home. The students The teacher Were reading Came in 4.Do some exercises. ? Lucy was playing the guitar (when/while)her mother was cleaning the house. ? The students were cleaning the classroom (when/while) the teacher came in. ? (when/while) Cathy was playi

21、ng the guitar,the other girls listened and kept quiet. ? What were you doing (when/while)Mum came back from work, ? (when/while)I was doing my homework,someone knocked at the door. Step 5 Summary and homework Today we have learnt some new things about the UFO and alien. And some knowledge about new

22、words, short phrases, new sentence structures,past progressive tense . And the differences between when and while. After class please finish the passage . And review todays knowledge. followingMy bad day (writing) (sleep,ring) ?(go out of home,rain) ?(watch TV,was broken) ?(play computer games,the e

23、lectic power cut(停电) ?(sleep,ring again). Last Sunday, I had a bad day. In the morning I was sleeping when the telephone rang, my friend Tom asked me to have a picnic with him. , .I had to stay at home. 二次函数配方成则抛物线的.Then I thought of my computer, ,the 点在圆内 dr;Electirc power cut. I had nothing to do.

24、 I slept again . 六、教学反思 针对上述教学设计和具体的教学活动,笔者事后又一下几点思考: 垂直于切线; 过切点; 过圆心.一、好的方面 1、飞碟和外星人对于学生来说是新鲜事物,通过看外星人登入的视屏来导入新2、会数,会读,会写100以内的数,在具体情境中把握数的相对大小关系,能够运用数进行表达和交流,体会数与日常生活的密切联系。课,使学生对学习充满兴趣并感受英语学习的乐趣,从而营造良好的课堂氛围。 2、在学习生词和短语时通过CAI辅助予真实的情景来呈现,把单词和短语放在2. 俯角:当从高处观测低处的目标时,视线与水平线所成的锐角称为俯角具体的语境中学,避免了学习生词和语法的枯

25、燥无味。通过小组合作,操练句型,二、学生基本情况分析:包括语法点when 和while在用法上的不同之处的讲授(通过大家一起观察,再6 4.24.8 生活中的数3 P30-35总结,老师点睛)等都把课堂真正还给了学生,让学生成为演员,而老师只是节目主持人,这充分的体现了老师为指导,学生为课堂主人的主体地位。提高了课设O的半径为r,圆心O到直线的距离为d;dr 直线L和O相交.堂的效率。 五、教学目标:3、本节课从教学内容安排到教学各环节之间的衔接以及重、难点的设计等方面还算是比较合理自然的。如笔者对教材进行了整合,把2a 部分放在开头,和导入很好的衔接,而 2b 部分先让学生试着去观察语法焦聚

26、,在猜测when 和while 的用法,再播放听力来核对他们的答案。培养了他们的自主学习的能力(观察),又训练了听的能力。之后的听力材料跟读和齐读,训练他们读的能力。课后的写作任务可以很好的训练学生写的能力。 4、本节课的内容中有知识的呈现,也有知识的操练,更有知识的巩固,用讲练相结合的方法,使新知识得到更好的吸收。而游戏的设置可以缓解下课堂,给课堂带来新的生命和活力,同时又可以操练巩固对话内容,培养了他们说的能力。 二、要改进之处 1、任务型教学要求学生在教学中不仅要关注学习的结果页要关注学习的过程。学生完成学习任务的过程就是发现问题、思考问题、解决问题的过程,要注重形成性评价。而笔者在教学

27、过程中没有注重这一点。 本册教材在第五单元之后安排了一个大的实践活动,即“分扣子”和“填数游戏”。旨在综合运用所学的知识,从根据事物的非本质的、表面的特征把事物进行分类,发展到根据客观事物抽象、本质的特征进行不同方式的分类,促进孩子逻辑思维能力的发展。同时,安排学生填数游戏,旨在对孩子的口算能力、逻辑思维能力和观察能力的训练,感受数学的乐趣!2、在教学中恰当的引入竞争的学习机制可以使学生学习热情高涨,培养学习激情,感受成功的乐趣。而我没注意到这点,所以事先应该设计诸如小组或男女生竞赛这样的活动。 3、课堂用语中掺杂的汉语比较多。这主要与平时授课多说汉语有关,今后在教学中药注意纠正这个习惯,让学生更多地区感受英语,同时也带头引导学生尽可能多使用英语。 4、在反思中成长,反思是实践的一面镜子,每次教学反思都能折射出教学的成功和不足,只有汲取成功的经验,改进不足,才能不断提高课堂教学的质量,保证教学任务的圆满完成,成为一个成功的引领者。

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