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1、工程建设施工招标投标管理办法中英对照工程建设施工招标投标管理办法Administrative Measures for Bidding and Submission of Tendering for Construction Projects中华人民共和国建设部令第23号Decree No. 23 Issued by the Ministry of Construction on December 30, 1994工程建设施工招标投标管理办法已于一九九二年十一月六日经第十七次部常务会议通过,现予发布,自发布之日起施行。The Administrative Measures for the Bi

2、dding and Submission of Tendering for Construction Projects were approved at the 17th executive meeting of the Ministry on November 6, 1992, and are hereby published, and shall be implemented as of the date of its publishing第一章 总 则Chapter I General Principles第二章 机构与职责Chapter II Organization and Func

3、tion第三章 招 标Chapter III Bid Invitation第四章 标 底Chapter IV Pre-tender Estimate第五章 投 标Chapter V Tender Submission第六章 开标 评标 定标Chapter VI Bid Opening, Evaluation and Selection第七章 罚 则Chapter VII Penalty Provisions第八章 附 则Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions第一章 总 则Chapter I General Principles第一条为了适应社会主义市场经济体

4、制的需要,加强政府对工程建设施工招标投标的管理,使建设单位和施工企业进入建筑市场进行公平交易、平等竞争,达到控制建设工期、确保工程质量和提高投资效益的目的,制定本办法。Article 1. These measures are formulated to suit the needs of the socialist market economy economic structure, enhance the governments administration of the bidding and submission of tendering for construction projec

5、ts to ensure that developers and construction entities trade and compete on a fair and equal basis in the building market, to control the construction schedule, ensure quality of construction, and improve investment efficiency.第二条凡政府和公有制企、事业单位投资的新建、改建、扩建和技术改造工程项目的施工,除某些不适宜招标的特殊工程外,均应按本办法实行招标投标。Artic

6、le 2. Bidding and tendering shall be required for all construction projects invested by any government department, State-owned enterprise or institution, including those involving new construction, modification, expansion or technological renovation, with the exception of any special projects in whi

7、ch bidding is not suitable.第三条施工招标投标,应当坚持公平、等价、有偿、讲求信用的原则,以技术水平、管理水平、社会信誉和合理报价等情况开展竞争,不受地区、部门限制。Article 3. Bidding and tendering for construction projects shall be conducted under the principles of fairness, equal value, compensation and good faith, with room for competition based on levels of techn

8、ology and management, social reputation and reasonable quotation, without any regional or departmental restrictions.第四条施工招标投标是双方当事人依法进行的经济活动,受国家法律保护和约束。凡具备条件的建设单位和相应资质的施工企业均可参加施工招标投标。Article 4. Bidding and tendering for construction is an economic activity conducted by the parties to construction pr

9、ojects pursuant to law, and shall be governed and bound by the laws and regulations of the State, and any developer meeting the criteria and construction enterprises with relevant qualifications may participate in the process.第二章 机构与职责Chapter II Organization and Function第五条 建设部负责全国工程建设施工招标投标的管理工作,其主

10、要职责是:Article 5. The Ministry of Construction shall be responsible for the administration of bidding and tendering for construction projects all over the country. Its major functions are as follows:(一)贯彻执行国家有关工程建设招标投标的法律、法规和方针、政策,制定施工招标投标的规定和办法;(1) To comply with and observe the relevant laws, regula

11、tions and policies of the State governing bidding and tendering for construction projects, and formulate the relevant rules and regulations thereof;(二)指导、检查各地区、各部门招标投标工作;(2) To direct and inspect bidding and tendering work in each region and department;(三)总结、交流招标投标工作的经验,提供服务;(3) To summarize and exc

12、hange experiences regarding bidding and tendering work, and provide relevant services;(四)维护国家利益,监督重大工程的招标投标活动;(4) To protect national interests and supervise the bidding and tendering activities of all major projects; and(五)审批跨省的施工招标投标代理机构。(5) To examine and approve the inter-provincial agencies for

13、 construction bidding and tendering.第六条 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府建设行政主管部门,负责管理本行政区域内的施工招标投标工作,其主要职责是:Article 6. The competent department in charge of construction in the peoples government in each province, autonomous region and municipality shall be responsible for the administration of bidding and tendering f

14、or construction projects within their jurisdiction. Its major functions are as follows:(一)贯彻执行国家有关工程建设招标投标的法规和方针、政策,制定施工招标投标实施办法;(1) To comply with and observe the relevant regulations and policies of the State governing bidding and tendering for construction projects, and formulate the relevant rul

15、es and regulations thereof;(二)监督、检查有关施工招标投标活动,总结、交流工作经验;(2) To supervise and inspect the relevant bidding and tendering work, and summarize and exchange work experiences;(三)审批咨询、监理等单位代理施工招标投标业务的资格;(3) To examine and approve the qualifications of agencies engaged in consulting and construction superv

16、ision for construction bidding and tendering;(四)调解施工招标投标纠纷;(4) To mediate any disputes arising from bidding and tendering activities; and(五)否决违反招标投标规定的定标结果。(5) To veto any bidding results in violation of the regulations governing bidding and tendering.第七条省、自治区、直辖市建设行政主管部门可以根据需要,报请同级人民政府批准,确定各级施工招标投标

17、办事机构的设置及其经费来源。Article 7. The competent construction department in each province, autonomous region or municipality may, with reference to actual conditions and subject to the approval of the peoples government on the same level, determine the institutional set up and source of operating funds of the

18、 bodies at each level in charge of bidding and tendering.根据同级人民政府建设行政主管部门的授权,各级施工招标投标办事机构具体负责本行政区域内施工招标投标的管理工作。主要职责是:As authorized by the competent construction department of the peoples government at the same level, the institutional bodies at each level shall be specifically responsible for the ad

19、ministration of the bidding and tendering within their jurisdictions. Their major functions are as follows:(一)审查招标单位的资质;(1) To examine the qualifications of bid invitation units;(二)审查招标申请书和招标文件;(2) To examine bidding applications and bidding documents;(三)审定标底;(3) To examine pre-tender estimates;(四)监

20、督开标、评标、定标和议标;(4) To supervise bid openings, evaluations, selections and negotiations;(五)调解招标投标活动中的纠纷;(5) To mediate any disputes arising from bidding and tendering activities;(六)否决违反招标投标规定的定标结果;(6) To veto any bidding results in violation of the regulations governing bidding and tendering;(七)处罚违反招标投

21、标规定的行为;(7) To penalize any act in violation of the regulations governing bidding and tendering; and(八)监督承发包合同的签订、履行。(8) To supervise the execution and performance of the contract and awards.第八条国务院工业、交通等部门要会同地方建设行政主管部门,做好本部门直接投资和相关投资公司投资的重大建设项目施工招标管理工作。其主要职责是:Article 8. Industrial and communications

22、departments under the State Council shall, in conjunction with the local competent construction departments, complete to the best of their ability the administrative work relevant to the bidding and tendering of any major construction projects invested directly by the department and its affiliated i

23、nvestment company. Their major functions are as follows:(一)贯彻国家有关工程建设招标投标的法规和方针、政策;(1) To observe the relevant regulations and policies of the State governing bidding and tendering for construction projects;(二)指导、组织本部门直接投资和相关投资公司投资的重大工程建设项目的施工招标工作和本部门直属施工企业的投标工作;(2) To direct and organize the biddin

24、g and tendering work of any major construction projects invested directly by the department and its affiliated investment company, as well as the bidding work of the construction under its direct subordination;(三)监督、检查本部门有关单位从事施工招标投标活动;(3) To supervise and inspect the bidding and tendering activitie

25、s conducted by the relevant entities of the department;(四)商项目所在的省、自治区、直辖市建设行政主管部门办理招标等有关事宜。(4) To handle the relevant matters for project bidding with the competent construction department in the province, autonomous region or municipality where the project is to be conducted.第三章 招 标Chapter III Bid

26、Invitation第九条 按照建设项目实行业主负责制的原则,建设单位作为投资的责任者和业主享有下列权利:Article 9. Based on the principle of holding the owner responsible for construction projects, the developer shall be entitled to the following rights and interests as both the investor and the owner:(一)按照有关规定程序,有权组织招标活动;(1) To organize bid invitat

27、ion in accordance with the relevant procedures;(二)根据政府规定的资质标准,有权正当选择和确定投标单位;(2) To appropriately select and identify tendering units based on the enterprise qualifications standards stipulated by the government; and(三)根据有关评标原则和价格管理规定,有权选定中标价格和中标单位。(3) To select and determine the bid-winning price an

28、d bid winner in accordance with the relevant bid assessment principles and price control stipulations.第十条 建设单位招标应当具备下列条件:Article 10. The project developer shall meet the following requirements in order to organize bid invitation:(一)是法人、依法成立的其他组织;(1) It is a legal person or other type of organization

29、 established under the law;(二)有与招标工程相适应的经济、技术管理人员;(2) It has the economic and technological management personnel required for the project for which bid invitation is organized;(三)有组织编制招标文件的能力;(3) It has the ability to organize and prepare bid documents;(四)有审查投标单位资质的能力;(4) It has the capability to ex

30、amine the qualifications of the tendering units;(五)有组织开标、评标、定标的能力。(5) It has the ability to organize bid opening, bid assessment and selection.不具备上述二至五项条件的,须委托具有相应资质的咨询、监理等单位代理招标。If the project developer does not meet the relevant conditions set forth above in Subsection 2-5, it shall entrust a cons

31、ulting/supervising unit with corresponding qualifications to act as its agent in organizing the bidding.第十一条 建设项目招标应当具备下列条件:Article 11. Construction projects shall meet the following conditions in order for bid invitation to go ahead:(一)概算已经批准;(1) The project budget has been approved;(二)建设项目已正式列入国家、

32、部门或地方的年度固定资产投资计划;(2) The construction project has been included in the State, departmental or regional annual fixed asset investment plan;(三)建设用地的征用工作已经完成;(3) Expropriation of land for use by the construction project has been completed;(四)有能够满足施工需要的施工图纸及技术资料;(4) Construction drawings and technical materials are adequate to meet the needs of the construction work;(五)建设资金和主要建筑材料、设备的来源已经落实;(5) Construction funds and sources of major buildi

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