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高中英语 the power of nature教案 新人教版选修6.docx

1、高中英语 the power of nature教案 新人教版选修62019-2020年高中英语 the power of nature教案 新人教版选修6本单元以The power of nature为中心话题,听说读写等语言知识和语言技能主要围绕“自然灾害”及如何预防和利用自然灾害这一主题设计的。本单元引导学生讨论大自然的危害等问题,目的在于让他们了解大自然的威力,认识到大 自然 的伟大力量,认识到只有保护大自然,才能有效地预防自然灾害并改造和利用大自然。并会用所学词汇描述在经历自然灾害时的感受,思考人类应对自然灾害的态度和方法,提高自我保护意识。Reading部分是一位火山学家的自述。作

2、者首先介绍了他的工作性质,说明他热爱该项工作的主要原因是能帮助人们免遭火山袭击。作者的主要工作是收集基拉韦厄火山的资料,并和其他科学家一起分析和预测火山岩浆的流速和方向。火山爆发不会造成很大的损失,因为山顶附近没有居民。但是,从山上流下的熔岩会烧毁和埋没周围的城镇。然而,观看火山爆发是非常令人兴奋的,红色的熔岩喷向高空,高达数百米,甚是壮观。有一次火山爆发后,作者和另外二位科学家一道来到火山口。他们身穿白色的防护服,艰难地走近火山口,观察沸腾的火山口中央,并采集了部分岩浆以作研究。最后,作者表述了他对自己工作的热情。在从事这项工作20年后,火山对他的吸引力依然不减。.Teaching goal

3、s教学目标1.Knowledge goals知识目标:To enable the students to learn about the powerful natural force volcano eruption and the work of a volcanologist. 了解火山爆发的过程和火山学家的工作。2.Ability goals 能力目标:To develop students four basic reading skills.(predicting, skimming, scanning and deduction)培养学生的四种基本阅读技巧。(预测,略读,查读和推断)

4、3.Emotion goals 情感目标To arouse Ss interest in learning about special chracteristics of volcanologist and the importance of making contributions to human beings. 激发学生兴趣来了解火山学家这项工作的特有性质和他们为人类做贡献的重要性。.Teaching importances and difficulties 教学重点和难点:1.Teaching importances 教学重点To understand the structure of

5、 the text as a whole and the details about the volcano eruption.整体理解文章的结构和火山爆发前后的细节。2.Teaching difficulties教学难点To understand the writers emotion and feelings towards the sight of volcano eruption.理解作者对于火山学家这份工作的情感和看到火山爆发时的感受。.Teaching appliances 教学用具Microsoft powerpoint, flash,video, frequency and t

6、he blackboard.幻灯片,动画,视频,音频。.Teaching methods 教学方法cooperation language teaching 合作学习法munity language teaching 交际教学法suggesting language teaching 暗示法Task-based language teaching 任务型教学法.Teaching procedures: 教学步骤:Step 1. Lead-in 导入Purpose : To get Ss to learn about volcano eruption and the disasters resu

7、lting from it.目 的: 使学生了解火山爆发的过程以及其导致的灾难。T:Show a piece of video which is about the volcano eruption to stimulate the Ss visually. Give them two questions at the same time.“What do you think of volcano eruption and what can we do about it? T: A volcano eruption can do great damage to human beings, It

8、 seems that we human beings are powerless in front of these natural forces. But it can be predicted and damage can be reduced, that is to say, prediction is very important. Who will do this kind of job and what do you think of the job?Perhaps,they will choose the words “dangerous,boring or tired” to

9、 describe the volcanologists job, catch the chance to lead to the topic of the passage “An Exciting Job”, which will make a contrast, making the Ss guess the reason why the writer says his job is “exciting” rather than “dangerous or other words”.Then listen and show the real reason said by the write

10、r in the passage.At last,ask Ss:“Do you want to know more about the passage?”设计理念:通过播放一段火山爆发的视频短片来刺激学生的视觉。同时提问学生两个问题,“你是怎样看待火山爆发的?我们人类能做些什么?”同学们会谈到火山爆发以及对人类造成的伤害,面对自然灾害的强大,我们人类真的无能为力吗?由此引出预测工作的无比重要。而这项工作必须由火山学家去完成。无疑这项工作是非常危险的,但是我们文章的作者作为火山学家却认为这是一份令人振奋的工作。此时让学生首先猜测其中原因,锻炼他们的猜测能力,然后播放文章作者的一句话,说出真正的原

11、因。最后问学生是否想更多地了解全文,以此导入本课主题,完成过渡环节。Step 2. Skimming 略读Purpose: To get a brief understanding of the text and summarize the main idea of the text.目 的:使学生对文章有个简单的了解并且能概括出文章主旨。1. Get the students to read the passage quickly. Give them several minutes to look through the whole passage. Tell them to read t

12、he text silently in order to improve their reading speed and then summarize the main idea of the text. 2. Get the students to read the passage again, focusing on the connection between the paragraghs, analyze the structure of the text. A choice will be shown to help them.3. After the students can un

13、derstand the structure clearly, ask them to match the main idea of each paragraph with the right one.设计理念:为了培养学生略读的能力,在此设计了三个环节。首先在刚开始接触文章时让学生学会快速浏览文章,抓住文章主旨。其次在此基础上让学生把阅读的重点放在段落之间的关系上,以便分清篇章结构。最后就是落位每一节的主要内容,做到对于文章的脉络很清晰地把握。Step 3 . Scanning 查读Purpose: To get the students grasp some details in the

14、passage, which will be helpful to their understanding about the passage.目 的:让学生通过掌握一些文章细节,来锻炼他们查找细节信息的能力,同时让这些细节帮助学生更具体的理解文章内容。 1. To get the students read the passage carefully, paying attention to the details. Then, show them some sentences asking Ss to decide whether they are true or false, if th

15、ere are any mistakes, try to correct them.2. In order to help the students understand the passage more clearly, a fill-in-blank exercise will be given to them, which includes many details.设计理念:为了培养学生查读信息的能力,在此同样设置了两个不同的环节,判断改正题和补全文章细节题。通过完成以上任务后,学生就能够依靠查读的方法对文章有进一步的理解和把握。Step 4. Deduction 推断Purpose:

16、 To get the students to have a deep understanding of the text relying on their own inference and deduction.目 的:让学生依靠自己的推理达到深层次的理解文章内涵。1. Ask the students to answer three difficult questions according to the text.2. Ask the students to find out the words that indicate the writers feeling about being

17、a volcanologist. 设计理念:对于文章表层理解之后,要依据自己的理解感悟一些深层次的问题,比如文章没直接表述出来的内容或作者时不时表达的思想感受。以此做到由浅入深,由表及里的把握。尤其在问到第三个问题时,“为何熔岩比山体崩发更危险?”由于理解上有一定难度,我在这里加上了一段FLASH动画来帮助学生理解。动画很形象地表现出岩石崩发时周围没有居民,而滚烫的熔岩流经很远,会埋葬途经的一切,对人类造成危害。Step 5 . Association 联想Purpose: To get the students to associate themselves with the occupat

18、ion- volcanologist .目 的:让学生把自己将来的职业向火山学家靠拢,激发他们为人类做贡献的热情。T: The key word of the text is “exciting”, which is the focus of the passage. By telling the readers his everyday work, the importance of his job, his first sight of volcano eruption and his sincere love for his job, the author proves its his

19、chief enjoyment to be a volcanologist. And I appreciate the writers attitude towards nature. We should love nature and we can do something to minimize the damage caused by natural forces. “Do you want to bee a volcanologist?” So lets suppose a situation :If the writer came to our classroom,what woul

20、d you talk about? Make up a dialogue with your partner.设计理念:通过本节阅读课的学习,让学生了解火山学家职业的独特性,既危险艰难,又令人振奋,充满挑战。以此激发学生学习科学家不畏艰险,勇于为人类做贡献的伟大精神。并且,争取使学生把自己将来的职业选择向火山学家靠拢。在这里由一个问题“你是否想当火山学家?”设置一个情景,假设书中作者来到班级,学生会和他有怎样的交流呢?刺激他们努力学习,刻苦钻研,将来为全人类做出贡献。源于此,才设计了最后一个联想讨论的环节。Step 6. Homework 作业Purpose: To put their pif

21、fling thoughts together and practise their writing ability.目 的:使学生把刚才讨论中展现出来的琐碎思想整合在一起,针对他们是否想成为火山学家进行写作锻炼,锻炼学生的写作能力。Try to write a short position about the reason why you want to bee a volcanologist or not. 设计理念:学生真正感受到火山学家的特有作用后,懂得了科学家在应对自然灾害时的重要作用。正如一开始所说,我们无能力改变大自然,但可以保护大自然,有效地预防自然灾害,减轻灾难给人类带来了严

22、重后果。因此,设计的作业为一篇小作文,让学生把刚才讨论中展现出来的琐碎思想整合在一起谈谈自己是否将来想当火山学家以及原因。在完成阅读课的同时锻炼学生的写作能力,做到所谓的“一箭双雕”。Step7. Reflection 课后反思学生评价:用90% ,60% ,30% ,或10% 表示1.对于基本火山爆发前后的细节知识掌握了多少?( )2.对于这节课的四大阅读技巧运用的如何? 预测( )略读( )查读( )推断( )3.学完本课后,是否激发了自己热爱科学,想当火山学家的热情?( )教师自评:通过本节课的讲解,在借助了各种现代教育技术和手段的前提下,基本达到了预期的三大教学目标,突破了其中的教学重

23、点和难点,激发了学生热爱科学想当火山学家的热情,同时也体现了新课改中“以学生为本”的思想。不足之处有二,其一,由于不习惯录像课的因素,自己在进行引导学生时出现个别语言的口误,影响了学生的思路;其二,在让学生对文章的结构进行归纳时,个别学生出现错误理解,自己没有及时给予技巧上的指导,忽略了个别学生专题能力的培养。以后还应针对阅读题中“篇章结构” 题多加练习,给予具体引导,帮助学生理解。附:板书设计 Unit 5 The Power of Nature Reading: An “exciting” jobenthusiastic never boredfeel alive amazed excit

24、ed2019-2020年高中英语 U1period 1 reading教案 新人教版必修4The General Idea of This PeriodThis period includes Warming up,Reading and prehending of the Reading.It introduces a day of Jane Goodall and her colleagues in the forests,observing the chimps.After reading the passage the students can know about Jane Good

25、alls working methods,her great achievements and her attitude towards wild animals.Reading the passage,the students can also learn some reading strategies such as predicting,skimming and drawing conclusions. Teaching Important Points Help he students to prehend the story of Jane Goodalls protecting t

26、he African wildlife. Get the students to learn from Jane Goodalls story and e to the idea that great personality is of importance to ones success. Learn and master some important words,phrases and sentence patterns in this period. Teaching Difficult Points Get the students to prehend the story and u

27、nderstand what Jane Goodall has done to gain the achievements. Get the students to believe that ones personality as well as luck and ability is important to ones success. Teaching Methods Predicting to guess the content of the passage. Skimming to get the general idea of the text. Scanning to get de

28、tailed information and get to understand the passage better. Task-based activities to get the students to prehend the passage and be able to debate about whether women can do a better job than men. Teaching Aids A tape recorder A multimedia puter Three Dimensional Teaching AimsKnowledge and Skills E

29、nable the students to prehend the story of Jane Goodalls protecting the African wildlife. Enable the students to learn from Jane Goodall to treat animals in a human way and e to the idea that great personality is of importance to ones success. Learn some useful words and expressions:achieve,achievem

30、ent,condition,welfare,connection,behave,behavior,worthwhile,specialist,observe,observation argue,inspire,support,devote . to,etc. Learn some sentence patterns: Watching a family wake up is our first activity of the day. Only after her mother came to help her for the first months was she allowed to b

31、egin her project. Process and Strategies Group work to encourage the students to participate in class activities. Fast reading to make the students get the main idea of the passage. Feelings and Value For forty years Jane Goodall has been helping the rest of the world understand and respect the life

32、 of these animals.People will do something that can satisfy their feelings and make a better world. Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Lead-in 1.Greet the students. T:Good morning/ afternoon,boys and girls! Ss:Good morning/ afternoon,Miss./Mr.liu. 2.Introduce the topic of great women. 1)Show some pictures of women for the students to guess who they are and tell whether they are great women or not. T:Do you have idols?Now I would like to s

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