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1、小学英语优质课教案设计集设计教师: 教学年级:小学四年级课题名称:PEP4 Recycle One指导教师: 课时:the first period一、学生分析The pupils of grade 4 have learned many words. In this class, they will review the words and phrases from Unit 1 to Unit 3, they can also learn more.二、教材分析1. This is the first period of Recycle One in PEP 4.2. In this pe

2、riod, the letters, some important words and phrases will be reviewed and learned.3. Key points: letters and some words about classroom, schoolbag and friends.letters from Aa to Zz.words :Unit one (window, board, light, picture, door, floor, classroom, computer, teachers desk, wall, fan)Unit two(bag,

3、 pencil, pen, book, ruler, pencil-case, Chinese book, English book, math book, schoolbag, story-book, notebook, twenty-one, thirty, forty , forty-one, fifty)Unit three(teacher, student, boy, girl, friend, long hair, short hair, thin, strong, quiet, friend) 4. Difficult points: How to use the words i

4、n simple expression.Unit one (Let me.;Lets .;What in your.;The wall is.;)Unit two (I have a new schoolbag; What colour is it?; My schoolbag is heavy; How many books do you have?)Unit three (I have a new friend; He is.; He has; He likes.)5. The contents in this class will pave the way for the second

5、period. 三、教学目标1. Language knowledge: enable the students to master the letters and the words from U1to U3. 2.Language skills: To review the letters and the words and use them in communication3. Emotion aims: raise the students interest in learning English and encourage the students to have good coop

6、eration with one another. (第1、2点的目标都不能如此笼统,要分点列出目标语言)四、教学策略Teaching strategies:group cooperation(小组合作) Game Situation teaching(情境教学) Task based Language Teaching 五、教学过程I. Warm up活动方式:全班活动Sing the letter song.(目的:通过唱歌,复习二十六个字母,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学习的兴趣,创设良好的学习氛围).Presentation/practice1. Letters from Aa to Zz.

7、活动方式: 小组比赛1 The teacher shows a picture and asks the students find out the letters hide in the pictureT: Boys and girls, whats this ?(Its a picture.) There are some letters in the picture, can you find them?(目的:通过让学生在图片中找字母,检查学生对字母的熟悉程度,培养学生的观察能力,并激发学生的学习兴趣)2 Look at the letters on the screen and li

8、sten to the video, and then divide the letters into different groups according to the phoneme.(目的:让学生听录音并根据教师呈现在屏幕上的字母音标,把字母按音素归类,这样有助于学生对字母能更好地掌握,并增强学生对单词语音的语感培养)3 Present some groups of letters, and then ask the students to choose a group to make words.e.g.: 1. e r g m t a k o i(目的:通过这个活动,是学生把字母与单

9、词很好的结合一起)(tea, kite, take, me)Read the letters together.2. Revision of the words.活动方式:教师示范,小组合作1 Word puzzle. (Review some four-skilled word) (目的:字谜是英语课堂上学生最喜欢的游戏之一,不但能高学生学习的兴趣,还能培养学生良好的思维习惯)fraobororeubyigahhace2 Activity: snowballT: Now, we play another game. Here are some words. They have their n

10、umbers. Each group chooses a number, and use the words to make a phrase, then use the phrase to make a sentence.e.g.: group 1 chooses No. 3-the words “ door” the three students in group1 should do like this: door-clean the door- Lets clean the door. hair-long hair-she has long hair.(目的: 让学生在游戏中学习,并把

11、单词扩展学习,与句子结合一起,为下一课时句子的复习作准备)3 Read the sentences they have made.(目的:归纳小结)4 Game: T: Boys and girls, all of you did good jobs. Now lets play a game.Each group chooses a student to come here, then I will say a word, for example: classroom, the first student should say a word about it ,then the next s

12、tudent need to say other words besides the word said by the student above. The student who cant remember, he will fail and out,the game goes on,the last one will be the winner。e.g.: classroomdoor-door , window- door window board( the first student) ( the second student) (the third student)e.g.: scho

13、olbagpencil -pencil, book-pencil, book, eraser.(目的: 让学生在乐中学,并通过此游戏积累词汇) .Consolidationa. Listen to the video ,then finish the sentence. We have a _ classroom. Where is my _ ? He is _ and _. There are _ books in the schoolbag. The wall is _.b. Translate the phrases.在书包里_ 两本故事书_好主意_ 干得好_一位中国女孩_黑色短头发_(

14、目的: 在对三个单元的中心语言和词汇进行复习、巩固后,给学生适当的练习任务,是所学知识得以综合运用).Sum up/homework活动方式:全班活动1. Summary of this class如:short, window, door, classroom, 把单词开头字母按照字母表顺序排列: classroom, door, short, window.2. Evaluation: which is the best group?3.Homeworka. Sing the letter song to your parents.b. Talk about your classroom

15、or your friend in English.)(我认为这样的作业灵活性比较强,而且为下课时的句型复习做铺垫。(目的:回顾,评价。)六、课后反思本节课是四年级一到三单元复习中的第一节课,内容主要是对字母和一到三单元的单词的复习巩固。在复习过程中,在进行适当的全班活动后,主要转向小组合作学习。课堂上多媒体的使用使教师有更多的时间与学生深入交流。通过设计了字谜,滚雪球等游戏和活动,激发了学生学习的兴趣,学生都能主动参与到课堂中,一节课下来,学生基本能完成复习任务,为第二课时的学习做了充分的准备。值得注意的是课堂上每一个活动的过渡要体现知识的链接,教师指导性语言不应过多,尽量让学生的主观能动性

16、得到发挥,那么他们运用英语交际的能力也随之得到提高。板书设计:Recycle One (I) letter:ei A H J K i: E B C D G P T V ai I Y ju U Q Wu O e F L M N S X Z R words: (略)设计教师: 教学年级:小学四年级课题名称:PEP4 Recycle One 课时:the second period一、学生分析The pupils of grade 4 have mastered many words. They can express with some simple sentences. In this clas

17、s, they also can learn more.二、教材分析1. This is the second period of Recycle One in PEP 4.2. In this class, the students will review the important sentences from U1 to U3.Unit one (Let me.;Lets .;What in your.;The wall is.;)Unit two (I have a new schoolbag; What colour is it?; My schoolbag is heavy; Ho

18、w many books do you have?)Unit three (I have a new friend; He is.; He has; He likes.)3. Key points: sentences about classroom, schoolbag and friends.4. Difficult points: How to use the sentences in real situation.5. The contents in this class will pave the way for the third period .三、教学目标1. Language

19、 knowledge: enable the students to review the sentences from U1to U3.2. Language skills: To use the sentences in real situation.3. Emotion aims: raise the students interest to learn English and help them improve their language ability.(如第一课时意见)四、教学策略Teaching strategies:group cooperation(小组合作) Game S

20、ituation teaching(情境教学) Task based Language Teaching五、教学过程I. Warm up 活动方式:全班活动1.Sing the song “Books and Pencils”2.Lets do in page 16 Put your notebook under your bag.Put you pencil-case on your chair.Put your pencil in your desk.Put your eraser near your pencil-case.Put your English book on your he

21、ad.(目的 :通过唱歌和TPR,复习旧知,活跃课堂气氛,便于课堂开展).Presentation/practice1.Free talk活动方式:师生合作交流。T: Whats in your classroom?S: T: Is this your schoolbag? S: T: Whats in it? How many books are there in your schoolbag? S: .T: Do you have friends at school?S: Yes.(目的:通过师生对话,激发学生学习热情,使学生全面积极参与到课堂中)2.Revision of the sen

22、tences活动方式:教师示范,小组活动、比赛。Ask and answer.(Ask a student to be Chen Jie and have a look at the picture of the new classroom) T: Boys and girls, my friend Chen Jie has a new classroom. Do you want to know anything about it? You should ask Chen Jie by yourself.(The teacher gives an example)T: Chen Jie, i

23、s the classroom big?S1: Whats in it ?S2: How many fans can you see?S3: What colour is the wall?S4: Whats on the teachers desk?Chen jie show the picture: my classroom is not clean, lets clean the classroom, who can help me?T: Let me clean the door.S1: let me S2: S3: (目的:通过小组开展比赛,创设情境,学生之间展开问答,操练第一单元的

24、句型,并培养学生的语言运用能力)Guessing gameT: (Take out a schoolbag) I have a schoolbag. its heavy. Do you know whats in it?S: Math book, Chinese book .T: Can you guess how many pencils/ story-books/in it?S: Four/ eight/ ten(目的:让学生在游戏中巩固和运用第二单元的词汇和句型,培养学生创新能力)I can sayT: I have some friends. Would you like to mak

25、e friends with them? Lets go.a. Show pictures of Hui Tailang and Hong Taillang, review the sentence structure :T: (Present the picture of Hui Tanglang) boys and girls, do you know him, Whats his name?S: His name is Hui Tailing.T: (Present the picture of Hong Tanglang) Whats her name? S: Her name is

26、Ask the students to practice the sentence structure.b. Show pictures of “Lao Fuzi” and “Da Fanshu”, review the sentence structure:He is ./she isc. Show pictures of Miss Pan, Labi Xiaoxin, Xiao Wanzi, review the sentence structure:I have (big eyes, long hair, a small mouth)He hasShe has(目的:这部分知识点是第三单

27、元中的难点,在复习过程中,呈现学生熟悉的动画片人物,激发学生学习兴趣,并通过很好的对比,帮助学生形象地感知句型的区别和运用)Guessing game T: Now I will ask some students describe their friends, the other students guess who they talk about. S1: I have a friend, she is a girl. She s tall , she has long hair and big eyes, who is she ?S2: .(目的:通过在上一部分把难点解决后,让学生通过游

28、戏自由描述,把所复习巩固的知识运用到真正的交际中。).Sum up/homework活动方式:小组活动、全班活动)1. Describe your parents in your group.(目的:拓展学习,小组学习)2. 连词成句。 the, blue, wall, is (.)_(2) big , he , has, and, a, nose (.)_(3) schoolbag, have, I , new, a (._ have, look, us, go, a ,let, and (.)_ in, classroom, is ,what ,your (?)_3. 选出相应的答语。1L

29、ets clean the door. A. Some pens.2. Whats her name? B. All right.3. Whats in your pencil-case? C. Me too.4. I like sports. D. her name is Amy.(目的:任务学习,提高综合运用能力)六、课后反思本节课是对一到三单元中的重要句型进行复习,课堂上通过学生之间问与答的比赛活动,让学生自由发挥,不但让学生复习了三单元中的句子,也让学生拓展了知识面(部分学生所提的问题让教师不禁惊叹:学生的英语课外知识很丰富)。另外利用学生熟悉的卡通人物(灰太狼、红太狼、老夫子、大番薯、沸羊羊、蕉太狼等)进行一些句子的口语练习,学生不仅感兴趣,而且人物间的对比帮助学生轻松地理解句子的区别。因为前一节课的字母与词汇复习得到比较好的效果,小组活动中,部分基础欠佳的学生在小组成员的带动下也主动、积极地参与课堂活动。学生在运用所学词汇创设句子与对话的能力得到了提高。板书设计: Recycle One (II)I like His name is Lets He likes Her name is Let me She likes 设计教师: 教学年级:小学四年级课题名称:PEP4 Recycle One 课时:the third period一、学生分析

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