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1、译林版八年级英语上册Unit4精美导学案7课时 第01课时 Unit4 welcome to the unit学习目标1.掌握DIY的工具的单词。2.掌握漫画大意,体会漫画的幽默之处。3.能理解DIY的意思,并就DIY的话题展开一段对话。活动方案Activity I 【自主先学小组讨论交流展示】 请同学们找出下列这些词,你能行。A. instruction, tool, glue, rope, scissors, tape, DIY, exactly, repair, rose,brush, decorateB. 预习Comic strip 对话和B部分对话,找出并识记下列短语。1.最好做某事

2、_2.最好不要做某事_3.代表,象征_4.代替,而不是_5.反而,却_6.一把剪刀_7.花钱雇某人做某事_8.为某物/某人结账_Activity II Reading comprehensionTask1:Free talk(Show some pictures to talk about what is do-it-yourself)What do you do in your free time?Do you know the meaning of DIY?Do you like DIY?What do you need for DIY? Task2:Presentation (Welco

3、me to the unit)1.Here are some tools for DIY. Look at the picture and match the words in the box with the tools. (利用图片和语境完成习题A.)2.教师与学生交流,以检查学生对新知识的理解。然后学生之间Work in pairs.T: Whats DIY exactly? S: T: What are you going to do then? S:T: What do you need for that? S: T: Do you like DIY? S: T: Thats fun

4、.Task3:Practice (Part B)Task4:Presentation (Comic strip)师生对话演示,生生对话操练。从实际运用中掌握对话。1.Read, listen and answer: 1). What do they buy ?2). What should they do next?3). Does Eddie help Hobo make his new house?2. Read and act提醒学生揣摩Eddie和Hobo的心理状态,运用适当的语音语调朗读。检测反馈Tell a story about Eddie with the help of so

5、me sentencesHobo has a new house. What should Hobo and Eddie do? They read the i_ first. Then they had b_ get some t_. Next ,Hobo should make his new house by h_.【巩固提升】I、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. It is going to rain, Youd better _(take) an umbrella with you.2. He stayed at home instead of _(go) out.3. DIY _ (

6、stand) for “do it yourself”.4. His English is so bad, he _ (need) more exercises.5. Look! Here _ (be ) some apples for you.6. You had better _(not be) late for class next time.7. Now I know much _(many)about DIY than my sister.8. The boss made all the worker _(work) for him all day.II、单项选择。( )1. Its

7、 fine. So she _ the umbrella. A. needs B. neednt C. doesnt need D. need( )2. PE stands _ “Physical Education”. A. in B. at C. up D. for科+网Z+X+( )3. -The shoes are very nice. I will take them. -But you must _ first. I think the size is a bit small for you. A. pay for them B. try them on C. put them o

8、n D. take them off( )4. It_ her twenty minutes_ her homework. A. used, finish B. took, to finish C. used, finished D. takes, finish( )5. Is there _ on TV today?来源:Z。xx。k.Com A. anything new B. new anything 来源C. something new D. new somethingIII、根据汉语提示完成句子。1这里有很清楚的说明。 Here are _ .2下次最好不要迟到了。 Youd bet

9、ter _ next time.3对不起,我不能帮助你,你应该自己做。 Sorry, I cant help you, you should _ 第02课时 Unit4 Reading(I)学习目标1.学会DIY的相关词汇。2.培养自己的DIY意识,在生活中尝试DIY。3.读懂并能理解文章内容,完成相关练习。4.掌握四会单词及重点短语。活动方案Activity I 请同学们认真阅读课本完成以下内容。A.crazy, terrible, once, mistake, fill, advise, course, already, instead, attendB. 预习Reading课文,在文中画

10、出下列短语并牢记这些短语。1对 着迷_2.试着安装一盏更亮的灯_3.犯错_ 4.停电,断电_5.用填充_ 6.坚持做某事_7.不仅 而且_8.建议某人做某事_9.给某人一些建议_10.选修课程_11.搭建,张贴_12.犯了一些错误_Activity II Reading comprehensionTask1:仔细听Suzy的文章录音,完成课本46页B3判断正误题。Task2:大声朗读第一段,回答下面的问题:(1) What is Andrew crazy about?(2) What does the house always look when he finishes?Task3:精读二至四

11、段,完成课本45页B2 部分。A. 齐读第二段,用所给词的适当的形式填空:Once Andrew wanted _(put) in a brighter light in his bedroom, but he _(make) a mistake. Another time, he _(try) to put up a picture on his bedroom wall, but he _(hit) a pipe and _(fill) the room with water.B自由朗读第三段,回答下列问题:(1) What did he want to do with his livin

12、g room?(2) What problems did he cause when he kept on painting?C. 有感情的朗读第四段,看看哪组同学读的更好。Task4:精读第五段,连词成句。(1) advised, Andrew, , to, take, a, in, course, DIY._.(2) much , I, cousin , know, about, DIY, than, more, my. _Task5:Read the text carefully(Andrews DIY jobs )and complete the table about her tri

13、p.What Andrew didProblems检测反馈Read and discuss the answers.Andrew is 1 about DIY. He loves to 2 things and decorate his house. But when he finishes, the house always looks 3 ! He once tried to put 4 a brighter light in his bedroom, but he made a 5 . Then his whole house had a power cut. 6 time, he wa

14、nted to put 7 a picture on his bedroom wall, but he hit a pipe and 8 the room with water. He thought the living room in his house was 9 , so he painted it blue. His mum said, “Stop it.” But he kept on 10 . Now the living room not only has blue walls but also a blue 11 and floor. He spent five hours

15、12 up a shelf 13 my bed, but books couldnt stay there because one 14 of the shelf was much 15 than the other! I 16 him to take a course in DIY. But this just made him 17 he says he already knows everything about it. So 18 , I am reading all the books myself and 19 lessons every Saturday. Now I know

16、much 20 about DIY than my cousin!【巩固提升】(I、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The little boy is crazy about _ (play) computer games.2. The food went bad and looked _(terribly).3. She is a careless girl, because she often makes_ (mistake).4. Not only he but also I _ (be) interested in collecting stamps.5. There are many

17、 _(shelf) in the bookshop.6. Our teachers always advise us _(exercise) more after school.II、单项选择。( )1. You look quite tired. You had better _ a good rest.A stop to have B stop having C to stop to have D to stop having( )2. -Is your brother crazy _ computer games?- No, he isnt. A of B in C about D at

18、( )3Would you like to paint the white wall_ blue Awith Bin Cof D( )4I kept on_ him the whole day Acall Bcalled C. calls Dcalling 第03课时 Unit1 Reading(II)学习目标1. 读懂并能理解文章内容,完成相关练习。2. 掌握四会单词及重点短语,正确完成相关练习。活动方案Activity I 【自主先学小组讨论交流展示】连词成句。1.My, is ,crazy DIY, Cousin, crazy, about_2.wanted, to, put, He,

19、up a on the, picture ,wall._3.big ,is, The, not only living, but also, room, comfortable._4.The, keep, farmers, on, on the farm, all day, working._5. myself , book , reading ,I, am ,all, the, attending, lessons every, Saturday, and,_Activity II Reading comprehensionTask1:Free talk1.What do you like

20、to do?2.What do you often help your parents do?3.Do you think it is good to help with the housework?4.What do you think is the best thing about DIY?5.Do you have any problems with DIY?6.Who can you ask for DIY advice?Task2:Make a dialogue using the questions above.Task3:细读Reading部分,Use the key words

21、 and useful phrases to retell the story.Paragraph 1: be crazy about, repair, decorate, look terribleParagraph 2: a brighter light, make a mistake, power cut, put up a picture, hit a pipe, fillwithParagraph 3: living room, boring, paintblue, ceiling, floor, cat Paragraph 4: a shelf, above, spend five

22、 hours, not stay, much higher Paragraph 5: buy, advise, make him angry, attend lessons, know much moreTask4:小组讨论Benefits of DIYAn opportunity (机会) to use your hands and your brain. The satisfaction (满足) from seeing your project move from concept to reality. Having something to your name, that you ha

23、ve designed (设计).Task5:教师解释语言点,归纳总结。Activity III 总结提升Write a passage about how to do your DIY jobs ( such as painting a room , fixing a bicycle , making cakes, repairing computers )【巩固提升】I、单项选择( )1. Not only my friends but also I _ interested in those plays.A are B am C is D were( )2. - The box is s

24、o heavy to carry. Whats in it? - Oh, it is _ books.A full of B fill with C covered with D used for( )3. Dont _ todays work for tomorrow. Todays work must be done today.A put in B put out C put off D put on( )4. Mr Smith was ill so I went to have the lesson_ Ainstead of Binstead Cin place of Din the

25、place( )5Millie is crazy about_ kites Amake Bmaking Cdo Ddoing( )6. The room is _with lots of people. A. fill B. filled C . full D. fulled( )7.His father advised me _it again. A. try B. trying C. to trying D. to try( )8.The sound made the film _. I am afraid of watching it. A. terrible B. terribly C

26、. happy D. HappilyII翻译句子。1.他用苹果装满了篮子。 He _ the apples.2昨天整个小区都停电了。The whole community _ yesterday.3我哥哥对踢足球很痴迷。My brother _ football.4我建议你出席这个会议。I _ the meeting.5我想把墙涂成蓝色。He wants _. 第04课时 Unit4 Grammar(I)学习目标1. 能掌握祈使句的三种句型,肯定句,否定句,加please的祈使句。 2. 能使用祈使句进行日常交流对话。活动方案Activity I 请同学们认真阅读课本P47页的课文,完成下列这些词。1.picture , up, a, Put, wall, on, the._2.the , paint, cat, Dont._3.fix, shelf, Please, for, me, the._

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