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北师大版高一英语Unit1 Lifestyle生活方式课文详解.docx

1、北师大版高一英语Unit1 Lifestyle生活方式课文详解Unit 1 Lifestyle 生活方式一、本单元重点知识点:词组、辨析、语法、翻译二、学习目标:生词(根据构词法,联想法,对比法) ,词组理解记忆,本课语法(构造)三、词义辨析;辨析:peaceful和peaceablePeaceful“和平的,宁静的”表示没有战争、暴力或骚扰。Peaceable “不爱争吵的,温和的”主要指人的性格行为。They hope for a peaceful settlement of the dispute. 他们希望和平解决争端。Mary isnt peaceful at all.(

2、 all)玛丽一点儿也不温和。辨析:relaxing与relaxedRelaxing 指某事物具有的性质,“事物令人放松的”Relaxed 指人内心的情感与感受,“人感到放松的”。I found swimming very relaxing.我发现游泳是非常放松(的活动)。Ifelt relaxed lying in the sun.躺在阳光下,我觉得很放松。辨析:like, be like, look like, feel like 与would like like 表示单纯的兴趣、满意或好感。I dont like the way he is looking at me.我讨厌他看着我的样

3、子。 be like 用来提问人的相貌、品质或天气情况-What is Tom like?汤姆长得什么样?He is very tall.他很高。 look like 指从外观上来判断,“看上去像,似乎,好像”例:She looks nothing like her mother.她长得一点儿也不像她母亲。be alike 一般指相貌上“相似的;相同的,用very much修饰alike,并且alike只作表语,不作定语。例:John and his brother are very much alike.约翰和他弟弟长得很像。feel like “想要”后跟名词或动名词。We all fel

4、t like celebrating.我们都想庆祝一番。would like “愿意,意欲”后接动词不定式作宾语或宾补。would like to do sth。表示主语想要做某事;would like sb. to do sth表示主语要某人做某事。例:I wouldnt like you to think I was criticizing you.我可不愿意让你认为我是在批评你。辨析:usually, always, often, frequently, repeatedly 与regularlyusually “通常”指习惯性动作,频率仅次于always, 比often频率高,偶尔有间

5、隔。例:She usually goes out on Saturday nights.她通常在星期六上外出。always “总是,永远 ”语气最强,指在一切时候,没有例外。例:The sun always rises in the east.太阳总是从东方升起。often “经常”语气弱于always,侧重动作发生的次数具有经常性,具有时间的意味不强。例:How often do you go to the theatre?你多长时间看一次戏?frequently “时常,经常”与often同义,但较正式,强调次数频繁。例:They frequently hold meetings , wh

6、ich makes him bored.他们经常开会,这使他很厌烦。repeatedly“屡次”强调次数多,但反复的频率不一定均匀。例:I repeatedly asked what his name was, but he never spoke.我屡次问他叫什么名字,但他就是不说话。regularly用于修饰经常而有规律的动作。例:We meet regularly to discuss the progress of the project.我们定期会面,讨论工程的进展情况。辨析: daily, everyday, every day daily 名词意为“日报”;形容词同everyda

7、y;副词意同every day。例:He daily reads The Peoples Daily.他每天都读人民日报。everyday 形容词,“每天的,日常的”只作定语 everyday English=daily English 日常英语 everyday life=dailylife 日常生活every day “每天”在句中作时间状语例:She perseveres in learning some everyday English every day.她坚持每天学一些日常英语。辨析:of course, certainly, naturally 与surelyof course

8、指“毫无疑问,自然如此”可与certainly,naturally换用。certainly 强调有把握,深信不疑。naturally 指自然而然,毫无造作或天生如此。surely表示一种必然的可能性,也可表示信心或不轻信,强调主观判断。例:“ Can I have one of these pens?” “ Of course help yourself”我能在那些钢笔中拿一支吗?当然,请自己拿吧。例:Im certainly never going there again.我肯定不会再去那里了。例:Children are naturally curious about everything

9、.小孩天生对一切好奇。例:You surely cant be serious.你确实不能严肃起来。辨析:while ,when, 与aswhile 引导的时间状语从句必须使用延续性动词;用while引导从句时,主句的动作必须发生在从句所表达的时间内;另外,while可表示“而,却”体现两边的对比关系while还可以表示“虽然,尽管”引导让步状语从句。when引导的时间状语从句既可以用瞬间性动词,又可以用延续性动词,它既可以用于主句和从句两个动作同时发生,又可以用从句动作先于主句动作发生。另外,when还有“正在这时,那时”之意,后面插入一个新的动作,前面的分居可用一般过去时、过去进行时或过去

10、完成时。as 引导时间状语从句,可表示“一边,一边;随着”,强调主句的动作和从句的动作同时发生或者主句的情景跟随着从句所表示的时间的变化而变化。例:Please dont talk so loudly while others are working.别人在工作时,请不要大声喧哗。Tom is strong while his little brother is weak.汤姆身体很结实,而他的弟弟身体很虚弱。He went to bed when he had finished him homework.做完作业后他睡觉去了。When (he was) yet a child , he wa

11、s fond of swimming.他还是孩子时就喜欢游泳。As time went to , he got more worried.随着时间的流逝,他越来越焦急。I read the letter as I walked along the river. 我一边沿河散步,一边看信。当堂练习:-Are you ready for Spain? -Yes, I want the girls to experience that -they are young.A while B until C if D before.解析,答语句意,是的,我想让女孩名在年轻时就经历这件事。表示“在的时候”用

12、while。辨析:because of 与because because 连词,引导表语从句或状语从句。He is absent today, because he is ill.because of 介词短语,后接名词、代词、动名词或what从句。He is absent today because of his illness.他今天缺席是因为病了。注意:because fo ,on account of , due to, owing to 意为“因为,由于“。due to 用法特殊,不能放在句首;其他三个短语位置灵活。辨析 remote ,distant 与far remote 指在时

13、间或距离上是遥远的,也指在感情、兴趣方面距离很大,还指关系方面的疏远。distant指时间、空间上的遥远,也可指亲属关系上的远。far 用来表示实际距离的远和时间上的遥远,还可以引申意义的远。例:Your comments are rather remote from the subject.你的评论跟主题无关。She is a distant cousin of mine.她是我远房的表妹。How far is it from the school to the post office? 从学校到邮局有多远?辨析:alarm,frighten 与terrifyalarm指人意识到危险而产生惊

14、恐,不仅害怕而且担心。frighten 表示“吓唬“或“使害怕”,使用广泛。terrify 语气最强,表示“惊骇得六神无主,魂飞魄散”例:Alarmed by the noise, the birds flew away.那声音把鸟吓飞了。Sorry, I didnt mean to frighten you.对不起,我不是故意吓唬你的。 He terrified the children with ghost stories.他讲鬼故事吓坏了孩子们。辨析:spend, pay, cost 与takespend 人+spend +时间、金钱+ in doing sth (on 名词)pay 人

15、+pay+金钱+for+物 cost 事、物+cost +人+时间、金钱take It + takes+人+时间+to do 例:I spend 2 years in writing the novel. 我花了两年时间写完这部小说。I paid ten yuan for the pen. 我花了10元钱买了这支钢笔。The ticket cost me ten dollars.这张票花了我10美元。It took me 2 years to write the novel.我花了两年时间写完这部小说。辨析:personal, individual 与privatepersonal 强调个体,

16、与他人相对individual 个人,个别,与集体,普通相对private 私人的,个别的,与公有的,相对The car is for your personal use only.这部车只供你个人使用。We interviewed each individual member of the community.我们采访了社区中的每个成员。He never talks about his private life at work.他上班时从不谈论他的私生活。辨析:sothat与suchthatso that 形容词或副词 形容词+a(n)+不可数名词单数 so+ many/few +可数名词复

17、数 much、little(少的)+不可数名词+that从句 suchthat a(n)+形容词+可数名词单数 形容词+可数名词复数such 形容词+不可数名词 +从句Ive had so many falls that Im black and blue all over.我摔了好多次跤,浑身青一块紫一块的。He made such rapid progress that before long he began to write articles in English.他进步很快,不久就开始用英语写文章了。辨析:suffer 与suffer fromsuffer 意为“遭受痛苦、损失、忍受

18、侮辱等“其宾语通常是pain, loss, grief, insult, punishment, wrong, hardship, injustice, discouragement, setbacks (挫折),disappointment等。suffer from 往往表示“遭受战争、自然灾害所带来的苦难及患病之意。suffer from a war/ the flood/ a headache 遭受战争/洪水、头痛之苦;suffer from cold and hunger 又冷又饿。例:The army suffered heavy losses in the battle.该军队在那

19、次战役中损失惨重。Hes been suffering from cancer for two years.他得癌症已经两年了。The village is suffering from depopulation.那个村口正为人口减少而深感苦恼。辨析:check ,examine, 与testcheck “检查,另外含有“校队”或 找错的,意思。examine 检查,另外含有查看或观察以了解情况的意思。test.检测,考验,检验。Check your homework before you hand in it in.把你的家庭作业检查一下然后再交。The doctor examined th

20、e patient carefully. 医生对这位病人做了仔细检查。Obviously, they were putting him to a severe test.显然他们是在给他以严峻的考验。辨析:prefer doing 与prefer to do prefer doing 表示一般情况下的爱好或日常爱好。prefer to do 表示特定时刻或特定情况下的爱好,prefer前有should 或would 时表示特定想法,故其后只接不定式。I preferred swimming when I was a child. 儿时我喜欢游泳。She would not prefer to

21、think about it.她不想考虑此事。辨析:reason ,cause, excusereason 指产生某种行为或想法上的推理性理由,与conclusion相对。reason for表示的理由“cause 主要指导致某种结果,客观存在的原因,它是相对于effect来说的,the cause of 表示“的起因”excuse 多指为免受指责或推卸责任而找的理由,借口。例:Do you know the reason for his being absent today? 你知道他今天缺课的原因?The heavy rain was the cause of the flood.大雨是导

22、致洪水产生的原因。I havent done the work well;my excuse is that I have been ill. 我没有把工作做好,我的理由是病了。辨析:match, suit, fit 与go with match多指大小,色调,形状或性质等方面的搭配。suit多指合乎需要、口味、性格、条件或地位等fit 多指大小、形状合适go with 有多个以上,表示“同意;伴随,陪伴=go along with 配合,调和等。在表示颜色方面的调和可以与match互换。The color of the shirt does not match that of the coa

23、t.衬衫的颜色与上衣不相配Does the time here suit you ?这里的时间对你合适吗?】Try the new key and see if it fits(the keyhole)试试新配的钥匙,看看是否合适(与锁眼是否吻合)This color does not match/go with that.这种颜色和那种颜色不协调。辨析:design, plot, project , schemedesign 设计、构思或精心策划的计划.plot旨在反对某人的计划、阴谋。project可指实验性计划,与scheme意思接近scheme“规划,方案”,比较系统,详尽。The s

24、uccess of this car shows the importance of good design in helping to sell the product.The reporter was killed because he tried to expose a plot.这名记者因为试图揭露一个阴谋被杀害。The project to build a new national park will be completed next year.他们建造一个新的国家公园的工程将于明年完工。The scheme seems on the surface to be quite pra

25、tical.这个方案表面上看似乎很实际。辨析:solve,settlesolve “解决”侧重于给出一个答案settle “解决”其对象通常是某种争端solve a problem/ a mystery settle an issue /an argument辨析:情态动词用法;情态动词意义使用句型比较must肯定,一定肯定句must 只用于肯定句,表示较有把握、可能性较大的一种推测may可能,或许肯定句may 用于肯定句中,表示一种推测,含有怀疑之意。否定句may用于否定句中,语气较弱,may not意为“可能不”can可能否定句can用于否定句,语气较强,can not 意为“不可能”疑问

26、句用于疑问句表推测,通常只用can,不用may辨析:by,with, in 与throughby “方式,手段”接动名词或表示工具的名词with后接具体的工具in后接语言、声音、颜色等名词through表示“以经由”He makes a living by selling newspapers.他靠卖报谋生。by plane/sea/car乘飞机、船、车He likes to write the letter with a pen.他喜欢用钢笔写信。The room is painted in bright colors.这个房间是用亮的颜色漆的。He became rich throght

27、hard work.他通过努力工作而致富。辨析:a crowd, the crowda crowd “许多人”作主语时谓语动词可以是单数(指集合体),也可以是复数指成员)the crowd “民众,大众“同the public作主语时谓语动词可以用单数页可以用复数。There is/ are a crowd of people over there.那边聚集着很多人。The crowd was/were dispersed.人群被驱散了。巧记:-ed形式,和-some 表示的意义-ed表被动意义-some表示主动意义worriedworrisometroubledtroublesomebore

28、dboresomeThe speech made me tired.那个讲话使我感到厌烦。It was a tiresome speech.那是令人厌烦的讲话。辨析:nearby ,near by, near, nearly, colsenearby 形容词“附近的”副词“在附近”=near by。没有比较级near by “在附近”相对于副词,作状语或后置定语near 可作形容词、副词或介词,意为“在附近”有比较级。nearly是副词,意为“差不多,几乎,密切地,亲切地”close 语气强于near,指时间、地点或程度方面的接近,有“紧靠、相邻”的意味。Li Hua lives in a nearby village which is not far from the school.李华住在离学校不远的一个村庄里。Is there a hospital near by? 这附近有医院吗?The lake is near our school.那个湖在我们学校附近。She was nearly as well as he was.她几乎和他一样高。All my close friends will join us.我所有的密友都将加入我们的行列。辨析:return, answer, reply, respondreturn 正式用词、从本义“归来,回去”

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