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本文(英语作文 violence and conflict 男性领导下的暴力和冲突比女性更为明显.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

英语作文 violence and conflict 男性领导下的暴力和冲突比女性更为明显.docx

1、英语作文 violence and conflict 男性领导下的暴力和冲突比女性更为明显World history suggests that violence and conflict were more evident under male leadership than under female leadership. So, for peace to prevail, female leadership can be considered as a better option than male leadership. In favour of the argument that v

2、iolence and conflict were less under female leadership. To what extent do you agree or disagree? You should write at least 250 words. Model Answer 1:(Disagreement: Denied the fact that violence and conflict were less under female leadership) The human history has been violence and conflict-stricken

3、since the beginning of the human existence. If we look back in history or to the world around us, we see wars, conflict, power struggles and revolutions, peace making kings, prudent emperors and ruthless rulers. History also reveals that society has always been predominantly male dominated, with lea

4、ders and rulers mainly being men. It is, hence, easy to blame the ruler and put the responsibility of atrocities on the shoulders of men. But a deeper perspective always reveals to historians that conflict is a generic tendency of humans. So peace being disturbed is not the liability of men only, bu

5、t humans in general, and a power shift, from men to women, is destined to be futile in prevailing peace. Most of the women who are known to be great till date, e.g. Queen Isabella of Spain, Queen Mary, a.k.a. Bloody Mary, Victoria, and Elizabeth of Britain, all have ruled over a vast spectrum of pow

6、er. And they often have done so ruthlessly, achieving goals with an iron hand. They have waged wars that are barely comparable to only a few of those devised by men. These women are not anomalies of history, but examples from numerous others, who went beyond the boundaries of gender in the path of p

7、revailing in power while expanding peace whenever they deemed it to be expandable. The two greatest wars of modern history, World Wars I & II, have taught us that wars are impersonal. Race, religion, nationality, sex are only pretences to the universally human lust for power. It is true that during

8、both the global conflicts men were in the rulers thrones. But it will be foolish to say that Margaret Thatcher, the famed Iron Lady who spared no road against a minnow enemy in the war of Falkland, would be more peacefully diplomatic than how the greats Winston Churchill and Franklyn D. Roosevelt ha

9、d been tackling the Axis of Hitler. The gender issue is only a determinant in the battle of the sexes, not the battles among nations and peoples. It is therefore, impertinent, if not irrational, to conclude that world conflicts result from the rule of a particular gender and the finer sex would do a

10、 better job at prevailing peace if selectively put at the helm of human nations. Alternative Answer 2:(In favour of the argument that violence and conflict were less under female leadership) Though some people argue that war and conflicts among nations and within a territory are impersonal regardles

11、s of men and women leaders, the history suggests that world saw less violence, war and conflicts under female leaders. Considering this in in mind I suggest the idea that female leadership can be considered for a better world. The major World Wars, conflicts among nations, civil wars mostly caused b

12、y the male ego, assassinations and conflicts of interests among men. Very few female leaders contributed making decisions to have war with other nations in their period of ruling a country. Sometimes people often mention the Trojan War and convict a female as the main reason for this war. But the fa

13、ct is, it is not even a historically approved war and its root lies more in mythology than in evidence. And even if it was true, female leaders were not even remotely involved deciding to start the war. Though the number of male rulers throughout the history is much more compared to the number of fe

14、male leaders and very few major wars could be related to the decision or action taken by women. Women are naturally mild-hearted and avoid conflicts and wars by all means. They are more caring and less violent by their prototypes and that makes them better leaders in terms of serving people. The lea

15、der who is caring and has the mentality to serve people would naturally be a good leader and women are better candidates than men in this regards. In summary, the idea of female leadership in terms of avoiding wars and serving nations better is indeed a good idea. Model Answer 3:(Neutral Notion ) Ce

16、rtain people think that violence and conflict were more evident under male leadership than under female leadership since the dawn of the time. Throughout the history, Male leadership encourages violence and some other sets of people suggest considering female leadership to prevail peace. The issue w

17、hether or not female leadership can be considered as a better option to prevail peace is always a debatable issue. There are strong arguments from both the sides and let us discuss in a detailed way. Firstly, World history clearly suggests violence were more evident under male leadership .An instanc

18、e illustrating this in action is first and second world wars .Male leadership encouraged violence in those 2 worlds wars and it is proved that violence is more evident under male leadership .In addition to this, women are against violence by nature and suffer a lot because of the violence thus the w

19、omen leadership always try to prevail peace. For example, some Asian countries tried to restore the peace during women leadership. It is obvious from this that women leadership can be considered to bring back the peace There is always an opposite side of the coin. Certain women leadership proved tha

20、t they are ready to encourage violence. To illustrate this, Pakistan started a war during women leadership and it clearly proves that peace cannot be restored by changing leadership. In addition to this, Bangladesh also saw a great deal of internal violence during women leadership only. It is clearl

21、y proved that violence can be evident under women leadership also. Thus it is recommended, to prevail peace in all circumstances irrespective of women or men leadership. Peace can prevail in many ways and consider female leadership is only one of those options. Model Answer 4:(Neutral Notion ) If we

22、 delved through the major historical archives, it would be noticeable that many wars and conflict occurred under a male leadership. This observation led to some analysts to favouring a female leadership in order to maintain peace and harmony. This approach purporting leadership based on gender to at

23、tain peace seemed flawed and simplistic. Instead if would appear that leadership should be chosen based on democracy and the most qualified leader for the job. On the one hand, supporters for female leadership cite the numerous wars and conflicts under male leadership such as Adolf Hitler or Benitto

24、 Mussolini. However, it can also be argued that a significant number of atrocities had likewise occurred under female leaders such as Queen Elizabeth during the Iron Age. Additionally, those who support females leadership may quote their innate nurturing and non-aggressive characteristics as opposed

25、 to mens innate aggressiveness. Similarly, this would seem an inaccurate statement as observed in the aforementioned argument. On balance, it would be more sensible to elect a leader based on democracy and his/her qualifications. Firstly, a nations citizens should ideally be endowed a right to vote

26、for a leader out of their own free will. Additionally, the most qualified person for the leadership may be another useful criterion. This characteristic may range from their previous experience as leaders, favourable leadership qualities and innate morale. Secondly, we all have to acknowledge the me

27、tamorphosis of genders role. It may be that more violence was suffered under male leadership because fewer females were allowed in that role. To summarise, it would appear that the approach to claim that peace would prevail under female leaders as rather simplistic. Ultimately, what would seem more

28、crucial is for the most qualified person irrespective of gender should be chosen by citizens out of their own free will.Model Answer 5: Over the time, history has proved that male leadership shows some violence and conflict, while female leadership spreads peace. I agree that male performs more toug

29、hness than female in many aspects, especially in leadership, although, there are always some odds that break the rules. It is well known that men are stronger and tougher than women. Maybe this returns back to his bodys physiological structure, referring to his corporal side, hormones or even his na

30、ture that he was created on the superior shape by God, where each gender mostly shares many common desires. Although mens violent control, Hitler for example, but recent research studies revealed that two-thirds of the males brain are mentally described and last third refers to the emotional part in

31、 his brain, while the females brain shows two-thirds of emotions and the other is mental. So, this result leads us to vote positively for men leadership. In addition, we can see that man can stand for hard times and attend and violent moments easier than women without losing control of himself. And

32、this is an important requirement for a good leader. Unlike male, the female is more sensational and caters for perfect output. They are better in house leading, as they are used to considering small details. The woman in the house embodies the meaning of residence where each member gets rest and liv

33、e peacefully, they can get all their pains cured in moments. And that is an essential need that humans seek all the time through their life. But this does not mean that the woman is unable to succeed in leadership. We can see clearly the obvious example of Queen Elizabeth, and how could she change the country she judges into a better state, her pe

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