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1、珍惜时间英语演讲稿多篇范文珍惜时间英语演讲稿hello, everybody!in this world, there is one thing that is very fair to everybody, whether you are a male or female, young or old, rich or poor. does anybody know what it is called?right. it is time. the topic i am going to present to you today is called “ treasure every minute

2、”.to realize the value of one year, ask a student who failed a realize the value of one month, ask a mother who gave birth to a premature realize the value of one week, ask the editor of a weekly realize the value of one hour, ask the lovers who are waiting to r

3、ealize the value of one minute, ask a person who missed the realize the value of one second, ask a person who just avoided an realize the value of one millisecond, ask the person who won a silver medal in the olympics.treasure every moment that you have! and treasure it more bec

4、ause you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time with.and remember that time waits for no one. yesterday is history. tomorrow is a mystery. today is a gift. thats why its called the present! the clock is running. make the most of today.good luck, everybody!thank you !第二篇:珍惜

5、时间英语演讲稿my brother-in-law opened the bottom drawer of my sisters bureau and lifted out a tissue-wrapped package. this, he said, is not a slip. this is lingerie. he discarded the tissue and handed me the was exquisite, silk, handmade and trimmed with a cobweb of lace. the price tag with an ast

6、ronomical figure on it was still attached.jan bought this the first time we went to new york, at least 8 or 9 years ago. she never wore it. she was saving it for a special occasion.well, i guess this is the occasion.he took the slip from me and put it on the bed, with the other clothes we were takin

7、g to the mortician. his hands lingered on the soft material for a moment, then he slammed the drawer shut and turned to me, dont ever save anything for a special occasion. every day you re alive is a special occasion.i remembered those s through the funeral and the days that followed when i helped h

8、im and my niece attend to all the sad chores that follow an unexpected death. i thought about them on the plane returning to california from the midwestern town where my sisters family lives. i thought about all the things that she hadnt seen or heard or done. i thought about the things that she had

9、 done without realizing that they were still thinking about his s, (本站推荐:)and theyve changed the weeds in the garden. im spending more time with my family and friends and less time in mittee meetings. whenever possible, life should be a pattern of experience to savour, not endure. im tryi

10、ng to recognize these moment now and cherish not saving anything; we use our good china and crystal for every special. event such as losing a pound, getting the sink unstopped, the first camellia blossom i wear my good blazer to the market if i feel like it. my theory is if i look prosperous

11、, i can shell out $28. 49 for one small bag of groceries without wincing. im not saving my good perfume for special parties; clerks in hardware stores and tellers in banks have noses that function as well as my party going friends.someday and one of these days are losing their grip on my vocabulary.

12、 if its worth seeing or hearing or doing, i want to see and hear and do it now. im not sure what my sister wouldve done had she know that she wouldnt be here for the tomorrow we all take for granted.i think she would have called family members and a few close friends. she might have called a few for

13、mer friends to apologize, and mend fences for past squabbles. i like to think she would have gone out for a chinese dinner, her favorite food. im guessing. ill never know.its those little things left undone that would make me angry if i knew that my hours were limited. angry because i put off seeing

14、 good friends whom i was going to get in touch with someday. angry because i hadnt written certain letters that i intended to write one of these days. angry and sorry that i didnt tell my husband and daughter often enough how much i truly love trying very hard not to put off, hold back, or s

15、ave anything that would add laughter and luster to our lives. and every morning when i open my eyes, i tell myself that every day, every minute, every breath truly, is. a gift from god. 第三篇:珍惜时间英语演讲稿.docgood morning, everybody!in this world, there is one thing that is very fair to everybody, whether

16、 you are a male or female, young or old, rich or poor. does anybody know what it is called?right. it is time. the topic i am going to present to you today is called “ treasure every minute”.the time is the life, lu xun said that, wastes own time to be equal to the chronic suicide, wastes others time

17、 to be equal to murders for money. this explained the importance of the time.and remember that time waits for no one.yesterday is history. tomorrow is a is a gift.the clock is running.make the most of today.treasures the time is treasures the life. everyone knows that the life is very

18、important , or each people should treasure the time well, creates own life value.good luck, everybody!第四篇:珍惜时间英语演讲稿today i should treasure time wellhello everyone,time, was a strange thing, it makes all sickness and death. when there is something born of time, from that moment the beginning of time

19、has passed. how to we do? we can only seize the opportunity to seize life, to do the masters of their own destiny.i have thought about a problem, what is time? i think that time is of the mind in life when the runway, and it is responsible for the pletion of a mission of a subdivision.occasionally,

20、the memories, can regulate our emotions, purify our hearts. has been really obsessed with old things is not desirable because it is more important now.time is of the essence, time is gone forever, and we must treasure this good time, study hard, grow up, the effectiveness of the motherland. it is al

21、so the so-called one inch by one inch gold time, gold-inch inch time. let us cherish the time with it! thanks for your attention to my speech. 班级:过控13-4姓名:胡守庭学号:XX30506068第五篇:珍惜时间英语演讲稿time is valuablehello, ladies and gentlemen! it is my honor to share my topic with you here. and my topic is time is

22、 valuable.珍惜水资源的发言稿敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们:大家好!今天我发言的主题是:“珍惜水资源”。同学们,当你们正在玩水的时候,当你们用水不停地冲着自己的手的时候,当你们随意地关上水龙头而不拧紧它的时候,你们是否想过:这些被浪费的水是多么宝贵?假如没了水,地球会怎么样了呢?鲜花还会开放吗?鸟儿还会歌唱吗?人们(更多精彩文章请关注好 :)还会幸福快乐吗?大地还会生机盎然吗?答案是不会的,绝对不会的!大家一定知道,现在,我国西南地区正在发生百年不遇的大旱,树木和庄稼都枯死了,干裂的土地上寸草不生,烈日炎炎,没有一点儿生机。照片上,几个满脸灰尘的孩子,用他们那脏兮兮的小手,如获至宝地捧着一

23、碗在我们看来简直不能喝的浑浊的泥水;在他们背后,是龟裂的、寸草不生的土地。上天难得地降下了甘凝,直到这一天,水泵才重新装满生命之水;直到这一天,人们才重新感受到水的清凉;直到这一天,旱区才重新升 起生命之光由于过度用水,没有做好水资源的保护工作,许多名胜已不复存在:昔日浩瀚雄伟的黄果树瀑布,今日已变成了涓涓细流;昔日碧波荡漾的漓江,今日因缺水,已露出了干裂的河床我们常说:“让地球不再流眼泪”,可是,我们说做的,却是让地球母亲无泪可流。地球上的水是有限的!水资源本来是可以循环再生的,但是由于我们不加限制地滥用,就造成了一系列的生态灾难。由于旱灾,有几千年泼水节传统的民族,如今也不得不取消了泼水节






29、源,未来的水将像油一样珍贵。所以,我们要搞好水的循环利用。利用天然淡化器将海水淡化处理,这样做既环保又省钱,可以说是一举多得。水源的问题解决了,如何用呢?人们应该多发明如电解水分子洗衣机等节水产品,电解水分子洗衣机利用电解水分子的原理,让水分子中的氧原子吸收衣服里的赃物,电解出的氢原子可以作为环保汽车的燃料,既不损害衣物纤维,又为汽车提供动力能源,还为环保事业尽了力,何乐而不为呢?尽管现在有很多节水产品,但最重要的还是靠人们自己不浪费,不污染水资源,这样,才能更好地保护水资源。啊!人类快觉醒吧!如果我们不珍惜水资源的话,将来地球上流下的最后一滴水将是自己的眼泪 浙江湖州小浦镇中心小学五年级:许

30、罗雅第四篇:珍惜水资源【“水保杯”德育实践活动课】珍 惜 水 资 源愚公一中 杨秀萍珍惜水资源实践活动课教案愚公一中 杨秀萍【活动目标】让学生意识到水资源的重要性,以及世界上水资源短缺的现象,使学生树立节水的意识,养成节约用水的好习惯。【活动过程】一、 创设情境 引入新课1.创设情境屏幕显示:中央电视台播出的一则公益广告:画面上有一只水龙头艰难地滴着水,滴水的速度越来越慢,最后水枯竭了,随后出现的是一双眼睛,从眼中流出了一滴泪水。2.揭示主题请学生说说自己对这则广告的理解。学生有的说:水龙头滴不出水表示水枯竭了,眼中流出泪水表示地球上最后一滴水将会是我们自己的眼泪;有的说:这则广告教育我们要节

31、约用水。教师抓住时机,引出课题说:今天我们将要探讨的主题是“珍惜生命之源水”(屏幕显示课题:节约用水 珍惜水资源)3.提出问题看到这个课题,你想知道什么?二、合作交流 探索新知师:课前我们分组对水资源的现状进行了调查,我们来听听各组的结果,也许能帮我们解决心中的疑问。1.水是人类社会赖以生存的物质基础(一组汇报的题目,汇报的方式:演讲)。日常生活离不开水。(略)生物维持生命离不开水:一个成年人在正常情况下,每天应补给的水量为每千克体重40毫升左右。当人体失水6%时会出现口渴、尿少和发烧;失水1020%将会出现昏厥甚至死亡。对人类来说水比食物更为珍贵。不吃食物,人的生命可以维持二十几天,如不喝水


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