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1、高一英语必修2重点词组+句子归纳总结人教版高中英语新课标-必修II重点词组、句子归纳总结 上传: davisguo2011 更新时间:2011-11-5 阅读: 52 Unit 1 Cultural relics重点词汇补充归纳1.survive (in) the terrible car crash 在那可怕的撞车事故中生还 survive (after) the storm 暴风雨后残留下来2. search (through/into) some place for (after) sthe.g. He searched through all the drawers for the k

2、ey. 他搜遍所有的抽屉找钥匙。search ones face 观察脸色search ones heart 扪心自问in search of 寻找search out 搜/找出make a search for 搜索,追求in (ones) search for 寻找3. serve the people heart and soul全心全意为人民服务serve to do 对做有用work as 干工作He works as a guide.act as 担任职务4. a lighted candle 点燃了的蜡烛light (up) a fire/a match/a lamp/the g

3、as/the cigarette生火/划亮火柴/点灯/点煤气/点烟e.g. The match wont light.这根火柴划不着。A smile lit up her face. 她一笑,表情为之开朗。5. do/work wonders 有惊人的效果,产生奇迹6. no more than=only, just 仅仅,只不过 not more than 不多于7. look in the fridge/cupboard 向冰箱/碗橱内探视8. be closely connected with 与关系密切11. in/at a trial 在审判中 12. in my opinion 依

4、我看 give your opinion 发表你的看法13. by the light of the moon=by moonlight=in the moonlight 在月光下14. for oneself 亲自,独自,为了自己 e.g. Do it for yourself. 你自己做。 Think/judge for yourself 自己去思考,判断15. be oneself 身心正常 e.g. Im not myself today. 我今天不太对劲。16. beside oneself 忘我,发狂 e.g. She was beside herself with sorrow.

5、 她悲伤得要发狂。17. by oneself 独自一人(alone)独立/自动地e.g. The machine runs by itself. 这机器自动运转。18. in oneself 本身 e.g. Modern technology is not dangerous in itself. 现代科技本身并不危险。19. in turn(s)=by turns 依次,轮流 take turns (in/at) doing/to do20. do with (与what连用;deal with 与how 连用)处理,处置 e.g. He didnt know what to do wit

6、h the property(财产)his father had left.对待(某人以.将就放置What have you done with the papers? 你把文件放哪儿了?(5)忍受 (常用否定句)21. returnto 把归还给22.agree with sb. on /about that matter/doing/what sb.said(wrote)ones idea(opinion/view/method/way)agree to ones plan/suggestion/ones advice/proposal(建议)/arrangement(安排)/ones r

7、equest for对的需求agree on a plan/project/cease-fire (停火)/the date and place for a meeting (主语为双方) 就.达成一致23.agree with 与相符,适合(谁)e.g. (1)His story agrees with the facts.(2)The hot weather doesnt agree with her. (3)Milk/Mutton(羊肉) doesnt agree with him.24. have/hold (举行) a hot/heated(热烈的) class debate/dis

8、cussion/argument(辩论)25. take notes of (a note of)=keep a record of 记录下26. take a class note 进行班级投票27. sum up 总结,合计to sum up 总之sum up to 共计为28.provide sth. for sb. 向提供=provide sb. with sth.provide for/against 预防provide for (a large family/children) 养活,抚养29. classify 把.分类(级) classifying words 词语分类30.

9、think up/of/out/come up with 想出31. give evidence for/against sb. 提供对有利/不利的证据/作为支持/反对 call sb. in evidence 传作证 give false evidence 作伪证show evidence of 有的痕迹 on evidence 依据证据a piece of evidence 一项证据32. put (out) to sea 出航,离港出海33. succeed to the crown 继承王位34. for sure/certain 确切地35. live/be far away fro

10、m 住的地方,离很远a village far away=a faraway village 遥远的村庄far from 一点也不36. the Dutch 荷兰人 go Dutch 各付各的钱 beat the Dutch 做使人惊叹的事37. have/show respect for 尊重 38. so much the better/worse 那样的话更好/糟39. take a photo/picture of 为拍照have a picture taken with sb. 和合影40. sign the book for sb. 在书上为签名sign up for=enter

11、(for) 报名参加41. apply to 适合,适用于be applied to=apply oneself to 专心于42. put up poster on protecting threatened buildings 张贴宣传画,保护危楼43. be built of clay bricks 由土砖建造45. be made out of 由制造46. consist of=be made up of 由组成47. nothing but=only48. charge sb. for (doing) 由向收费49. Opinions are divided on the ques

12、tion. 对该问题仁者见仁,智者见智50. in one/a word=all in all 总之51. insist on (ones doing)+n. 坚持52. by design=on purpose 故意by chance=by accident 偶然53. take a fancy to 爱上(好)take/catch ones fancy 投合的心意to ones fancy fancy sb. to be 想像是.fancy sb. doing 想像干(真想不到谁会干)Fancy running into you! 真想不到会遇上你!54. It is worth a lo

13、t/much more/nothing/a fortune 值得多/远不止/一文不名/价值连城It is well worth a visit/a try/a look/the effort/the trouble/ notice/hard work/it/ones while或the time(money)很值得一看/一试/花功夫/麻烦/注意/辛苦/是值得的/值得某人花时间或钱一做55. have a sound sleep=be fast/sound asleep 睡得香56. take in 收进 take the washing in 把洗好的衣服收进来吸进(空气,水) take in

14、 a deep breath 深吸一口气留住宿包含理解欺骗改小衣服(let out 放大)订阅(报纸)观赏57. dig into 开始吃 详细调查,苦读 (见课后练习Big Feng)4). drown vi.vt. 淹死,淹没 drown oneself in the lake 投湖自杀 a drowning person一个溺水者 The man (was) drowned in the river。新课标必修二 Unit2 The Olympic Games重点词组句子归纳总结1take part in/join in 参加2the spirit of 精神、宗旨、灵魂3used to

15、 过去常常4find out 查明,找出5every four years 每四年,每隔三年6two sets of 两套,两组7. allow sb. in(out) 允许进入(出去);allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事(不能说allow to do)allow doing sth. 允许干某事。8be/get married(强调状态) to(不能用with) sb 和结婚9a set of 一套,一组10compete in 在某方面竞争compete for 为而竞争compete with/against 与竞争11be admitted to 获准做某事be a

16、dmitted as 作为被接受12reach the standard 达到水平、标准13play an important role/part in 在方面扮演重要角色(起重要作用)14as well as 和一样15thank you for your time 感谢您(能抽空)16come from the same root 同根17have (no) chance of doing sth. 有(没)做的机会18go with 伴随,与搭配19relateto 把与关联起来relate with 和有关20run against 和赛跑21hear of 听说22make sure

17、 确定make sure +that clause 确定23take turns 轮流24one after another 一个接一个every后接few,但不能接a few,也不能接some,several,many等次,接序数词时,修饰单数可数名词。every可与other+单数可数名词连用,表示“每隔一”。重点句子:1. a special village is built for them to live in.2. I lived in what you called “Ancient Greece”.3. But of course you can ask any questio

18、ns you like.4. Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for the event will be admitted as competitors.5. Thats why they are called the Winter Olympics.6. No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women.7. Its in the Summer Olympics that you have the running races, together with

19、 .新课标必修二 Unit3 Computer 重点词组句子归纳总结1. sound simple 听起来简单2. a technological revolution 技术革命3. artificial intelligence 人工智能4. begin as 作为开始5. solve/settle a problem 解决问题6. a simple-minded man 一个头脑简单的人7. mathematical problem 数学问题8. be totally changed 被完全改变了9. share information with 与信息共享10. serve the hu

20、man race 为人类服务11. common knowledge 常识12. deal with 处理13. in my opinion 在我看来14. public opinion 公众舆论15 an analytical method 分析法16. share a room with 与共居一室17. connect with 与有关18. go by (从旁)走过19. bring into effect 使生效20. the common people 老百姓21. get together 聚集22. after all 毕竟23. with the help of 在的帮助下2

21、4. make up 编造,化妆25. a personal letter 私人信件26. watch over 看守,监视27. have a good time 玩得愉快28. once a year 一年一度29. make a decision 做出决定30. allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人干某事31. building materials 建筑材料32. in fact 事实上33. create a new building 创建一栋新楼34. in a way 在某种程度上重点句子:1. Over time my memory has developed so

22、 much that I never forgot anything I have been told.2. I was programmed by an operator who uses cards with holes.3. At that time it was considered a technological revolution .4. I wondered if I would grow any larger.5. Alan Turing, wrote a book about how I could be made to work as a “universal machi

23、ne” to solve any difficult mathematical problem.6. As time went by, I was made smaller.These changes only became possible as my memory improved.7. I have been used in offices and homes since 1970s.新课标必修二 Unit4 Wildlife protection 重点词组句子归纳总结1. as a result 结果2as a result of= because of 由于result in = c

24、ause 导致result form 由于3die out(动,植物物种)灭绝die of 死于(多内因)die from 死于(多外因)die down 变弱;逐渐消失be dying for 渴望得到4be at a loss = be puzzled at =be confused 迷惑的,不解的suffer a loss (of) 蒙受损失make up for a loss 弥补损失be lost in ones thought(陷入沉思)lose heart lose ones heart to sb5. in peace 平静的(地);安静的(地)in silence/ in q

25、uiet/in surprise/in a hurry6. hunting for 搜索; 搜寻7. be in danger of 有 危险be out of danger 脱离危险endangered adj. 濒危的 dangerous 危险的8.have / give an effect on / upon take effect(生效) come / go into effect 生效; 实施9. be concerned about 担心.关心,挂念10. get dressed 穿上衣服get done强调动作,不能和表一段时间的状语连用be done 表状态11.turn ro

26、und : 转过去,围绕旋转12.apply to应用 be applied to被应用于apply for 请求,申请. apply to sb. for sth.13.protect from保护.免受.危害prevent from阻止(stop/ keep from)14 .have a effect on 对.有影响15. with a sad face looking at herwith + 宾语(O) + 宾语补足语e into being: 形成;产生;开始存在come into use:开始被使用come into ones mind / head: 突然想到come int

27、o fashion: 开始流行come into consideration: 开始考虑词语解析和拓展:1)wild作形容词,表示“野生的,野的,荒凉的,不守规矩的”。be wild to do sth迫切地想做某事be wild with+抽象名词,表示“得发狂,因而发狂的状态”。be wild out 极其热心或热爱run wild自由生长,不受控制作名词,表示“荒芜人烟的地方,偏僻的地区,荒野”。2)protect作动词,表示“保护,警戒”,常与from连用。protect与against连用,表示“防御攻击”。名词protection后面常与against,of连用。3)loss表示“

28、损失”是可数名词,常用复数。表示“遗失,丢失,丧失”。也可以表示战斗,比赛中“打输,失败”,是不可数名词。at a loss表示“不知所措,不知(如何是好),亏本地”。4)hunt表示“打猎,猎取”hunt for搜索,试图找到 hunt sb/sth down对某人/某物穷追到底hunt sth up查寻作名词,前面加冠词。5)peace表示“和平,合约,和平时期”。be at peace with 让平静,与和睦相处be in peace 安详的 make peace 和解 keep/break the peace 维持/破坏治安6)apply表示“申请,请求”。apply for(to)向申请表示“应用,使用”,其宾语后面接不定式,也可以用to+动名词。apply to适用于,to是介词。apply oneself to致力于,努力进行。7)suggest表示“建议,提议”后接名词,动名词,不接不定式,也可以接从句,从句中的谓语动词由should+动词原形构成,should可以省略。表示“使人想起,表明”后接名词或者是从句。也可以表示“暗示,启发”,后接从句。8)contain表示“包含,含有,容纳”,不用于进行时。也可表示“控制,抑制,克制”。表示“阻止”。重点句子:1. There Daisy saw an antelope looking sad.2. We/r

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