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第五章 介词.docx

1、第五章 介词第五章 介词一、介词的形式:介词是一种虚词,它不能单独担任句子成分,必须与名词或代词或相当于名词的其他词类、短语或从句构成介词短语,才能担任句子成分。1、 介词的种类和介词短语的用法(1) 介词的种类1. 简单介词 at, in, on, to, since, until 等。如:Hes worked there since 1998.2. 复合介词 into, onto, out of 等。如:She is out of school. 她毕业了。3. 二重介词 from under, from behind, from out of, until after, except i

2、n 等。如:Im from out of town. 我是从城外来的。4. 短语介词 because of, instead of, in spite of 等。如:I went back not because of the rain, but because I was tired. 我回去不是因为下雨,而是因为我累了。 介词名词,例如: by bus 乘公共汽车 in the park 在公园里 on Sunday 在星期天 介词代词,例如:(talk) to oneself 对自己(说),自言自语 (a letter) for you 给你的(信) (not) at all 一点也(不

3、) 介词数词,例如:(cut sth) in two (把切)成两半 介词动名词,例如:(a way) of doing that做那件事的(方式)be good at drawing pictures善于画画 介词wh-短语,例如:(talk) about what to do next(谈论)下一步该做什么 介词从句,例如:Please think of what I said. 请你考虑我说的话。二、介词的作用1. 表示地点:after, along(沿着,顺着), at, below(在下面), by, of, near, over, through(通过,穿过,凭借), under

4、等。如:Near the village the boys are skating on the ice. 男孩子们正在村子附近的冰上滑冰。 They lay down under the shade of a tree. 他们躺在一棵树的树阴下。2. 表示时间:about, after, across(穿过,横穿), at, during, for, in, of, till(直到), until(在以前,到为止) 等。如:After class he will tell us about the accident. 课后他将告诉我们有关事故的情况。The accident happened

5、 during the night. 事故发生在夜间。3. 表示动作:at, across, around(四处,在周围,大约), on, over, under 等。如:The earth goes around the sun. 地球绕太阳运行。The car is under repair. 汽车在修理中。4. 表示比较:as(如同,当做), like, above(超过,在之上), over, with 等。如:She was something like her sister. 她有几份像她的妹妹。Chinese is much more difficult in contrast(

6、对比) with English. 和英语相比,汉语难得多。5. 表示原因:about, for, from, with 等。如:Dont worry about my lessons. 不要担心我的功课。Business kept me from coming. 我因事不能来。He was angry with what I did. 他对我所做的很气愤。6. 表示条件:to, with, without 等。如:Without your advice, he would have failed. 没有你的忠告他可能已经失败了。7. 表示手段、方式:as, by, in, with 等。如:

7、He behaved as a child. 他的举止如同小孩一样。Learn the new words by heart. 记住这些生词。We see with our eyes. 我们用眼睛看。8. 表示距离、数量:from, in, within(在之内) 等。如:My house is ten miles from the school. 我家离学校十英里。They were thirty in all. 他们总共有三十人。9. 表示目的:as, for 等。如:I only said it as a joke. 我只是把它当作笑话讲的。Its time for class. 到上课

8、的时间了。10. 表示让步:for, with 等。如:For all his effort, he didnt succeed. 虽然他做了一番努力,仍不能成功。With all his money, he is unhappy. 尽管他有钱,但他并不快乐。for 还可以引导插入语,例如:For one, I agree with this idea.( ) 1. He often goes _ school _ six thirty _ the morning.A. for; to; in B. to; at in C. to; for; at D, for; at; to( ) 2. T

9、he English teacher told me to get there_ half past ten.A: in B. at C. on D. of( )3. The children get up _ 6 oclock.A. at B. on C. during D. in ( ) 4. _ Tom gets up at five in the morning.A. Sometime B. Sometimes C. Some time D. Some times 三、几组介词的用法比较:1. in, at, on:这三个介词都可以表示时间,但在使用上有区别。 in表示时间段,即在较长

10、的一段时间内。例如:in the morning / afternoon / evening 在早晨下午晚上in the daytime / night 在白天夜里in a day / week / month / year 在一天一周一个月一年内in August 在八月 in spring / summer / autumn / winter 在春天夏天秋天冬天in (the year) 2004 在2004年 in the winter holiday(s) 在寒假in ones life 在(某人)一生中 He is in his twenties. 他二十几岁了。 一般认为,at表示

11、时间点,即钟点、(做某事的)时刻等。例如:at six oclock 在六点钟 at noon (= at 12:00 in the daytime) 在中午at that time 在那时候;当时 at the moment (= now) 现在;此刻at the end of the holiday 在假期结束时但是,在以下的时间短语中,at却表示时间段:at dinner time 在(吃)晚饭时 at night 在夜间at weekends / the weekend 在周末 at Christmas 在圣诞期间at this time of (the) year 在一年的这个时节

12、on表示特定的日子。例如: 表示日期:on March 20, 2004 在2004年3月20日 表示星期几:on Saturday 在星期六 on weekdays 在平时;从周一到周五(或周六) 表示某日的时辰:on Sunday morning 在星期日早晨on a Monday afternoon 在一个星期一的下午on the night of August 10 在8月10 日的夜里 表示节日、纪念日:on New Years Day 在元旦on my birthday 在我生日那天on that day 在那天 表示特别的日子:on the following day (在)第二

13、天on a cold winter morning 在一个寒冬的早晨on a sunny day in October 在10月的一个晴朗的日子( ) 1. Children get gifts _ Christmas and _ their birthdays.A. on; on B. at; on C. in; in D. in; on( ) 2. -There is nothing _tomorrow afternoon, is there?-No. We can have a game of table tennis.A. on B. in C. out D. up( ) 3. A l

14、ot of students in our school were born_March, 1981.A. in B. at C. on D. since( ) 4. Tim suddenly returned_ a rainy night.A. on B. at C. in D. during( ) 5. My grandfather was born_Oct. 10, 1935.A. on B. in C. at D. of( ) 6. Mike does his exercises _ seven _ the evening.A. on; to B. at; in C. by; of D

15、. at; on2. during, in:两者用作介词时均与表示一般时间的名词连用,意为“在期间”,一般情况下能相互换用。但是,在实际运用中应注意下面几点:1. 若谓语动词着重于动作或状态的延续性时,习惯用during ;若表示某一行为发生在一段时间中的某一点时间时,习惯用in。例如:I learned a lot during my stay in the countryside .我呆在农村的那段日子里学了很多东西。She was born in 1997 .她出生于1997年。2. 当表示对比或强调时,多用in,而不用during。例如:Mr. Black visited China

16、in 1980 , not in 1970 .布莱克生先是1980年访问中国的,不是1970年。.表示一段时间的名词holiday , childhood , stay等词前,习惯上用during ,而不用in。例如: I think that maybe his Chinese teacher will give Jim some work to do during the holiday .我想这段假期或许吉姆的汉语老师会给他一些作业做。3. for, since:for和since引导的时间状语都有延续之意,但着眼点不同,用法也有所不同。 “for时间段”表示“(延续)之久”,其着眼点是

17、现在,即表示延续到现在的一段时间(与现在完成时连用),或表示一段已经终结了的时间(与过去时连用),或表示将要延续的一段时间(与将来时连用)。例如:They have lived in China for two years. 他们在中国已住了两年(现在还在中国)They lived in China for two years. 他们在中国住过两年。They will stay here for a few weeks. 他们将在这里住上几个星期。 “since时间点”表示“自从(过去某时)以来”,其着眼点是过去某时,即表示自过去某时延续至今的一段时间,常与现在完成时连用。例如:She has

18、 worked here since 1999. 自1999年以来,她就在这里工作。I havent written home since Christmas. 自圣诞节以来,我就没有给家里写过信。We havent seen each other since three years ago. 自三年前以来,我们彼此就未见过面。since还可以用作从属连词,引导时间状语从句(通常用一般过去式)。例如:It has been raining since I got up this morning.今天早晨我起床以来一直在下雨。It is just a week since we arrived

19、here. 我们到这里以来只有一星期的时间。1He has been late for school three times _ the morning of last Friday. A. inB. onC. sinceD. until2I forgot to bring the key _ my office. A. ofB. forC. withD. to3改错:The group of players will come back after three days.4. on, above, over: 这三个介词都可以表示地点,意思是“在上”,但具体含义有所不同。 on是指与物体表面

20、接触而不是在其上方。例如:They are sitting on the grass. 他们坐在草地上。He jumped on the horse. 他跳上了马。 above是指离开物体表面而在其上方,其反义词为below。例如:The plane flew above the clouds.飞机在云层之上飞行。The mountain is about 2,000 metres above the sea.那座山约海拔2,000米高。 over是指在物体的正上方,有时还有“覆盖;越过”之意,其反义词为under。例如:A lamp was hanging over the table.一盏

21、灯高挂在餐桌上方。I saw a stone bridge over the river. 我看见一座石桥横跨河上。5. by, before, until:这三个介词都可以表示时间。用法区别如下: by和before的比较:by表示“不迟于某时”(= not later than),包括某时在内;before则表示“在某时之前”(= earlier than),不包括某时在内。请比较:by Friday.(不迟于星期五)I will finish it before Friday.(早于星期五) by和until的比较:by表示一个动作在不迟于某时的任何时候发生,动词常用瞬时性动词;unti

22、l(用于肯定句时)表示一个动作一直延续到某时,动词常用延续性动词。请比较:We must leave by five oclock.(5点或5点以前离开)We must wait until five oclock.(一直等到5点)6. between, among:.between 多指两者之间。如:Whats the difference between the two words? among指三者或三者以上的同类事物之间,在或笼统的一群人或一些物之中,表示“在中间,在之中”。如:The young people lived and worked among the workers.7.

23、in ,on , to 1.in表示A地在B地范围之内.(包含关系) Taiwan is _ the southeast of China .2.on表示A,B地接壤.(外切关系) Hubei is on the north of Hunan .3.to表示A,B两地有一定的间距.(外离关系) Japan is to the east of China .1 The school gate is _ the north of the classroom building. A. in B. to C .on D. at8,with,in,by1 with A.和一起Will you pleas

24、e go with me?你和我一起去好吗? B.具有,带有 He was a handsome boy with large bright eyes.他是有着一双明亮大眼睛的英俊男孩。C用某种工具或方法 Li Li cut her hand with a knife.莉莉用刀把手指弄破了。 I see with my eyes.我用眼睛看。 He wrote the letter with a new pen.他用一只新钢笔写这封信。With ones help在某人的帮助下Eg. With the teachers help I have made progress.在老师的帮助下,我取得

25、了进步。2 in表示用什么材料(如用墨水,铅笔等),或用什么语言,或者表示衣着、声调特点时,不用with,而用in。she wrote a letter in black ink.她用黑色的墨水写信。Dont write it in pencil but in ink. 别用铅笔写,用钢笔(水)写。Can you speak in English?你能用英语说吗?比较:in和with1. 用in,with表示工具或方法时,在译成中文时区别不大,但在英语上的用法却不大相同。2. 用“with”时,后面的名词要加上冠词或代词。With my ears.用我的耳朵。With a pencil.用一只

26、铅笔。3. 用in时,后面加物质名词,不能加冠词。In ink用墨水(钢笔)in pencil用铅笔。3 by通过方法、手段必背:“by+交通工具”的词组:by bicycle骑自行车;by train坐火车;by plane/by air坐飞机; by taxi坐出租车;by car坐小汽车;by ship坐船; by bus坐公共汽车9. Without,like,as1 without没有,是with的反义词。Man cant live without air and water.人类没有空气和水不能生存。I cant read the book without using a dict

27、ionary.不用字典,我看不了这本书。Please give me a cup of coffee with(without) milk.请给我一杯(不)加牛奶的咖啡。2 like像一样Nancy is just like her mother.南希和她的妈妈一样。注意:Nancy looks like her mother.(南希和她妈妈长得一样。)用look时,强调外表。3 作为He is famous as a scientist here.他在此地作为一个科学家而闻名。They treated me as a hero.他们像对待英雄那样对待我。The room is dirty a

28、s usual.这房间像平时一样脏。 front of / in the front of in the front of 表示在.内部的前面in front of 表示在外面的前面There is a desk in the front of our classroom . There is a big tree in front of our made +介词的区别:be made of 由制成 (看得见原材料)be made from由制成 (看不见原材料)be made in +地点 由哪儿生产be made by sb. 由某人制造12. b

29、esides与except的区别A.介词besides表示“除之外(全部计算在内)”如:We have seen the rainbow besides Li Fang. B.介词except表示“除之外(不计算在内)”如:We are all Chinese except Tom in our class. 1. Youll get one thousand dollars _. A after all到底、毕竟 B at all C in all总共 D all together一起2. This bus can run _ 70 miles an hour. A. for B. with

30、 C. at D. in3. Tom didnt attend(参加) the meeting yesterday evening _ his illness. A as B for C because D because of4. Now its quite important _ us to make full use of time. A for B to C of D with5. Its nice _ you to get the ticket _ F1. Its said the car-race is very exciting. A of, for B for, for C of, of D for, of四、介词与其它词类的常见搭配“介词名词”的搭配:above zero 零度以上 after a while 片刻之后 after class 下课以后 along the road 沿路 at breakfast 早餐时 at first 起先;首先

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