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必修3 Module 1 Europe 学案.docx

1、必修3 Module 1 Europe 学案 Vocabulary Learning (P1-4) 【学案】Warm tips: 1. 好好保存手中学习资料 2听课时手边准备一支红色和一支黑色/蓝色笔,红笔用以填写或标记知识要点,黑色/蓝色笔用以练习答题,以便在日后可能有限的复习时间内快速清晰的浏览要点复习回顾,提高效率。Try your best to improve your English study!Wish all of you great progress!( _ )1. across prep. 穿过;横过 ( 着重指从平面的一边到另一边) cross vt. cross sth

2、. = go across sth. e.g. That blind man has _ / _ _ the street.复习回顾填空(across,through, over, past /by 的区别都记住了吗?) The Great Wall winds its way from west to east, _ deserts(沙漠), _ mountains, _ valleys, till at last it reaches the sea. 再次小结一下: through: _ over: 从物体 _ 经过,或_某种障碍物(如山,墙等) past / by: _2. conti

3、nental adj. 大陆的;大洲的 关注构词特点:通常 (看看每个词都是怎样变过来的) n. + -al = adj. 如:national, musical, personal, natural, cultural . v. + -al = n. 如: arrival, survival, refusal(拒绝) 3. face v. / n. v.t. 面对;正视 面对危险/困难:face _ / _ face sth. = _ faced _ sth. 面对某事 (B.C层) face up to 勇敢面对;勇于正视(困难或不快之事) v.t. / v.i. 朝(某方向) v.t.

4、face the south(_词) v.i. face south(_词) n. 面对;脸 ( adj. _面部的 facial expressions 面部表情) In (the) face of 面对;在.面前 make a face / make faces ( at sb. ) _ face to face 面对面(短语、作_语)(B.C层) save/ lose ones face 保全/丢面子 face-to-face 面对面 (形容词、作_语) 练习巩固: We must keep calm _ (面对) great danger. =We must keep calm whe

5、n we _/ _ great danger. 他与我面对面的谈了话: He talked with me _.= He had a _ talk with me.(B.C层) She has to _(勇敢面对) the fact that she would never walk again.(B.C层) 用动词face的正确形式填空: . _ great danger, we must keep calm. . _ with great danger, we must keep calm. . In New Zealand, people live in the houses with

6、their doors _north. 4. range n. / v. (A层只掌握动词短语) n. 山脉;范围,幅度_/_ range of. 在.范围之内 (反)_/_range of v.i. (在一定范围内)变动;变化 range_ A _ B = range_ A _B 在A到B的范围内变动 e.g. The _ of the students in this school _ _ 11 _19 years old.(或between. and. ) 这所学校的学生的年龄从11岁到19岁不等。5. situated/ located adj. 坐落(某处)的;位于(某处)的 be

7、situated/located +介词短语(in/on/at/.) 位于;坐落在 巩固练习: The school is situated/located _ the suburbs. The village is _ /located _ the foot of Mt. Tai. My bedroom is situated/ _ _ the top floor of the house. (B.C (B.C层) This museum, _ in the very center of England, attracts thousands of tourists every day. A

8、. Locating B. Located C.To locate D. Being located n. “位置” situation / location 但注意:如果作“形势;情形;局势”讲时只能用_ 6. ancient adj. 古代的 在古代:in _ times (反义) 在现代 in _ _ 7. opposite prep. / adj. / n. prep. 在.的对面 The city library_ _/ _ _ the post office. 城市图书馆坐落在邮局对面。 adj. 对面的 be opposite to. The city library _ _ _

9、 the post office. (B.C层) n. 相反的人;对立物 We are _ in character. 我们的性格正好相反。 oppose v.t. 反对 oppose (doing) sth. = object to (doing) sth. 8. sign v.t. 签署;签名;和.签约 n. 符号;迹象;标示(牌);手势 e.g. _ here, please. 请在这儿签名。 Dark clouds are _ rain. 乌云是下雨的迹象。 区别名词sign, symbol, mark, signal, sigh: sign: 指代表某种固定意义的简明的 _或 _ s

10、ymbol: 指作为_或代表某种深邃意义的特殊事物 mark: 在其他事物上留下的清晰可见的_或先天固有的标志 signal:指一般_;暗号 sigh: _( 着重注意与sign的拼写区别) 巩固练习: In the picture the tree is the _ of life. There isnt a _of life on this planet(行星). Cant you see that “ No talking” _? His feet left dirty _ all over the floor. The sportsmen are all ready, waiting

11、for the _ to start running.9. agreement n. 协议;契约;意见一致 签署协议: _ _ agreement 与某人达成协议:_/ _/ arrive at/ come to an agreement _ sb. 填空。复习其动词agree的重要短语(注意区别) agree_ + sb. / ones idea( opinion,what sb said) 同意某人的观点 agree _ + ones plan (arrangement/ suggestion ) 同意某人的计划、安排、建议等 agree _ + sth. 就某事达成共识 agree _

12、sth. 同意做某事(C层)Its (generally) agreed that +从句 大多数人都同意. 巩固练习: My mother agreed _ buy a new pen for me yesterday. I couldnt agree _ you more. The two sides didnt agree_ the date of the meeting with each other. Does she agree _my plan? We agree _ we put off the trip to Beijing.10. head n. 头部;领袖;领导人 v.

13、前往 head _ sp. 前往某地 学习反思: _ Introduction&Function(P5) 【学案】Warm tips: 1. 好好保存手中学习资料 2听课时手边准备一支红色和一支黑色/蓝色笔,红笔用以填写或标记知识要点,黑色/蓝色笔用以练习答题,以便在日后可能有限的复习时间内快速清晰的浏览要点复习回顾,提高效率。Try your best to improve your English study!Wish all of you great progress!( _ )4. Language points:(1) across + 将两者隔开的事物 between + 被隔开的

14、两者 The two cities face each other _ a long river. There is a long river _ the two cities.(2)off the coast指离开海岸,在海上 on the coast指在海岸线的陆地上 e.g. A big whale was caught _ the coast by two fishermen. A. along B. on C. across D. off ( 3) Review the difference among in, on and to. B is _ the east of A . 界限

15、以内,两者是包含关系 C is _ the east of A. 界限以外,并接壤 D is _ the east of A. 界限以外,不接壤 (4 ) Between France and Spain is another mountain range- the Pyrenees. 当表示 _ 的词或短语位于句首时,句子采用 _ 的结构, 即把 _ 的所有组成部分都移到 _ 之前, 这类状语或表语的词常见的有: away, down, in, off, out, over, up,above, below, here, there及介词短语与分词。 E.g. There goes the

16、bell. 铃响了。 To the list may be added the following names. 在这个名单上还可以添上下列人员。 In front of the house _ a tall tree.A. have B. has C. are D.is学习反思: _ Language points in reading (P6-9) 【学案】Warm tips: 1. 好好保存手中学习资料 2听课时手边准备一支红色和一支黑色/蓝色笔,红笔用以填写或标记知识要点,黑色/蓝色笔用以练习答题,以便在日后可能有限的复习时间内快速清晰的浏览要点复习回顾,提高效率。Try your b

17、est to improve your English study!Wish all of you great progress!( _ ) Paris段 _ the river Seine(坐落在塞纳河畔)是形容词短语作_ 修饰名词city. _ (超过) eight million tourists the famous _ of Paris (巴黎著名的象征性建筑) 和the Eiffel Tower是 _关系。 “心形是爱的象征” The heart shape is _ _ The Lourve _ Paris.卢浮宫也位于巴黎_ 因.而出名 _ (三分之二的)Frances art

18、ists and writers _(居住)in Paris. 分数或百分数做主语时,谓语动词取决于其所指代的_e.g. One third of the workers in the factory _ (be) men. Over 70 of the surface of the earth _ (cover) by water. Barcelona段 Barcelona is _ (第二大)city of Spain. the + 序数词 + 形容词最高级 = “第几.” e.g. Jack is _ (个子第三高的男孩) in his class. Gaudi worked on (从

19、事;致力于)the project from 1882 until his death in 1926. 区别 work on, work at, work as, work out: work on从事;致力于(后跟可 _ 作用或改变的对象) work at: 从事;致力于(强调做与宾语_的事,宾语不可随意改变) work as: = work/ act as _ work out: (v.t.) _;计算出;设计出;制定出 (v.i.)锻炼; _ 练习 (1) Jack _ an architect in a famous company now. (2) Its said that he

20、 is _ a book about childcare at this moment. (3) To tell the truth, I have _ English grammar for two years. (4) We have made up our mind to _the problem in order to make them satisfied. (5) Dont worry. All things will _ very well. Florence段 Florence is an Italian city which became famous because of

21、the Renaissance , a great artistic movement which began in the 1300s and lasted for three hundred years. 佛罗伦萨是一座因文艺复兴而闻名的意大利城市,这场艺术运动始于14世纪并且延续了300年。 which became famous because of the Renaissance是_ 从句, 修饰先行词 _ , which在从句中作_ which began in the 1300s and lasted for three hundred years是 _从句,修饰先行词a gre

22、at artistic movement。 _ 表示“由于,因为”,是介词短语,后接_(词组)、_或what引导的宾语从句,在句 中作_;而because是个连词,后接_。 1)She didnt take part in our party_ her illness. =She didnt take part in our party_ she was ill. 因为生病,她没有参加我们的聚会。 2)Her face went red _what he had said. 听到他的话,她的脸变红了。 (3)The new teacher gave him a punishment _ wha

23、t he had said and done. 因为他的所说所为,新老师惩罚了他。 last adj. 最后的,末尾的,最近的; vi. 持续,延续,继续 last ( for ) + 时间段名词 e.g. The meeting lasted / lasted for 7 hours. During the Renaissance, some of the greatest painters of all time lived and worked in Florence. 在文艺复兴时期, 历史上一些最伟大的画家在佛罗伦萨生活和工作。 1) of all time _ 2) time短语回

24、顾: in time _ on time _ at the time_ at any time _ at the same time_ all the time _ ahead of time_ in ones spare time _ at times / from time to time _(B.C 层) at a time 每次 in no time 马上;立刻 at one time曾经;一度 at no time 绝不 Athens段 Athens, the capital of Greece, is known _as_ the birthplace of western civ

25、ilization. 雅典,希腊的首都,以西方文明的摇篮而出名 1) 归纳拓展 be known _ = be famous as 作为而为人所知 be known _ = be famous for 因为而为人所知 be known _sb. = be famous to sb. 广为人知,大家都熟悉的 2) 背诵例句 Beijing is famous for its old buildings. 北京以古建筑而闻名。 These stones are foreign to the area. They are known as drop stones. 这些石头是来自这个区域以外的。它们

26、被称为“坠石”。 Its known as the most dangerous part of the city. 那地方都知道是市内最危险的地段。 3)动手练习(1) That village_ (因而出名)its poverty.(2)Luxun is famous as a great writer.(英译汉) 鲁迅 _ 。(3)Yuan Longping_ (广为人知)every Chinese.Their work has influenced other writers _ever since . 从那时起,他们的作品一直影响着其他的作家。 ever since _ (可单独使用

27、,也可在其后加名词或从句;通常与持续性动词的 _时态连用) eg: (1) 1956年他去西藏, 从那以后就一直住那里 。 He went to Tibet in 1956 and _. (2) Comrade Li _ (keep up )his study of English ever since he _ (begin)to work. 李同志自从参加工作以来,一直坚持学习英语。(B.C层) 区别ever before _“_” , 其中before是副词, ever before常出现在 _ 后面, 其中ever 用以加强before的语气, 有时before可以省略 e.g. Its raining harder than ever be

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