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1、新通用大学英语2Unit2语言点复习进程新通用大学英语2、Unit2语言点Unit 2 Movies and EntertainmentLesson 1 Movies genres: 电影类型Action movie 动作片Horror movie 恐怖片Science-fiction movie 科幻片Animated movie / animation 动画片Comedy 喜剧片 Tragedy 悲剧片Documentary 纪录片Drama 剧情片Musical 音乐片Adventure movie 冒险片Romance movie 浪漫爱情片War movie 战争片 Antiwar

2、movie 反战片Western 西部片Fantasy 幻想片Thriller 惊悚片 thrill n. 刺激Reasons for lateness:I couldnt find a parking space.I got stuck in traffic.I missed the bus.I couldnt get a taxi.Subject matter 题材Script 脚本Have a international reputation(声望) Fluent 流利的On the set of 在摄影场/拍摄场On the verge of 在边缘Combination 组合体,混合

3、体Media violence 媒体暴力Adjectives used to describe movies:Funny 有趣的,滑稽的 hilariousBoring 无聊的Silly / stupid 愚蠢的Violent 暴力的Unforgettable 令人难忘的Strange / weird 奇怪的,怪异的Interesting有趣的 entertaining 娱乐的,有趣的Humorous 幽默的Scary 吓人的Exciting 激动人心的Text A & BMovie review 电影影评Alien 外星人/生物Take over 占领Downright 十足地,彻底地Sea

4、rch for 寻找Blockbuster 十分成功的书/电影Document v(通过电影等)记录strongly recommend sth to sb 把某物强烈推荐给某人Killer monster 杀人狂Graphic 图画的,清晰的,生动的 realistic 逼真的,切实可行的,现实/实际的Occur on the screen 发生/出现在银幕上Victim 牺牲品,受害者Audience 观众(人数)(可数名词)Special effects 特效Savage 野蛮的,猛烈抨击的 a savage attack on sb/sthDream up 虚构出,想象出Bloody

5、血腥的,残忍的Imitate 效仿Conquer 征服,克服,战胜 conquest n. 征服 Conqueror n. 征服者Lesson 2 Plot 情节 help the plot along 有助于情节发展Influential 影响大的Speak of(说到,谈到) the 20th century as Americas “Disney Era” 把20世纪看成是美国的迪斯尼时代Build / set up the company from nothing 白手起家Have a genius for management 在管理方面有天赋,有管理天赋He is a genius

6、 in plenty of other respects. 他在其他很多方面是个天才。Globally 全球地Varied 各种各样的numerous 众多的Ironically 讽刺地Distinguish sb 使出众 distinguish 使有别于Reflect the hopes and fears of ordinary people 反映普通人的希望与恐惧Advocate democracy 提倡/倡导民主Identity with his audiences 理解并同情他的观众Go on strike 罢工Patriot 爱国者Celebrate America 赞美/歌颂美国

7、Icon 偶像,崇拜对象The general public = the public at large 普通大众Role model 楷模,榜样 set a good example to sb 为某人树立了好榜样Credit 名誉,荣耀Virtue 美德Historian 历史学家 history historic historicalRepresent 代表Ultimately 最终地Insight 洞察力,领悟力 insightful 有深刻见解的,富有洞察力的Unlike prep. 不像 dislike v.不喜欢Statue 雕像,雕塑 statue of liberty 自由女

8、神像Costume (某地或某个历史时期的)服装Ethnic culture 民族文化 比较:ethic 伦理的Studio 电影制片厂Text CSequence (电影)场景,顺序,一系列的事件Portray 描述/描绘,刻画 portray sth. (as sth) portrayal n. 描述/描绘 portrait n 肖像Convince sb of sth / convince sb that 使某人确信.This scene leaves you convinced that Spielberg has taken you closer to the chaotic, fr

9、ightening sights and sounds of fight than any filmmaker before him. 这一场面使你相信斯皮尔伯格相对于他之前的任何制片人更真切地使你感受到了战斗的混乱、恐怖场景和声音。The prelude is so strong, so frustrating, that I feared it would overwhelm the rest of the film. 这个序幕如此强烈,如此令人沮丧,以致我担心它会掩盖住电影的其他部分。Overwhelm vt 淹没;(感情强烈)使不知所措,压倒she is overwhelmed wit

10、h gratitude.;彻底地制服,击败We overwhelmed the enemy by superior forces.;使 承受过重,压倒a child overwhelmed with presentsThe movie doesnt lose its grip on you and holds your attention for most of its running time.这部电影并没有失去对你的吸引,在大部分的时间里,能吸引你的注意力。Grip 握紧,控制Lose its grip on sb/ones attention 失去对某人的吸引 keep its grip

11、 on sb/ ones attention 保持对某人的吸引Survive the earthquake 在地震中幸存下来Narrative 叙述Under the command of sb 在某人的指挥下 under sbs commandDie in action 阵亡Risk ones life / neck to do sth 冒生命危险做某事Haunt 萦绕在心头,缠绕,鬼魂出没A familiar melting-pot of different nationalities (人们)熟悉的不同民族的大熔炉Terrified 害怕的 terrify v. frightened a

12、dj.Bring sb along 随行带着某人Davies seems to express every possible variety of fear on his eloquently skinny face.戴维斯在其富于表情的骨瘦如柴的脸上似乎把每一种可能的恐惧都表现出来了。Care deeply about their fate 深深地关注他们的命运Part of the movies power comes from Hanks quietly mysterious performance as their decent, reserved leader. 电影的部分魅力来自于

13、汉克斯作为他们的正派、缄默的领导者安静而神秘的表演。Speculate about 推测,猜测An unaffected fatalism 毫不做作的宿命论The odds 可能性 against all the odds 尽管困难重重State of the art 目前最好的the movie culminates in a spectacularly staged battle in a French village 电影在法国一个村庄进行的壮观的战斗中达到高潮。 Culminate in 达到高潮,以结束The good stuff is so shattering that it o

14、verwhelms the lapses, but you cant help noticing a few Hollywood moments.影片的精彩内容是如此震撼,它掩盖了小的失误,但你情不自禁地会注意到一些好莱坞的痕迹。Cross the line into sentimentality 跨过线描述感伤情绪,额外加入了感伤情绪The truth is, the movie so wiped me out that I have little taste for fault-finding.事实是,这部电影让我如此沉醉,我不想吹毛求疵。Find fault with sth/sb找(的

15、)茬,抱怨,责难,吹毛求疵Emerge from 浮现/出现;从(困境/艰难的经历中)走出来Unit 5 Personal Care and Appearance个人护理和化妆品:Personal care 个人护理Lotion 露/乳液 cream 霜 gel 啫喱 foam 泡沫Manicure 修指甲Pedicure 修脚Cosmetics / makeup 化妆品 Beauty products 美容产品 Skincare product 护肤品Teeth-whitening product牙齿美白产品Haircut 发型/理发头发用品:Shampoo 洗发水 v. 洗头Conditi

16、oner 护发素Hair spray/ gel 发胶,头发定型剂 Comb 梳子Hairbrush 发刷牙齿:Toothpaste 牙膏 Toothbrush 牙刷 Dental floss 牙线 Toothpick 牙签皮肤(包括脸部):Body lotion 护肤乳液/润肤露 Skin scream 护肤霜Deodorant 除臭剂,体香剂Soap 肥皂Sunscreen 防晒霜Facial cleanser/ face wash(foaming, milk, cream, gel)洗面奶Moisturizer 保湿Firming lotion 紧肤水Toner 爽肤水 Facial ma

17、sk/ masque 面膜Face powder 扑面粉Facial n. 面部护理 adj. 脸部的化妆品(makeup):Lipstick 唇膏 Mascara 睫毛膏 Eye shadow 眼影剃须:Razor 剃须刀,刮胡刀 razor blade 刮胡刀刀片 shaver 电动剃须刀Shaving cream 剃须膏 shave v. 剃,刮手:Nail file 指甲锉 nail clipper 指甲剪 nail polish 指甲油 hand sanitizer 洗手液soap 肥皂Hand cream 护手霜药物:Aspirin 阿司匹林 painkiller 止痛药 anta

18、cid 抗酸药 cough medicine 止咳药、镇咳药 整形手术(cosmetic surgery):Liposuction 抽脂手术 Face-lift 脸部拉皮手术 Chemical peel化学蜕皮术医生(doctor):Surgeon 外科医生 physician 内科医生 dentist 牙医 dermatologist 皮肤病科医生 psychiatrist 精神病科医生,心理医生Expect a call 等电话Note 特别提出,指出Cosmetic surgery 整形外科Plastic surgeon 整形外科医生Progress leaps and bounds 突

19、飞猛进地进步,长足地发展Erase 擦除By all means (口语)当然行,没问题Procedure 程序,步骤 follow the procedureDominate 控制,统治Maintain 保持Pick up on sth 领略,意会, 注意到Trend 趋势Fuel 刺激,加剧Reap the benefits of 获得的益处Adopt a approach to/ towards sth 对某事采取某种态度 adopt a approach to do sth 采取某种方法/方式做某事Embrace the concept of 欣然接受某种概念Societal norm

20、 社会规范、社会准则Preoccupation 全神贯注,入迷 preoccupy v. occupy v.占据,占领;占用;使忙碌Injection 注射Place sth as top priority 把优先考虑,优先考虑Text A&BPrivacy 隐私,清净 private Keep in mind 记住Relatively 相当地,相对地Qualified 有资格的 Qualification 资格,资历,学历Decide on sth 选出某物If possible 可能的话,如果可能的话After all 毕竟 above all 首先,最重要的Make great prog

21、ress in doing sth 在取得很大进步Remove v. 移除 removal n. Hair removal 脱毛People with the necessary financial resources 有必要财力的人们Option 选择 (choice/ alternative) opt for sth / opt to do sthDeposit 沉淀,沉积物Be sick/tired of 对厌倦,厌倦了.At ones wits end 智穷计尽,全然不知所措,黔驴技穷Hair restoration 头发修复Text CShallowness 肤浅,浅薄 shallo

22、w 浅的;肤浅的,浅薄的Superficial adj. 表面上(印象);肤浅的,浅薄的;表面的,表皮的(伤/损坏);(研究)粗略的,肤浅的 superficialness n. superficially adv. - on the surfaceObsess v. obsession n. be/ become obsessed with Send out the message that 传达出(什么样的)信息Beyonce look-alike 长得很像碧昂丝的人Rake in 轻易赚大钱Cleanse vt 清洗,清洁(皮肤/伤口);cleanse of / from 使清除/免除

23、cleansing wipe 卸妆棉Fitness machine 健身机Slogan 口号,标语Wear makeup 化妆Shatter ones confidence / hope/ dream/ belief 粉碎信心/希望/梦想/信念Random 随意的,随机的 a random sample 随机样本 at random = randomly 随意地,随机地Single sb out (for sth) (as sth) 单独挑/选出某人(干什么)(作为)Point at 指向Paranoid 多疑的Regain / restore confidence 恢复自信Heal v治愈/

24、康复/ 结束 Insult n&vt (注意名词动词的重音)侮辱,辱骂 an insult to sb/ sbs intelligence 对某人/某人智慧的侮辱 to add insult to injury 更糟糕的是,雪上加霜Stick to the “dont judge a book by its cover” theory 坚持“不以貌取人”理论Capture 俘虏/逮捕,唤起(capture ones attention/ interest/ imagination / heart),录制/绘制Celebrity (娱乐界)名人,明星 celebrities Literally

25、按照字面意思,的确/确实Poke fun of/ at 嘲笑,奚落At every opportunity possible Be aimed at 针对,对象是 Be sucked into - be involved in . 被卷入Care about/ be concerned about 关注,在意,担忧课后习题:Frigid 寒冷的,严寒的Humidity 湿度, humid 潮湿的Strip A of B 剥夺A的B,使 A失去BComplexion 脸色,面色Invariably 总是Brunt 冲击A is exposed to B A 暴露在B之中/之下Result in

26、/ contribute to 导致. Apply a moisturizer 涂保湿霜/擦保湿/拍保湿水Beauty is only skin-deep. 美丽只是一张皮。That really gets under ones skin. 实在令人烦躁,厌烦A fair face may hide a foul heart. 笑里藏刀/ 人面兽心A good face is a letter of recommendation. 漂亮的面孔就是最好的介绍信。Fair faces need no paint. 貌美勿须装饰。 A good fame is better than a good face. 美名胜过美貌。Beauty is in the eyes of the gazer/ beholder. 情人眼里出西施。Fine feathers make fine birds. 人靠衣装,佛靠金装。Mean and stingy 吝啬小气Tease 取消,戏弄,欺负Be Attributed to 归因于Thermometer 温度计,体温计

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