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1、七年级英语第二模块教案七年级英语第二模块教案 dule 2 e, parents and friends Unit 1 I an spea English 型Listening and speaing 教材分析This is the first lessn in this dule The ain tpi is taling abut sprts After learning, the students an tal abut abilities b listening and speaing 知识目标e vabular: parent, an, basetball, pian, table

2、tennis, tennis, ride, hrse, ele, internatinal e strutures: an, ant 能力目标1 T understand nversatin abut sprts 2 T press infratin f sprts in the listening 3 T as and give infratin abut hat ind f sprt ne an d 情感态度Learn t respet thers hen e tal ith thers 教学方法Btt-up 教 具Tape rerder, ulti-eida, PPT 教学过程Step

3、1: Guessing gae Sh se pitures and as the students guess hat the an d Step 2: aring up 1 Pla the rerding f ativit 2 and he hat Lingling an d 2 he the ansers ith the hle lass Step 3: Listening 1 Listen t the tape and anser the teahers questins (1) h e t ur shl? (2) here are the fr? (3) an Tn si? 2 Lis

4、ten again and hse es r N 3 Listen and fll the tape 4 At ut the dialgue in pairs Explain the ain pints in the dialgue 1 Please ele Bett and Tn t ur shl 欢迎贝蒂和托尼到我们学校。 ele 是“欢迎”的意思,后可直接加表示人的名词,接地点时要用t, 意为“到”,t是介词,其句型结构为: ele +某人+ t + 某地,意为“欢迎某人到某地”。如: ele t he 欢迎到我家。 2 pla ftball 和pla the pian 这两个短语分别意

5、思为“踢足球”和“弹刚琴”。同学们需注意冠词the 的使用。球类之前不加the, 而乐器前须加the。(二)语法:an为情态动词, 意为“能;会”,其后要跟动词原形;其否定句在 an 后直接加nt , 可缩写为 ant , 意为“不会;不能”;其一般疑问句是把 an 提到句子开头,句末用问号,读时用声调;其一般疑问句的肯定答语为:es, 主语 + an;否定答语为:N, 主语 + ant 如: I ant spea English 我不会讲英语。 an u si? 你会游泳吗? es, I an 是的,我会。 N, I ant 不,我不会。 Step 4: Vabular and prnuni

6、atin 1 Explain that this ativit fuses n se English phnees hih are diffiult t prnune fr speaers f hinese 2 Pla the rerding ne ithut stpping 3 Pla it again and as the students t repeat 4 Pratise the sunds in paris Listen and repeat (Atiit 6) Step : Speaing Tas 1: Find a sprt partner A: an u si? B: N,

7、I ant A hat abut u? : Srr, I ant Tas 2: ae a surve 调查班里面的名同学都会做什么活动,然后填入表格中,向全班同学汇报。 Sprtanant Basetball Ftball Table tennis Tennis Riding a bie Riding a hrse Siing Step 7: Test Step 8: Her 板书设计dule 2 Unit 1 an Bett pla ftball? es, she an N, she ant an u pla basetball? es, I an N, I ant 作业布置1 Read and learn the ne rds 2 At ut the dialgue f ativit 3 3 D B Exx 1-4 教学反思Its iprtant t iprve the abilities f listening and speaing

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