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南邮研究生英语教师用书8 含听力原文.docx

1、南邮研究生英语教师用书8 含听力原文Unit 8 Family and SocietyThinking AheadStudents are asked to discuss the following questions in groups. The reference answers for the questions are offered below:1. What is the “typical” family structure in China? Please describe it.Most modern Chinese families are nuclear families

2、 consisting of two parents (mother and father) and one child. In some cases, the grandparents are also invited to live together and help take care of the grandchild especially in his/her infancy since both of the parents work outside. Big decisions like spending money are usually made by husband and

3、 wife together, and housework such as cooking is shared.2. Brainstorm and list as many common social problems/issues as you can. environment pollution, labor and employment, health care/welfare, education/human resources, transport, aging, housing problems, crime, food safety, drug abuse, violence,

4、etc.Part I Video TimeIn this part, students will have 2 tasks to accomplish.Task 1 In task 1, students will watch a movie clip about a church wedding ceremony of Bernard and Lydia from Four Weddings and a Funeral and then do the exercises as required. Before watching, they are supposed to read the w

5、ords, expressions and cultural notes related to the clip.TranscriptThe Bernard and Lydia CeremonyFather Gerald: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Let us pray. Father, you have made the bond of marriage a holy mystery, a symbol of Christs love for his church. Hear

6、 our prayers for Bernard and Lydia through your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Goat. Ghost. One God, for ever and ever. Amen.Mathew: Its his first time. Hes a family friend.Father Gerald: Bernard and Lydia, I shall now ask if you freely undertake the obligati

7、ons of marriage. Bernard, repeat after me. I do solemnly declare.Bernard: I do solemnly declare.Father Gerald: that I know not of any lawful impediment.Bernard: that I know not of any lawful impediment.Father Gerald: why I, Lydia.Bernard: why I, Bernard.Father Gerald: Sorry. Why I, Bernard Godfrey S

8、aint John Delaney, .Bernard: why I, Bernard Geoffrey St John Delaney, .Father Gerald: may not be joined in matrimony to Lydia John Hibbott.Bernard: may not be joined in matrimony to Lydia Jane Hibbott.Father Gerald: Lydia, repeat after me. I do solemnly declare.Lydia: I do solemnly declare.Father Ge

9、rald: that I know not of any lawful impediment.Lydia: that I know not of any lawful impediment.Father Gerald: why I, Lydia Jane Hibbott, .Lydia: why I, Lydia Jane Hibbott, .Father Gerald: may not be johned in matrimony.Lydia: may not be joined in matrimony.Father Gerald: to Bernard Geoffrey Sidd. Si

10、ddun. Delaney.Lydia: to Bernard Geoffrey St John Delaney.Father Gerald: I call upon those persons here present to witness.Bernard: I call upon those persons here present to witness.Father Gerald: that I, Bernard.Delaney, .Bernard: that I, Bernard Delaney, .Father Gerald: do take thee, Lydia Jane Hib

11、bott, .Bernard: do take thee, Lydia Jane Hibbott, .Father Gerald: to be my awful wedded wife.Bernard: to be my lawful wedded wife.Father Gerald: Thats ri. Thats right. May Almighty God bless you all. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spigot. Spirit. Amen.Gareth: Bravo!Key to ExercisesExercise 1 Watc

12、hing for DetailsBeing nervous, the priest in the movie clip makes several slips of the tongue during the Bernard and Lydia ceremony. For example, he says “the Holy Goat” instead of “the Holy Ghost”. Students are asked to watch the clip and name at least five of the errors made by the priest.the Holy

13、 Goat vs. the Holy Ghost Lydia vs. Bernard Saint /seint/ John vs. St. /snt/ John John vs. Jane Johned vs. joined awful vs. lawful the Holy Spigot vs. the Holy SpiritExercise 2 Watching and DictatingStudents are asked to watch the clip again and write down the complete marriage vows taken by the groo

14、m.I do solemnly declare that I know not of any lawful impediment why I, Bernard Geoffrey St John Delaney may not be joined in matrimony to Lydia Jane Hibbott. I call upon those persons here present to witness that I, Bernard Delaney do take thee, Lydia Jane Hibbott to be my lawful wedded wife.Task 2

15、In task 2, students will watch a movie clip about family relationship from Desperate Housewives and then do the exercises as required. Before watching, they are supposed to read the words, expressions and cultural notes related to the clip.TranscriptTom vs. LynetteTom: Yeah, that is nineteen, ninete

16、en, nineteen-zip. Bring it. Lynette: Just stay here with Penny for a second, okay?Lynette: Tom? Tom: Yes! In your face! That is twenty-zip game, out! Lynette: Tom, what are you doing? Tom: Im playing air hockey. Whats it look like? Kevin, youre up. Lynette: Well, its the middle of the day, and shoul

17、dnt you be at work? Tom: Mm, no. I quit. Lynette: You did not. Tom: Yes. Yesterday. I told Peterson he could stick it. Boom! Youre not bringing it, Kevin! Bring it! Lynette: Could you talk to me for a second? I dont understand. Tom: What? You asked Petersons wife to make sure he wouldnt promote me.

18、So he gives a huge promotion to Annabel, so I quit. What dont you understand? Lynette: Okay. Okay. Could we go home and talk about this, please? Tom: No, we cant. Serve it up, meat. Lynette: Youre just gonna stay here and play games all day? Tom: No, Im gonna go and get some ice cream, and then Im g

19、onna go up to the lake, maybe rent a boat, do whatever it is I feel likeGod! Boy: Gotcha! Lynette: Tom. Tom: Go home, Lynette. Go home before I say something I regret. Go home.(Lynette walks away.)(Lynettes House)Lynette: So, did you have a fun day? Tom: As a matter of fact, I did. I probably had th

20、e most fun that I have had in a long time. Lynette: You know, I didnt tell you to quit. Tom: No. No, no, no. No, you made damn sure that Id go nowhere for the next twenty years. Lynette: I dont know what to say. Tom: I hear “please forgive me” is popular. Lynette: Yes, I am sorry. I am so, so sorry.

21、 I didnt want to hurt you. But I was trying to protect our family. If you got a promotion, we never would have seen you. You would have been traveling all the Tom: Lynette, Lynette, Lynette, youre right. Youre right. Youre right. That promotion would have just killed us, so this is gonna all work ou

22、t. Lynette: What does that mean? Tom: It means that I can use the break. Lynette: Oh, well, yeah. I think it would be good for you to take some time off. Tom: No, not some time. Full time. Im gonna be a stay-at-home dad. Lynette: Huh? Tom: What the heck? You earn the living for a while. Lynette: Tom

23、, thats . crazy. Tom: Why? Why is it crazy? You and I both know that youre better at the ad game, and you tell me all the time how hard it is to be a mom. Lynette: Well, yes, yes, it is hard, but I, I love it, too, and Ive been doing it for six years, and I havent complained the entire time. Tom: Fa

24、ir enough. Fair enough. But be honest. Secretly, you miss the ad game, dont you? I mean, you miss the pressure and the deadlines and the, the power lunches. Or am I wrong? Maybe, maybe you want to sort dirty socks the rest of your life. Lynette: We should talk about this seriously before we make any

25、 rash decisions. Tom: I already made the decision. Youre going back to work.(Tom gets up and goes upstairs.)Key to ExercisesExercise 1 Watching for DetailsStudents are asked to watch the clip and match the following expressions with their meanings correspondingly.1) bring it A. Its your turn.2) in y

26、our face B. used to say you are going to do sth that you know you should not do3) Youre up! C. an exclamation of contempt4) go nowhere D. to give ones all in a particular effort5) What the heck? E. to make no progress or have no success1) D 2) C 3) A 4) E 5) BExercise 2 Watching for General Understa

27、ndingStudents are asked to watch the clip again and answer the following questions.1) What happened to Toms job? How did it happen?Tom quit his job because he failed to get an expected promotion due to Lynettes interference.2) What decision did Tom make?He would stay at home and Lynette should go ba

28、ck to work.3) Whats the attitude of Lynette towards his decision?The decision took her by surprise, and she thought it was too rash.Exercise 3 InterviewSuppose Tom does become a stay-at-home dad after quitting his job. Students are asked to work in pairs to conduct an interview. Tom is to be intervi

29、ewed about his life as a stay-at-home dad. Reference for the InterviewInterviewer: Why did you decide to be a stay-at-home dad?Tom: It was a rash decision. At the time, I was working full time in a well-paid job and my wife was a stay-at-home mom. Unfortunately, I got frustrated for I failed to get

30、an expected promotion and then made such a decision. With hindsight, I suspect that I also had a somewhat unrealistic expectation of what childcare would involve. As far as I could see, young children seemed to sleep for most of the day, and when they were awake they happily entertained themselves f

31、or hours on end with an old sock or something. This, I assumed, would leave me with the chance to do all the things Id always wanted to do, but had never had the time.Interviewer: Do you miss the office?Tom: To be honest, I dont really miss the work, but there are a few things I miss. For a start, t

32、heres the chance to talk to other adults, especially male adults, and the time spent without children being around. Then theres the money. There is no salary for being a stay-at-home dad. Going to work also provides a level of shared experience, and something in common with other people, other than children. I guess the strangest thing I miss is the

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