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1、届新高考地区全真模拟练习卷八英语试题2021年新高考地区全真模拟练习卷(八)英语试题 注意事项: 1.本试卷由四个部分组成。其中,第一、二部分和第三部分的第一节为选择题。第三部分的第二节和第四部分为非选择题。 2.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 3.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 4.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 阅读理解 (共两节, 满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项

2、中, 选出最佳选项。AReading has been on the decline for years. One of the reasons for the decline in book sales is the leaps and bounds in technology. Why do you buy a book when you can conveniently buy audiobooks (有声读物)instead? Here are 4 of the best audio books you can find.The Power of NowPublished in 200

3、0. The Power of Now explains a journey-a journey that encourages you to dismiss your analytical (分析白勺)mind and set aside yourself as well. The author, Eckhart Tolle, guides you through these transitions with easy words and phrases. The purpose of this book is to help you pay more attention io the cu

4、rrent momentthe “ now”.The AlchemistIt talks about the journey of a boy named Santiago who travels from Spain to Egypt in search of riches. Along the way, he meets three characters, a woman, a man who thinks hes a king? and the alchemist(练金术士). These characters help guide Santiago to his goal, but o

5、ver time that goal changes. It moves away from worldly riches to something deeper and more meaningful.The Power of HabitWritten by Charles Duhigg, 77ie Power of Habit- talks all about the power behind habits using various cases and plots to present Duhiggs points. In the book. Duhigg turns complex s

6、ystems and methods into easily digestible stories that people and businesses can relate to.OutliersWritten by Malcolm Gladwell, this book has popularized the idea that practicing 10,000 hours in total will make you an expert in that area. It also covers other aspects about what many of todays great

7、people do in their daily life and how they have become successful in their own field.1Why did Eckhart Tolle write The Power of Now?ATo encourage people to travel. BTo tell people to focus on the present.CTo meet different peoples curiosity. DTo give advice to the business man.2What did Santiago purs

8、ue during his journey at first?AWealth. BFame. CWisdom. DFriendship.3Which of the books talks about the power of practice?AThe Power of Now BOutliersCThe Power of Habit DThe AlchemistBThanks to a program called Hunger: Not Impossible (HNI), hungry people could have access to fresh, healthy food in t

9、heir neighborhood by texting one simple word: Hungry. On one hand. people in charge of the program learn that each year 42 million Americans go hungry including 15. 9 million children. On the other hand, grocery stores, restaurants, and food providers throw out 60 million tons of unused food. HNI ha

10、d a solutionconnectivity.HNI started fundraising and developing partnerships. Then they make plans with organizations and charities to help locate people who suffer from food insecurity. And they reached out to technical experts at Salesforce who developed an easy-to-use text-driven platform using a

11、 chat box. With all the elements in place, a simple text started the goodwill rolling.When a needy person types in “Hungry” and sends the text message to HNI. they receive a message, back showing the closest locations that are offering free food. They also get a text displaying different menu option

12、s. They simply select a restaurant, choose the meal, then heads to the takeout counter where they pick up their free meal alongside paying customers. No questions are asked and dignity is preserved. The pilot project began in Venice Beach, California, providing over 250 meals to more than 50 youth i

13、n three weeks. HNI then grew to Bentonville. Arkansas, Klamath Falls Oregon? and St; Louis. Missouri.Providing food is the first step in transforming lives for the best. ” Michelle DiBattiste, operations and volunteer manager at Safe Place for Youth said in the press release, By satisfying that init

14、ial survived instinct of finding food. Hunger: Not Impossible provides necessary space for personal growth, self-realization and finding stability. If there were less hungry people in the world, the crime rate would be reduced? there would be fewer homeless people, and the cost of healthcare would c

15、ut down. ”4What does HNI do to help hungry people?AMake a link between hungry people and food providers.BOffer hungry people fresh and healthy food.CAsk some restaurants to donate money.DText a message to a grocery store.5What does the underlined word “elements” refer to in paragraph 2?AFund, restau

16、rants, technical experts and the number of hungry people.BText messages, location of the stores, menu options and the takeout counter.CThe pilot project, people suffering from food insecurity, a chat box and plans.DFund, partnership, locating hungry people, and an easy-to-use text-driven platform.6W

17、hat can we infer from what Michelle DiBattiste said?AHungry people will live a better life.BHNI is good at helping hungry people.CHNI is good for the people and society.DPersonal growth is extremely important.7What can be the best title for the text?AA Programme Connects Hungry People with FoodBFeed

18、ing the Needy Is Necessary for Social StabilityCA Simple Word Helps People in Need of FoodDHungry People Are Grateful to RestaurantsCThink “art”. What comes to your mind? Is it Greek or Roman sculptures in the Louvre, or Chinese paintings? Have you ever imagined its a dancing pattern of lights?The a

19、rtworks by American artist Janet Echelman look like colourful floating clouds when lit up at night. Visitors could not only enjoy looking at them but also interact with them literally by using their phones to change the colors and patterns. But are they really art?Whatever your opinion, we cannot de

20、ny art has existed for thousands of years and art and technology have always been two separate things.Today, however, technological advances have led to a combination of art and technology, changing the art world greatly. Now art is more accessible to us. For example, people used to queue six hours

21、but spend limited time admiring the famous 5-metre Chinese painting Along the River During the Qingming Festival. Thanks to technology, however, viewers can leisurely experience a digital version of this painting, where the characters can move and interact with their surroundings.The art-tech combin

22、ation is also changing our concepts of “art” and the “artist”. Not only can we interact with art, but take part in its creation. With new technological tools at our fingertips, more people are exploring new art forms, such as digital paintings and videos. However, it has also raised questions over i

23、ts overall quality. Can a video of someone slicing a tomato really be called “art”?Similarly, such developments are making the line between art and technology less distinct. Can someone unfamiliar with traditional artists tools really call themselves an “artist”? And is the artist the creator of the

24、 art itself, or the maker of the technology behind it?Where technology will take art next is anyones guess. But one thing is for sure with so many artists exploring new possibilities, we can definitely expect the unexpected.8How could viewers interact with Janet Echelmans artworks?ABy talking to her

25、 on the phone. BBy lighting up the artworks.CBy touching their phone screens. DBy coloring the patterns.9What does the example in Paragraph 4 indicate?AAchievements of Chinas technology.BThe influence of art on technology.CInteraction between viewers and art.DEasier access to art caused by technolog

26、y.10What do we know about the art-tech combination?AIt lowers the quality of artworks.BIt involves common people in innovation.CIt shortens the time of painting.DIt makes scientists the real creators of art.11What is the authors attitude towards combining technology with art?ARegretful. BObjective.C

27、Disapproving. DConservative.D Dolphins have been known to show many human-like behavioral characteristics. These include forming complex relationships to accomplish common goals, teaching one another survival skills, and “babysitting” each others kids. Now, some researchers at Largo, Florida have di

28、scovered another thing the intelligent animals share with humans a love for the television!For their research, Kelly AWinship and Holli C, Eskelinen observed 11 bottlenose and five rough-toothed dolphins. The animals were treated to two TV shows Planet Earth and the popular kids series, SpongeBob Sq

29、uarePants. The researchers say the dolphins did not seem to care what was being played. They were equally attracted by both the realistic imagery of Planet Earth and the cartoon in SpongeBob SquarePants.Interestingly, however, the male dolphins spent more time staring at the screen than the females.

30、 They also responded more strongly to the programming by either showing aggression (indicated by head moves), or interest (shown by raising their heads or pressing their foreheads against the TV), or even blowing bubbles (indicating interest or aggression). Winship and Eskelinen, who published their

31、 findings in the journal Zoo Biology, believe the display of aggression was most likely a result of the failure to physically interact with, or manipulate, the TV.Though there is a lot more to learn about the animals television preferences, the scientists believe suitable programming could be used a

32、s part of enrichment programs for dolphins unfit to be released in the wild. The researchers also think monitoring their response to different kinds of shows could provide scientists with some insight into the dolphins thinking process.12What have researchers newly discovered about dolphins?AThey somewhat behave like humans. BThey offer help to each otherCThey are highly intelligent. DThey enjoy watching TV shows.13In which way ar

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