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1、考博英语考试作文万能模板好 考博英语作文模板一 原因陈述类此类作文要求考生对社会现象或社会问题进行解释。出题者以某一社会现象、问题或趋势为议论对象,要求考生就其形成的原因进行充分、客观的解释,并从考生自身的视角出发对这一现象(或问题)的前景、后果或影响做出结论性分析或预测。模板1Nowadays, we often hear that . This phenomenon is not accidental, and there are social and individual backgrounds.Why cannot . For one thing, . For another, . A

2、s an example, . From that we .As far as I am concerned, I agree that .I think that .模板2In the past 30 years China has experienced a surprising increase in : It rose from 8 percent in 1978 to 25 percent in 2008. The statistics look quite disturbing and cause people to ask why.The factors for a great

3、rise in X are complex. Some people attribute it to which . And other people place the reason to which . Whatever the causes are, only particular external circumstances have been examined. The factors, actually, are psychological as well as social. Most people . They also . For all these reasons, it

4、comes no surprise that . 模板3Have you ever _?Have you ever _?Have you ever _?If you have no experience like these, your life is an inadequate one. In my point of view, I like X1 much more than X2.Every person can see the first reason that _.The second reason for my propensity for A is that _.X1 is so

5、mewhat challenging as well. Such as _. However, I still prefer X1, for X1 teaches me how to _.二 比较分析类此类作文一种是用比较的手段阐述自己的观点,在比较所讨论的两个事物的优缺点时,要有自己的看法。具体写作时,对赞成的事物优点要详写,缺点少些或略过。对反对的事物,优点要少写或略写,缺点则要详写。另一种是所比较的两个事物都有明显的优点和缺点时,则既不完全肯定某一事物,也不能彻底否定另一事物。模板1 As two main solutions for _, _ and _ draw more atten

6、tion of the public than ever before. Some place more stress on the former while others attach heavier weight to the latter. If asked to make a choice between the two forces, I would not hesitate to choose the latter rather than the former. There is no need to deny that _ but it seems _. Just conside

7、r the situation in which _. Moreover, _. By contrast, _ enables us to feel _, in fact, as _ nothing brings more benefit than_. And what is more, _. As can be concluded from analyses above, when you judge between both on the basis of their nature, dont you think that _? Therefore, _.模板2 With the impr

8、oved standard of living, _ plays an influential part in our everyday life. Although it is widely accepted that _, but in my opinion, _. It is true that X1 brings us into a whole new world where we can easily see the changes in our life. However, just like anything else, X1 also brings us some proble

9、ms. For example, _. To make things worst, it _. Instead, the advantages of X2 _carry more weight than advantages of X1. For one thing, X2 _. For another, X2 also_. Although X2 cannot_, few things can match X2 in terms of _. For all the above reasons, I believe that _.三 分析利弊型此类作文要求对某一现象或事物的优点或缺点进行正反两

10、方面的分析,最后得出结论或发表自己的看法。注意是针对一件事物,要与比较分析类相区分。模板1Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)_. In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in X. Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly, _. And secondly _.Just As a popula

11、r saying goes, every coin has two sides, X is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects. To begin with, _. In addition, _.To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of X into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that case, we will d

12、efinitely make a better use of the X.模板2X now plays such an important part in so many peoples lives that _. Obviously, X has both advantages and disadvantages.As is often pointed out that, X makes us know _ so that _. In addition, _. Yet here again, there is a danger. The main problem with it is tha

13、t _. It is criticized on the grounds that it contributes to _. Besides, _.In any case, whether the ultimate of X is good or not, one thing is certain that _. It is the uses to which it is put that determine its value to society.模板3 X has many advantages. In the first place, _. Second, _. Third, _. F

14、or all these advantages, it is really worthwhile to _.However, just as everything has two sides, there are some disadvantages in _. The most serious problem is _. Besides, _.Therefore, given an opportunity to _, one must consider both sides of factors carefully before making up his mind. On the whol

15、e, it is a good thing to _, but on the other hand, one must not lose sight into for the advantages.四 观点陈述型 此类作文一般遵循如下模式:有人认为另外一些人认为,我的观点。模板1There is a widespread concern over the issue that _. But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person. A majority of

16、 people think that _. In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place,_. Furthermore, in the second place, _. So it goes without saying that _. People,however,differintheir opinionsonthismatter.Somepeoplehold the idea that_. In their point of view, on

17、the one hand,_. On the other hand, _. Therefore, there is no doubt that _. As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that _.It is not only because _, but also because _. The more _, the more _. So we should_.模板2X is held in contempt by many people. In these peoples eyes X is always _. They

18、 show great concern for the fact that _, because for them _.Conversely, many people have an ardor for X. They argue that _. This notion is unacceptable to those who _ because they believe that _.In conclusion, my idea is that _.模板3 Should _? This is much talked nowadays. Some hold that _. For one th

19、ing, _. And for another _. Hence, _.Other people, however, maintain that _. It is well-known that _. Besides, _. So, _.Personally, I finally believe that _because _.五 解决问题型此类作文主要是针对某个问题或现象做出解释并说明原因,最后提出相应的解决方案。模板1The whole society should pay close attention to the problem of _. Its results may be _.

20、 It will also bring the changes to our society such as _.When we think about it, we find three constructive solutions. First, _. Second, _. And finally, _. Then we will find _.模板2It is reported that we are facing_.There are two basic sources of these problems. One is man-made, for example, _. The ot

21、her is a natural catastrophe._.Then how should we _? One method is _. Or perhaps _is a better way to _. In addition, _. Only in these ways can we embrace a brighter future.模板3No doubt, everyone wishes to _. When we discuss this, some fundamental principles should be brought in mind.The first key fac

22、tor to solve this problem is _. _is another key factor _. But the two methods may bring us some side effects, for example, _. Of course, the most effective way to solve the problem is that _. But the conditions are not yet met.All in all, the solutions may not bring the perfect result, but as long a

23、s we do it with our brains and hands, we will one day solve it.模板4More and more attention has been focused on the problem of _.It brings not only _, but also _. But the most serious result of the problem is _. If the problem is not settled down, _.The suggestion we can make to the problem is _. In that case, _.考博英语写作常用套句引言段 1. at present/currently/lately/recently/nowadays/these years/in the past several decades/over the last several years 目前,当前,最近,近来,现今,这些年来,在过去几十年里,过去几年来 2 at the turn of the century 在世纪初,在世纪末,世纪之交 3Thanks to Chinas reform

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