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本文(北师大版初中英语八年级下册Unit2Communication讲课复习资料Word格式.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、学问18.since /sns/ prep. 自以来 conj. 因为;自以来;由于19.bark /bk/ v. 狗吠 n. (狗等的)吠声 20.trainer /tren/ n. 驯兽师;教练员 21.hide /had/ v. 躲藏;隐藏 【重点短语】1.face to face 面对面 2.sign language 手语 3.text message 短信 well 也 (用于肯定句句末)I like watching TV as the end of 在结尾;在末端 6.such as 例如 7.There are many big cities in

2、 China, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou.8.lead to 导致 9.body language 肢体语言municate with sb 与某人交流Some animals can communicate with each other by body language.11.write to sb 写信给某人She has written to her post 用邮寄13.wag his tail 摇尾巴 interested in 对感兴趣Are you interested in science.

3、 The book is so famous for 因而出名Hangzhou is famous for West Lake.16.sense of smell 嗅觉17.make sounds 发出声音18.eitheror或者或者When the girl is happy, she either sings or dances.课文1、Read the text and answer:What are the three main methods(方法) of animal communication?2. Read the text again a

4、nd complete the tableMethods of communicationanimalspurpose一、重点短语检测1.符号语言_ 2.发送文本信息_municate with_ 4. 也_ 5.肢体语言_ 6.对感兴趣_7. 因为出名_ 8.或者或者_9.面对面_ 10.摇尾巴_二、补全句子1.They _(居住)in the village_(自从)they came here.2.We have known each other _(十年).3.Many students_(对电子游戏感兴趣).4.You can _(发短信)and _(也可以看电影) on the m

5、obile phone.5. Our_(传统的) culture like Peking Opera should be passed down.6.Scientists have _ (发现)a new virus(病毒). It is very important to medical research.7.He manages over 100 big companies. He is considered to be one of the most_(成功的) businessmen in China.8- Can I smoke here?- Youd better not. Loo

6、k at the s_ NO SMOKING.9. What do you often do in your _(空闲的) time?10. He manages over 100 big companies. He is considered to be one of the most _(成功的) businessmen in China.11. The _ (情况) is becoming very serious.12. I have done a lot of oral practice so that I can _ (表达) myself in English.13. The_

7、(目的) of the activity is to tell us how important the fresh air is.14. People have always been interested in animal _(交流) and scientists have done a lot of research on this subject.15.Not only the young but also the old are getting _ (感兴趣)in WeChat (微信).They can communicate more freely.三、单项选择1. That

8、novel is so exciting that I _ it twice. A. read B. will read C. have read D. would read2. Excuse me! Wed like to buy some bottles of water. Oh, I know a store near here. Let me show you _.A. what it is B. what it was C. where it is D. where it was3. Zhang Hong went to Canada in 2010. He _ there for

9、6 years. A. lived B. lives C. is living D. has lived4.Do you know _the Nature Museum? Next week. A. when will they visit B. when they will visit C. when did they visit D. when they visited 5 Is Jim in the classroom? No, he _ to the dining hall. A. goes B. will go C. has gone D. went6 Could you tell

10、me _ yesterday? Because my bike was broken on my way here.A. why you came late B. why do you come lateC. why you come late D. why did you come late7.Are you _in traveling? How many _places have you been?Ainteresting; interesting Binterested; interestingCinteresting; interested D. interested; interes

11、ted8. My uncle has taught in No.5 Middle School _he was twenty-five years old.A. since B. for C.until D. after9. _have you playing 9._have you played the computer games? For about two hours. A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How far10.You should talk _your parents in your free time. They will

12、be very happy. A. for B.with C. about D.asLesson 522.culture /klt/ n. 文化 23.decorate /dkret/ v. 装饰 24.themselves /mslvz/ pron. 他/她/它们自己 25.formal /fml/ adj.正式的 26.perhaps /phps/ adv. 可能;大概 27.anybody /nbd/ pron. 任何人 28.shy /a/ adj. 羞怯的;腼腆的 29.correct /krkt/ adj. 正确的;恰当的 /dlt/ n. 成年人 31.thou

13、gh / adv. 可是;然而 conj. 尽管;即使32.treat /trit/ v. 对待;处理 33.myself /maslf/ pron. 我自己 34.ourselves /aslvz/ pron. 我们自己 35.yourself /jslf/ pron. 你自己 36.yourselves /j:selvz/ pron. 你们自己 37.himself /hmslf/ pron. 他自己 38.herself /hslf/ pron. 她自己 39.itself /tslf/ pron. 它自己 40.local /lkl/ adj. 本地的;地方的;当地的 19.a gro

14、up of foreign students 一组外国学生 20.invite sb to do 邀请某人做某事We can invite them to join our activities.Invitation n.邀请 Thanks for your invitation. 21.shake hands握手 sb around 带某人四处看看23.go for a walk 散步24.have a party 聚会;举办晚会25.ride a bike 骑自行车26.each other 彼此;互相9. decorate our school with flowers 用

15、花装饰我们的学校10. introduce Chinese culture to them向他们介绍中国文化11. make mistakes犯错误12.laugh at嘲笑【课文】1. Listen to the teacher and answer the questions.Where are the visitors from?_What will the teacher and her students talk about?What do the students want to do to welcome the English students and teachers? Li

16、sten and tick The students want to.Students Ideaswait at the school gate for themsmile and say “Hello”shake handssay their nameask them about their ageask about their trip talk about Chinahelp them find their classroomshow them the libraryplay basketball with them2. What suggestions does the teacher

17、 give the students?1)Read and predict2)Listen and circle the correct letters. In teachers opinion, they shouldnt .Teachers Suggestions&Whya. Dont speak too much.b. You dont have to shake hands with the students.c. You shouldnt talk about the weather.d. Make sure you dont make any English mistakes.e.

18、 Dont worry about making mistakes.f. Dont laugh at their Chinese mistakes.g. You shouldnt ask their teacher about his/her age.Some foreign students and teachers are coming to visit our school.Things we should do 假设你是学校挑选出来的文化小使者,请你以How to welcome the foreign students and teachers为题,告诉同学们:在欢迎外国师生来访时,

19、为了表示我们的友好,我们可以做哪些事情,应该注意回避哪些事情。You may start with:Hi, everyone! Some foreign students and teachers will come to our school next week. Id like to tell you what we can do to welcome them. I think we can do a lot of things. First.Then.Next.After that. But we shouldnt do the following (下面的)things. First

20、 ,we shouldnt. because.And we shouldnt.In addition, we shouldnAt last, I hope you remember these things and treat our guests well.(Its a bit too formal正式;It is not very polite.)语法:反身代词用代词的适当形式填空第一人称第二人称第三人称单数复数人称代词主格I youhe she it 宾格物主代词形容词性名词性myselfourselvesyourselveshimselfherselfitselfthemselves反

21、身代词固定搭配:1、help oneself to some fish. 随便吃些鱼肉吧。2、Enjoy oneself:过得愉快(have a good time)3、By oneself 单独的I do it by myself.4、Teachlearn oneself 自学5、Hurt oneself 伤害自己6、Dress oneself 自己打扮,穿衣服7、Look after oneself 自己照顾自己8、Speak to oneself自言自语9、lose oneself in 沉浸于,陶醉于之中10、leave sb. by oneself把某人单独留下用合适的反身代词填空1

22、. My classmate, Li Ming, made a card for _ just now.2. Bad luck! I cut _ with a knife yesterday.3. They tell us they can look after_ very well.4. My cat can find food by_ .5. Help _to some beef, boys.6. Jenny enjoyed_ in the park yesterday afternoon.7. We can finish our homework by_ .8. The blind gi

23、rl lost_ in the beautiful music.9. Xiao Hui, can you introduce _ to us ?10. Bill wants to teach_ French from now on.Lesson61. generation /dnren/ n. 一代;一代人 2. teenager /tined/ n. 青少年 3. American /mrkn/ adj. 美国的 4. teenage /tined/ adj. 青少年的 5. increase /nkris/ v. 增长;增多 6. rapidly /rpdl/ adv. 迅速地;快速地 7

24、. monthly /mn l/ adj. 每月的 8. per /p/ prep. 每 9. end /nd/ n. 结尾;终结;末尾 v. 终止;结束 10. value /vlju/ n. 用途;价值 11. private /pravt/ adj. 私人的;秘密的 12. convenient /knvinnt/ adj. 便利的;方便的 13. such /st/ det. & prep. 这样的;那样的;类似的 14. against /nst/ prep. 违反;反对 15. law /l/ n. 法律 藏 1.take photos 拍照2.send text message

25、发短信3.check the time 核实时间 the Internet 上网(搜索) phone numbers 存储手机电话号码6.both and 两者都Texting is a popular activity among both adults and teenagers.7.not until. 直到 为止Texting did not become common until about 1998.8.from to 从 到9.the number of 的数量The number of the students in our school is 1

26、8000.比较:a number of =many 许多(后接可数名词复数) the end of 在 末端 You will see the bank at the end of the street.11.lead to 导致Texting has led to some problems.12. ride a bike 骑自行车13. against the law 违法14.It is also more convenient(方便的) as people can reply when they have time. 它也更方便,因为当人们有时间的时候可以回复。15.suchas. 例如,举例

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