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1、每段对话仅读一遍。例: How much is the shirt?A.19.15. B.9. 18. C.9.15.答案是C。1. What time is it now?A. 8:15. B. 9:00. C. 9:30.2. What do we know about Wilson?A. He used to be very shy.B. He is too nervous to speak in public.C. He dislikes making a lecture at college.3. What does the woman do?A. She is a guide. B

2、. She is a doctor. C. She is a weathergirl.4. What does the man imply about Jimmy?A. His words are often not reliable.B. He is rich enough to own a farm.C. He is always making silly decisions.5. How much should the woman pay?A. 16 dollars. B. 30 dollars. C. 40 dollars.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段

3、对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. A new project. B. The meeting place. C. The visiting time.7. When is the man free?A. Next Wednesday. B. This weekend. C. This afternoo

4、n.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What is Alice doing?A. Playing chess. B. Doing her homework. C. Competing in a tournament.9. Whats the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Grandfather and granddaughter. B. Mother and son. C. Father and daughter.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题.10. What does the man say about his job?A

5、. It is low-paid. B. It is difficult. C. It is interesting.11. What does the man want to do this year?A. Take a vacation. B. Go back to college. C. Find a new job.12. What does the woman offer to do for the man?A. Lend him some money. B. Accompany him to college. C. Pay all the expenses for him.听第9段

6、材料,回答第13至16题。13. Why did the woman decide to marry Jason?A. Because of his work ability.B. Because of his considerateness.C. Because of his handsome appearance.14. Which of the following helped form Tahiti?A. Sea level rise. B. Volcanic activity. C. River sand.15. Which is the official language of T

7、ahiti?A. Tahitian. B. English. C. French16. What is Tahiti famous for?A. Beach scenery. B. Sunrise. C. Lake water.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What is the aim of the program?A. To improve students speaking skills.B. To help students read more good books.C. To introduce good computers to students.18. Where

8、can students select the books?A. From the local bookstore.B. From the schools book club.C. From the schools online library.19. What does the computer show to the students after the quiz?A. The difficult points of the quiz.B. The reasons for the wrong answers.C. The number of the correct answers.20.

9、How can parents know about their childrens reading?A. By asking other parents and children.B. By reading the report on the computer.C. By reading the paper report from teachers.第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项。ADecember is made for shoppers. Its also go

10、od for travels. Here are some best places that you can plan to visit this December.CubbioTravelers to Gubhio in Italys Umbria region will find the largest Christmas tree in the world. The tree is 2, 130 feet tall, which came to life in 1981 when the residents of Gubbio decided they wanted to celebra

11、te Christmas in a different way. The lights are turned on on December 7 and are turned off in early January.SydneyTravelers to Sydney need to keep their eyes on the sky if theyre at Sydney Harbor on New Years Eve. The annual celebration begins with an air show and is followed by boats spraying(喷洒)wa

12、ter into the air. Other activities include lighting up the harbor bridge and, of course, lots of fireworks that can be seen from various points around the city.ViennaVienna in Austria turns into a fairyland at Christmas, as the citys prettiest square glow with lights and holiday green plants. The ma

13、rkets selling a variety of gifts, decorations and traditional snacks generally open around November 20th and close on Christmas Eve. Perhaps the oldest market is at the Old Viennese Christmas Market that first opened on Freyung in 1772.New YorkOn New Years Eve, more than a million people jam New Yor

14、ks Times Square for the annual celebration that includes live musical entertainment, balloons and sweets, waiting to see a huge ball made of Waterford crystal drop as the countdown(倒计时)to midnight begins. It reaches the bottom at midnight, which is a tradition that began in 1907. Then its time for f

15、ireworks.21. Where can you see the biggest Christmas tree?A. In Italy. B. In Australia. C. In Austria. D. In the USA.22. How long do the Christmas markets in Vienna last each year?A. About four months. B. About three months.C. About one month. D. About half a month.23. What do Sydneys and New Yorks

16、celebrations have in common?A. People hand out sweets and balloons. B. People celebrate Christmas on the square.C. People use boats to spray water into the air. D. People can see fireworks on New Years Eve.BAs the winner of six gold medals, cyclist Sir Chris Hoy is one of Britains most successful Ol

17、ympians. Now he has written a book to help young people achieve their own goals in life, called Be Amazing! An Inspiring Guide to Being Your Own Champion. The hook is packed with stories from his cycling career and the lessons he learned along the way. Speaking to The Week Junior, Hoy says the books

18、 advice can apply to anything, whether its sport, the arts or science.When he was young, Hoy never thought he would have a career in cycling. First of all, I wasnt that good at it, he says. He ever thought that successful people were just certain to be great and were different from everyone else. Bu

19、t after growing up, Hoy realized that wasnt true and he saw whatever can happen if you work hard at something you love. He won his first gold medal at the 2004 Olympics in Greece in a time trial event. In this event, the cyclists took it in turns to see who could go the fastest round a track. Before

20、 Hoys turn came, the world record had been broken three times. However, he focused on his own performance and won gold. Hoy said hearing his name followed by the words Olympic champion was truly magical.If Hoy could give his younger self a piece of advice, it would be, Not everyone can win a gold me

21、dal, so there has to be more than that. There has to be enjoyment and fun at the heart of everything.24. What is Chris Hoys main purpose of writing the book?A. To get young people to buy it. B. To make the young learn how to cycle.C. To help the young realize their dreams. D. To let young people kno

22、w his sports career.25. Which of the following is included in Chris Hoys book?A. His works of art. B. His cycling profession.C. His educational theories. D. His academic achievements.26. What are the secrets to success according to Chris Hoy?A. Interest and effort. B. Technique and talent.C. Warmth

23、and strength. D. Energy and curiosity.27. What can we infer about Chris Hoy?A. He did well in cycling as a boy.B. He has broken the world record three times.C. He won his first Olympic gold medal in Australia.D. He thinks the key to doing everything is pleasure.CPerhaps you have ever heard the sayin

24、g: Change is the only constant. Everyone, without doubt, goes through changes in their life, whether it is a physical state of aging or a mental state of emotional maturity. However, some are afraid to make the conscious decision to move or they think its too late to have a fresh start.I have a frie

25、nd named Jack. At the age of 37, he is a Senior Manager at one of the Big Four. He has a great salary, owns his own apartment and enjoys the fine things in life, but not without the heavy burdens that his job brings. On the surface, it looks like he has got life figured out. Yet when I once asked if

26、 he was happy with his work, he answered that he sometimes wished to quit his job to do something less stressful. But hed become accustomed to this lifestyle and felt that it would be too late to give it up to achieve a new ambition.For him, the risks are too high, so whether he cant abide his prese

27、nt job or not, he has to choose to suck it up. You might have come to a similar situation as Jacks or you might be a Jack. Youre now facing a wall. No matter what it is-the stress of your job or the terrible feeling, its time that you had to decide whether youll tear down that wall or continue to le

28、t it enclose you. I suggest pushing back the boundaries and breaking the fixed patterns. Why do, you feel its too late to start over? That is simply because youre comparing yourself with others-younger or more successful individuals. In fact, you should compare yourself with the older version of you

29、.Dont become that person who lets life pass by only to regret it when you are making your way into old age. Dont let your life plateau(停滞不前)and waste away in the daily chores. Dont give up the potential you still have hidden and be locked away by your current state. Now, youd better bravely start go

30、ing after the things you want to do, without abandoning your dreams, ambitions and responsibilities.28. What kind of people does Jack represent according to the author?A. Those leading a happy life. B. Those having an easeful career.C. Those thinking its too late to change. D. Those having a high am

31、bition to work.29. What does the underlined word abide in paragraph 3 mean?A. Value. B. Recommend. C. Understand. D. Tolerate.30. What does the author advise us not to do?A. Let life stand still. B. Enjoy the present job.C. Have a small goal in life. D. Consider ourselves as a failure.31. Which is the best title fo

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