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1、泰安市初中学业水平考试冲刺模拟英 语 试 题本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题),共96题,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。注意事项:1答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚。2选择题使用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡上,在草稿纸上答题无效;非选择题在试题卷上答题,字体工整,字迹清楚。来源:Z+xx+k.Com第卷(选择题 共80分)一、 听力部分(共25小题,每小题1分)(一)根据每小题所听到的对话,从所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选择符合题意的图画。( )1. A B. C. ( )2. A. B. C. ( )3.A. B. C. ( )4. A. B. C. ( )5. A.B

2、. C . (二). 根据你所听到的句子,选择正确的应答语。( )6. A. I went there by bus. B. I would like to go swimming. C. I usually go to school by bike.( )7. A. Yes, I went there last Saturday. B. Certainly. Here you are. C. Im not sure.( )8. A. She got the job in 2001. B. She has had the job for two years.C. She wanted to b

3、e a flight attendant before.( )9. A. They are awards for the best movies. B. They are awards for the best scientists. C. They are awards for the best nurses.( )10. A. The film won 4 Oscars. B. The film won 4 Oscars in 2001.来源:学科网ZXXKC. The film was produced in Hollywood.(三)听五段小对话,请你根据对话内容及问题选择最佳答案。(

4、 )11.A.Twice. B. Once. C. Three times.( )12.A.It will be cloudy. B. It will be rainy. C. It will be snowy.( )13.A.Its too expensive. B. Its not special. C. Its out of style.( )14.A.At two oclock. B. At two thirty. C. At three oclock.( )15.A.In a hospital. B. At a train station. C. In a shop. 来源:Zxxk

5、.Com(四)听一段长对话,请你根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案。( )16.A.A shop assistant. B. A flight attendant. C. A businesswoman. ( )17.A. For two years. B. For three years. C. For four years.( )18.A.She likes traveling. B. She likes sports. C. She is interested in arts.( )19.A. Four. B. Five. C. Seven.( )20.A.Australia. B. Sou

6、th Korea. C. Singapore.(五)下面你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容及所给问题选择最佳答案。( )21. Most American families have _ children each. A. two or three B. three or four C. one or two( )22.Why dont the children live with their parents when they grow up? A. They want to be free. B. They want to find good jobs. C. They cant.( )23

7、.When do the children go to see their parents? A. On sunny days. B. On weekdays. C. On weekends.( )24. How do Americans think it is for young people to decide on their living by themselves? A.They think it important. B.They think it impossible. C.They dont like it.( )25.Children want to do some hous

8、ework because they _.A. have to B. want to help their families C. can learn how to make money for their own use 二、单项选择 (15分)( )26. Neither Alice nor I _ in the classroom at that time.A. are B am C. were D. was( )27. - Can you work out this maths problem? - Oh, let me _.A. to think B. think over it C

9、. think it over D. thinking it over( )28. Li Yuchun is_ girl that most of the students are her fans. A. so a popularB. such popularC. so popularD .such a popular( )29.My grandparents always _ everything good I do.A.take pride inB.agree withC.are strict withD.made decisions( )30.They decided that all

10、 the wood would be used _building.A. for B .to C. as D. with( )31.Some of my friends like to learn English _the radio and tapes.A. to listen to B. listen to C. by listening to D. by listen to( )32.The pen is_. She wrote _name with it_. A. hers/her/herselfB.hers/hers/her C.her/hers/herselfD.her/herse

11、lf/hers( )33.I think a will be very useful for me when Im traveling in a new place. A. pear B. cat C. map D. sweater( )34. There is report in todays newspaper. Its about 11th Shanghai International Film Festival.来源:学科网 A. a ; an B. the ; the C. a ; the D . a ; /( )35. Our English teacher works very

12、hard and hardly ever feels tired. I think she is really .A. confident B. creative C. outgoing D. energetic( )36.How he wants to get a high mark in the final term examination!Yes. _.来源:学科网A. So is he. B So he does. C So does he. D So he is.来源:Z.xx.k.Com( )37. Im not sure_ he is right, _ he is right,

13、I will follow him.A. when, if B. whether, whether C. if, whether D. whether, if( )38. We _to close the windows before we left the lab. A. tell B. told C. are told D. were told( )39. The menu has so many good things! I cant decide _ . A. what to eat B. how to eat C. where to eat D. when to eat( )40.

14、I didnt understand _, so I raised my hand to ask. A. what my teacher says B. what does my teacher sayC. what my teacher said D. what did my teacher say三、完形填空(10分)Picnics are about relaxing. When some people 41_ a picnic, they may decide to go to the park. Other may go to either a beach or a lake dep

15、ending on 42_ is nearby. Those are not the only places you can have picnics, though. You can have picnics anywhere and 43_ any reason .If you have a 44_relative, then get everything together to share a picnic in bed. They may 45_ having the company (陪伴)and feel better. They will certainly be happy t

16、hat you think about them and decide to bring them 46_ good to eat. Just be ready to leave the food there so that they can have some food later. Also, dont 47_ make something like chicken soup. Take along some fresh fruits and a salad. They need their nutrition(营养) as well as the 48_of your company f

17、or an hour or two .The important thing is to look for 49_ to share time with people who are important to you. Having a picnic is something that is a little 50_or a little out of the ordinary.( )41. A. get B. plan C. cook D. offer( )42. A. what B. that C. where D. who( )43. A. in B. with C. for D. to

18、( )44. A. happy B. sick C. friendly D. good( )45. A. hate B. want C. enjoy D. hope( )46. A.everything B. anything C. nothing D. something( )47. A. just B. still C. ever D. even( )48. A. joy B. sadness C. health D. places( )49. A. help B .ways C. advice D. places( )50. A. important B. interesting C.

19、relaxing D. different四、阅读理解(共30 分)AOnce there was a nice man who lived with his wife and child. He loved the child so much that he sent him to Oxford(牛津大学) for two or three years. At the end of the first year at the university, this young student came home. He wanted a change. And he also wanted to

20、tell his parents about Oxford. It happened one night that the father, the mother, and the young student were sitting at super. They had in front of them only two chickens. Just as they were about to begin eating, the father said, “My boy, I have spent a lot of money on you to send you to Oxford. Now

21、 I want to know what you have learned.”The son smiled and said ,“Father, I have studied a science which can prove (证明) that these two chickens on the plate are really chickens. ”“Well ,” said the student, and then he took one of the chickens in his hand and said, ”Here is one more and one and two ma

22、kes three. So here are three chickens.” Then the father took one of the chickens to himself, gave the other to his wife, and said, “I will have one of the chickens myself , your mother will have another, and you can have the third for supper and nothing else.” The father kept his word and so the stu

23、dent went without his supper.( )51. The rich man loved his son very much, so he _.A. sent him to work at Oxford for two or three years.来源:学科网ZXXKB. wanted him to live at Oxford for two or three years.C. sent him to Oxford to study.D. gave him a lot of money.( )52. His father asked his son _. A. how

24、much money he had spent at the university. B. how he liked Oxford. C. what he had learned by the first year at the university. D. how his son got along with his classmates.( )53. The student said that _. A. he could make three chickens. B. he could change the two chickens on the plate into three. C.

25、 he could prove the two chickens on the plate were really three. D. he was good at maths.( )54. - Who was clever, the father or the son? -_ A. Neither. B. Both C. The son D. The father.( )55. In the end_. A. the student had nothing to eat for his supper. B. each of them had a chicken for their suppe

26、r. C. the father gave his son the third chicken to eat. D. both of the parents had no chickens to eat.来源:Zxxk.Com BDo you know how to play a game called “Musical Chairs”? It is easy to play and most people enjoy it. All you need are some chairs, some people and some way of making music. You may use

27、a piano or any other musical instrument, if someone can play it. You may use a tape recorder. You can even use a radio.Put the chairs in a row. The chairs may be put in twos, back to back. A better way is to have the chairs in one row with each chair facing in the opposite direction to the chair nex

28、t to it.The game is easy. When the music starts, the players walk round the chairs. Everyone goes in the same direction, of course, they should walk in time to the music. If the music is fast they should walk quickly. If the music is slow, they should walk slowly.The person playing music cannot see the people in the game. When the music stops, the players try to sit on the chairs. If a person cannot find a chair to sit on, he drops out. Then, before the music starts again, one chair must be taken away. When the music stops again, one more player will be out.At

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