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1、美国签证DS160表格中文翻译第一项, 个人、地址、电话、护照信息1、 姓名(Name Provide)2、 中文姓名(Full Name in Native Language)3、 曾用名(Other Names Used)4、 有没有姓名电报码(Telecode Name Used)5、 姓名电报码(Telecode Name)6、 性别(Sex)7、 婚姻状况(Marital Status)8、 出生日月年(Date of Birth)9、 出生地(Place of Birth)10、国籍(Nationality)11、其他国籍(Other Nationalities)12、身份证号(N

2、ational Identification Number)13、美国社会安全号(U.S Social Security Number)14、美国纳税人身份证号(U.S Taxpayer ID Number)15、家庭地址,街道(Home address)城市(City)省份(State/Province)邮编(Postal Zone/ZIP Code)国家(Country)16、邮寄地址与上面相同吗(Same Mailing Address)17、首选电话号码(Primary Phone Number)18、备用电话号码(Secondary Phone Number)19、工作电话号码(Wo

3、rk Phone Number)20、电子邮箱(Email Address)21、护照类型(Passport/Travel Document Type)22、护照号码(Passport/Travel Document Number)23、护照本号码(Passport Book Number)24、护照签发国家(Country/Authority that Issued Passport/Travel Document)签发城市(City Where Issued)签发省份(State/Province Where Issued)签发国家(Country Where Issued)签发日期(Is

4、suance Date)失效日期(Expiration Date)25、您的护照是否曾经丢失或被盗?(Have You ever lost a passport or had one stolen)第二项,旅游信息(Travel Information)1、 旅行美国目的(The List of Purposes of Trip to the U.S)目的(Purpose of trip to the U.S)种类(Specify)2、 制订详细的旅行计划吗(Have you made specific travel plans)3、 预计来美日期(Intended Date of Arriv

5、al)4、 在美逗留多久(Intended Length of stay in U.S)5、 在美地址,街道,城市,州,邮编(Address where you will stay in the U.S)6、 谁为旅行付费(Person Paying for your trip)7、 个人/实体支付你的旅行(Person/Entity Paying for your Trip)电话号码(Telephone Number)电子邮箱(Email Address)与您的关系(Relationship to you)8、 你的家庭地址或邮寄地址相同的地址吗(Is the address of the

6、party paying for your trip the same as your home or mailing Address?)9、 有其他人与您同行吗(Are there other persons traveling with you)10作为一个组织或机构的成员旅行吗(Are you traveling as part of group or organization)11旅行同行人姓名(Persons traveling with you name) 与您的关系(Relationship to you)12您曾否来过美国(Have ever been in the U.S)1

7、3您曾否被拒签过(Have you ever been issued a U.S. Visa)14、你是否曾经被拒绝签证,被拒绝进入美国,或撤回在入境口岸入学申请的(Have you ever been refused a U.S. Visa, been refused admission to the United States, or withdrawn your application for admission at the port of entry?)15有人曾经申请过移民上访代表您与美国公民与移民服务?(Has anyone ever filed an immigrant pet

8、ition on your behalf with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services?)第二项, 美国联系人信息1、 联系人姓名(Contact Person Name in the U.S.)2、 联系人机构名称(Organization Name in the U.S)3、 联系人与您的关系(Relationship to you)4、 联系人地址:街道、城市、州 、邮编(U.S Contact Address)5、 联系人电话号码(Phone number )6、 联系人电子邮箱(Email Address )第

9、四项:家庭信息1、 父亲姓(Father is Surnames)2、 父亲名(Father is Given names)3、 父亲出生日月年(Father is Date of Birth)4、 您父亲在美国吗(Is your father in the U.S.)5、 母亲姓(Mother is Surnames)6、 母亲名(Mother is Given Names)7、 母亲出生日月年(Mother is Date of Birth)8、 您母亲在美国吗(Is your mother in the U.S. )9、 您还有其他直系亲属在美国吗(Do you have any imm

10、ediate relatives in the United States?10你在美国还有其他亲戚吗?(Do you have any other relatives in the United States?)11配偶姓名(Spouse is Full Name)12配偶出生日期(Spouse is Date of Birth)13配偶国籍(Spouse is Nationality)14配偶出生城市(Spouse is City of Birth)15配偶出生国家(Spouse is Country of Birth)16配偶住址(Spouse is Address)第五项,工作、教育、

11、培训信息1、 主要职业(Primary Occupation)2、 指定其他 (Specify Other )3、 现在单位或学校名称(Present Employer or School Name)4、 现在单位或学校地址,街道,城市,省份,邮编,国家(Address ,City,State/Province Postal Zone/Zip Code Country)5、 工作电话号码(Work Phone Number)6、 月薪(Monthly Salary in Local Currency(if employed))7、 工作职责描述(Briefly Describe your Du

12、ties)8、 以前有没有任职过(Were you previously employed? )9、 单位名称(Employer Name)10、 单位地址、街道、城市、省份、邮编、国家(Employer Address/City/State .Province/Postal Zone/Zip Code011、 电话号码(Telephone Number)12、 职位名称(Job Title)13、 主管姓(Supervisor is Surname)14、 主管名(Supervisor is Given Name )15、 入职时间(Employment Date from)16、 离职时间

13、(Employment Date T o)17、 工作职责描述(Briefly describe your duties)18、 您有中学及以上的教育经历吗(Have you attended any educational institutions at a secondary level or above?)19、 学校名称(Name of Institution )20、 学校地址,街道,城市,省份,邮编,国家(Address of Institution/City State Province /Postal Zone /Zip Code Country)21、 专业(Course o

14、f Study)22、 入学时间(Date of Attendance From)23、 毕业时间(Date of Attendance To)24、 您是否属于一个党派或宗族吗?(Do you belong to a clan or tribe)25、 提供一个您所说语言的清单(Provide a List of Languages You Speak)26、 最近五年里您是否去过其他国家/列出您去过的国家(Have you traveled to any countries within the last five years)27、 您是否属于、捐助过或任职于任何职业机构、社会机构或慈善

15、机构?(Have you belong to, contributed to ,or worked for any professional, social, or charitable organization?)28、 您是否具有枪械、爆炸、核装置、生物化学方面的经验,特殊技能或者受过培训?(Do you have any specialized skills or training ,including firearms, explosives ,nuclear, biological, or chemical experience?)29、 您是否曾经参过军(Have you ever

16、 served in the military?)30、 您是否曾经服务于或参与过准军事部队、维持治安单位、叛乱团、游击队或叛乱组织,或曾经是成员之一?(Have you ever in, been a member of, or been involved with a paramilitary unit, rebel group, guerrilla group, or insurgent organization?)第六项,安全与背景1、 您是否患有危害公共卫生的传染性疾病?(公共卫生意义的传染性病包括软下疳,淋病,腹股沟肉芽肿,传染性麻风,性病性淋巴肉芽肿,感染期霉素,肺结核,和其他由

17、卫生和公共服务部门确定的疾病。)(Do you have a communicable disease of public health significance?(Communicable diseases of public significance include chancroid, gonorrhea, granuloma inguinale, infectious leprosy, lymphogranuloma venereum, infectious stage syphilis , active tuberculosis, and others diseases as det

18、ermined by the Department of Health and Human Services.)2、 您是否有精神上或身体上的紊乱,并对自身或他人的安全或健康造成或可能造成威胁?(Do you or have a mental or physical disorder that poses or is likely to pose a threat to the safety or welfare or yourself or others?)3、 您是否或曾经滥用药物(毒品)或对药物(毒品)上瘾?(Are you or have you ever been a drug ab

19、user or addict?)4、 您是否因曾经违法或犯罪行为被捕或被判罪,即使是后来获得宽恕,赦免或其他类似的裁决?(Have you ever been arrested or convicted for any offense or crime ,even though subject of a pardon , amnesty, or other similar action?)5、 您是否曾经违反或共谋违反有关违禁品的法律?(Have you ever violated, or engaged in a conspiracy to violate, any law relating

20、 to controlled substances?)6、 您是否计划来美国从事卖淫或非法性交易?在过去10年中,您是否有从事卖淫或组织介绍卖淫的行为?(Are you coming to the United States to engage in prostitution or unlawful commercialized vice or have you been engaged in prostitution or procuring prostitutes within the past 10 years?)7、 您是否曾经参与或意图从事洗钱活动?(Have you ever be

21、en involved in , or do you seek to engage in, money laundering?)8、 您是否曾经在美国境内或境外犯了或企图犯贩卖人口的罪行?(Have you ever committed or conspired to commit a human trafficking offense in the United States or outside the United States?)9、 您是一个在美国境内或境外犯了或企图贩卖人口罪行之人的配偶、儿子或女儿吗?而您再过去的五年中,有意地受益于这些贩卖人口活动?(Are you the sp

22、ouse ,son ,or daughter of an individual who has committed or conspired to commit a human trafficking offense in the United States or outside the United States and have you within the last five years ,knowingly benefited from the trafficking activities?)10、 您是否有意辅助、唆使、 协助或者勾结末人在美国境内或境外犯了或企图犯一个严重的贩卖人口

23、罪行?(Have you knowingly aided , abetted, assisted or colluded with an individual who has committed or conspired to commit a severe human trafficking offense in the United States or outside the United States?)11、 在美国期间,您是否意图从事间谍活动、阴谋破坏、违反出口管制条例或其他任何非法活动?(Do you seek to engage in espionage , sabotage ,

24、export control violations, or any other illegal activity while in the United States?)12、 在美国期间,您是否意图从事恐怖活动?或您是否曾经从事过恐怖活动?(Have you ever or do you intend to provide financial assistance or other support to terrorists or terrorists organizations?)13、 您是否曾经或计划为恐怖分子或恐怖组织提供经济支持?(Are you a member or repre

25、sentative of a terrorist organization?)14、 您是否是恐怖组织成员或代表?(Have you ever ordered , incited, committed ,assisted, or otherwise participated in genocide?)15、 您是否曾经指使、煽动、从事、协助或以其他方式参与过种族灭绝?(Have you ever committed , ordered , incited , assisted , or otherwise participated in torture?)16、 您是否曾经从事、指使、煽动、协

26、助或以其他方式参与刑讯逼供或虐待他人?(Have you committed , ordered, incited ,assisted , or otherwise participated in extrajudicial killings, political killings, or other acts of violence ?)17、 您是否曾经从过招募和使用儿童士兵的工作?(Have you ever engaged in the recruitment or the use of the child soldiers?)18、 在担任政府官员期间,您是否曾经负责或直接执行过特定

27、的严重违反宗教自由的行动?(Have you , while serving as a government official, been responsible for or directly carried out , at any time , particularly severe violations of religious freedom ?)19、 您是否曾经直接参与人口控制的建立或执行,违背当事人的自由意志强迫妇女流产或强迫一个男人或女人绝育?(Have you ever been directly involved in the establishment or enfor

28、cement of the population controls forcing a woman to undergo an abortion against her free choice or a man or a woman to undergo sterilization against his or her free will?)20、 您是否曾经直接参与过人体器官或身体组织的强制移植?(Have you ever been directly involved in the coercive transplantation of human organs or bodily tis

29、sue?)21、 您是否曾经试图以欺骗或故意造假及其他非法手段自己获取或帮助其他人获取美国签证或任何其他移民福利,或进入美国?(Have you ever sought to obtain or assist others to obtain a visa , entry into the United States , or any other United States immigration benefit by fraud or willful misrepresentation or unlawful means ?)22、 你曾经遭到移除或驱逐出境听证(Have you ever

30、been the subject of a removal or deportation hearing?)23、 你未能出席听证会或者不可在过去的五年里( Have you failed to attend a hearing on removability or inadmissibility within the last five years?)24、 是否被非法居留的时间,那么理所当然的被移民官员或其他违反过美国签证?(Have you ever been unlawfully present , overstayed the amount of time granted by an

31、 immigration official or otherwise violated the terms of a U.S. visa ?)25、 你是否曾经拒绝对美国公民的孩子在美国境外的监护权的人从美国法院享有监护权?(Have you ever withheld custody of a U.S. citizen child outside the United States from a person granted legal custody by a U.S. court?)26、 你投在美国违反法律法规(Have you voted in the United States i

32、n violation of any law or regulation?)27、 你曾经放弃美国国籍逃避税务的目的(Have you ever renounced United States citizenship for the purpose of avoiding taxation?)28、 你参加了一个公立小学的学生(F)状态或公立中学301996十一月后没有偿还的学校?)(Have you attended a public elementary school on student (F) status or a public secondary school after November 30,1996 without reimbursing the school?)

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