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1、电大网考英语阅读理解完型填空题库答案 computers are useful machines B A A B C 阅读理解Computers are useful machines. They can BCABC A开头:Computers can injure you. Most other CBBAC Children in the United States are C C A C C A bag is useful and the word “bag” is useful, too DBCBAChinas former volleyball star lang ping BDBB

2、D ABDAB A characteristic of American Clowns like to make people laugh. DDACD D A B D A A dolphin(海豚) is always well Dear mrs.huggett you may remember D B D A B DBB A D A film was at the Circle Five Ranch Down-to-earth means being honest C B C A D A foreigners first impression of the U.S. DB D A C Do

3、wn the entrance hall of B B C C D A few years ago it was common to speak A A D B C Dieting to lose weight has become C D C A C A friend of mine was fond of drawing horse. CDDCD Dr.Harvey Gates,the noted scientist B D C D C A friend of mine was fond of drawing horse. CBDAD Driving a car at high speed

4、 D A B C A A friends grandfather came to America from AADDBDo you know Yahoo? A D C A D B D A B B A story is told about a soldier During the meal,youd better be careful C D B C A D B C C A A Group of frogs were traveling E-mail is one of the biggest threats CADB .ACDCA A guide dog is a dog especiall

5、y trained to E-mail is one of the biggest threats (威胁) B A C B D A young man who lived in London Earthquakes may rightly be ranked D C A B C A young boy was playing with a ball in the street ABDBD Education is the United States B A C A B C C D B B A Romanian man plans to complain Education is not an

6、 end ,but a means to D A D B C AABDC A pretty ,well-dressed young lady Every country has its heroes ADBCC A public house which was recently bought by Mr. BCDCB Everyone knows what a needle is B C A C C C A B C D A tired-looking young lady Everybody talks about the weather B A D A D BCCDA A traveler

7、came out of the airport(飞机场) Every day our world becomes smaller D D D A C A traveler came out of the airport. BCADA Fifty volunteers were alphabetically在其中 C B D C A B D C D D A very old lady won a million From the time I was a little C D A D D CABBD A very new, young officer was Fred was a young s

8、oldier in a big camp B B A C B B A D C A A Japanese is sitting near the window Foulsham House is a fine, large house DBADC A A C C B A Laxyer ,an astist and a musician For any Englishman,there can never C A C A B C B A B D A man came into a pet shop For several years, Americans have enjoyed BCDAC A

9、man got into a train and found himself sitting BCA BB G、H开头: A man was telling one of his friends why CDDAC Grandma was a wonderful story-teller D A C A B C B B D D A million tourists go to Barcelona Great changes have been made in BDCDC A million tourists go to Barcelona every year.CCBDD How often

10、one hears children DDCBB A D D B D Acting is such an over-crowded How to apply for a free mailbox A D B C A According to a Xinhua News Agency B C D C D How men first learnt to invent words DCDBA D A D D A All over the world people enjoy sports Have you eaten too much over D C A C A A C B A D All big

11、 cities are quite simlar Have you ever listened to young children BADBC Albert Einstein had a great effect on CDCBC Here is a piece of history B C A C B C A D C A Almost every family buys as Here is a story told about an American general ADBDC C D D C C Although English is not as old Herman had work

12、ed for the bank of Ruritania BBCDD C C A B C Although the United states covers High in the Swiss Alps D B B A C D C B D C After having lived for over twenty I开头: ABBBC After having lived for over twenty years in the I am going to tell you a story about two BADDA Americans is business are like people

13、 who CBADC I began to smoke when I was in high C B B D A C C D B A Americans are big tippers I cant count how many times C D B C A Americans enjoy sports. The three national CDBCB I was very disappointed not to D A B C A Americans with small families own B A C B A I was due to take my driving B A D

14、C B DBACC Americans, like many people elsewhere I love Charles Barkley like a A D A B B C B D D C Amy Tan,the American-born daughter I often find myself trying to explain D C A B B CCABB Are some people born clever, and I often dreamed about piss when I was B C A B D Australia is nearly as large as

15、D D C B D I never used to go anywhere without C D B B A If you like A B D A B As price and building costs keep rising looking at more places A B B A D As long as the sun shines, DBCBA If you are like most learners As long as the sun shines, the earth will DBCDA C A A D B If you travel by air across

16、ABDCB As she walked round the large shop ABDBD If you travel by air across the center of . AADCB C D B A B At some time in your life you may If you do not use your arms or your B D B A C An old man died and left his son a lot of money CDBBC If you do not use your arm or your legs CCCCB An English tr

17、aveler found himself in BADAD If youve been joining in D A C B A B、开头:If you ask Daniel Radcliff who acted Harry ACDBD B B B A C Baths and bathing have long If you ask most Americans, they would say their DDCBA D A C B D Background music may seem harmless A B D D C Beauty has always been regarded as

18、 If we were asked exactly what D D D B A Before you go to another country it is a great help CBBAD If U.S software companies dont pay D D A B C D D A D C Britain and France are separated In any society that needs child labor D A D C B B C A A C Bob was happy . He was at new school In the last 500 ye

19、ars,nothing about A C D A B CDDCB By definition, heroes and heroines In the water around New york city C D A C B Bill turned the key in the heavy lock and ADDBD In the eighteenth century young D A A B C B C B A D Can tress talk? Yes , but not in words In the world, soccer or football A D B D C CACBB

20、 Cars are lots of fun, but they could also be In the United States 84 colleges A B A D B B C A D B Community service is an important 1 In the United States, it is not customary B B B D B Mr. Young ran his own business and worked CBADB Mrs Andrews had a young cat D A A B A B C A A D In the united sta

21、tes, it is not normal Mrs. Jones was still cleaning the house In recent years progress in medical B A D C A C D B A B Mrs. Jones telephone number was 3463 B A D C D DCBAB In learning a foreign language Modern ideas are beginning to influence In sixteenth-century France C D A D B C D B A B In Sydney

22、there is a special long-distance CADDC N开头: A D C A B In 1801,Thomas Jefferson was the No one is glad to hear that his body has B C B C B D A A B D In 1896,Einstein went to Zurich to No one is glad to hear that his body has to ACBCA C A B D B In 1920, barely out of his teens No one knows who made th

23、e first D A A C D BDACB In 1933 an unknown American called Now youll be coming back here D C C C C C B D A A In 1939 two brothers ,Mac and Dick Nowadays there are more and more ways A C D B B A C A A D In England ,people like to talk about Nowadays, any Chinese can enjoy the luxury DDAAB A B A B C I

24、n England,people often talk about the New York is one of the most exciting cities BDBCC C A A C A In earlier days few people Nancy and Peter McCall like sports. ACDCA C C B D D In Europe many people died during O开头: It is a fine spring day A little bird sits A B B B C C C A D B It is now commonly kn

25、own that AIDS On Christmas Evethe night before DBACA B A D B C It looks like a mobile phone On a recent cross-country fright A C B D C D A C A AIt was Monday. Mrs. Smiths dog On February 14 th many people in the world B C C D A ABBCC It was very cold last Sunday One day in 1965 ,When I was a libray

26、C B A D C It has been reported that in CCDCB One day Johns wife was ill, He called C A D B C 、L、开头:JOne day teacher was giving her C A B C D One day a man and his daughter were B B B C D Jack Brown, an office worker, livers in Washington. CDBBA One moring when we had been riding B D D B B B A C D C

27、Jean-Michael lourdis was a promising One Sunday,. Mark decided to go B C B A A Jean is a bright young woman who comes DABBA One silly question I simply cant D D C B D A B B A DJohnson doesnt have his own car One of the favorite foods in C B C B A D C A B C John parker is an English language One Thur

28、sday evening Mr.Watson C D A B A Just four decades ago some 700 D C A D B Once an old man was walking CBCDC Just four decades ago some 700 million BBCAB Once there was something wrong CDBCA B B D B D Last Friday a storm tore through Once upon a time, there lived C D B A C A A D C B Laws have been wr

29、itten to govern Once James Thornhill B B C C A Language is always changing. In a society DBBAD Our childs behavior is greatly C B D A C B A D C D Let me tell you a story Ours is a big world, complex and full of many BCDBB watch the weather ABACC Lets Open or distance learning has had C D A D B ADACC

30、 Lets watch the weather forecast P、R开头: A A B A C Life in secondary school is interesting Like most people,I was brought up A C B C D Paper is one of the most important B A A B C Linda and David have traveled BDABD Pearl Carlson was shaken awake at 3:30 a.m. CDCBD B A A C A Look at the instructions

31、on the Peter arrived home and discovered that A C A B A Long, long ago there was no zero.BBDCA People in different parts of the ACDBD DBCDB Lovely dog aged 5 People have been talking about health B D A B A M开头:People often say that the Englishmans A B D B C People today all over the world A B A C B

32、Most people imagine New York CABDA People are so busy these days that A D A A B ADBAC Many a young person tells People living in the country enjoy several A B A D C B D A C D Many doctors are now trained Pepys and his wife had asked some friends CCCBC B C C A D Many people believe they are supposed Pubs are supposed to be the Englishman,s B C A D D Many people who work in London BCBAC President Abraham Lincoln often visited B C D A B Many people now keep animals as pe

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