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1、24套6选2第一套22. 方程等号 : 强词 projection show G as over ten times larger than M, a country in fact only slightly smaller than Goversight 失察simplification 简化distortion 扭曲clarification 澄清/净化superficiality 表面的东西warping 扭曲23. 方程等号 : 强词 the engine remains unchangedintuitive 直觉的cosmetic 表面的superficial 表面的consequ

2、ential 重要的retroactive 可追溯的momentous 重要的24. 方程等号 , 强词 escapingelusive 难以捕捉的pervasive 弥漫的unvaried 不变的insensitive 麻木的unaffected 不变的slippery 难以捕捉的25. 方程等号 because 强词 irritable, quarrelsome disposition(性格)crabby 脾气坏的disingenuous 狡猾的sanctimonious 假装虔诚的cantankerous 脾气坏的artful 狡猾的tyrannical 专横的26. 方程等号 once

3、 强词 natures mysteries /natures incredible(难以置信的) _tranquility 安宁immobility 静止intricacy 复杂desirability 值得做的事complexity 复杂 stability 稳定27. 等号 even 强词 dramatic(惹人注意的 显著的)harmonious 和谐一致的sensational 耸人听闻的insipid无聊的vapid 无聊的lurid 耸人听闻的impeccable 无可挑剔的28.等号 : 强词 refuse to tolerate new ideasdigressed 跑题pro

4、liferated 激增ossified 僵化(不跑题)deviated 跑题calcified 僵化(不跑题)incubated 酝酿 孵化29. 等号 as 强词 verbal attacksalvo 攻击encore 加演barrage 攻击concession 让步demurral 反对palliative 缓和30. 等号 because/fails 强词 sensory deprivation(感觉的损失)spur 刺激stimulation 刺激complacence 自我满足confusion 困惑 混乱bewilderment 困惑 混乱latency 潜伏31. 等号 be

5、cause/not 强词 engrossing 非常有趣的passive 顺从的independent 独立的abandoned 放纵的resigned 顺从的redundant 多余的autonomous 独立的32. 等号 Permit 强词 generalizations of topography 地形概括models 模型contours 轮廓remnants 残余outlines 轮廓pigments 颜料vestige 残余33. 等号 so. that 强词 shatter(破坏)rhetorical 语言上的/辞藻华丽的transparent 透明的translucent 透

6、明的repetitive 重复的disruptive 分裂的divisive 分裂的34. 等号 because 强词 safer docile 听话的cantankerous 脾气坏的gargantuan 巨大的trackable 听话的grouchy 脾气坏的frolicsome 嬉闹的35. 等号 , 强词 including rare materialsummary 总结fabrication 谎言/编造的东西imitation 复制trove 藏货replication 复制cache 藏货36. 等号 so 强词 laugh exuberantly(精力充沛的) and embra

7、ce(拥抱) friends repeatedlyambivalent 矛盾的demanding 难以满足的euphoric 心情愉悦的jaded 疲惫的exultant 心情愉悦的exacting 严厉的37. 等号 : 强词 more potent(有影响的)synergistic 互相促进的naturalistic 自然的competitive 竞争的/抑制的cooperating 合作的neutralizing 互相促进的counteracting 抑制的38. 等号 who 强词 the first to experimentaesthetic 美学的partisan 有偏见的pio

8、neering 先锋的biased 有偏见的avant-garde 先锋的/前卫的decorous 得体的第二套17. 等号 , 强词 benefit from an _/the result of a increaseintransigence 顽固plentitude 大量revitalization 复兴stagnation 静止renaissance 复兴abundance 大量18. 等号 and 强词 trusting(轻信的) guileless 单纯的 intrusive 侵入的astute 机敏的ingenuous 单纯的chary 谨慎的circumspect 谨慎的19.

9、 等号 when 强词 adroitly(熟练的) manipulateconspiracy 诡计humility 谦逊machinations 诡计dexterousness 灵巧deftness 灵巧synergy 协同作用20. 等号 , 强词 traditionalistorthodox 传统的impassioned 热情的precarious 不确定的conventional 传统的indeterminate 不确定的impressionable 敏感的21. 等号 , 强词 easily changed and controlled by outside forcesmalleab

10、le 易受影响的influential 有影响力的susceptible 易受影响的felicitous 恰当的prosaic 单调的savory 好吃的22. 等号 so that 强词 grating soundharsh 刺耳的cajoling 甜言蜜语的melodious 悦耳的muted 无声的strident 刺耳的euphonious 悦耳的23. 等号 contradict 强词 champion/_denounced 公开谴责anathematized 公开谴责conceived 构思coveted 过分妄想invoked 祈求investigated 冲动24. 等号 ,

11、强词 precisiona meticulousness 极其谨慎an effrontery 厚颜无耻a contentiousness 好争论a litigiousness 好争论a conscientiousness 极其谨慎an impetuousness 冲动25. 等号 but 强词 in 1916 had only 25/since _ to more than 2000ballooned 激增mediated 调停dispersed 驱散burgeoned 激增reconciled 调停attenuated 衰弱26. 等号 though 强词 never enjoy celeb

12、rity/deserve(值得) to be _mollified 安抚/使柔软lionized 崇拜accosted 勾引idolized 崇拜vilified 污蔑 galvanized 唤醒27. 等号 to 强词 _ newfound ability/diagnose maladies(诊断病)bequeath 遗赠deny 否认exploit 利用finesse 耍花招utilize 利用dodge 躲避28. 等号 who 强词 cartoons harmful to skill/use time _ to these mediaderide 嘲弄rationalize 使清白vi

13、ndicate 使清白gibe 嘲弄exonerate 免除责备foster 鼓励29. 等号 because 强词 not to _ himself /anonymously(匿名的)compromise 妥协invigorate 鼓舞deify 提高地位aggrandize 提高地位enervate 使衰弱debilitate 使衰弱30. 等号 since 强词 pleas(请求)backlash 激烈反应recourse 求助/依靠resort 依靠手段reckoning 算账/账单clich 陈词滥调bromide 陈词滥调 31. 等号 unfortunately 强词 lost

14、in the awkward twists and turns of the plot(迷失在笨拙且迂回曲折的剧情中 )convoluted 复杂的susceptible 易受影响的suspect 可疑的knotty 复杂的preachy 说教的dubious 可疑的 32. 等号 but 强词left her not just saddenedvagary 奇异的行为abhorrence 厌恶bereavement 失去亲友degeneration 衰退elation 骄傲/兴奋bereftness 失去亲友 33. 等号 :强词 More than _/studiedan obsessio

15、n 着魔a recreation 娱乐an avocation 娱乐an encumbrance 负担a fascination 魅力a career 职业34. 等号 , 强词 shabby(旧的)/replace it with _copyan imitation 复制的an authentic 真的a pristine 新的a stale 旧的a shopworn 旧的a mint 新的35. 等号 how 强词 not understand/ pretend to _obscure 掩盖disregard 忽视comprehend 理解disparage 贬低ignore 忽视fath

16、om 理解 36. 等号 rather than 强词 advance(促进)condone 忽视/宽恕facilitate 促进quicken 促进exalt 提升hamper 阻碍check 阻碍37. 等号 despite 强词 lifelong reputation (名声) for humility(谦逊)downplay 轻描淡写catalog 不谦逊embellish 不谦逊diminish 减少supplant 代替substitute 代替38. 等号 _ 强词 game-winning goal (制胜球) in the closing minutes/his well-k

17、nown ability to under stressful conditions.belied 对立contradicted 对立substantiated 证实epitomized 证实decried 公开谴责indurated 使硬化第三套20. 等号for months/now 强词 pleasantly enlivened(使活跃)redolent 芳香的dormant 休眠的/暂停活动的fragment 芳香的quiescent 休眠的/暂停活动的trenchant 锐利的compliant 顺从的21. 等号 as(-) 强词 always blind to his fault

18、, pretended to be unaware of itunremarkable 不明显的apt 恰当的 random 随机的flagrant 明显的(坏的)conspicuous 明显的covert 不明显的22. 等号rather than/ ,强词 _/ incompetence(无能)/too lazy to apply himselfinfatuation 着迷sloth 懒散obsession 着迷indolence 懒散ineptitude 无能tension 拉紧23. 等号 initially/after 强词 spontaneous (自发的) and carefre

19、e(快活的)/_capricious 反复无常的/不可预测的unpredictable反复无常的/不可预测的extraneous 无关的unexceptionable 无懈可击的captivating 吸引人的incontrovertible 无懈可击的24. 等号 even though 强词 good healthpresumptive 假想的predictive 预测的precautionary 预防的premeditated 预谋的preventative 预防的preliminary 初步的25. 等号 though/换对象 强词 touched(+) on the idea/was

20、 the first to _ fully(-) articulate 清晰的说derogate 贬低represent 描述disparage 贬低enunciate 清晰的说iterate 重述26. 等号 where 强词 _ with tables, chairs/ groups could assemble(聚集)indicated 表明appointed 布置furnished 摆放/布置conflated 混合venerated 尊重signified 表明27. 等号 , 强词 named in honor of conscripted to 征用redeemed for 赎回

21、conferred on 授予relegated to 把降低/贬黜imposed on 征用accorded to 授予28. 等号 as 强词squelch rumors of cutbacks (抑制业绩下降的流言)/ annual celebration as _as eversparing 节俭的tawdry 俗丽的sumptuous 豪华的lavish 豪华的provident 节俭的belated 迟到的29. 等号 server 强词 confuseincoherent 没有条理的persuasive 有说服力的/令人信服的cogent有说服力的/令人信服的scintillat

22、ing 聪明的disjointed 没有条理的perspicacious 聪明的30. 等号 Unlike 强词 thorough and mature grasp (彻底而熟练的掌握)dabbling 一知半解的sophomoric 一知半解的incredulous 怀疑的canny 聪明的scintillating 聪明的astute 聪明的31. 等号 : demonstrative 说明的/感情外露的all-around 全能的meticulous 谨慎的versatile 全能的metaphoric 象征的scrupulous 谨慎的32. 等号 , 强词 unquestionabl

23、e proofimmaterial 不重要的potential 潜在的incriminating 有罪的unimpeachable 毋庸置疑的indisputable毋庸置疑的nominal 不重要的33. 等号 , 强词never ate or drank to excesstemperate 有节制的laconic 话少的duplicitous 欺骗的ascetic 有节制的reserved 话少的aesthetic 美学的34. 等号 , 强词 accurately anticipated changes unforeseenprescience 预见conspiracy 共谋fores

24、ight 预见complicity 共谋mendacity 谎言avarice 贪婪35. 等号 rather than 强词 central(中心的)pivotal 重要的ritualistic 仪式的salient 重要的supplementary 附属的solemn 庄重的appurtenant 附属的36. 等号 because 强词 bullied(恐吓)madcap 鲁莽的人/愚勇的人ruffian 暴徒/小混混stickler 一丝不苟的人punk暴徒/小混混naysayer 爱唱反调的人daredevil鲁莽的人/愚勇的人37. 等号 before 强词 _ the islan

25、d/hilltop in a vast forestinundated 淹没situated 位于rejuvenated使恢复活动submerged 淹没revitalize 使恢复活动supplanted 代替38. 等号 : 强词 twisted back and forth(来回绕)panoramic 全景的precipitous 陡峭的serpentine 弯曲的withdrawing 倒退的retrograde 倒退的winding 弯曲的39. 等号 formerly(-) 强词 charming and gentle (迷人 和善) / the _ of formerly rud

26、e and overbearing self(过去粗鲁专横)remnant 残余物antithesis 对立/正相反consequence 结果antipode对立/正相反mainstay 主要依靠outgrowth 结果第四套18. 等号 , 强词 a cavalcade of blunders(一系列大错误)query 问题gibe 嘲笑gaffe 失礼/明显的错误indiscretion 失礼tribute 赞颂taunt 嘲笑19. 强词 stage sceneryappeal 恳求plot 情节trial 试用setting 场景locale 场景rehearsal 彩排20. 等号

27、 because of 强词 the _effect of the hot springs/ suffering from ailments succulent 多汁的restorative 恢复的therapeutic 恢复的ambrosial 芳香的cerebral 理智的redolent 芳香的21. 等号 , 强词 winds _ attempts /delaying the launchthwarted 阻止forfeited 放弃foiled 阻止discharged 释放redoubled 加倍relinquished 放弃22. 等号 , 强词 limping halting

28、蹒跚的robust 健壮的hobbling 蹒跚的prompt 按时的stalwart 健壮的/忠诚的constant 坚定的/忠诚的23. 等号 for example 强词 raising voices and pretending to swoon(假装昏倒)ardent 热情的theatrical 夸张的/做作的convivial 快活的histrionic 夸张的/做作的solicitous 迫切的inscrutable 不可理解的24. 等号 that 强词 thin, pliable, and somewhat transparent(薄 柔软 透明)callous 无情地ara

29、ble 适合耕种的viscid 黏的membranous 膜的viscous 黏的diaphanous 透明的25. 等号 , 强词 a mixture of dialects(方言的混合)articulation 清晰的说enunciation 清晰的说multiplicity 多样性profundity 深奥heterogeneity 多样性spontaneity 自发性26. 等号 only to(-) 强词 apologized/self-serving(自私) excuses fail to have a _ effect自私的借口没有_+_效果reprehensible 应受职责的palliative 减轻的depreciatory 轻视的soothing 减轻的pugnacious 好争论的litigious 好争论的27. _/a gullible(轻信的) perso

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