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1、CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT雇佣合同This Contract of Employment is made and entered into on this day _of _ by and between:这份合同由以下双方订立并执行于日期 . Name of Employer: 雇主名称: (Hereinafter referred to as “THE EMPLOYER”) (以下简称雇主) Add 地址: Tel电话: Fax传真8 AND和Name of Employee: _ _; Gender: _ _ ; Nationality: _ _; Passport N

2、o. :_ ; 雇工姓名性别.国籍.护照号(hereinafter referred to as “ THE EMPLOYEE” 以下简称“雇工)Add地址: .Tel电话: .WITNESSETH鉴于For the requirement of production (work), based on the principle of legality, fairness, equality, voluntariness and honesty, the EMPLOYER employs the EMPLOYEE and the EMPLOYEE accepts employment by t

3、he EMPLOYER under the following terms and conditions:为了生产(工作)需要,以合法,平等,公平,自愿和诚实为原则,在以下条款和条件下雇主雇佣雇工并且雇工接受雇主的雇佣:CLAUSE 1. CLASSIFICATION:条款1. 分类The EMPLOYEE will work as a/an/the_ Algeria Project _for the EMPLOYER for its engineering projects in Algeria and complete the production task assigned by the

4、 EMPLOYER on time as per the work quota, task, safety and quality requirements determined by the EMPLOYER. At times if work offered is not available in any one section, the EMPLOYEE should do the other related work as requested or required. The EMPLOYEE should not work or engage for wage or salary f

5、or any other(s) during the entire term of this employment.雇工将以阿尔及利亚项目身份为雇主在阿尔及利亚的工程工作并按时完成雇主指定的任务,并依照雇主决定的工作量,任务,安全和质量要求。任何时候工作的任何一方面不可行,雇工必须按要求和需要做其它相关的工作。雇工在雇佣的全程不能为其他人工作并索取工资。CLAUSE 2. LOCATION OF WORK条款2 工作地点The location of work is in Algeria and will be transferable within the country of Algeri

6、a to other job sites whenever necessary.工作地点在阿尔及利亚并且可以随时转移到阿尔及利亚的其他工地。CLAUSE 3. PERIOD OF EMPLOYMENT条款3 雇佣时间3.1 The period of employment is 24 months effective from the day he arrives at the project site, including a probation period of 90 days, which could be shortened or extended by the EMPLOYER f

7、ree from breaching of this contract if project progress was affected by reasons of force majeure, objectiveness or weather. For this reason, the EMPLOYEE should be informed by the EMPLOYER fifteen days in advance. 3.1 雇佣时间为24个月,包括试用期90天,从工人离开越南到达工地生效。试用期只有在工程由于不可抗力,客观原因或者天气影响进度的情况下,才可以由雇主自由的违背这份合同进行

8、缩短或者延长。3.2 If the EMPLOYEE is not competent for his job or disobeys the EMPLOYERs management at construction site during the probationary period, the employment should be terminated. And also the EMPLOYEE will have to bear all cost to return home.如果在试用期内雇工不能胜任其工作,或者在工地不遵守雇主的安排,雇佣关系将被终止。雇工将承担自己回国的费用。

9、3.3 This contract of employment should be deemed to be terminated starting from the day the EMPLOYEE leaves Algeria project site.3.3 在雇工离开阿尔及利亚项目现场之日,该合同关系将被认为终止。3.4 For the requirement of production (work), this contract of employment may be renewed through mutual consent of both parties after its

10、expiry.3.4 为了生产需要, 雇佣合同在到期之后, 可由双方同意并续签。3.5The Employer will provide with economy class air tickets Hanoi-Algeria and Algeria- Hanoi after completion of 2 years contract. 3.5雇主提供河内阿尔及利亚以及工人期满回国的来回经济舱机票。CLAUSE 4. WORK TIME, REST AND VOCATION条款4 工作时间,休息和假期4.1 The EMPLOYER will work for 26 days a month

11、 and 10 hours per day, as per the requirement of the project progress or seasons. “The Employer” has the right to adjust the 4 rest days of every month according to the project progress or seasons on condition of ensuring the total time of rest days in one year of the Employee and if the rest days a

12、re insufficient, they will be regarded as overtime work.4.1 雇工将一个月工作26天,每天工作10小时,依照雇主因工程进度或者季节原因的要求。每月的四个休息日雇主可根据工程进度及天气状况进行调整,前提保证雇工在一年内的休息天数,休息天数不足部分按加班处理。4.2 The EMPLOYER could ask the EMPLOYEE to work overtime as per construction requirement, and the time exceeding 10 hours of work per day will

13、be paid as per the standard specified at Clause5.6.4.2 雇主可因施工的要求安排雇工加班,时间超过10小时每天的时候将按照条款5.6 的标准进行支付。4.3 The EMPLOYEE could enjoy 7days Vietnam National Legal Holidays each year, i.e., three days for Lunar spring festival, one day for National Labors Day, one day for New Years Day on Jan.01, one day

14、 for Vietnam National Day on Sept.02, and one day for Unity Day on Apr.30.4.3雇工每年可以享受越南法定的7天节假日,三天是阴历的春节,一天是国家劳动节,一天是1月1日的新年,一天是9月2日的越南国庆节,一天是4月30日的团结日。4.4 Upon completion of each first two years of work, the EMPLOYER will be given 21 days (unpaid) as vacation leave if further employment is required

15、. A free economy class round-trip ticket of Vietnam-Algeria will be provided by the EMPLOYER.4.4 雇工每满两年的工作,雇主如果需要继续雇佣的话,将给雇工21天(无工资)的假期休假。雇工往返于越南和阿尔及利亚的经济舱机票由雇主承担。4.5 During work period, the EMPLOYER should assist the EMPLOYEE for medical treatment if he is unable to work normally because of illness

16、. Sick leave is approved as per the certificate from medical practitioner and the EMPLOYEE should be paid for his service period as per the following payment manner: 4.5 在工作期间,如果雇工因病不能正常的工作,雇主将帮助雇工进行医疗救治。将依照医师的鉴定认定其是否因病休假的批准,并且雇工将依照以下支付方式支付他的服务期:First Fifteen days 第一个15天: US$10/day 10美元每天.After fift

17、een days 之后的15天: No pay 不支付If the EMPLOYEE could not recovered from sickness after expiration of 30 days of sick leave entitled to him, the employment should be deemed to be terminated. The cost of the return air transportation to the EMPLOYEEs point of origin should be borne by the EMPLOYEE.如果雇工在授予

18、他的疾病休假满30天后没有康复,雇佣合同被认为结束。雇工回程的机票将由雇工自己承担。CLAUSE 5. WAGES条款5 工资5.1 As per project progress or seasons changing, the EMPLOYER will pay 580 USD / month (remuneration will be different according to work category) basic salary for 10 hours/day, 6 days/week, which includes basic salary and all other inco

19、mes. For the first 03 months of work, the EMPLOYER will keep US$200/month as deposit and this sum of US$600/- will be paid off when the Employee finishes his employment contract and return back to Vietnam.5.1依照工程进度和季节变化,雇主将为其每天工作10小时,每星期6天而,支付580(根据工种不同数额不同)美元/每月的基本工资,580(根据工种不同数额不同)美元包括了基本工资等一切收入。前

20、三个月的工作,雇主将保存200美元每月每个劳工,作为保证金,保证金总额为600美元,将在雇工完成他们的雇佣合同回越南的时候付清。5.2 After probation period of 90 days, within the specified working time, the EMPLOYEE has to finish the work quota specified by the EMPLOYER, failing which, the EMPLOYER is entitled to decrease the lump-sum Salary of the EMPLOYEE.5.2 在

21、试用期满90天的时候,以实际情况符合雇工工作效率,在规定的时间内,雇工需完成雇主规定的工作量,如果没有完成,雇主有权降低雇工工资总额。5.3 Under the mature production conditions, the EMPLOYER could adopt the piecework compensation system, for which, the EMPLOYEE should be informed of the piece rate which should be justice and equity.5.3 在成熟的生产环境中,雇主应可以接受计件薪酬体系,雇工的计件

22、工资率必须是公平公正.5.4 At any time, if the EMPLOYEE is absent from work without consent of the EMPLOYER (e.g. absence, personal reasons, work strike, suspension from work on disciplinary grounds), a penalty of double salary will be applied for each abuse. If the absent from work for no reason for 2 consecut

23、ive days or 4 days within contract period, the employee will be dismissed and be borne the expenses of return home by himself.5.4 在任何情况下,雇工在没有雇主的同意下缺勤(例如:缺勤,个人原因,罢工,因纪律处分原因停工),双倍工资的罚金将适用于每一种恶行。那些无故缺勤工作连续两天或合同期内4天的雇工,将被解雇,并自行承担回程费用。5.5 However if the work is not offered or is suspended due to the EMP

24、LOYERS reasons, the EMPLOYEE will be compensated for US$10/day.5.5 因雇主原因没有提供工作或者暂停工作,雇工将给10美元每天的报酬。5.6 If the EMPLOYEEs daily work exceeds the working time specified by Clause 4.1, he will be paid1.5 times as much. If the EMPLOYEE works on the 7 days Vietnam National Legal Holidays, he will be paid

25、2.0 times as much. 5.6 如果雇工的日常工作超过条款4.1规定的工作时间,将付1.5倍工资,如在约定越南7天法定节假日加班将付2倍工资。 5.7 Salary should be paid monthly before 20th of the following month by remitting to specified Vinaconexmecs Bank A/C entrusted by the EMPLOYER. After the EMPLOYERs remitting the salary of the EMPLOYEE to the specified Vi

26、naconexmecs Bank A/C entrusted by the EMPLOYEE, the EMPLOYER should not take any responsibilities whether the salary is paid to the EMPLOYEE or not by the Vinaconexmec. 5.7 工资月付,在下一个月20日前汇入雇工指定授权的越南劳务公司的往来账户.雇主将工资汇入雇工指定授权的越南劳务公司的往来账户后,如发生工资发放不到及其它情况与雇主不再相关,雇主不在因此承担其它任何责任。CLAUSE 6. HAND TOOLS AND SAF

27、ETY EQUIPMENT条款6 手动工具和安全装备6.1 The EMPLOYER should provide the EMPLOYEE with working condition and hand tools required for his job.6.1雇主提供雇工工作环境和与其职业工作相关的工具。6.2 The EMPLOYEE should return all hand tools furnished by the EMPLOYER upon termination of the employment. In case of the EMPLOYEE failing to r

28、eturn any of the hand tools furnished by the EMPLOYER, the EMPLOYER will deduct the cost of the tool(s) from any payment due to the EMPLOYEE.6.2 雇工在雇佣关系结束之后要归还所有的提供的手动工具,如果雇工不能归还任何雇主提供的手动工具,雇主可以在给雇工的任何付款中扣除工具的钱。6.3 The EMPLOYEE should abide by all the safety operation regulations established by the

29、EMPLOYER. The EMPLYEE has the right to refuse the illegal order or coercion of dangerous operation from the EMPLOYERS management personnel. 6.3 雇工应遵守雇主的所有安全操作条款,雇工有权拒绝雇主管理人员非法提出的危险操作的命令和强迫。CLAUSE 7. OBSERVATION OF THE RULES AND REGULATIONS条款7. 规章制度的遵守7.1 During the entire period of the agreement the

30、 EMPLOYEE should have the obligation and responsibility to understand and observe the laws and regulations of the host country and also all the rules and regulations prescribed by the EMPLOYER. The EMPLOYEE should abide by the rules of occupational safety and health as well as, the labor disciplines, professional ethics, and instruction from the EMPLOYER in the execution of the works.7.1 合同的全过程中,雇工有权利和义务理解和遵守所在国家的法律法规和雇主的相关规章制度。雇工必须遵守职业健康与安全守则,遵守劳动纪律和职业道德,同时接受雇主的教导完成工作。7.2 During execution of this contract of employment, in the event t

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