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北师大版高考英语总复习 介词和介词短语Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、 many words have been added to the language since it was published.7(2016北京高考)It was a cold January in 1925 in North Alaska.The town was cut off from the rest of the world due _ heavy snow.8(2016北京高考)Nomes town officials came up _ a(n) plan.They would have the medicine sent by rail from Anchorage to

2、 Nenana.9(2016全国)_the outstanding ladies listed below,who do you think was the most important woman of the past 100 years?10(2016全国)According _a study by ,83 percent of the people said Mrs.Robinsons decision will influence the grandparents in the American family.11(2016四川高考)Gin spent five months in

3、early 2015 exploring the most remote corners of this area,which sits on the edge of the Amazon rainforest,_ half its population of only 250,000 living in its capital,Cayenne.12(2016四川高考)Previous studies have also indicated that milk can be excellent for helping sleep because_the calcium content,whic

4、h helps people to relax.1(2015江苏高考)The university started some new language programs to cater _ the countrys Silk Road Economic Belt.2(2015江苏高考)The whole team count _ Cristiano Ronaldo, and he seldom lets them down.3(2015江苏高考)Many of the things we now benefit from would not be around but _ Thomas Ed

5、ison.4(2015浙江高考)Have you ever heard of the trees that are homes _ animals both on land and sea?5(2015浙江高考)Most people work because its unavoidable._ contrast, there are some people who actually enjoy work.6(2015浙江高考)We tend to have a better memory for things that excite our senses or appeal _ our em

6、otions than for straight facts.7(2015浙江高考)These comments came in response _ specific questions often asked by local newsmen.8(2015湖北高考)This meeting room is a nonsmoking area.I would like to warn you _ advance that if you smoked here you would be fined.9(2015重庆高考)Last year was the warmest year on rec

7、ord, with global temperature 0.68 _ the average.10(2015陕西高考)The little pupil took his grandma _ the arm and walked her across the street.11(2015安徽高考)They believe that there are transport developments _the corner that will bring a lot of changes for the better.12(2015福建高考)A common memory they all hav

8、e _ their school days is the school uniform.13(2015福建高考)Human life is regarded as part of nature and, as such, the only way for us to survive is to live _ harmony with nature.14(2014福建高考)Our club is open to everyone regardless_ age,sex or educational background.15(2014浙江高考)While staying in the villa

9、ge, James unselfishly shared whatever he had with the villagers without asking for anything_return.16(2014天津高考)_addition to the school, the village has a clinic,which was also built with government support.17(2014浙江高考)People wont pay attention to you when they still have a lot of ideas of their own

10、crying _ expression.18(2014重庆高考)She drove so fast at the turn that the car almost went _ the road.19(2014浙江高考)Facing up to your problems instead_ running away from them is the best approach to working things out.20(2014陕西高考)The Scottish girl _ blue eyes won the first prize in the Fifth Chinese Speec

11、h Contest.21(2014江西高考)It is unbelievable that Mr.Lucas leads a simple life _ his great wealth.22(2014北京高考)Jane is in a hurry because the train to the airport leaves _ half an hour.23(2014大纲卷)September 30 is the day _ which you must pay your bill.24(2014湖北高考)Check carrots,potatoes,onions and any othe

12、r vegetables _store and immediately use or throw away any which show signs of rotting.25(2014江苏高考)Tom always goes jogging in the morning and he usually does pushups too to stay _shape.甘肃河西五市部分普通高中一联)One well of the oil field was still burning with huge fire twisting crazily _ the night sky.甘肃河西五市部分普

13、通高中一联)Apart _ the cold,thin air and low oxygen levels also can cause mountain sickness.湖南益阳三模)To survive in the world,we have to act in concert _ others,but to survive as ourselves,we have to act alone.浙江高考最后冲刺高考)Please fetch the bunch of purple flowers and put it here,for purple flowers look more b

14、eautiful _ a light yellow wall.湖北武汉调研)In contrast _ the previous approach to offering lowcost models for the market,Chinese car makers are focusing on displaying alternative energydriven vehicles to meet environmental concerns.河南开封二模)People keep to themselves in my neighborhood.We dont drop by unann

15、ounced,except _ one night a year,December 30. 安徽教研素质测试)In the final,we narrowly won the game. _ be honest,I didnt expect we had a chance of winning at first.福建莆田质检)_ view of the shortage of time,the chairman decided that each candidate should finish the speech within 5 minutes.安徽马鞍山一次质检)The disaster

16、 relief funds are already _ place so that people in the earthquakestricken area can carry out reconstruction work without delay.山东烟台一模)The pollution in Beijing is expected to improve,thanks _ a series of air pollution control measures.陕西西安长安一中一模)Why not talk with your parents about your willingness

17、to attend 2016 Peking University Summer Camp?I tried _ vain to get them to listen to me.吉林延边质量检测)It is important to know what colours look good _ your skin before you buy clothes.13(2016浙江宁波重点中学期中)Nick,its good for you to read some books _ China before you start your trip there.14(2016山东师大附中一模)After

18、 walking a whole day, I was almost out _breath, not feeling bad, though.15(2016安徽模拟冲刺)Could I speak to Ms Catherine?Sorry, shes gone to a company_an interview and shell be back in an hour.16(2016浙江高考最后冲刺高考)Tom has been most helpful to us;_fact I dont know what we should have done without him.17(2016

19、湖北八市调考)We can be a smart shopper by choosing for value, not for looks;_other words, choose good quality goods with plain packages.18(2016湖北荆州质检)The closer the blood relationship between two people, the closer they are in intelligence. If we take two unrelated people_random, their degree of intellige

20、nce might be completely different.19(2016北京石景山区一模)_entering the classroom, remember to take your seat and turn off your cell phone.20(2016陕西第一次联考)It was my birthday, so all the drinks were_me.21(2016广西桂林中学月考)He is always helping people without expecting anything_return.22(2016豫东、豫北十校联考)How could she

21、 be so calm in front of so many people? It is really_me.23(2016邯郸一检)Hey,boys,since this is a match, you have to play_the rules.24(2016重庆南开中学检测)Where is your greatgrandmother_your mothers side from?She is from Beijing.25(2016浙江六市六校联盟考前模拟)Did Tony win the game?No. Staying up late made him at his worst

22、_terms of physical situation.26(2016浙江高考最后冲刺高考)Youll have to be patient_my mother as shes going rather deaf.27(2016大庆一模)I have no idea about what colours look good_my skin.28(2016开封一模)Three of the towns factories have closed down_the space of a year.29(2016郑州一检)What shall we prepare for our picnic t

23、his weekend?Well, lets discuss it_lunch.30(2016云南四模)The dress is very nice, but not_the girls taste, for she is somehow particular.31(2016广西桂林中学月考)Im afraid Mr. Wood cant see you until 4 oclock.Oh,_that case I wont wait.32(2016南京一模)The old street runs_miles until it joins the new one.33(2016朝阳区一模)In

24、 some countries, friends kiss_ both cheeks when they say goodbye.34(2016赣州一模)Many people view sailing_romantic and relaxing.35(2016广西桂林中学月考)It is hoped that an end can be put to pollution of any kind and we humans can live_harmony with nature.36(2016北京海淀区一模)The purpose of the article is to draw publ

25、ic attention_ the problem.37(2016泉州一中质检)What she has done these days shows that her son can do no wrong_her eyes.38(2016石景山区期末)He has been_the computer for two hours, chatting with a boy from Australia.39(2016陕西省西工大第五次适应性训练)If you really have to leave during class, youd better leave_the back door.40

26、(2016山东师大附中五模)The weather has been so hot and dry _February this year.Yes. Its like that in April.41(2016福建泉州质检)You may know better about Jack London if you have read a book _the name of The Call of the Wild.42(2016安徽安庆二模)David was always_his best in any danger, but at that moment he froze.43(2016重庆

27、一中二模)Shes got the job because she has the advantage_others of knowing many languages.44(2016北京东城区综合练习二)There was an excited expression_his face when he heard the good news.45(2016福建漳州八校联考)I was surprised to see wild flowers in Alaska.Many people think there is nothing apart _ice and snow.河北石家庄二中开学考)Second,we sometimes seem to be misunderstood _ our teachers,parents and classmates.宁夏银川一中月考)Today I received a sweet letter from Brianna,one of my “cookies”It was wonderful to hea

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