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本文(人教版英语1819八上测试题Unit7Willpeoplehaverobots单元综合测试题1新版人教新目标版1含答案.docx)为本站会员(b****2)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、人教版英语1819八上测试题Unit7Willpeoplehaverobots单元综合测试题1新版人教新目标版1含答案Unit 7 单元测试题 Written test part (共95分).单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )21. I have to say that luck played a part _ my success.A. with B. inC. to D. for( )22. To keep healthy, you should smoke fewer cigarettes and drink _ coffee

2、.A. little B. fewC. less D. fewer( )23.Mark,Chinawon their game againstCameroonto reach the Womens World Cup quarter-finals.I know. It was _ a hard game.A. too B. enoughC. so D. such( )24. They grew up in different _, so they have little in common.A. environment B. sidesC. competitions D. future( )2

3、5. Yesterday was Toms birthday. His mom bought him a cake in the _ of a heart.A. space B. peaceC. service D. shape( )26. The villagers are _ a bridge over the river so that their children neednt go on a ropeway to get to school.A. crossing B. buildingC. painting D. polluting( )27.Anna, Mr. Black die

4、d yesterday evening.What? I can hardly _ my ears! I met him yesterday afternoon.A. close B. standC. believe D. agree( )28. Eric, there _ a music show in the hall tonight. Lets go and have a look.A. will be B. will haveC. was D. has( )29.Mary, what do you think of my haircut?Great! It makes you _ ten

5、 years younger.A. looking B. to lookingC. look D. to look( )30.Bill, do you know why you didnt win the game?I _ didnt try hard enough.A. already B. probablyC. pretty D. either( )31 My sister _ at my uncles home when she _ toNew York.A. will stay; will get B. stays; getsC. stays; will get D. will sta

6、y; gets( )32. This is a fantastic place. Some people even travel _ miles to get here.A. hundred of B. hundredC. hundreds of D. hundreds( )33. Theres nothing to be afraid of. The sky wont _.A. fall down B. sit downC. cut down D. go down( )34. Look, Bob! There are some girls _ under the tree.A. dance

7、B. dancingC. to dance D. to dancing( )35.I want to take a trip toCanadathis winter._. Its a beautiful country.A. I dont mind B. Me, tooC. Yes, youre right D. No problem.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Honda is a Japanese company (公司) famous for its cars. In 1986, Honda s

8、tarted to make a robot which would be able to walk. In 1997, ASIMO36. And now, 29 years later, ASIMO can do many kinds of thingsIt can jump, run, walk and37hop (单脚跳行)!These years, Honda is taking ASIMO all around the world to38it to young people. They want to encourage (鼓励) them to study39. Honda al

9、so says that in the future, ASIMO will be able to do40work for humans like fire fighting. Many people think that ASIMO is very fantastic because41can help people do daily work, such as cleaning or washing up.ASIMO is not cheap, so not every person has enough money to42one. And a robot cant do everyt

10、hing.“I really dont think that ASIMO can make the43people feel less lonely (孤独的).44if your family has an old person, maybe you should call him or her on the phone each week or go to his or her house45a cup of tea or coffee. Im sure he or she will be very happy,” said a scientist in Honda.( )36. A. w

11、on B. left C. appearedD. answered( )37. A. still B. even C. once D. ever( )38. A. read B. point C. e-mailD. show( )39. A. science B. music C. geography D. history( )40. A. easy B. relaxing C. dangerous D. interesting( )41. A. I B. we C. you D. it( )42. A. sell B. move C. getD. describe( )43. A. outg

12、oing B. serious C. young D. old( )44. A. But B. Unless C. So D. Because( )45. A. before B. for C. by D. over.阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)AJenny and her sister Carol did a personality (性格) test, and they were not very happy with the results.“Hey, I get 62 points. The results say that I am boastful (自夸的). But I t

13、hink I am not boastful,”said Jenny.“Well, maybe a little, Jenny. Do you remember the time when you got top grades in the English test? You kept going around and told everybody. And then you asked Paul about his grades. You knew how bad he was in English,” said Carol. “But look at my results. I only

14、get 19 points. Do you think I am shy and indecisive (优柔寡断的)?”“Yes,” said her sister. “When did you last make a decision about anything?”“I decided to get up this morning,” said Carol.“Good! And then you asked me what you should wear and if it was a good idea to play tennis this afternoon with your f

15、riends!”“Yes. Well, I sometimes do have problems reaching a decision but only on unimportant things.”“Really?” asked her sister. “Is that why you ask Mom what you should study and where? Is that anything unimportant? You always want others to make decisions for you.”“Maybe. I am just afraid of makin

16、g a wrong decision,” said Carol.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )46. What did the results say about Jenny?A. She was ready to help others.B. She was a boastful person.C. She was good at English.D. She was a good sister.( )47. How many points did Carol get in the test?A. 19. B. 43.C. 62. D. 81.( )48. Who told Carol w

17、hat to wear in the morning?A. Her dad. B. Her mom.C. Her sister. D. Her friend.( )49. Carol always wanted others to make decisions for her because she _.A. didnt have enough timeB. was not good at studyingC. didnt care about unimportant thingsD. was afraid of making a wrong decision( )50. Which is t

18、he best title for the passage?A. A personality testB. A good decisionC. An English testD. A smart sisterBCan you think of having computer screens or mobile phones that change shapes to tell you when you have a new message? (51)_Mobile phones are our friends, and we always feel that we cant live with

19、out them. Scientists at the Human Media Lab in Canada invented (发明) a special mobile phone called MorePhone. (52)_ It can be any size and any color. You can even jump on it.It uses very little power (能量) , so there is no need for large batteries (电池). It is very light. You can take it around easily.

20、 You can take it when you have a holiday or when you need to work in the outside for a long time. (53)_Scientists spent about 13 years developing this new phone. (54)_“It is not easy to bring a new product (产品) to the market because people always dont believe it at first. And you need to show them h

21、ow good your product is,”said one scientist.It is really a fantastic invention. (55)_根据材料内容,从方框中选择恰当的句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确。每个选项限用一次。A. And you dont need to worry about the batteries.B. Do you want to have a mobile phone like this?C. Now they need to encourage people to use it.D. It may sound like an

22、impossible idea, but in fact someone has invented it.E. It is as thin as a piece of paper.情景交际(每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容及所给首字母提示,补全所缺单词或短语,使对话完整、通顺。A: What do you think life will be like in the future, Dale?B: I think machines (机器) willi(56) and do more work for human beings.A: If so, people wont have to wor

23、k long hours, right?B: Yeah, they will have moref(57) for fun. And everything will be free, so people can take anything home free of charge.A: Sounds great. Will peoplem(58) other planets?B: No. In the future, people will send rubbish (垃圾) to the sun and our earth will be more and more beautiful.A:

24、What about houses? Will they be smart?B: Yes. The houses in the future willb(59) regulate the temperature (调节温度) inside the house so that people will live a comfortable life.A: Wow, thats cool. And will it be possible to bring the dead back to life?B: Yeah, everything will be possible.A: I see. All

25、in all, lifeinthefuturewillbegreatlyd(60) from what it is today.词汇运用(每小题1分,共10分)A)根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。sea, holiday, space, planet, apartment61. I came back from a(n) _ in theUnited Statesyesterday.62. Well go down to the _ for a swim before dinner.63. There isnt enough _ in the classroom for

26、 thirty desks.64. You can stay in my _ tonight. Here is the key.65. Do you believe there is life in other _?B)根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。66. I respect (尊敬) you but I _(agree) with your decision.67. Mr. Brown visited some _(factory) in our city.68. Kate, please give me some writing _(paper).69. The factory _(pollute) the water here a lot last year.70. You shouldnt promise whats _(possible).完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词(含缩略形式)。71. There will be more tall buildings in 10 years. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ be more tall buildings in 10 years

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