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1、数量与质量(Quantity and Quality);价款或酬金(Price or Payment);履行的期限、地点和方式(Duration, Place and Method);违约责任(Liability for Breach of Contract),指合同当事人因违反合同义务所应承担的法律责任;解决争议的办法(Settlement of Disputes)。此外,当事人认为必须在合同中明确的其他内容,也是合同的基本条款。 (3)一般条款(General Terms and Conditions):合同有效期(Duration)。合同的终止(Termination)。不可抗力(For

2、ce Majeure)。合同的让与(Assignment)。 仲裁(Arbitration)。适用的法律(Governing Law)。诉讼管辖(Jurisdiction)。通知手续(Notice)。合同修改(Amendment)。其它(Others)。4. 结尾条款(Witness Clause) 一般包括合同的份数(Copies of the Contract)、使用的文字和效力(Language Used and Their Effectiveness)、签名(Signature)和盖章(Seal)等。CONTRACT CONTRACT NO. SIGNING DATE/PLACE TH

3、E BUYER: Name Legal Address Contact THE SELLER: This contract is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller. Whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under-mentioned commodity in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated below. 1. NAME OF COMMODITY AND SCOPE OF T

4、HE CONTRACT 2. PRICE 3. PAYMENT 4. PACKING IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this contract has been executed effective as of the date first above written. THE BUYER THE SELLER _ _ By:_ By:_ Date:_ Date:_ THE END USER _ _ _ 合同号: 签署日期/地点: 买方名称: 法定地址: 联系人: 卖方名称: 买卖双方经协商,签署本合同。根据合同条款规定,买方同意购买,卖方同意出售下列货物。 1. 货物名称及合同适用

5、范围 2. 价格 3. 付款方式 4. 包装条件 双方证明,合同自签署之日起生效。买方: 卖方: 签署人: 日期:最终用户: 1. 协议(Agreement): 是对已经做或准备做的相关事宜,经过谈判、协商后取得一致意见,以口头或书面形式做出的约定,是两个或多个当事人,为了约定单方责任或相互责任,就财产权利、利益的转移取得的一致同意。 2. 销售确认书(Sales Confirmation): 是一种比较简单的书面合同,内容包括买卖双方的名称、地址、货物描述(名称、数量、品种、规格、价格、包装等)、装运期、启运港和目的港、保险条款、支付方式、商品检验等。一般用于金额不大、批次较多的土特产品或轻

6、工产品。 3. 销售合同(Sales Contract) : 是内容比较全面的书面格式。除包括销售确认书的内容以外,还包括索赔、仲裁、不可抗力等条款。销售合同内详细列明双方的权利和义务以及发生纠纷的处理,常用于金额较大的交易或大宗商品交易。 4. 不可抗力(Force Majeure) :又称人力不可抗拒。所谓不可抗力是指在合同签订以后,不是由于订约的任何一方当事人的过失或疏忽,而是由于发生了当事人既不能预见,又无法事先采取预防措施的意外事故。因不可抗力致使不能履行或不能如期履行合同,该当事人据此免除其履行合同的责任或允许其延期履行合同。 5. outstanding: 本单元中的意思是“未付

7、款的”。例如:outstanding loans(未偿贷款);I want to clear up all my outstanding debts as soon as possible.(我要尽快还清积欠的各种债务。)APPOINTMENT AS CONTRACT FULL-TIME SENIOR CUSTOMS ADMINISTRATOR AN AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES made the 1st day of September, 2006 between Company A of Beijing, China (address)(hereinafter referr

8、ed to as the Company) as one part and Mr. Smith of London, the UK(address)(hereinafter referred to as the Contractor)of the other part. WHEREBY IT IS AGREED AND DECLARED AS FOLLOWS:1.THAT the Company shall 2.This agreement shall commence on IN WITNESS WHEREOF, both parties set their hands on the dat

9、e herein mentioned: SIGNED BY (Name): Designation: For and on behalf of:(signature) Contractor: Designation: For and on behalf of:(signature) 签约全职高级关税管理员任命书 甲方:中国北京A公司(以下称本公司)与乙方:来自英国伦敦的史密斯先生(以下称签约人)于2006年9月1日签署本服务协议。双方达成协议并声明如下: 1.本公司将 2.本协议自起执行 作为证明,双方于上述日期签字。 签署人名称: 签名: 代理人签名: 签约人姓名:(1) minute of

10、 talks 会议纪要 (2) memorandum (3) validity clauses of contracts 合同生效条款(4) definition and whereas 定义及鉴于条款(5) assignment and guaranty of contracts 合同转让与担保条款(6) rescission and termination of contracts 合同的解除与终止条款(7) default and escape 违约与免责条款 (8) arbitration and jurisdiction 仲裁与法律条款(9) international conven

11、tions and practice 国际惯例(10) international business contracts 国际贸易合同1. by virtue of因为 2. prior to在之前3. in effect 有效 4. In quadruplicate 一式四份 5. to enter into a contract 签订合同6. at the close of the fiscal year 财务年度末 7. as regards 关于 8. in witness whereof 兹证明9. the Force Majeure clause 不可抗力条款 10. null a

12、nd void 无效ad referendum contract 暂定合同,草约agency agreement 代理协议agency contract 代理合同agreement and contract 协议与合同agreement fixing price 共同定价协议 agreement on general terms and conditions on business一般经营交易条件的协议agreement on import licensing procedure 进口许可证手续协议agreement on loan facilities up to a given amoun

13、t 商定借款协议agreement on reinsurance 分保协议agreement to resell 转售协议barter contract 易货合同bilateral agreement 双边协议bilateral trade agreement 双边贸易协议binding contract 有约束力合同blank form contact 空白合同commercial agreement 商业协定commercial contract 商业合同compensation trade agreement 补偿贸易协议compensation trade contact 补偿贸易合同

14、cross licence contract 互换许可证合同distributorship agreement 销售协议exclusive distributorship agreement 独家销售协议exclusive licence contract 独家许可证合同export contract 出口合同formal contract 正式合同forward contract 期货合同guarantee agreement 担保协议illegal contract 非法合同import contract 进口合同indirect contract 间接合同installment cont

15、ract 分期合同international trade agreement 国际贸易协议international trade contract 国际贸易合同joint venture agreement 合营协议licensing agreement 许可证协议loan agreement 贷款协议management agreement 经营管理协议multilateral trade agreement多边贸易协议operating agreement 经营协议partnership agreement 合伙契约supply agreement 供货合同to abide by the

16、contract 遵守合同to alter the contract 修改合同to annul the contract 废除合同to approve the contract 审批合同to break the contract 撕毁合同to cancel the contract 撤销合同to carry/implement/perform out a contract 执行合同to countersign a contract 会签合同to draft a contract 起草合同to draw up a contract 拟订合同to enter/make/place/sign int

17、o a contract 签订合同to execute a contract to fulfill a contract to honor the contract 重合同to renew a contract 续签合同to repeat a contract 重复合同to tear up the contract to terminate the contract 解除合同trade agreement 贸易协议written contract 书面协议 1. 专业术语多 英语商务合同中,经常使用国际商务术语及缩略语。 (1)We have covered the goods against

18、 the risk of breakage, TPND, etc. 句中“TPND”指“Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery (盗窃及提货不着险)”。 (2)Payment will be made by irrevocable L/C at sight against presentation of shipping documents. 句中“irrevocable L/C at sight”意思是“不可撤销的即期信用证”。 2. 法律词汇多 商务合同属于法律文书,为表现其权威性和严肃性,多使用正式、庄重的法律词语。 (1)Contracts shall be

19、 concluded in accordance with the principle of equality and mutual benefit and of achieving agreement through consultation. 该句中的“in accordance with”为法律合同常用词语,比“according to”正式。 (2)The obligations shall be affected neither by the liquidation of the contract nor by a premature termination of the same.

20、 此句中的“liquidation”和“termination”为法律常用词语,比“cancel”和“end”正式。 3. 古体英语多 英语商务合同中,经常使用古(旧)体词。比如:hereafter(自此,今后)、hereby(特此,兹)、herein(此中,于此)、hereinafter(在下文中)、hereof(在本文中)、thereto(另外,随附)、thereof(其中,它的)、whereas(鉴于)、whereby(凭借)、whereupon(因此,于是)等。 (1)The specific contents and procedures of auditing accounts a

21、re detailed in Appendix 4 hereto. 句中“hereto”一词为古体词,一般译成“在此”。 (2)The undersigned hereby certify that the goods to be supplied are produced in Japan. 句中“hereby”一词为古体词,一般译成“兹”。 4. 对等结构多 在英语商务合同中,为了表达的严密性,通常将众多并列成分如单词、短语、从句等平行排列,组成对等结构,使表达的思想脉络分明,层次清晰。最常见的对等结构是由and或by连接的并列成分。 A contract of sale need not

22、 be concluded in or evidenced by writing and is not subject to any other requirement as to form. 译文:销售合同无须以书面订立或书面证明,在形式方面也不受任何其他条件的限制。 本句中,“concluded in”、“evidenced by”、“subject to”构成对等结构,增强了句子的平等感,使表达更加严密。 5. 专用句式多 英语商务合同中大量使用被动语态、非谓语动词、情态动词、倒装句、省略句、条件句、介词(短语)、插入语等法律和商务文书类常用句型。 (1)In case the cont

23、ract is concluded on CIF basis, the insurance shall be effected by the Seller for 110% of invoice value covering all risks, war risk, S.R.C.C. risks (i.e. Strikes, Riot, and Civil Commotions). 在到岸价基础上订立的合同,将由卖方按发票金额110%投保综合险、战争险、罢工险、暴乱险和民变险。 本句是有关合同保险条款的内容,其中用了被动语态( is concluded,shall be effected)、非

24、谓语动词(covering all risks )、情态动词(shall),另外还用了“in case”引导的条件句。 (2)If the Force Majeure event lasts over 60 days, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the Contract or the underlined part of the Contract. 若不可抗力持续60天以上,买方有权撤销本合同或本合同中划线的部分。 句中使用了条件句(If )、情态动词(shall)和非谓语动词(underlined)。 商务合同中有很多专业术语,如涉及数

25、字、时间、交货条件、贸易术语以及信用证等方面专业词汇特别多。翻译的时候必须做到准确无误,否则,若翻译出现偏差,将会给双方当事人造成难以估量的损失。翻译者要有扎实的英语功底和商务专业知识,并善于积累相关的专业术语。常见的合同术语一般有比较固定的翻译,而且这部分术语和词汇使用重复率较高,只要用心积累,不难掌握。英语商务合同中常用的术语有:Force Majeure(不可抗力)、defect(瑕疵)、remedy(救济)、jurisdiction(管辖)、damage(损毁)、loss(灭失)、draft at sight(即期汇票)、letter of credit(信用证)、bill of la

26、ding(提单)、documents against acceptance(承兑交单)、bill of exchange(汇票)、firm offer(实盘)、technology transfer(技术转让)等等,这些专业术语语义精炼,表义准确、正式、规范、严谨,符合正规、严肃的合同文体特征。 合同英语的用词极其考究,翻译成汉语时往往具有约定俗成的汉语表达方式,通常需要注意以下几个方面: 1. 情态动词may、shall、must、may not(或shall not)的翻译 “may” 旨在约定当事人的权利(可以做什么),“shall”约定当事人的义务(应当做什么),“must” 用于强制性义务(必须做什么),“may not (或shall not)”用于禁止性义务(不得做什么)。 (1)The parties hereto shall, first of all, settle any dispute arising

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