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1、 B. Whats the time? C. Whats your mother? A. Look at my shoes。 B。 Look at my shorts。 C。 Look at my sweater。( ) 5. A. Its time to go to bed. B. Its time to go to school。 C。 Its time to go home.III。 Listen and choose(听录音,选出正确的应答句). A. Su Yangs. B。 My fathers. C。 Su Yangs fathers。 Twenty-two. B。 Two tw

2、enty. C. Two.( ) 3. A. At six. B。 At six fifteen. C. At six fifty.( ) 4. A。 Hes sleepy. B。 Hes ill. C。 Hes thirsty。( ) 5. A. Its Nancys. B. Its Helens。 C。 Its Yang Lings。IV. Listen and complete(听录音,完成对话,每空一词).1.A: Whats that in _? B: Its a _.2.A: Its time _ go _ _ cinema。 B: OK。 Lets go.3.A: _ _ are

3、 they? Theyre _ fathers.4.A: Wheres _ mother? _ in the kitchen。Part II Reading and WritingI。 Word formation(词性转换)。1. is not(缩略形式)_ 2. can(否定形式)_3. open(反义词)_ 4。 she(物主代词)_5. my sisters(所有格)_ 6. hat(近义词)_7. there(反义词)_ 8。 I(复数)_9。 B(同音词)_ 10. eat(对应词)_II. Translate(中英互译).1. 在8:05 _ 2. 在那边 _3. 在他的5张课桌

4、上 _ 4. 生词 _5。 回家(来) _ 6。 两杯水 _7. 拼拼图 _ 8. In which bag? _ Dont worry。 _ 10。 the new pandas name _ Choose the best answer(选择填空). _ storybook is for you。A。 Heres B。 This C。 That( ) 2. Happy _ Day!A. teacher B。 Teachers C。 Teachers( ) 3. _ dont you go to bed now? Why B。 What C. Where( ) 4. Shall we do

5、the puzzle now? _。 OK B. Youre right C. See you( ) 5. The jeans are too short。 Try this _on。 one B。 pair C. a You look _。 Have some cakes, please。 thirsty B. hungry C。 sleepy( ) 7。 - _ is her dress? - Its in the bedroom。A. Whose B. Where C。 What( ) 8. - Whats _now? - Its four thirty. time B. the tim

6、e C。 time is it( ) 9. - My jeans _ too short. Dont worry。 Here _ a new pair。A. is; are B. are; is C。 are; are( ) 10. She _ so happy。A. look B。 looking C。 looks( ) 11。 Whats _? - Im ill。A. matter B. the matter C。 the wrong( ) 12。 - Do you like this _? No, I like _. lion; tigers B。 lions; tigers C。 li

7、on; tiger( ) 13。 Whats in your desk? Its a copy book. B. Ive got a copybook. C. No, it isnt.( ) 14. - Its nine. Go to bed, David。 All right. _, mum。 Good night B。 Good morning C. Good evening( ) 15。 I play football _ afternoon.A. in B. at the C. in theIV. Form sentences(连词成句)。1. do; you; time; up; g

8、et; what (?) _2。 home; go; at; I; five (。3. jeans; too; are; her; short (?4. this; his; perhaps; is; red; scarf (.) _5. some; for; heres; milk; you (.) _V. Match the dialogues (对话配对). Whats the time now, Helen? A。 See you.( ) 2. Try this cap on, please. B。 Its ten thirty. Do you like dolls? C。 Not a

9、t all。( ) 4. What time do you go to bed? D。 No, I dont。( ) 5. See you at nine oclock。 E。 No, she isnt。 Thats Jims mother, I think。 F. Dont worry。 My rubber is too small. G。 All right.( ) 8. Thank you very much。 H。 At eight ten。VI. Complete the dialogue(根据上下文完成对话,一空一词)。A: _ _ that in English?B: Its a

10、 dress。 Do you like _?A: No, I _. Have a look _ the jeans.B: How nice! You can try that _ on. All _.VII. Read and comprehension(阅读理解,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F)。Hello, Im Lydia。 Im eleven。 Look, this is my family photo。 The man is my father。 He is a driver. The woman is my mother. She is not a driver

11、. She is a teacher。 And the girl is me. Im a student. I go to school from Monday to Friday。 I dont like Chinese. I like English best.( ) 1. Lydia is a boy. Lydias mother is a driver.( ) 3. Lydia goes to school from Monday to Friday。( ) 4. There are four members(成员)in Lydias family.( ) 5。 Lydia likes

12、 English best.VII。 Writing(根据所给题目写一段话,要求主题明确,语句连贯,至少三种句型,不少于6句).My winter holidays听力原文 Listen and choose(听录音,选出你所听到的单词).1. matter 2。 thirteen 3. rabbit 4. copy box 6. 5:50 7。 writeII。 Listen and choose(听录音,选出你所听到的句子).1.A: Whats the matter? B: Im tired。 Im cold. B: Dont worry。 Whats the time? B: Its

13、7:10.4.A: Look at my shorts. B: Oh, how nice!5.A: Its seven thirteen now。 Its time to go to school. B: Lets go. Listen and choose(听录音,选出正确的应答句). Look, Su Yang. Whose gloves are they? B: Theyre my fathers。Q: Whose gloves are they?2.Look at the clock。 Its two twenty now。 Its time to go to class。Q: Wha

14、ts the time?3.A: What time do you get up? B: I get up at six fifteen. What time do you get up? Whats the matter, Dingding? Are you ill? No, Im sleep。 Why dont you go to bed now? B: OK. Good night。5.A: Wang Ling, is that your pencil? No, it isnt。 Its Nancys. Whose pencil is that?参考答案:1.C 2. B 3。 B 4.

15、 A 5。 BIV. Listen and complete(听录音,完成对话,每空一词)。s that in _English_? Its a _cat_.2.A: Its time to go _to_ _the_ cinema。 OK. Lets go. _Whose_ _shoes_ are they? Theyre _my_ fathers. Wheres _his_ mother? _Shes_ in the kitchen。牛津版小学四年级英语期末测试题答案I. Listen and choose(听录音,选出你所听到的单词).1。 A 2。 C 3。 B 4。 C 5。 C 6

16、。 B 7. B1.B 2。 B 4. B 5。III. Listen and choose(听录音,选出正确的应答句)。2.C 2。 B 3. B 4. A 5。IV. Listen and complete(听录音,完成对话,每空一词)。1.English; cat 2。 to; the 3. Whose; shoes; my 4。 Shes Word formation(词性转换). isnt 2。 cant 3。 close 4. her 5. my sisters6. cap 7. Here 8。 We 9. be 10。 food at eight five 2. over the

17、re 3. on his five desks4。 new words 5。 come home 6. two bottle of water7. play puzzle 8。 在哪个包里? 9. 别担心。10。 新熊猫的名字 Choose the best answer(选择填空)。1.B 2. C 3。 A 4。 A 5。 B 6。 B 7. B 8. B 9. B 10. C11. B 12。 A 13. A 14. A 15。 CIV. Form sentences(连词成句).1.What time do you get up?2.I go home at five.3.Are her jeans too short?4.This red scarf is perhaps his。5.Heres some milk for you.1. B 2. G 3。 D 4。 H 5. A 6. E 7。 F 8。 What; it dont; at pair right Read and comprehension(阅读理解,判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F).1.F 2. F 3. T 4。 F 5. T

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