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1、22. hole size 井眼尺寸23. hook position 大钩位置 24. kelly - down/in depth 方入深度25. kelly - up 方余 26. nozzle size 水眼尺寸27. gas content 气含量 28. leakage 漏失量29. mud volume 泥浆量 30. pump stroke 泵冲31. hook load 大钩负荷 32. weight on bit 钻压33. bit lift 钻头寿命 34. bit time 钻头纯钻时间35. down time 停工时间 36. drilling hours 钻进时间3

2、7. tripping time 起下钻时间 38. annular velocity 环空流速39. pump speed 泵速 40. rotary speed 转盘转速41. back pressure 回压 42. bottomhole pressure 井底压力43. oil reservoir pressure油层压力 44. pump pressure 泵压45. shutin casing pressure关井套压 46. bit cost钻头成本47. bit type钻头类型 48. bit wear 钻头磨损49. dog leg ratio狗腿率50. intensit

3、y 强度51. sensitivity 灵敏度52. table torque 转盘扭矩53. tong torque 大钳扭矩54. temperature 温度55. wind direction 风向56. one hundred 10057. well depth 井深 58. nine point five feet 9.5 英尺59. Equipment on floor 钻台设备60. air chamber 空气包61. air hoist/winch 气动绞车62. brake lever/handle 刹把63. brake line/staple 刹带64. cantil

4、ever 悬臂梁65. cathead line 猫头绳66. cathead 猫头67. catwalk 滑道68. cellar deck/texas deck 井口甲板69. clutch 离合器70. crown block 天车71. dead line anchor 死绳固定器72. derrick 井架73. dog house 值班室74. drawworks 钻井绞车75. drillers console 司钻控制台76. drilling line 钻井大绳77. drum 滚筒78. equalizing yoke 刹带的平衡杠79. eye plates 吊环80.

5、fast line 快绳81. hole opener 扩眼器82. hook 大钩83. hydraulic catwork 液压猫头84. line reeving 滑车装绳数85. monkey board 猴台86. mouse hole 小鼠洞87. ramp 坡道88. rat hole 大鼠洞89. rig floor 钻台90. rotary hose 水龙带91. rotary table 转盘92. setback 立根盒93. steel wire 钢丝绳94. story 库房95. tong bucket 大钳平衡器96. top driver 顶驱97. trave

6、ling block 游车98. admission pipe 进气管99. blow line 扫线管线100. choke line manifold 阻流管汇一、专业词汇汉译英:1 导管conductor 2 灌泥浆管线fill up line 3 高/低压管线high/low pressure line 4 压井管线kill line 5 泥浆管线mud line 6 放压管线relief line 7 立管管汇stand pipe manifold 8 球阀ball valve 9 节流阀chock valve 10 浮阀float valve 11 旋塞阀plug cock val

7、ve 12 调节阀regulator valve 13 消防泵fire pump 14 混合泵mixing pump 15 计量泵mud supply pump 16 桥塞bridge plug 17 水泥塞cement plug 18 钻头bit 19 钻头水眼bit nozzles 20 母扣box 21 公扣pin 22 牙轮cone 23 变扣接头crossover sub/joint 24 钻铤drill collar 25 钻杆drill pipe 26 钻柱drill stem 27 加重钻杆heavy weight drill pipe 28 震击器jar 29 单根joint

8、 30 非磁钻铤non-magnetic drilling collar 31 短钻铤pony drill collar 32 短钻杆pup joint 33 减震器shock absorber 34 扶正器stabilizer 35 立柱stand 36 三牙轮钻头three-cone bit 37 井眼well bore 38 造斜器whip stock 39 考克cock 40 通径规drift mandrel 41 吊卡elevator 42 提丝lifting plug 43 提升短节lifting sub 44 旋扣钳 pipe spinner 45 刮泥器pipe wiper 4

9、6 滑轮pulley 47 倒档齿轮reverse gear 48 大钳rig tong 49 钢圈ring gasket 50 安全卡瓦safety slips 51 卡环shackle 52 吊索sling 53 护丝thread protector 54 大钳牙板tong dies 55 石油p petroleum / oil 56 丝扣油thread dope 57 温度计thermometer 58 指重表weight indicator 59 井位location 60 缆绳mooring rope 61 超载overload 62 晕船sea sick 63 拖轮tug 64 套

10、管接箍casing coupling 65 刮管器 casing scraper 66 套管鞋casing shoe 67 浮箍float collar 68 中间(技术)套管intermediate casing 69 挤水泥squeeze cement 70 打捞fishing 71 打捞公锥fishing nipple 72 打捞母锥fishing socket 73 打捞矛fishing spear 74 反循环打捞篮reverse circulation junk basket 75 卡瓦打捞筒slip socket 76 倒扣,卸扣back off 77 卸开break out 7

11、8 定向钻井directional drilling 79 地层测试formation test 80 压井kill the well 81 扣吊卡latch the elevator 82 卸扣break out 83 上扣make up 84 试压pressure test 85 侧钻side tracking 86 滑大绳slip drilling line 87 开钻spud in 88 卡钻stick 89 造扣thread making 90 井控 well control 91 通井wipe trip 92 甲板deck 93 柴油机diesel engine 94 出口outl

12、et 95 进口 inlet96 电话telephone 97 变压器transformer 98 救生衣life jacket 99 救生艇lifeboat 100 灭火器extinguisher 二、阅读理解:(True or False)(一)One thing is certain: a substantial reduction in Irans energy output would have a significant impact on global oil prices. Iran is the fourth-largest oil exporter in the world

13、, behind only Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Norway. It sells more than 2.5 Million barrels a day and is believed to have about 10 percent of the worlds proven reserves. Many analysts say a supply cut could combine with other market pressures to quickly drive prices up to $80 to $100 a barrel. Is either

14、side bluffing? Irans threat to pull oil off the market is not an empty one, Irans leaders, who want to visibly assert their defiance of the West, need domestic support for the regime, and divides international opinion, have only the countrys energy exports with which to influence the outcome of the

15、diplomatic conflict. Of course, were Iran to completely cut off its oil supply, it would badly damage its own economy. In addition, a total shutdown would harm many of Irans friends, though it would also increase oil income for those who are net exporters of oil, such as Russia and other OPEC member

16、s. But there are a number of incremental steps Iran can take that would rattle those who depend on affordable energy without sinking its own economy. If Iran cut 200,000 to 300,000 barrels a day, oil markets would react not only to the fall in supply but also to fears of what Tehran might do next. 1

17、. Irans leaders need domestic support for the regime and divide international opinion. (T )2. Russia is believed to have about 10 percent of the worlds proven reserves.( F )3. If Iran cut 200,000 to 300,000 barrels a day, oil markets would react not only to the rise in supply but also to fears of wh

18、at Tehran might do next. ( T )4. A substantial reduction in Irans energy output would have a significant impact on global oil prices. ( T )(二) With exploration, drilling, and completion costs, the well represents a substantial investment, and the produced oil or gas is a continuous source of revenue

19、. To abandon the well would mean that the investment is insolvent and the well is not producing revenue, this is not a desirable situation. Consequently, in most companies a concerted effort id made to maintain the well on production as long as it has the potential for producing oil or gas. Before r

20、epairing a well, there is no guarantee that the well will produce after the work is performeda risk involved on workovers. To minimize the inherent risk of well repairs, the intelligent diagnosis if what is wrong with the well, coupled with a sound repair plane is essential. 1.The investment in the

21、oil is tremendous, including exploration, drilling, completion. (T)2.To abandon the well is the last choice if necessary. (T)3.So long as the well is maintained, the oil well continues production. (F)4.Even though the oil or gas can flow into the casing after it is perforated,usually,the well is not

22、 produced through the casing. (T) (三)The main function of a rotary rig is to drill a hole, or as it is known in the industry, to make hole. Making hole with a rotary rig requires not only qualified personnel, but a lot of equipment as well. In order to learn about the components that it takes to mak

23、e hole, it is convenient to divide them into four main systems: power, hoisting, rotating, and circulating. Various components comprise the last three systems, but all require power to make them work.1.The main function of the rotary rig is to drill or make the hole.(T)2.Making hole with rotary rig

24、requires the qualified personal , not needing so much equipment.(F)3.The components of rig to make hole is divided into four systems. (T)4.Of the four systems, power is very crucial to the other three, for they all require power to operate. (T)(四)A rig, depending on its size and how deep a hole it m

25、ust drill, may have from two to four engines. Naturally, the bigger the rig, the deeper it can drill and the more power it will need. Thus, the big rigs have three or four engines, all of them together developing up to 3000 or more horsepower. Of course, once all the horsepower is develop, it must b

26、e sent, or transmitted, to the components to be put to work. Two common methods are used to transfer the power electrical and mechanical.1、The number of the engines depends on the rigs size and depth of the hole to be drilled. (T)2、There is only one method to transfer the power. (F)3、The needed powe

27、r has nothing to do with the size of the rig. (F)4、The power of the big rig , with three or four engines, can amount to 3000 or more horsepower. (T)(五)Diamond bits function the same as drag bits, particularly in the fact that both weight and rotary speed are directly related to drilling speed. The d

28、iamonds must be kept clean and cool, this hydraulic effort is just as important for diamond bit performance as when using roller bits. Under some condition diamond bits can drill almost as fast as roller types. They will often stay in good condition times longer, thus hole cost foot will be less not

29、withstanding the higher price of the diamond bit. Analysis of performance using total cost per foot is important regardless of the type of bits employed.1、Drilling Speed has direct impact on the weight of the bits and the rotary speed.(T) 2、Diamond Bits can function the same with roller bits under any condition. (F)3、This is no specific requirement for the kept condition of the diamond bits. (F)4、Only for the diamond bits, the analysis of performance using total cos

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