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人教版初二下英语unit 7语法篇教师版Word文件下载.docx

1、little少的less更少的least最少的far远的;远地farther更远的;更远地farthest最远的;最远地further进一步的(地)furthest最深刻的(地)(一)原级的用法1、只能修饰原级的词 very, quite, pretty, really, too, so, enough 如: I am pretty _(healthy). English is so _(difficult).2、感叹句中用原级。如 What an _(interesting) book!3、as+形容词/副词原级+as(与一样) 4、not as/so +形容词/副词原级+as(A不如B)

2、如: He is as tall as me.=He is the same _ as me. 他与我一样高。He is as old as me.= He is the same _ as me. 他与我一样大。He isnt as/so old as me . 他没我大。5、 less+形容词/副词的原级+ than (A 不如B) 可以与 not as/so +形容词/副词原级+as互换。t as old as I.= He is _ _than me. =He is _ than me. =Im _ than he /him. He doesnt run as fast as I.=

3、He runs _ _ than me. = He runs _ _ than me. = I run _ than him. 他跑得没我快。Chinese isnt as difficult as English. =English is _ _ than Chinese. 语文没有英语难。(二)比较级的用法1、than 两者(人/物)进行比较时用比较级,表示“一个比另一个更”或“较”。句式为:A+ 谓语动词+比较级+than+B。如果上下文明确,比较级也可单独使用。He is _(tall) than his father . 他比他父亲高。This shirt is too small.

4、 Do you have a _(big) one?这件衬衣太小了。你有大一些的吗?2、or 句式:特殊疑问句,A or B?如:Who is _(young), Lucy or Lily? 露西和莉莉,谁更小一些?3、修饰比较级的词:a lot, much, far 得多 a little, a bit一点儿 even 甚至 still 仍然 Im a little _(tall) than him. 我比他高一点。That must be a lot _(interesting) than taking a bus.4、of the two 比较级前要加the 用the + 比较级+ of

5、 the two (the twins/parents) 特指两者中较(高/矮)的一个。 Tina is _(tall) of the twins.Mike is _(smart) of the two boys.5、比较级+and+比较级 表示“越来越” 单音节词: better and better 越来越好 多音节词: more and more beautiful He is getting _ and _(tall).他变得越来越高了。The film is _ and _(interesting).这部电影越来越有趣了。6、 the +比较级,the+ 比较级 表示“越,越”如 T

6、he more, the better.越多越好。The _(careful)you are, the _(few) mistakes you make.7、any (范围外)/ any other(范围内)Shanghai is bigger than _ city in China.上海比中国的任何一个城市都要大。Shanghai is bigger than _ city in Japanese.上海比日本的任何一个城市都要大。8、两者相比比较的对象要一致。 He has longer hair than I (do).= His hair is longer than mine. Th

7、ere are more students in our class than in their class.My watch is _(expensive)than _(you).我的手表比你的贵。I have _(few) story books than _(you).我的故事书比你的少。9、not any more=no more不再(次数的不再重复) not any longer=no longer不再(时间的不再延长) (三)最高级的用法1. of /in 三者或三者以上的人或物进行比较时,用最高级,形容词的最高级前面要加the,后面用of/in. of + 同类人/物 in+ 表

8、地点的范围,副词的最高级前面可用the,也可省略。 Tom is the tallest (boy) in his class. 汤姆是他班上最高的男生。 Tom is the tallest (boy) of all the boys (in his class).2. or which/who 引导的选择疑问句有三者相比,也可用最高级。Which is _(big),the sun, the earth or the moon?太阳、地球、月亮,哪个最大?Who is_(tall), Tom, Mike or John?3. one of the longest rivers 最长的河流之

9、一 句式:one of +the + 形容词的最高级+名词复数,表示“中最之一” 如:Xian is one of the oldest cities in China. 西安是中国最古老的城市之一。4. the second longest river 第二长的河 句式: the + 序数词+ 形容词的最高级+名词,表示“第几的”The Yellow River is the second _(long) river in China.5. 当形容词的最高级前有形容词性物主代词、名词所有格或指示代词时,不用定冠词the.This is my best book of all.这是我所有书中最

10、好的一本。(四)级别的转换1. 原级与比较级的转换This room is five times as big as that one.=This room is four times bigger than that one.English isnt so easy as math. = English is _ _ than math. =English is _ than math.=English is _ _ than math. =Math is _ than English.2.比较级与最高级的转换比较级+than+any other +单数名词 比较级+than+the oth

11、er +复数名词 比较级+than+the othersNobody else +比较级+ than Peter is the tallest student in our class. =Peter is taller than _ _ _ in our class. =Peter is taller than _ _ in our class. =_ _ is taller than Peter in our class.一、下列哪些形容词和副词的最高级需要在前面加most, 请圈出。long wide fat heavy slowly beautiful brightly useful

12、quickly happy 解析:形容词:beautiful, useful (多音节和部分双音节的形容词,可不是在末尾变化,而是在前面加most)副词:slowly,quickly,brightly(以ly结尾的副词,可不是在末尾变化,而是在前面加most)二、用形容词和副词的比较级和最高级填空。1. Which is _ (big), the sun, the moon or the earth?2. Which is _ (beautiful), the black coat or the blue one?3. This cake is_ (cheap) of all.4. He do

13、es his homework _(carefully) than his sister.5. Tom runs _ (quickly) in his class6. Now his life is becoming _ and _ (difficult).7. Things are getting _ and _ (bad).1. 此题为太阳,月亮和地球三者的比较,所以为最高级biggest。2. 此题为黑色上衣和蓝色上衣两者的比较,所以为比较级more beautiful。3. 此题比较范围为of all, 所以为最高级the cheapest。4. 此题有than,为两者之间的比较,所以

14、为比较级more carefully。5. 此题比较的范围为than,所以为副词的比较级more quickly。6. 此题为越来越困难,所以为形容词的比较级 more and more difficult。7. 此题为越来越糟糕,所以为形容词的比较级worse and worse。基础演练一、单项选择 1. China has a much population than .A. larger; RussiaB. more;C. that of RussiaD. 2. - Is English more important than Maths?- No, I dont think so.

15、English is Maths. much important than more important as as important as as more important as 3. - I eat vegetables and meat than I did last year.- Thats why youre getting fatter. fewer; more less least; many; much 4. When autumn comes, the days get long and long longer and longer short and short sho

16、rter and shorter 5. Mr. Li asks us to remember that careful we are, mistakes we will make. the more; the fewer the fewer; the more the less; 6. Of all the animals, I think dogs are the most friendly most friendly more friendly friendly 7. My sister is than I. three kilos heavier three kilos heavy he

17、avier three kilos heavy three kilos 8. The bridge is . It will take ten minutes to it. 118 metres long; go past 118 metres long; go across 118-metre-long; across go through 9. Our school is than theirs but theirs is much more beautiful than ours. three times big the third times bigger the third time

18、s big three times bigger10. - All of us are proud of the progress hes made during the past few years.- Yes, were sure he will be even successful more successful most successful successfully答案 1. A 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. D 10. B 巩固提高二、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 11. 这只大象比这只熊猫重很多倍。This elephant weig

19、hs than this panda.12. 足球是我校最受欢迎的运动项目之一。Football is games in our school.13. 我的房子是他的房子的三倍大。My house is big his.14. 但是谁能弹钢琴弹得最好或唱歌唱得最美呢?But who can play the piano or sing beautifully?15. 我认为数学比英语难得多。I think math is than English.16. Tom is taller than Jim. (改为同义句)Jim is than Tom.17. Susan is five years

20、 old and Linda is five years old, too. (改为同义句)Susan is Linda.18. Mike is the tallest boy in the class. (改为同义句)No boy is Mike in the class.19. Shanghai is the biggest city in China. (改为同义句)Shanghai is bigger than city in China.20. Jane is the youngest in her class. (改为同义句)Jane is younger than in her

21、class.二、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)11. many times more12. one of the most popular13. three times as; as14. the best, the most15. much more difficult16. less tall17. as old as18. as tall as19. any other20. anyone else一、适当形式填空(单句适当形式) 1. My brother is two years (old) than me. 2. Is your sister (young) than you? 3.

22、 Whose pencil box is (big), yours or hers? 4. Ben jumps (high) than some of the boys in his class. 5. Does Nancy sing (well) than Helen?二、单项选择 6. Today he is than yesterday. very better a little better well best 7. The white horse is so strong stronger a little stronger strongest 8. Cathy did quite

23、in the English test. I did even better; well; better 9. Of the two Australian students, Mary is one. I think you can find her easily. tallest the taller taller the tallest10. The the better. Im short of money. cheap cheaper expensive more expensive11. He feels today than yesterday. more tired tired more tireder much tired12. Of the two toys, the child chose the more expensive one one most expensive a least expensive the most expensive of them13. The line is than that one. more longer

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