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1、学年高中英语unit4earthquakessectionlearningaboutlanguage讲义新人教版必修1Section Learning about Language.单词拼写根据汉语或首字母提示,写出下列单词1Heat gradually destroys(破坏)vitamin C.2We followed his tracks(足迹)through the snow.3His parents and his little brother lost their lives in the disaster(灾难)4The reporters words have shocked(

2、使震惊)all of the scientists.5They built a rough shelter(庇护处)from pieces of old wood.6It was quite an event when a woman first became prime minister.7Our country is a developing nation8Even if earthquakes often happen in that country,they seldom cause serious damages.9They dont have enough electricity,

3、so the villagers go to bed early.10Luckily,the little girl was rescued by a kindhearted man.拓展词汇根据词性和汉语提示,写出下列单词1use n用途 vt.使用 useful adj.有用的;有益的useless adj.无用的;无效的;无益的2injure vt.损害;伤害injury n(身体上的)伤,损害injured adj.受伤的3destroy vt.毁坏;破坏;消灭destruction n破坏;毁坏4shock vt.&vi.(使)震惊;震动 n震惊;打击;休克shocked adj.震

4、惊的5nation n民族;国家;国民national adj.国内的;国家的;国立的n.lessadj.n.“al”adj.hopeless没有希望的homeless无家可归的helpless无助的agricultural农业的musical音乐的educational教育的.补全短语根据提示补全下列短语1right away 立刻;马上2in ruins 严重受损;破败不堪3at an end 终结;结束4cut across 横穿,横跨5as if 仿佛;好像6soon after 在之后不久7dig out 掘出;发现8a great number of 许多;大量的.选词填空选用上述

5、短语的适当形式填空1He behaved as if nothing had happened.2My holiday is at an end and I must go back to work tomorrow.3He was dug out from under the snow.4A number of soldiers were sent to guard the building.5Mick wants to see you in his office right awayprep.冠词名词介词inn.介词短语at a loss困惑by the way顺便说下on the air

6、正在传播in peace和平in silence默不出声in turn依次.经典句式必背1In the farmyards,the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat.农家大院里的鸡,甚至猪都紧张得不吃食。记句式结构结构仿写促落实The hat is too large to wear.这顶帽子太大,没法戴。2It seemed as if the world was at an end!仿佛到了世界末日!记句式结构as if引导状语从句仿写促落实She looks as if she were ten years

7、 younger.她看起来好像年轻了10岁。3Thousands of families were killed and many children were left without parents.成千上万的家庭被毁灭,许许多多的孩子变成了孤儿。 记句式结构leave sb.宾补.使某人处于。仿写促落实What you said left us lost in thought你说的话使我们陷入沉思。4Onethird of the nation felt it.全国三分之一的地方都有震感。All of the citys hospitals,75% of its factories and

8、 buildings and 90% of its homes were gone.市内所有的医院、75%的工厂和建筑物、90%的家园都消失了。记句式结构“分数/百分数of名词”作主语仿写促落实About one third of the books are worth reading.这些书中大约有1/3值得一读。5All hope was not lost.并不是所有的希望都破灭了。记句式结构all.notnot all.,为部分否定。仿写促落实Not all people can understand what you say.All people can not understand

9、what you say.并不是所有人都能理解你说的话。 burst vi.爆裂;爆发n.突然破裂;爆发(教材P26)In the city,the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst.在市内,有些建筑物里的水管爆裂开来。(1) 突然哭起来/笑起来burst with anger/joy 勃然大怒/乐不可支(2)burst in/into 闯进;突然破门而入There was a burst of laughter in the room when I passed by.我经过时,房间里传来一阵笑声。On hearing the n

10、ews,Mary burst into laughter(laugh) while Lucy burst out crying.一听到这则消息,玛丽突然大笑起来,而露西则突然大哭起来。I felt as if my heart would burst with joy.我觉得自己高兴得心花怒放。图形助记爆裂突然(大笑)冲,闯进,突然出现语境助记With a burst of laughter,Wang Xifeng burst into the room,whose flattering words made Mrs.Jia burst with joy.随着一阵笑声,王熙凤一阵风似地走进了房

11、间。她的一席谄媚的话说得贾母乐不可支。 at an end 结束,终结(教材P26)It seemed as if the world was at an end!仿佛到了世界末日!(1)at the end of 在末端by the end of 到为止(用于完成时)in the end 最后;终于(2) (使)结束;终结come to an end 结束The meeting was nearly at an end when I got to the meeting room.当我到达会议室时,会议快要结束了。We had learned (learn)2,000 English wor

12、ds by the end of last term.到上个学期为止,我们已经学了2 000个英文单词。He became (become)an outstanding doctor in the end.他最终成为一名出色的医生。ruin n废墟;毁灭vt.毁灭;使破产(教材P26)In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins.在可怕的15秒钟内,一座大城市就沦陷在一片废墟中。(1)be/lie in ruins 成为废墟;毁灭fall into ruin 成为废墟;毁了(2)ruin ones hope/chance 使某人的希

13、望破灭/机会失去ruin oneself 自我毁灭That mistake ruined his chance of getting the job.那个错误使他失去了得到那份工作的机会。The ancient temple has fallen into ruins and needs repairing.这座古老的庙宇已经破败不堪,需要修理。injure vt.损害;伤害(教材P26)Twothirds of them died or were injured during the earthquake.三分之二的人在地震中死去或受伤。(1)injured adj. 受伤的;受委屈的the

14、 injured 伤员(作主语时,谓语用复数)(2)injury n. 伤;伤口;伤害do an injury to sb. 伤害某人Jack injured his leg when he was playing basketball yesterday.昨天杰克打篮球时把腿弄伤了。When we got on the spot of the accident,we were told that the injured had been sent to the nearest hospital.当我们到达事故现场时,我们被告知伤员已经被送往最近的医院。If you try and lift

15、that suitcase youll do yourself an injury(injure)如果你试图提起那只箱子,你就要受伤了。明辨异同wound/injure/hurt/harm指外伤,如枪伤、刀伤、剑伤,尤指在战斗中受伤。“损害;受伤”,指由于意外或事故而受伤,着重指容貌、机能的损坏。指肉体上,也可指精神上的伤害。也可为“疼痛;痛苦;伤心”。指身体或精神上的损害或对周围事物的危害。常用短语do harm to意为“对有害”。(wound/injure/hurt/harm)he soldier was wounded in the arm in the war.She was sli

16、ghtly injured in an accident during the work.I was very much hurt at his words.This bright light will do great harm to your eyes.语境助记In the crash he was seriously injured,and he suffered severe injuries to the head and arms.在碰撞中他受伤很严重,头上和胳膊上都有很重的伤。shock vt.& vi.(使)震惊;震动n休克;打击;震惊(教材P26)People were sh

17、ocked.人们震惊了。(1)be a shock to. 使吃惊(2)shocked adj. 震惊的;惊讶的be shocked at/by 对吃惊be shocked to do sth. 做某事很吃惊(3)shocking adj. 令人震惊的It was quite a shock to see my face on that screen!从那个屏幕上看到我的脸,真让人惊愕不已!Rescue workers were shocked(shock) by what they saw.救援人员被眼前的景象惊呆了。语境助记People were shocked to see that t

18、he UFO was flying over the city.The shocking news shocked all the people around,which was also a great shock to people all over the country.人们十分吃惊地发现不明飞行物在这座城市的上空飞行,这个让人震惊的消息震惊了周围的人们,也震惊了全国各地的人们。(教材P26)Some of the rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins.一些救援人员和医生被困在了废墟下面。(1)rescue n&

19、 vt.援救;营救rescue sb./sth.from. 把从营救出来come/go to ones rescue 来/去营救某人come/go to the rescue 来/去援救a rescue team 救援队The police came to his rescue and sent him home.警察救了他,并把他送回了家。Tom rescued a boy from the river on his way home.汤姆在回家的路上从河里救了一个男孩。语境助记As soon as the accident happened,the rescue team came to

20、the victimsrescue,and they didnt give up any hope of rescuing them from danger.事故一发生,救援队就来营救受害者了,并且他们没有放弃使他们脱离危险的任何希望。(2)trap vt.使陷入困境n.陷阱;困境1)be trapped 使陷入困境trap sb.into(doing)sth. 诱骗某人做某事2)set a trap 设置陷阱;布下圈套fall/walk into a trap 落入圈套She had set a trap for him and he walked straight into it.她给他设

21、下圈套,他就径直钻了进去。The car was trapped(trap) in the deep snow.汽车陷入了厚厚的积雪中。They trapped her into marrying him.他们诱骗她嫁给他。bury vt.埋藏;掩埋;隐藏(教材P26)The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.解放军组成小分队,将受困的人们挖出来,将死者掩埋。(1) 把埋到里; 使沉浸于bury ones face in hands 双手掩面(2)be buri

22、ed in 埋头于;专心于;沉浸于bury oneself in 埋头于;专心于;沉浸于He buried his face in his hands.他双手掩面。Buried(bury)in his study,he didnt know that all the others had left. Burying(bury)himself in his study,he didnt know that all the others had left.Because he was buried(bury)in his study,he didnt know that all the other

23、s had left.他埋头学习,不知道其他人都早已离开了。Since she left,hes buried himself(he) in his work.自从她走后,他全心扑在工作上。图形助记一词多义的“bury” (教材P26)It seemed as if the world was at an end!仿佛到了世界末日!【要点提炼】as if as though“仿佛;好像”,在句中引导表语从句,常跟在特定动词后面,如seem,appear,look,taste,sound,feel等。(1)当说话者认为句子所述的是真实的、极有可能发生或存在的事实时,as if从句要用陈述语气。(

24、2)当说话人认为句子所述的是不真实的、极少有可能发生或存在的情况时,从句要用虚拟语气。如果从句表示与现在事实相反,谓语动词用一般过去时。从句表示与过去事实相反,谓语动词用“had过去分词”。从句表示与将来事实相反,谓语动词用“would/could/might动词原形”。Look at the clouds in the sky!It looks as if it is going to rain.Lets hurry up.看看天上的云彩!看起来要下雨。咱们快一点。He opened his mouth as if he would say something.他张开嘴好像要说什么。(与将来

25、事实相反)It looks as if she were(be) an angel.她看上去像一位天使。(与现在事实相反)He talks about Rome as if he had been(be)there before.他说起罗马来好像他以前去过那里似的。(与过去事实相反)(教材P26)Thousands of families were killed and many children were left without parents.成千上万的家庭被毁灭,许许多多的孩子变成了孤儿。【要点提炼】句中的“.were left without parents”是一个被动结构,with

26、out parents是介词短语,作主语补足语,表示主语的状态。其主动形式应为left many children without parents。leave作使役动词,意为“使处于某状态”,构成的句式为:leave宾语宾补She ran away and left her boyfriend in the rain alone.她跑开了,留下她的男友一个人在雨中。You shouldnt have left water running(run)你不该让水一直流着。Did you leave the doors and windows properly fastened(fasten)?你把门

27、窗关好了吗?(教材P26)All hope was not lost不是所有的希望都破灭了。【要点提炼】该句是表示部分否定的句型。all.not.not all.,意为“并非所有的都”。(1)当not与all,both,everyone,everything,everywhere等词连用时为部分否定,意为“并不都”。(2)当not与any,anyone,anywhere,anything连用或出现no,nothing,nobody,nowhere,none时是完全否定。Nothing in my life impressed me so deeply as my first visit to

28、the Palace Museum.我的一生中,印象最深的就是第一次参观故宫博物馆。Every boy is not interested in sports.Not every boy is interested in sports.并非所有的男孩都喜欢运动。None of the answers is right.答案都不对。1(教材P26)Thousands of families were killed and many children were left without parents.【分析】本句是and连接的并列句,many children were left without

29、 parents是left many children without parents的被动形式。without parents是介宾短语,在第二个分句中作主语补足语,表示主语所处的状态。【翻译】成千上万的家庭被毁灭,许许多多的孩子变成了孤儿。2(教材P26)But the one million people of the city,who thought little of these events,were asleep as usual that night.【分析】本句是一个主从复合句。who引导的是非限制性定语从句,people是先行词,在从句中作主语。【翻译】但是,这座城市的一百

30、万居民几乎都没有把这些情况当回事,那天晚上照常睡觉了。3(教材P26)A huge crack that was eight kilometres long and thirty metres wide cut across houses,roads and canals.【分析】本句是一个复合句。that引导的是定语从句,crack是先行词,在从句中作主语。【翻译】一条8公里长30米宽的巨大裂缝横穿房舍、马路和渠道。.单句语法填空1Hearing the words,she got angry and burst out crying(cry)2People present at the meeting felt shocked(shock)at the news.3A number of people were trapped in the ruins when the earthquake

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