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1、成考讲义,赵人玉 J Myqq530934075john200506的博客:http:/106848943,English-Elites Education 英杰教育 AaronTEL:18950066589Jhttp:u2099851860AdultEnglishExam GroupQQ106848943,Ask and Show the Way to-,pre-test,AaronTel:18950066589JAEEG QQ106368607博客http:/,III.Compile a meaningful passage less than 100 words,有这样一个故事,二战时,

2、美军在法国澳马哈海滩登陆,遇到德军强大的火力,死伤无数,美军上校泰勒向士兵讲了这样一段话:There are two types of people in this beach(海滩),the dead(死人)and those who are going to die.(在这个海滩上只有两种人:死人与将要死的人.)Follow me and try to get out of the hell!(地狱)跟着我,冲出这地狱!战后,这句话成为美国的名言。在学习英语中,也同样只有两种人:失败的人与将要失败的人;Follow me and try to get out of the hell!,LE

3、SSON ONE句子的三种模式导言本课的重点是掌握英语的三种基本句型,注意词性和词序,以及定语的位置,同时注意中英文表达上的相同和不相同的地方。三种基本句型虽然简单,但至关重要。掌握好它们,在今后的学习中有一通百通之效。其实英语只有三种基本句型,主+系动词+表,词序主语 系动词 表语即句子的主体 用于连接主语和表语表示主语身份、状态以及所处的位置词性*名词,代词Be(is,am,are)*名词 形容词介词+*名词(介词短语)注:*注意该结构中的名词,它们能被定语修饰。,1这个人 是 一个老师。The man is a teacher.主语 系 表语 主语 系 表语(名词)2他(是)很忙。He

4、is busy.主语 系 表语 主语 系 表语(形容词)注意中文中的系动词经常被省略,而英文中绝不能省。3她(是)在教室里。She is in the classroom.主语 系 表语 主语 系 表语(介词短语)注:定语只修饰名词,不破坏句子的基本结构。通常由形容词和介词短语充当,形容词放在所修饰的名词之前,而介词短语放在所修饰的名词之后,请注意英语与汉语词序的不同。看懂中文的定语是翻译好定语的关键。,be 的人称变化You(They We)are teachers.He(She)is a teacher.I am a teacher-Be的肯定否定及疑问的变化You(They We)are

5、 teachers.He(She)is a teacher.I am a teacherYou(They We)are not teachers.He(She)is not a teacher.I am not a teacher,Are you(They We)teachers?Is he(She)a teacher?Am I a teacher?(定语的位置)那个人是个老师.The man is a teacher.那个人在教室里.The man is in the classroom.A big deskA small desk A beautiful girl,教室里的那个人是个老师.

6、The man in the classroom is a teacher.这个人在教室里.The man is in the classroom.那个人在二楼的教室里.The man is in the classroom on the second floor.The man in the classroom教室 on the second第二 floor层 is a teacher from England.The man in the classroom on the second floor is not a teacher from England.Is the man in th

7、e classroom on the second floor a teacher from England?介词短语即可以做表语也可以做定语,虽然它们词性相同,但由于词序不同,它们所起到的作用也不同,当在is的后面是表语,跟在名词的后面它就起到定语的作用。,本课要求:牢记第一个句型的旗帜-be(1)人称变化(2)肯定否定及疑问的变化(3)You(They We)He(She)I be 的人称变化You(They We)are teachers.He(She)is a teacher.I am a teacher Be的肯定否定及疑问的变化 You(They We)are teachers.H

8、e(She)is a teacher.I am a teacherYou(They We)are not teachers.He(She)is not a teacher.I am not a teacherAre you(They We)teachers?Is he(She)a teacher?Am I a teacher?,介词介词短语的作用本课需记忆的介词(认识就行)in in front of on from near of介词短语的作用表语,位置在 be 之后:The man is in the classroom on the second floor.定语,名词之后:The ma

9、n is in the classroom on the second floor.本课目的-牢牢抓住-主系表考试时减少查字典的次数,抓主句子的中心The man in the classroom on the second floor is not a teacher from England.,课堂练习be 的人称变化(变为否定与疑问)You(They We)are a teacher.(teachers)He(She)is a teacher.I am a teacher英译汉1:The girl女孩 in the classroom is a teacher from England.

10、2:The fat lady 女人in front of在.前面 the hospital医院 is a doctor医生 from England.3:The TV set 电视on the desk 桌子 in the living-room 客厅 is new新的.4:The bird 鸟 near the red apple in the tree is blue.5:The wallet 钱包on the sofa沙发 in the living-room is your fathers你爸爸的.,第2课 Be句型的时态变化,课堂练习be 的人称变化You(They We)are a

11、 teacher.(teachers)He(She)is a teacher.I am a teacher1:The girl in the classroom is a teacher from England.2:The fat lady in front of the hospital is a doctor from England.3:The TV set on the desk in the living-room is new.4:The bird near the apple in the tree is blue.5:The wallet on the sofa in the

12、 living-room is your fathers.,课堂练习答案1:教室里的那个女孩是从英国来的老师.2:医院hospital前面的那个胖女人fat lady是从英国来的医生doctor.3:客厅里桌子上的那台电视TV set是新的.4:树上的红苹果apple旁边的那只鸟是蓝色的blue.5:客厅living-room里沙发sofa上的钱包wallet是你爸爸的.,现在时 am is are肯定:You are rich.否定:You are not rich.疑问:Are you rich?过去时was were肯定:You were rich.否定:You were not ric

13、h.疑问:Were you rich?将来时肯定:You will be rich.否定:You will not be rich.疑问:Will you be rich?,I am rich.I was rich.I will be rich.Was(单数)were(复数)You are rich.You were rich.You will be rich.You would be rich.,一般时态的构成 句型 时态主系表一般现在时态is,am,are一般过去时态was,were一般将来时态will be一般过去将来时态would be 一般时态所表示的时间概念 过去 现在 将来 过去

14、将来(即相对于过去的将来),Poor 贫穷的 He(She)will(not)be a teacher.Will he(she)be a teacher?-主 系动词 表*名词代词 be*1名词 2形容词 3介词+*名词(介词短语)本课要求:牢记第一个句型的旗帜-beAaron特别提示-牢牢记住英语的第一个句型,重中之重是旗帜-be的变化-现在、过去将来,陈述、否定及疑的构成。课堂练习,You are rich.1:He will not be the best student in our class next year明年.2:My mother was very beautiful漂亮

15、ten years ago十年前.3:The teacher from England was in America last year去年.,第3课There be句型及时态课堂练习You are rich.1:He will not be the best student in our class next year.2:My mother was very beautiful ten years ago.3:The teacher from England was in America last year.课堂练习答 1:明年他将不会是我们班最好的学生.He will be not th

16、e best student in our class next year.2:我妈妈十年前ten years ago非常漂亮.My mother was very beautiful ten years ago.3:从英国来的老师去年在美国.The teacher from England was in America last year.When,主+系动词+表 谓+主+状 该句型通常用于表达某地存在某物(人)词序3 状语1 谓语 2 主语 3 状语 地点 存在 物或人 地点词性介词+名词(There be)名词介词+名词(介词短语)注:该结构中的状语可以置于句首或句尾。1 桌子上 有 一

17、钱包。某地 there is 某物There is a wallet(钱包)on the desk.=On the desk,there is a wallet.There is not a wallet(钱包)on the deskIs there a wallet(钱包)on the desk?,There is a wallet钱包 on the desk in the roomon the second floor in the building in the school in BJ.There was a wallet(钱包)on the desk,一般时态的构成 句型 时态主系表

18、谓主状一般现在时态is,am,arethere is(are)一般过去时态was,werethere was(were)一般将来时态will bethere will be一般过去将来时态would bethere would beThere is a wallet(钱包)on the desk.There was a wallet(钱包)on the desk.There will be a wallet(钱包)on the desk.There would be a wallet(钱包)on the desk.There is a fool白痴 from England on the de

19、sk in the room on the second floor in the building in the school in BJ.There are three ways about study.,本课要求:牢记第2个句型的旗帜-There be 的变化(变为否定与疑问及时态)Aaron特别提示-牢牢记住英语的第2个句型,重中之重是旗帜-There be的变化课堂练习There be 的变化(变为否定与疑问)There is a book on the desk.,英译汉1:Is the teacher from England in the reading-room in the

20、 building in the school?2:The beautiful girl of your class is foolish傻.3:There are five doctors医生 from America in the hospital医院 near our school.4:The beautiful girl with a knife刀 is a thief.5:Is the man under the tree in the garden in the school your father?6:There is a beggar要饭的 in frond of the bu

21、ilding大楼 in the school.,第4课主谓宾(do)句型导言本课的重点是掌握英语的三种基本句型,注意词性和词序,以及定语的位置,同时注意中英文表达上的相同和不相同的地方。三种基本句型虽然简单,但至关重要。掌握好它们,在今后的学习中有一通百通之效。其实英语只有三种基本句型,课堂练习1:Is the teacher from England in the reading-room in the building in the school?2:The beautiful girl of your class is foolish.3:There are five doctors f

22、rom America in the hospital near our school.4:The beautiful girl with a knife is a thief.5:Is the man under the tree in the garden in the school your father?6:There is a beggar in frond of the building in the school.,课堂练习答案There is a book on the desk.Was were Will be1:从英国来的那个老师在学校大楼的阅览室里吗?Is the tea

23、cher from England in the reading-room in the building in the school?2:你们班的那个漂亮的女孩有点傻.The beautiful girl of your class is foolish.3:我们学校附近的那个医院里有五位从美国来的医生.There are five doctors from America in the hospital near our school.4:那个拿着刀的漂亮的小女孩是个贼.The beautiful girl with a knife is a thief.5:学校花园里大树下的那个人是你爸

24、爸吗?Is the man under the tree in the garden in the school your father?6:学校的大楼前面有一个要饭的.There is a beggar in frond of the building in the school.,主+系动词+表 Be的时态变化You are rich.You are rich.You are not rich.Are you rich?You were rich.You were not rich.Were you richYou will be rich.You will not be rich.Wil

25、l you be rich?,一般时态的构成 句型 时态主系表一般现在时态is,am,are一般过去时态was,were一般将来时态will be一般过去将来时态would be,谓+主+状 该句型通常用于表达某地存在某物(人)There is a wallet(钱包)on the desk.=On the desk,there is a wallet.一般时态的构成 句型 时态主系表主谓宾谓主状一般现在时态is,am,aredo,doesthere is(are)一般过去时态was,weredidthere was(were)一般将来时态will bewill dothere will be

26、一般过去将来时态would bewould dothere would be,There is a wallet on the desk.There is not a wallet on the desk.Is there a wallet on the desk?There was a wallet on the desk.There was not a wallet on the desk.Was there a wallet on the desk?There will be a wallet on the desk.There will not be a wallet on the d

27、esk.Will there be a wallet on the desk?主+谓+宾+状The students study English.主语 谓语 宾语,一般时态的构成,句型 时态主系表主谓宾谓主状一般现在时态is,am,aredo,doesthere is(are)一般过去时态was,weredidthere was(were)一般将来时态will bewill dothere will be一般过去将来时态would bewould dothere would be,You study English.You do not study English.Do you study E

28、nglish?You studied English.You did not study English.Did you study English?You will study English.You will not study English.Will you study English?-本课要求:牢记第3个句型的旗帜-do的变化(变为否定与疑问及时态变化)工欲善其事,必先利其器,良好的学习方法是制胜的又一法宝。尽可能的理解你要记忆的知识,不懂不要死记硬背。善于将知识分类,不同的概念要条理清晰不可混淆。.每个成功的(successful)男人背后都有一个女人。There is a wo

29、man behind every successful man.Every successful man has a woman.重复。学会联想思维及记忆,如class班级lass小妞ass蠢驴。这样可以成倍提高记忆速度。The class will wait for me in the classroom at 7 in evening.Lass-assWallet-wallPlanet-planStarch-starEar-near-clear-nuclear学习要专心。重效果,疲劳战术不可取。图画记忆是一种良好的记忆法。通俗的说就是在复习时不要先看书或笔记,而是先回忆。这是帮你整理大脑思

30、维及记忆的最好方法之一。享受学习。累了,心情不好时学习效率很低。享受学习不是空话建立在回报的基础上。即在投入时间与努力之后,学习成绩能够大幅提高,孩子就会对学习产生兴趣,反之会厌恶学习。因此,一个良好的突破口是使孩子喜欢学习的重要手段。,第5课主+谓+宾+状句型及时态,主+系动词+表 词序主语系动词表语即句子的主体用于连接主语和表语表示主语身份、状态以及所处的位置词性*名词代词Be(is,am,are)*名词 形容词介词+*名词(介词短语)注:*注意该结构中的名词,它们能被定语修饰。,1 这个人 是 一个老师。The man is a teacher.主语 系 表语 主语 系 表语(名词)2他

31、(是)很忙。He is busy.主语 系 表语 主语 系 表语(形容词)注意中文中的系动词经常被省略,而英文中绝不能省。3她(是)在教室里。She is in the classroom.主语 系 表语 主语 系 表语(介词短语)注:定语只修饰名词,不破坏句子的基本结构。通常由形容词和介词短语充当,形容词放在所修饰的名词之前,而介词短语放在所修饰的名词之后,请注意英语与汉语词序的不同。看懂中文的定语是翻译好定语的关键。,be 的人称变化You(They We)are teachers.He(She)is a teacher.I am a teacher-Be的肯定否定及疑问的变化You(Th

32、ey We)are teachers.He(She)is a teacher.I am a teacherYou(They We)are not teachers.He(She)is not a teacher.I am not a teacherAre you(They We)teachers?Is he(She)a teacher?Am I a teacher?,(定语的位置)那个人是个老师.The man is a teacher.那个人在教室里.The man is in the classroom.A big deskA small deskA beautiful girl 教室里的

33、那个人是个老师.The man in the classroom is a teacher.这个人在教室里.The man is in the classroom.那个人在二楼的教室里.The man is in the classroom on the second floor.The man in the classroom教室 on the second第二 floor层 is a teacher from England.The man in the classroom on the second floor is not a teacher from England.Is the man in the classroom on the second floor a teacher from England?,主+系动词+表 谓+主+状 该句型通常用于表达某地存在某物(人)词序3

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