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本文(埋地GRP管施工措施中英2.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、埋地GRP管施工措施中英2CONTENTS目录1 Scope 范围2 References And Applicable Codes 参考文件3 Method statement 施工措施4 Construction Quality Records And Inspection Reports 施工质量记录和检查报告5 Revision Note 修订注释Appendix Joint Lubricant Requirements 附录 涂抹接头润滑油用量1 Scope范围This procedure shall apply to excavating, back-filling, materi

2、al handling Storage, transportation, installation, pressure testing and flushing of GRP pipe in Nanhai HDPE/PP plant.本程序适用于南海石化项目PP+HDPE装置GRP管道的管沟开挖回填、管材现场装卸保管倒运、安装、试验、冲洗的施工。2 References And Applicable Codes参考文件2.1 NH-HDPE+PP-QCPR-322 Procedure for Dimensional Control尺寸控制程序2.2 NH-HDPE+PP-WPR-211 Pro

3、cedure for Hydrostatic Testing and Flushing of Piping管道水压试验及冲洗程序2.3 NH-HDPE+PP-WPR-206 Procedure For Excavation & Backfilling土方开挖及回填施工程序2.4 NH- HDPE+PP-PR-242 Method statement in rainy season雨季施工措施2.5 SP-8310-0000-0026 Materials & workmanship specification permanent UG work 地下施工材料及技术要求2.7 Code for c

4、onstruction and acceptance of water supply and sewerage pipelines. GB 50268 97 给水排水管道工程施工及验收规范2.8 Guide of Specifications for Installation of Underground GRP PipeLZF-0623-01-03 地下GRP管安装手册5.2 测量放线、管沟开挖 Setting-out and Trench excavation General requirements for setting-out and trench excavation refer

5、to NH-HDPE+PP-WPR-206 Procedure For Excavation & Backfilling. The trench figure as follow:测量放线、管沟开挖一般施工要求见NH-HDPE+PP-WPR-206土方开挖及回填施工程序,管沟图如下: Figure 4.2 TrenchDimension “A” (see Figure 4.2) must always be wide enough to allow for adequate space to ensure proper placement of backfill in the haunch r

6、egion and to operate compaction and excavate equipment. Bottom width of pipe trench shall be twice the pipe diameter plus 600mm, but in any case not less than 1.0meter.图4.2中A的尺寸必须满足开挖回填机械和人工作业的要求,管沟底宽一般为管直径加600,但不少于1.0M。 When raining during construction and water level rising, the solution refers to

7、 NH- HDPE+PP-PR-242 Method statement in rainy season. 施工时遇上雨天及高水位时,处理要求见NH- HDPE+PP-PR-242雨季施工措施.。 5.3 Pipe BeddingAfter excavation, a sand bag should be laid at the bottom in every 4 meter, and the net height of bag should be 100 mm. Excavating a little deeper at the joint of pipe, and the thicknes

8、s of pipe bed cannot be less than 50mm.Filling with sands water and compacting as specified when backfilling. 在管沟挖好后,底部每根管每隔4米放一个沙袋,压管后沙袋净高100mm,管子的接头处挖深一些,管床的厚度不能低于50 mm,回填时按规定充沙放水密实。Figure 4.5Proper bedding supportFigure 4.6Improper bedding support5.5 管道安装 Piping InstallationThe laying of pipes sh

9、all be in the order of main pipe first, and then branch; large pipe first, and then small pipe to ensure the accuracy of coordinate of the joint with outside. Surveying shall be performed to confirm the location of placement of all pipe-fittings, both at installation and later, when backfilling reac

10、hes the middle of the pipe.管子按先主管后支管、先大管后小管的顺序铺设,确保与外界相连点的坐标的准确性。安装时和回填至管子中部时都需进行测量,以确认所有管件的安放位置。5.5.1 Joining Pipes 管道连接5.5.1.1 Double O rings with locking key 带锁的双O型环连接。The jointing method to be used for the GRP Pipe system is a combination of GRP butt/strap joint and double “O” ring bell and spig

11、ot joint as shown below.这种连接方式使用在GRP管承插接头上,双O型环承插连接形式如下: Figure 3.1-2 Ring l and spigot locking jointA 准备 Preparationa) Ensure that the outside diameter of the spigot end of the pipe is thoroughly cleaned and free of any dust, sand, grit etc.承插管接头必须十分干净,没有灰尘、沙砾等b) Inspect the two o rings to be insta

12、lled on the spigot ends of the pipes. Check to ensure the o rings are completely free of any damage and have been thoroughly cleaned. 检查承插头上的两个O型环,O型环必须完整、干净没有受到任何伤害c) Place the rings in the o ring grooves ensuring that the ring is uniformly stretched along its entire length and not twisted in any w

13、ay (see Figure 3.2). The quickest and simplest method of doing this is to place the first o ring in the groove nearest the pipe end, subsequently rolling the second o ring into the second groove. 把O型环放置在槽里,确保紧贴沟槽和没有扭曲(如图3.2)。又快又简单的办法是先把第一个O型环放在离管端最近的槽里,然后把第二个O型环滚进第二个槽里。d) Ensure that the two pipes b

14、eing joined are level, so that the spigot will fit concentrically into the bell. Two plugs are supplied fitted to the bell for joint testing. Each pipe should be installed so that one of the two plugs on the bell is on top of the pipe.确保对接的两管段水平,这样易于组装。安上杯口上接头试验用的两个堵头,其中一个必须向上。e) Thoroughly coat the

15、 o rings and inside surface of the bell with the lubricant provided. O型环上及杯口内涂上润滑油f) Using soft-slings and chain-blocks, anchor one pipe segment to the support slab to prevent accidental movement. 使用软吊索或倒链锚固一根管子,以防随意移动 Figure3.2 Balancing the tension in rubber o ring, which also ensure the ring is n

16、ot twisted.B 组对Alignmenta) The pipes should be brought together using two daisy chains. 用两个倒链对拉把两段组对在一起b) The spigot should not be pushed home until it touches the end of the bell section. A (1-3) mm gap is required here to accommodate the tolerances for insertion of the locking chord.承插头不要插到底,予留1-3

17、 mm间隙调整锁孔偏差。c) Once the joint has been completed, a visual inspection, both inside and outside the pipe, should enable the installation crew to see that the o rings are seated properly. If the joint is unusually tight it is a reasonable indication that an o ring has been displaced and the joint must

18、 be separated and remade. 组装完成,进行外观检查,O型环在管内外壁应结合得很好。如果接头太紧,可能有一个O型环已移位,必须拆开重新安装。d) The locking key can now be inserted around the entire circumference. 组装好后,锁紧管端。C Joint Testing 接头试验An advantage of the GRP spigot jointing system is the fact that the joint can be hydro-statically pressure tested imm

19、ediately it is made. The testing involves filling with water, the annular space of the bell and spigot, between the o rings and pressuring this to test pressure. GRP管承插连接的好处是组装后接头可以马上进行水压试验,试验过程为两O型环之间的环状空间充水和打压。 The following equipment should be on hand for testing: 准备以下试压设备a) ONE hand operated, hy

20、drostatic test pump.一台手动试压泵b) ONE accurately calibrated pressure gauge.一块校准过的精密压力表c) ONE suitably fitted connecting pressure hose for pump to pipe connection. 一条试压软管d) ONE roll of P.T.E. thread sealant tape.一圈P.T.E密封胶带C1 Procedure 过程C1.1 Remove the bolt plug in the test nipple that is located at the

21、 top of the bell.取下管顶的试压咀上的螺栓堵头C1.2 Connect the hose to the test nipple with the hand-operated pump. Ensure the screwed fitting is adequately wrapped with the sealant tape.用软管连接杯口的管咀和手动试压泵, 缠好密封胶带,确保接头密封.C1.3 The pressure gauge will be located in the pump. Then fill water and begin test pressurize t

22、he water to the required test pressure. 试压泵装上压力表,然后充水打压直到规定的试验压力为此。C1.4 After holding the pressure for 3 minutes, release the pressure and remove the hose from the inlet.稳压3分钟,泄压拆除软管C1.5 Replace the plug(s) ensuring the threads are sealed. The test is now complete and the next joint can be made.安上堵头

23、,试验结束,准备进行下一个试验。C1.6 当回填至管顶以上300时,接头再次实验。Retest the joint when backfilling to 300mm above the pipe top. Flanged Joints 法兰连接GRP flanges should be joined according to the following procedure: (Figure 3.4.)GRP管按以下程序进行法兰连接(如图3.4)1)Thoroughly clean the flange face and the O ring groove.彻底清干净法兰面和O型

24、槽2)Ensure the O ring or gasket is clean and undamaged. Do not use defective gaskets or Oring.确保O型环或垫片干净及没有受到伤害,不要使用有缺陷的O型环或垫片。3)Position O ring or gasket in groove 在槽里放置O型环或垫片。4)Align flanges to be jointed. 对准法兰进行对接。5)Insert bolts, washers and nuts. All hardware must be clean and lubricated to avoid

25、 incorrect tightening. Washers must be used on all GRP flanges.穿上螺栓垫片和戴上螺母。所有的金属件都要清干净并上润滑油,以防卡死。GRP法兰螺栓都带垫片。6)Using a torque wrench, tighten all bolts to 35 Nm (25 lb.-ft.) torque, 20 Nm (15 lb.-ft.) for pipe smaller than DN100 following standard flange bolt tightening sequences.按标准要求的顺序用力矩扳手拧紧螺栓至3

26、5N.m(25 lb.-ft.)力矩DN100以下的小螺栓20 Nm (15 lb.-ft.) 。7) Repeat this procedure, raising the bolt torque to 70 Nm (50 lb.-ft.), 35 Nm (25 lb.-ft.) for pipe or until the flanges touch at their inside edges. Do not exceed this torque. To do so may cause permanent damage to GRP flanges. 重复6)的动作,直到力矩达到70 Nm (

27、50 lb.-ft.), DN100以下的小螺栓35 Nm (25 lb.-ft.) 或者是两法兰面刚接触为此。使用力矩不要超过规定值,不然会对GRP法兰造成破坏。8)Check bolt torque one hour later and adjust if necessary to 70 Nm 35 Nm for smaller than DN100. 安装1小时后检查螺栓扭距,调整到70N.m对DN100以下小螺栓35N.m。Figure 3.4 Flange jointNote: When connecting two GRP flanges, only one flange shou

28、ld have a gasket groove in the face.注:当两片GRP法兰连接时,只有一片法兰的法兰面有垫片凹槽。 粘接 Adhesion管线粘接按厂家的技术要求进行,由厂家派人在现场指导。Piping adhesion should be performed as per technical requirements of manufacturer, who should assign people on site to instruct this activity.5.5.2 Sleeving 套管安装Spools should be assembled i

29、nto a whole spools after prefabricated by sections, and then positioning, backfilling and compaction carried-out. Crossing pipe heads enwrapped by burlap or rubber will be pushed slowly into the sleeve by workers with the cooperation of crane. If there are interspaced joints in crossing pipes, press

30、ure test should be made to spools separately. When the length of crossing pipe is not enough, the trench should be lengthened along the direction of spools till appropriate. Oil-soaked jute should be used to seal the joint of pipe and spool.套管分节预制后,在管沟内组装成整根套管,定位回填压实。穿管管头用麻袋或胶皮包裹,吊车配合,人工慢慢推进。如果穿管有中间

31、接头,管段须单独打压合格。当穿管距离不够时,在套管方向顺延管沟,直到合适。管子与套管之间用油浸黄麻堵上封口 5.6 Testing 试验5.6.1 For strength and tightness test of pressure piping, the medium shall be clean water, the testing pressure for strength shall be 1.5 times design pressure but no more than the tolerance of GRP pipe, and that for tightness be de

32、sign pressure. Testing requirements refer to NH-HDPE+PP-WPR-211 Procedure for Hydrostatic Testing and Flushing of Piping.压力管道进行强度及严密性试验,试验介质为干净水,强度试验压力为1.5倍设计压力,但不超过GRP 管许可的试验压力, 严密性试验压力为设计压力。试验要求见NH-HDPE+PP-WPR-211管道水压试验及冲洗程序。 5.6.2 Open-end gravity pipe systems, including ADC and CCD pipes shall be tested for water-tightness by filling water to a head of not less than 2.0m above the soffit of the pip

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