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1 选词填空.docx

1、1 选词填空(二)综合填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)(2019山东泰安) 根据短文内容,用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,使文章通顺完整。(每词限用一次)he, kill, scared, silly, lie, courage, hear, against, fight, strong One sunny afternoon, a young deer and an old deer were(61)_ under a tree in the forest. Suddenly, in the distance, they (62)_ some sounds of dogs bark

2、ingThe old deer stood up quickly. He felt nervous and (63)_. He said to the young deer, “Be quick! Its timeto find a place to hide in. The barking dogs are fierce (凶猛的) and they will (64)_ us.”The young deer laughed and said, “Why should we hide from the dogs? We are bigger and (65)_ than them. We c

3、an toss (扔) aside with our big antlers (角). We should fight with them bravely.”The old deer admired the (66)_ of the young deer, but he did not believe the young deer. “Wed better run away now,” said the old deer.The young deer refused to run away. He decided to fight (67)_ the dogs. As the dogs ran

4、 to (68)_, he put down his antlers and wanted to toss them aside. But he didnt win the (69)_ because there were too many dogs. He was killed by the dogs in the end.The young deer lost his life because he didnt know his strength and weakness. We can learn a lesson form the story. Dont be like the (70

5、)_ young deer when we are in danger. We should know our strength and weakness.题材:记叙文话题:寓言故事词数:232【主旨大意】本文是一则记叙文,讲述的是一只年幼的鹿和一只年老的鹿在遇到一群狗时采取不同应对方式的故事。年老的鹿跑掉了,年幼的鹿拒绝逃跑,想用鹿角把狗甩在一边,但是在和狗搏斗的时候被杀死了。我们可以从这个故事中吸取一个教训:当我们面临危险的时候,不要像那只愚蠢的年幼的鹿一样。我们该知道自己的优势和弱点。【答案及解析】61. lying 根据第二段第一句“The old deer stood up quic

6、kly.”可知,一开始两只鹿正躺在树下。空前有were,可知句子是过去进行时:were+doing,故空处用lie的现在分词lying。62. heard 根据后面的sound可知句意为“他们听到了狗叫的声音”,时态为一般过去时,故填hear的过去式heard。63. scared and连接两个并列成分,and前是nervous,后面应该是和nervous意义相近的词,故填scared。64. kill 此处年老的鹿劝年幼的鹿一起躲开,“那些正在叫的狗很凶残,他们会杀了我们的。”故填kill。65. stronger and前用了bigger,后面的词应该和bigger意义相符,故填stro

7、nger。66. courage 上文年幼的鹿不愿意躲藏起来,认为应该勇敢地和狗战斗,年老的鹿钦佩年幼的鹿的勇气。故填courage。67. against fight against是固定搭配,意为“与战斗”。68. him 句子的主语是he,对应的宾格是him。69. fight 故事结局是年幼的鹿没有赢得这场战斗,fight在这里作名词,意为“战斗;斗争”。70. silly 通过整个故事可以看出,年幼的鹿貌似很勇敢,实际上他不知道自己的优势和弱点,是莽夫之勇,是很傻的。故填silly。 (2019江西)B)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写到答

8、题卡的相应位置。每个词限用一次。(每小题1分)this explain skill say information than again polite available smileHow you speak on the telephone is very important. If you use good telephone 51 the caller will be happy. If not, they may not want to deal with (打交道) you or your company 52 .First, make sure you answer the cal

9、l formally (正式地), giving your name and the name of your company. 53 will let the caller know that you are professional.You should also remember 54 as you speak, and use a friendly tone(语调). If you sound bored or too busy, the caller will think you are impolite. Your choice of words can make a big di

10、fference, too. For example, if you have not heard what a caller 55 , it is much more polite to say “Im sorry. Could you say that again, please?” 56 to simply say “What?”Similarly, if a caller asks to speak to someone, dont just say “yes” or “no”. If the person is 57 , say that you will put the calle

11、r through to them. If they are unavailable, 58 where they are, and then take a message.In either situation, you will also need to get some 59 about the caller, such as their name or company. Make sure you get all that you need and, most importantly, ask for it 60 .体裁:说明文话题:人际交往词数:223【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。文

12、中主要说明如何有礼貌地打电话,你在电话上的讲话方式非常重要。【答案】51. skills 52. again 53. This 54. to smile 55. said 56. than. 57. available 58. explain 59. information 60. politely 【解析】51. skills 考查名词。句意:如果你使用良好的电话技巧,打电话的人会很高兴的。52. again 考查副词。联系上下文“表达是不想再和你打电话。53. This 考查代词。联系前一句“giving your name and the name of your company.。”可

13、知,此处this指代“前面的内容”,用代词this。54. to smile 考查不定式。remember to do sth.记住去做某事。55. said 考查动词。联系前后句这里表达的是“说”。56. than 考查连词。句意:“对不起。你能再说一遍吗?比简单地说 “什么?”更有礼貌。前后是比较。57. available 考查形容词。通过后句If they are unavailable知道此处填available。58. explain考查动词。想解释一下他们在哪里,接着捎信。59. information考查名词。句意:在这两种情况下,您还需要获得有关呼叫者的一些信息,例如他们的姓

14、名或公司。60. politely考查副词。ask for it politely有礼貌地寻求。修饰动词用副词。四、综合填空(共20空,每空1.5分,计30分)(2019山东德州)A阅读下面的短文。根据短文内容,从下面方框内所给11个词中选择10个意义相符的词,必要时进行词形变化,填入空白处,每空一词。many,two,it,zoo,because,what,only,China,besides,national,historyWith its black-white coat, the animal is one of the most precious (珍贵的) animals in t

15、he world. It is native to China, proudly called the “(51) _ treasure”. (52)_ name is Panda. The name of “Panda” now refers to (指的是) the giant panda. In China, (53)_ the Great Wall and the Terracotta Army, the giant pandaalso attracts the world-wide tourists. As the most famous animal of (54) _, the

16、giant panda appears in the logo (标志) of the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF). It also has (55) _ chances than other animals to be the mascot (吉祥物) of international games held in China. And it shows up as an actor on the big screen, such as Kung Fu Panda.The giant panda is regarded as the symbol

17、of peace. In Japanese (56) _ records, the Tang Dynasty sent a couple of bears and seventy pieces of fur as national gifts to Japan, The “(57)_ bears” were giant pandas. One female panda usually has (58) _one baby, and it is not easy for wild pandas to have twins anyway. If you want to see them, youd

18、 better go to Chengdu. Why? (59) _ the main breeding (繁育) centers were built around this area. Certainly some city (60) _ also have giant pandas, such as Beijing Zoo, Chongqing Zoo. etc. The giant pandas are so lovely creatures (生物). More and more people become fans of them.体裁:说明文话题:20动物和植物词数:256【主旨

19、大意】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了国宝熊猫不仅是世界自然野生动物基金会的标志和很多国际比赛的吉祥物,在历史上也是和平的象征。文章最后介绍了大熊猫的繁育情况和成都大熊猫繁育中心。【答案】51. national 52. Its 53. besides 54. China 55. more 56. history 57. two 58. only 59. Because 60. zoos【解析】51. national根据上文“It is native to China,”故大熊猫被自豪地称之为“国宝”,故选national。52. Its根据空后的name一词可知,前面应用形容词性物主代词,故用it

20、s。 53. besides此句句意为“在中国,除长城和兵马俑外,大熊猫也吸引着世界上的游客”,besides表示“除了(包含)外”。 54. China此句句意为“作为中国最出名的动物”,of后需填China,表示所有格,相当于“Chinese”。 55. more根据此句中than一词可知要用比较级形式,many的比较级为more,意为“更多的”。56. history结合下文中“the Tang Dynasty”可知是在日本历史上,故填history。 57. two结合上文中的“a couple of bears”可知是两只。 58. only结合空后的one可知,一只雌性大熊猫只生育

21、一个幼崽,故填only。 59. Because结合上文中why一词可知此处应填because。 60. zoos根据生活常识,只有动物园里才有大熊猫,且空前有some一词,故zoo用复数形式。(2019山东济宁) 六、完型填空(共7小题,计7分)阅读下面短文,从方框中选择适当的词语填空,方框中有两个词语为多余选项。action, alone, care, other, praise, unexpected, when, for sure, for a whileMost people think children only have some simple wishes, such as g

22、etting delicious snacks and having enough playtime. But one six-year-old girl named Peyton surprised everyone by making a(n) 1 decision.Peytons teacher Tara promised Peyton a reward in a class: choose to sit with whoever she wanted at lunch. Mrs. Tara thought 2 that she knew who Peyton would pick (挑

23、选). However, Mrs. Tara was surprised by Peyton 3 she picked a little boy who never got picked by anyone for anything. The boy was very shy, and he was 4 all the time. Peytons decision really made his day. Since then, 5 children have started picking the boy as well. Now, he is a completely different

24、child.Mrs. Tara says that Peytons 6 reminds her why she loves teaching. People on the Internet also 7 the little girl for her kindness. Peyton shows us that a simple act of kindness can change a persons life.体裁记叙文话题:7. 情感与情绪话题:24.(82)故事词数158【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述的是一个叫佩顿的六岁女孩帮助一个很害羞的男孩,使他变成了一个与之前完全不同的孩子

25、。网上也有人认为佩顿很善良。佩顿的故事告诉我们,一个简单的善举可以改变一个人的生活。答案:1. Unexpected 2. for sure 3. when 4. alone 5. other 6. action 7. praise1. Unexpected 【解析】但是一个叫佩顿的六岁女孩做了一个意想不到的决定,让每个人都大吃一惊。2. for sure【解析】塔拉夫人肯定认为她知道佩顿会选择谁。3. when 【解析】然而,当佩顿挑选了一个从未被任何人选过的小男孩时,塔拉夫人很吃惊。4. alone 【解析】这个男孩很害羞,他总是一个人。5. other 【解析】从那时起,其他的孩子也开始

26、挑选这个男孩。6. action 【解析】塔拉太太说,佩顿的行动提醒了她为什么她喜欢教书。7. praise 【解析】网上的人也称赞这个小女孩的善良。(2019山东临沂) 根据短文内容. 从方框中选出恰当的单词或短语填空,使语意通顺完整。第一个方框供41-45小题选用,第二个方框供46-50小题选用。每个选项只能使用一次,每框有一项剩余。A. come true B. everything C. as soon as D. richest E. finger F. nothing Many years ago, there was a Greek king named Midas. King

27、Midas loved gold very much. He had more gold than any other king in the world , but he still wanted more. One day, a beautiful fairy (仙子) came to his palace. Midas, you are the 41 man in the world, said the fairy. Yes, said the king, but I want more gold because gold is the most wonderful thing in t

28、he world! Your wish will 42 , said the fairy. From tomorrow morning, you can turn everything you touch into gold. King Midas got up very early the next morning. He wanted to see if his wish had really come true. He touched his bed with his 43 and the bed was turned into gold. The king was wild with

29、joy. He ran around his palace and touched everything he saw. Everything was turned into gold! The king felt hungry after running around for a long time. He decided to have his breakfast. However, 44 he touched a bowl of milk, the bowl, together with the milk in it, was turned into gold. Whats more,

30、the bread and the meat were also turned into gold when he touched them. In the end, the poor king ate 45 .A. wonderful B. terrible C. with D. daughters E. right away F. rushed King Midas was sitting hungrily at the dinner table when his little daughter ran to him. He hugged her and the little girl b

31、ecame a gold statue (雕塑) 46 . The king felt afraid. Fairy, he shouted, take away this 47 gift! Give me back my little girl! In a moment, the fairy was standing before him. Do you still think that gold is the greatest thing in the world? asked the fairy No, no! cried the king. I have learned my lesson! Very well, said the fairy. There is a spring(泉)in the garden. Sprinkle (洒) things that you have touched 48 the water from the spring.The king 49 to the spring. He ran back with a bottle of water and sprinkled t

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