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1、不管是徒步、舟游,还是骑行、小憩,都可以触摸到杭州运河华而不燥的厚重之感,欣赏到运河无处不在的风雅之美。Grand Canal is a highlight of tourism in Hangzhou as well as a classic destination for understanding water-town culture in south and lower reach of Yangtze River. The Grand Canal passes through rich and refined Qiantang Land, witnesses the vicissit

2、ude of the prosperous ancient capital- Hangzhou and the folk customs of the locals living in white-wall and black-tile residents. You may touch the splendid and profound culture and enjoy the overwhelming and refined beauty of the Grand Canal by hiking, boating, cycling or just sitting there. 大运河在杭州

3、呈现了一幅“流动的中华文明,休闲的天堂画卷”。在这里,外国人领略“很中国”,中国人感受“很杭州”,杭州人感受“很时尚”。Grand Canal Hangzhou Section presents a scroll of “flowing Chinese civilization and paradise for leisure”. Expats find “authentic Chinese flavor”, Chinese find “authentic Hangzhou flavor” and Hangzhouese find it “very fashionable” here. 拱宸桥

4、Gongchen Bridge 拱宸桥始建于明崇祯四年(1631),“宸”指帝王所居之处,“拱”即为拱手相迎的意思,所以拱宸桥象征着对古代帝王南巡杭州时的相迎与敬意。拱宸桥横跨运河东西两岸,桥形巍峨高大,气魄雄伟。桥身长约92米,高约16米,是杭城古桥中最高、最长的石拱桥,也是京杭大运河南端的标志。Gongchen Bridge was built in the 4th year of Chongzhen reign in Ming Dynasty (1631), “Chen” means emperors residence, “Gong” means greeting with cuppe

5、d hands, such Gongchen Bridge was a symbol of welcoming and respect for the ancient emperor when they made inspection tour to Hangzhou in South China. Gongchen Bridge stretched across the eastern and western banks of the Grand Canal and appears majestic and grand. Around 92m in length and 16m in hei

6、ght, its the highest and longest ancient stone arch bridge in Hangzhou and is the landmark of the south end of the Grand Canal. 地址:桥弄街 Address: Qiaonong Street 公交线路:K1路、K635路、K591路、K70/70区间路Bus: No. K1, K635, k591, K70/70历史街区 Historic Blocksl 桥西历史街区West Bridge Street Historic Blockl 小河直街历史街区Xiaohe S

7、treet Historic Blockl 大兜路历史街区Dadou Road Historic Block 岁月流逝,当童年记忆中的斑驳老街和青石小巷已渐行渐远,市声难觅,杭州运河沿岸却依然保留有小河直街、桥西直街和大兜路等原汁原味的历史街区。The worn-down old street and bluestone lane have gradually disappeared and left only in our childhood memory with the passage of time. Xiaohe Street, West Bridge Street and Dado

8、u Road are the well-preserved authentic old streets along the Grand Canal. 桥西历史街区:West Bridge Historic Block 桥西历史街区因位于拱宸桥西侧而得名,这里曾是清朝同治年间一度繁盛的水陆码头,有着浓厚的人文历史背景。街区完整保留了江南水乡古建筑群的风貌和肌理,并保存了大量的历史遗存。结合运河自然景观,街区以非物质文化为核心元素,引进了方回春堂、天禄堂、大运河国医馆等中医名馆,并保护利用工业遗存建成了目前国内最大的博物馆集群杭州工艺美术博物馆(杭州中国刀剪剑、扇业、伞业博物馆),成为一条以文化传

9、承、博物展览、国医国药为特色的历史文化街区。West Bridge Historic Block is thus named as it is located in the west side of Gongchen Bridge. Once a busy land and water quay in Tongzhi Reign of Qing Dynasty, the block boasts a long history and profound culture. The block well preserves the styles, features and textures of a

10、ncient architectural complex typical of Watertown in South of Yangtze and conserves a large number of historic relics. Based on the natural landscapes of the Grand Canal and focusing on the core element of intangible culture, the block introduced famous TCM Pharmacy such as Fanghuichun Pharmacy, Tia

11、nlu Pharmacy and Grand Canal TCM Clinic,. Meanwhile it preserved, utilized and built industrial remains into the largest museum cluster in China that is composed of Hangzhou Arts and Crafts Museum (China Knife, Scissor and Sword Museum, China Fan Museum and China Umbrella Museum). It has become a hi

12、storic and cultural block featured by cultural heritage, museum exhibition and traditional Chinese Medicine. 特色:传统文化Characteristics: traditional culture 地址:Address:K635路、K1路 No. K635 and K1 小河直街历史街区 Xiaohe Street Historic Block 小河直街历史街区位于京杭大运河、小河、余杭塘河三河交汇处。街区因河而兴,自南宋起,这里就是南北货物的水陆集散地,到清代发展成为独立的商业街。至今

13、,这里仍能看到作坊、店铺、河埠等历史遗存。街道两侧小楼枕水而居,粉墙黛瓦,极具近代江南水乡特色。街区保留了一半以上的原住民,有效延续了运河民居传统的民风民俗和生活方式,被称为杭州“最后的运河人家”,2007年被国家建设部授予“中国人居环境范例奖”。Xiaohe Street Historic Block is located at the junction where Grand Canal, Xiaohe River and Yuhangtang River meet. The block owed its prosperity to the rivers. It was land and

14、water distribution center for cargos from south and north China in Song Dynasty and was developed into independent commercial street in Qing Dynasty. At present, the street still preserves the ancient workshops, stores, wharfs and other historical relics. The waterfront storey houses flanked the str

15、eet are featured white wall and black tiles, typical style of water town in Jiangnan. Half of the residents in the street are indigenous, who preserved folk customs and life style of ancient people living along Grand Canal and was called Hangzhous “last generation of original residents along Grand C

16、anal”. In 2007, Xiaohe Street Historic Block was conferred “China Habitat Environment Model” award by Ministry of Construction. 运河民俗 市井文化 Grand Canal folk customs, pop culture 湖墅北路长征桥站 Changzheng Bridge Stop North Hushu Road K76路、K1路 No. K76, K1 大兜路历史街区Dadou Road Historic Block 大兜路历史街区位于运河大关桥至江涨桥东岸,

17、是杭州历史风貌尚存的老街区之一,这里曾经商市店铺兴旺,每天有千船百帆经过,是城市生活物资的重要集散地。如今,街区以新香积寺为核心,保留了大量清末民初风格的民居建筑,并引入多家杭州知名餐饮、会所,结合禅宗文化元素,形成了以弘扬禅宗文化为主线,以中高档餐饮为核心的特色餐饮街区。2011年,大兜路历史街区被国家商务部授予“中国特色商业街”称号。Dadou Road Historic Block stretches between Daguan Bridge and Eastern Bank of Jiangzhang Bridge and is one of the few old blocks t

18、hat still preserve original visage. It was once a thriving street crowded with shops and stores as well as the key distribution center for urban substances and materials, with thousands of ships passing by everyday. The present block, with newly built Xiangji Temple in the core, preserves a large nu

19、mber of vernacular architecture build in late Qing and early Republic period and introduced such elements as renowned restaurants, clubs and Zen culture. A catering and dining featured block focusing on high-end restaurants and carrying forward Zen culture was developed. In 2011, the block was confe

20、rred the title of “Chinese Characteristic Commercial Street” by Ministry of Commerce.休闲美食 leisure and restaurants K76路、K151、K57/57路 No.K76, K151, K57/57 杭州工艺美术博物馆(杭州中国刀剪剑、扇业、伞业博物馆)Hangzhou Arts and Crafts Museum (Hangzhou China Knife, Scissor and Sword Museum, China Fan Museum and China Umbrella Mus

21、eum) 位于桥西历史街区,利用工业遗存保护改建而成,以“工艺美术”和“非物质文化遗产”为特色,2012年被授予“联合国科教文组织全球创意城市网络工艺与民间艺术之都传承基地”,也是目前国内最大的博物馆集群,包括中国工艺美术馆、中国刀剪剑博物馆、中国伞博物馆、中国扇博物馆和手工活态展示馆。作为工业主题性博物馆集群,五馆分别以工艺美术、刀剪剑、伞、扇和活态非物质文化遗产展示为主题,结合运河历史文化与工业遗存保护,成为集收藏、研究、展示、体验、教育、宣传、娱乐、购物和文化创意等功能于一体的国内领先、国际一流的平民化、专业化博物馆。Located in West Bridge Historic Blo

22、ck, the museum was rebuilt from industrial remains and is features by “arts and crafts” and “intangible cultural heritage”. It was awarded “UNSCO Creative Cities Network Capital of Industrial Arts and Folk Art Heritage Base” and is so far the largest museum cluster in China, including China Arts and

23、 Crafts Museum, China Knife, Scissor and Sword Museum, China Umbrella Museum, China Fan Museum and Living Handicraft Exhibition Hall. As industry-themed museum cluster, the five museums focused on five themes, i.e. arts and crafts; knife, scissor and sword; umbrella; fans; and living intangible cult

24、ural relics. The museum cluster features Grand Canal culture and conservation of industrial remains and have become domestic leading, world class popular and specialized museums integrated by such functions as collection, research, exhibition, experience, education, propaganda, entertainment, shoppi

25、ng and cultural originality. 工艺美术、非物质文化、活态展示 industrial arts, intangible culture, living exhibition 中国杭州工艺美术博物馆、中国刀剪剑博物馆、中国伞博物馆地址:小河路336号Address of China Hangzhou Arts and Crafts Museum, China Knife, Scissor and Sword Museum, China Umbrella Museum: No.336 Xiaohe Road 中国扇博物馆、手工艺活态展示馆地址:小河路450号Address

26、 of China Fan Museum and China Living Handicraft Exhibition Hall: No.450 Xiaohe Road K635, K1 开闭馆时间:周二至周日9:0016:30 16:00停止进馆参观(周一闭馆)Opening Hour: 9:00am to 4:30pm from Tuesday to Sunday Deadline for visit: 4:00pm (not open in Monday) 香积寺香积寺是杭州著名的八大寺庙之一,始建于北宋太平兴国三年(978),元末毁于战火,明洪武四年(1371)重建。是杭嘉湖一带香客从

27、运河到灵隐、天竺进香的第一站,素有“运河第一香”之美誉。为恢复香积寺盛景,2009年香积寺成功复建,成为国内唯一主供大圣紧那罗王菩萨(斋戒菩萨)的寺庙。As one of the eight famous temples in Hangzhou, Xiangji Temple was built in the 3rd year of Taiping Xinguo reign of Northern Song Dynasty (978). The temple was destroyed in war at the end of Yuan Dynasty and was rebuilt in t

28、he 4th year of Hongwu reign of Ming Dynasty. Its the first stop for pilgrims who came from Hangzhou, Jiaxing and Huzhou by boat to pay pilgrimage to Lingyin Temple and Tianzhu Temple and has been dubbed the “the first stop for pilgrims along Grand Canal”. In order to restore its original spectacular

29、, Xiangji Temple was rebuilt in 2009. It is the only temple to consecrate Mahatma Kinnara King Bodhisattva (supervisor of fast) in China. 斋神、乐神、素斋 God of Kitchen, God of Music, Vegetarian Diet大兜路历史街区内香积寺巷 公交线路: Xiangji Temple Lane, Dadou Road Historic Block No. K76、K151、K57/57开放时间:07:0017:00 门票:平时20元,除夕夜50元 7:00am5:00pm Fare: RMB20 at ordinary time, RMB 50 for New Year

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