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Unit 3ComputersB 2文档格式.docx

1、【知识拓展】calculation n. 计算;calculator n. 计算器calculated adj. 精心策划的calculating adj. 有打算的;精于算计的3. universal adj. 宇宙的;一致的;广泛的;普遍的There was universal agreement that you should become chairman. 大家一致的意见是应该由你担任主席。This is a subject of universal interest. 这是一个引起广泛兴趣的课题。【知识拓展】universe n. 宇宙;万物universally adv. 普遍地

2、4. simplify vt. 简化;使简易Try to simplify your explanation for the pupils. 给学生讲解要尽量简单明了。The application forms have now been simplified. 申请表格现已简化了。【知识拓展】simple adj. 简单的;简朴的;单纯的;头脑简单的simply adv. 仅仅;只不过;确实;简直;简单地;简朴地simplistic adj. (把问题、局面等)过分简单化的simple-minded adj. 头脑简单的;愚蠢的5. sum n. 总数;算术题;金额The sum of 2

3、and 2 is four. 二加二的和是四。He paid an enormous sum for the painting by Turner. 他花了一大笔钱买特纳的画。Im poor at sums. 我拙于计算。【知识拓展】in sum 总之;简言之sum up 概括;总结6. artificial adj. 人造的;人为的;不自然的;矫揉造作的The growers use both natural and artificial light. 栽培者既用自然光也用人造光。The product contains no artificial colors of flavors. 该产

4、品不含人造色素和香料。Our new policies are designed to break down artificial barriers to womens advancement. 我们的新政策是要打破对女性晋升人为设置的障碍。She laughed a bright artificial laugh. 她欢快而做作的大笑。7. solve vt. 解决;解答Attempts are being made to solve the problem of waste disposal. 正在想办法解决废物处理的问题。We can help you solve your financ

5、ial problems. 我们能帮助你解决财政问题。He hopes to solve the mystery of the planes disappearance. 他希望能揭开飞机失踪之谜。【知识拓展】solution n. 解答;解决方法arrive at/ come to/ reach a solution 获得解决之道8. reality n. 真实;事实;现实;逼真He doubted the reality of what he had heard. 他对所听到的话的真实性表示怀疑。Failure brought me back to reality. 失败使我回到现实中来/

6、使我面对现实。The film showed life in the poor areas with great reality. 影片非常真实地展现了贫困地区的生活。【辨析】reality与truthreality意为“真实;现实”,指某事物的确存在。Her dream became a reality. 她的梦想成为现实。truth意为“真实;真理”,指人或事实而言。This is an eternal truth. 这是个永恒的真理。【知识拓展】real adj. 真实的;真正的;现实的;实际的;逼真的really adv. 真正地;到底;确实realize vt. 实现;使变为现实in

7、 reality 实际上;事实上9. totally adv. 全部地;完全地I totally agree with you. 我完全同意你的观点。They come from totally different cultures. 他们来自完全不同的文化。【】total adj. 总的;总体的;全部的n. 总数;总计;合计vt. 计算的总和in total 合计;共计10. lonely adj. 孤独的;寂寞的;人迹罕至的;偏僻的I feel lonely among the strangers. 在陌生人当中我感到很孤独。The old hunter lived in a lonely

8、 house in the mountains. 那位老猎人住在山里一间孤零零的房子里。【辨析】lonely与alonelonely可表示人“孤独的;寂寞的”,也可表示地方“荒凉的;人烟稀少的”。alone只表示“独自”的客观状态,没有感情色彩。I was travelling alone in the lonely mountain. I didnt feel lonely though I was alone. 我独自走在荒凉的山野里。随孤身一人,但并不感到寂寞。【知识拓展】let/ leave sb. alone 让某人独处let alone 更不必说all alone 独自的11. c

9、onnect vt & vi 联系;连接给接通电话The two cities are connected by a railway. 这两个城市有铁路相连。Please connect me with Beijing University. 请给我接北京大学。This early bus from the village connects with the 8 oclock train. 村里发出的早班汽车与8点的火车相衔接。【辨析】connect,join与unite connect指通过某种连接物把具体事物(或人)或抽象概念连接起来。The police thought he was c

10、onnected with the murder. 警方认为他与那起谋杀案有关。 join强调形体清楚的分离事物之间的结合,如田与田、国与国之间的互相连接。The new railway has joined our town to Beijing. 新铁路把我们这个城镇和北京连接起来了。 unite指很紧密地结合,强调结合成为新的统一体,如把两部分或两个国家结合成一体。还可以表示“团结”的意思。We must unite as many people as possible. 我们要团结尽可能多的人。【知识拓展】connected adj. 连结的;连接的;关联的connection n.

11、连结;连接;联系in connection with 与有关系;关于be connected with 与有关系;与有亲戚关系connectwith/ to 把与连接起来connect with 相连;衔接【注意】当要表达“把A与B连接起来”时,介词to和with都可以用,但要表达“A与B有联系”时,只能用with。12. through prep. 通过;穿过;在整个期间;经由;凭借;因为;由于;直至Light comes in through the window. 光线从那扇窗子透进来。Food supplies will not last through the winter. 食物供

12、应不足以支撑整个冬天。We sold the car through advertising in the local paper. 我们通过在地方报上登广告卖掉了那部车。He lost his position through his own mistakes. 他因为自己的错误丢了职。I have to work Monday through Friday. 我得从星期一工作到星期五。【辨析】across,over与throughacross强调从某个平面的一边到另一边。She swam across the Strait of Dover. 她游过了多佛尔海峡。over侧重越过某种障碍物

13、等。The plane flew over the town. 飞机飞越了这座城镇。through飞机飞越了这座城镇。指从整个立体空间内穿过。The Great Wall winds its way from west to east, across the deserts, over the mountains, through the valleys, till at last it reaches the sea. 长城从西到东,穿过沙漠,越过高山,跨越深谷,蜿蜒前行,最后直达海边。A river flows through the small village. 一条河流从这个村庄流过。

14、13. mobile adj. 可移动的;活动的;流动的;机动的;多变的The old lady is no longer mobile-she has to stay in bed all day. 老太太再也不能走动了她不得不整天躺在床上。mobile troops 机动部队a mobile face 表情丰富的脸【辨析】mobile,moving与movablemobile表示“(自由)移动、变动(位置或地点)的”。They wanted to set up a mobile hospital. 他们想建一所流动医院。moving表示“(正在)移动的”或“动人的”。We saw peop

15、le busily moving in and out. 我们看见人们忙碌地进进出出。movable表示“可(被)移动的”。There is a movable wall in the hall. 大厅里有一面活动墙。14. explore vt. & vi. 探测;考察;探究The town is a good base from which to explore this charming corner of Italy. 想在意大利这一美丽的地区寻觅览胜的话,该镇是个不错的落脚点。It is worth exploring other ways to deal with this pro

16、blem. 处理这个问题的其他方法也值得研究一下。He wants to explore how the human brain will function under these circumstances. 他想研究一下人脑在这些情形下是如何活动的。【知识拓展】exploration n. 探测;探讨exploratory adj. 探索的explorer n. 探险者15. anyhow (=anyway) adv. 无论如何;总之;而且;尽管Tom not feeling too well, but hes going to school anyhow. 汤姆觉得不怎么舒服,但他无论如

17、何要来上学。Anyway, Id better go now-Ill see you tomorrow. 反正我现在还是走的好-明天见。Its too expensive and anyway the color doesnt suit you. 这个太贵,而且颜色也不适合你。Im afraid I cant come, but thanks for the invitation anyway. 恐怕我们来不了,不过还是感谢邀请。【注意】 当一位“无论如何;不管怎样;反正;尽管如此”时, anyway与anyhow均用作让步状语,一般位于句中(其中常有连词but)或句末。 当意为“况且;更何况

18、;再说;至少”时,anyway与anyhow均可用作句子状语,用来对前面的话作补充,给出一个更加令人信服的理由。这时anyhow与anyway常出现在句首或最后的分句之首(位于分句之首时其前常有连词and),而不可出现在句末。Anyway I must finish the work. 不管怎样,我一定要完成这工作。I am to go anyway, no matter what you say. 不管你说什么,无论如何我都要去。二、重点短语1. have in common 在方面有共同之处Jane and I have nothing in common. 我和简毫无共同之处。The t

19、wo cultures have a lot in common. 这两种文化具有许多相同之处。【知识拓展】in common 共有;公有in common with sb./ sth. 与相同Britain, in common with many other countries, has experienced major changes over the last 100 years. 英国同许多其他国家一样,在过去100年里经历了重大的变化。2. work out 锻炼身体;计算出;理解;了解;处理;解决I work out regularly to keep fit. 我经常做运动以

20、保持健康。Things have worked out quite well for us. 事情的结果对我们很不错。Itll work out cheaper to travel by bus. 算来还是乘公共汽车旅行便宜些。Ive never been able to work her out. 我从未摸准她的秉性。I couldnt work out where the music was coming from. 我弄不清这些音乐是从哪里传来的。【知识拓展】work off (通过消耗体力)宣泄感情work over 拷问;追问work up 逐步发展3. fromon 从时起plea

21、se be more careful from now on. 从今以后要更仔细。He stropped smoking from then on. 从那以后,他就不吸烟了。【知识拓展】fromto 从到4. go by (过去)逝去;依照;依赖;根据作判断Two years have gone by before she realized it. 不知不觉两年过去了。Dont go by that old map. 别按照那种旧地图。you cant go by what he says. 你不能拿他的话作准。【知识拓展】go about 着手做;忙于go about with 常与结伴外出

22、go after 追赶;追求go against 反对;违背;对不利go ahead 走在前面;前进;干吧(说吧/用吧)go all out 全力以赴;鼓足干劲go around/ round 流传;转动go along 进行;进展go away 离开go back 回去go down 下降;下落go over 检查;复习go through 浏览;翻阅;通过go up 上升;增长go wrong 出毛病;发生故障5. as a result 因此;结果There is a shortage of cheap housing. As a result, many people are leav

23、ing the city. 这个城市缺乏廉价的住房,结果很多人都想离开。She spent most of her time playing games. As a result, she didnt pass the exam. 她把大部分时间都用在了玩游戏上,结果考试没及格。【辨析】as a result,as a/ the result of,result in与result from as a result不是连词,而是副词短语,只作状语。As a result, he was given a good job. 结果,他得到了一份好工作。 as a / the result of是介

24、词短语,只能连接名词、代词、动名词及what引导的宾语从句。As a / the result of the bad weather, the sports meeting was put off. 由于天气不好,运动会被推迟了。 result in意为“结果为;导致”,主语是原因,宾语是结果,痛lead to。His carelessness resulted in his failure. 他的粗心导致了他的失败。 result from意为“由于;源自”,主语是结果,宾语是原因,同lie in。his failure resulted from his carelessness. 他的失

25、败源于他的粗心。三、 重点句型1. As time went by, I was made smaller. 随着时间的流逝,我被做得越来越小了。as在句中用作连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“随着;当时”。As she grew older she gained in confidence. 随着年龄的增长她的信心增强了。He sat watching her as she got ready. 他一直坐着看她准备停当。【知识拓展】as用作连词,还可以引导下列从句: 方式状语从句They did as I had asked. 他们是照我的要求做的。Leave the papers as the

26、y are. 别去动那些文件。 原因状语从句As you were out, I left a message. 你不在,所以我留了一张条儿。She may need some help as she is new. 她是新来的,可能需要一些帮助。 让步状语从句Happy as they were, there was something missing. 尽管他们很快乐,但总缺少点什么。Try as she might, she couldnt open the door. 她想尽了办法也没把门打开。【注意】as引导让步状语从句时,要用倒装语序。 定语从句As you know, Mary

27、is leaving soon. 你是知道的,玛丽马上要离开了。She is very tall, as is her mother. 她个子很高,正如她母亲一样。【辨析】as,when与while as强调主从句中谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生。从句表示“随时间推移”时连词只能用as,不用when或while。As the day went on, the weather got worse. 日子一天天过去,天气越来越坏。 when可表示瞬间、时间段,主从句动作同时发生,也可以先后发生。当从句的动作发生于主句的动作之前,只能用when引导这个从句,不可用as或while。When you h

28、ave finished your work, you may have a rest. 当你完成工作后,你可以休息一下。 as,when引导短暂性动作的动词。Just as/ Just when/ When I stopped my car, a man came up to me. 正当我停好车后,一个男人向我走来。 while用于同时进行的两个延续性动作作相伴发生,常对同类动作进行对比。You can go swimming while Im having lunch. 我吃早饭时你可以去游泳。2. But I was always so lonely standing there by myself, until in t

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