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吉林学位英语三 完型10分一篇20题.docx

1、吉林学位英语三 完型10分 一篇20题【试题部分】(一)-说明文 All (1)_ things must fight to stay alive. They have to feed on something and at the same time avoid being (2)_. Therefore they have to solve this big problem of staying alive in their own way. The danger of being eaten in the sea is great. Those plants and animals th

2、at do survive usually (3)_ very fast and in great numbers. (4)_ sea animals have defensive devices which help them to survive. The jelly fish have (5)_ tentacles (触角) which are used for attack and defense. Another method of (6)_ which sea plants and animals use is disguise. They usually have the sam

3、e (7)_ as their surroundings. In order to stay alive, animals need to have good senses. Fishes have sharp eyes. Almost all animals are sensitive to (8)_. Fishes judge movements in the water by (9)_ of their lines. Fishes and other sea animals can hear well and many of them can (10)_ different types

4、of warning sound.1. A. living B. alive C. lively D. live2. A. taken B. gotten C. haven D. eaten3. A. produce B. reproduce C. run D. swim4. A. Any B. Every C. Certain D. Each5. A. beautiful B. short C. poisonous D. long6. A. swimming B. survival C. flight D. growth7. A. color B. body C. width D. leng

5、th8. A. run away B. flee C. touch D. move9. A. way B. means C. method D. approach10. A. make B. do C. build D. produce【解题导语】 本文是说明文,主要讲述了生物在特定的环境中如何学会去保护自己不受侵害。【新词链接】 avoid doing sth. 避免做某事 by means of 用的方法 make sound / noise 弄出声音【试题解析】1. A 根据四个单词的区别,“生物”应为living things。2. D 固定搭配:avoid doing sth.意为“

6、避免做某事”。3. B 根据上下文意思,此处指动植物“再生”。4. C 由谓语动词形式可知,certain指“某些”。5. C 根据下文得知此处指“有毒的”触角。6. B 指海底动植物生存的另一种方法。7. A 这些动物有与周围环境相同的颜色,即保护色。8. C 所有动物对触摸很敏感。9. B 固定搭配,by means of 意为“用的方法“。10. A 固定搭配,make sound / noise意为“弄出声音”。(二)-夹叙夹议Getting plenty of exercise is very important. I enjoy swimming very much. Last s

7、ummer I went to the (1)_ every day. I plan to go there this summer too, but I may not be able to. I have a new(2)_, sometimes I have to work until (3)_ at night. Although I now work more hours than I used to, yet I do receive a larger salary. I didnt receive much pay on my (4)_ job. I like my new jo

8、b, but had I know that it would take up so much of my free time, I would not have taken. I prefer (5)_ to making more money.I have heard that riding a bike is good exercise. Maybe I will be able to (6)_ enough money to buy a bike. My neighbor, Ms Wilson, has a bicycle that I could (7)_, but I would

9、rather own my own bike. If I used hers, I would worry about destroying it. Since I make more money now, I think that I can afford to buy my own. Getting a bike is really a good idea, because while Im riding to and from, I will be getting (8)_ at the same time. It is easier to get to the seaside on a

10、 bike, too. I might be able to go swimming every day after all. This new job is great! Im very (9)_. This will be a summer full of (10)_. 1. A. playground B. shore C. seaside D. sea2. A. office B. job C. love D. interest 3. A. far B. deep C. late D. lately 4. A. favorite B. new C. past D. old5. A. s

11、wimming B. riding C. playing D. working 6. A. save B. keep C. take D. cost7. A. ride B. renew C. lend D. borrow 8. A. enjoyment B. rest C. exercise D. money9. A. moved B. excited C. interested D. disappointed 10. A. exercise B. pleasure C. interest D. imagination【解题导语】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章,主要讲述了锻炼的重要性,作者同时做

12、到了工作和锻炼两不误。【新词链接】 take up 占据(时间、空间) prefer to 喜欢胜过;宁愿而不愿 would rather do sth. 宁愿去做某事 afford to do sth. 有能力去做某事【试题解析】1. C 根据文章倒数第4句话可知。2. B 由下文的 I like my new job 可知。3. C 根据上下文,应该是我工作到深夜。4. D 和new 相对比。5. A 根据上下文可知,作者喜欢游泳。6. A 作者要“节约”钱去买自行车。7. D 根据句意可知我可以向邻居Ms Wilson “借”自行车。8. C 在骑自行车中得到“锻炼”。9. B 由上文可

13、知。10. A 由文章首句:getting plenty of exercise is very important可以知道。(三)-议论文Friendship is unconditional and uncritical, based only on mutual respect and the ability to enjoy each others company. These authority figures never saw the way one of us could do something outrageous, and the rest of us would jok

14、e about it for days. We could have fun doing absolutely nothing at allbecause the (1)_ we provided each other with was enough. Rather than discussing operas, Lewinsky, or the weather, we enjoyed just (2)_ each other without any one of us trying to outsmart the others. Still, I realize that these adu

15、lts had a(3)_ to be concerned about the direction my friends were(4)_; I also was concerned for them, but I wasnt about to (5)_ them. Many times I would advise my friends that some activity may be (6)_ or to think things through before doing something, but I would never claim to hold the moral high

16、ground and to condescend to them. When Marvin would begin rolling joints, when Alisa would tell me she skipped school because of a hangover, or when Merriam would tell me that her new boyfriend was in a street gang, I expressed my discomfort with their (7)_. However, I never (8)_ them with the threa

17、t of taking my friendship away. Contrary to the commercials on television, you can have (9)_ who use drugs. In fact, probably everyone does without (10)_ it.1. A. gift B. present C. company D. friendship2. A. hanging around B. learning from C. communicating with D. joining in3. A. prejudice B. point

18、 C. suggestion D. situation4. A. giving B. coming C. heading D. facing5. A. ignore B. upset C. blame D. leave6. A. crazy B. dangerous C. boring D. important7. A. action B. lessons C. words D. thoughts8. A. force B. threaten C. persuade D. cheat9. A. friends B. girlfriends C. classmates D. brothers10

19、. A. hearing B. recognizing C. realizing D. knowing【解题导语】 本文是议论文,主要讲述了友谊的相关内容,友谊是无条件的,不带偏见的,彼此相互尊重,并且喜欢和对方在一起,这就是友谊。【新词链接】 base on 在的基础上 provided sb. with sth. 给某人提供某物 be concerned about 关心 hang around 闲荡【试题解析】1. C 由首句可知,只要我们在一起(company) 就已经足够了2. A 由上下文可知,大家只是享受那份闲来荡去(hang around)的惬意。3. B 由其后作定语的不定式

20、短语可知。4. C 因direction 后是定语从句,所以要填表示“朝着某个方向行进”的heading。5. D 从下文可看出,不管朋友有什么样的表现,我都不会和他们绝交(leave them)。6. B 由前文的“提醒(advise)”和后文“三思而后行”可知,有些活动是“危险”的。7. A 指上文列举的“吸大麻”、“逃学”、“交街上小混混做男友”等之类的不良“行为”。8. B 由语境可知,是用绝交来“威胁”他们。9. A 指任何人都有可能有不良行为的“朋友”。10. C 由前句可知本句意为每个人都有这类朋友,只是没“意识到”而已。(四)-记叙文 A boy is about to go

21、on his first date, and is nervous about what to talk about. He asks his father for advice. The father (1)_, My son, there are three subjects that always (2)_. These are food, family, and philosophy. The boy picks up his date and they go to a soda fountain. (3)_ ice cream sodas in front of them, they

22、 (4)_ at each other for a long time, as the boys nervousness builds. He remembers his fathers advice, and chooses the first (5)_. He asks the girl: Do you like spinach? She says No, and the silence returns. After a few (6)_ uncomfortable minutes, the boy thinks of his fathers suggestion and (7)_ the

23、 second item on the list. He asks, Do you have a brother? Again, the girl says No and there is (8)_ once again. The boy then (9)_ his last card. He thinks of his fathers (10)_ and asks the girl the following question: If you had a brother, would he like spinach?1. A. asks B. replies C. tells D. talk

24、s2. A. do B. help C. work D. affect3. A. For B. Besides C. Without D. With4. A. stare B. glare C. smile D. laugh5. A. advice B. question C. word D. topic6. A. more B. another C. other D. most7. A. turns on B. turns to C. turns away D. turns over8. A. smile B. nervousness C. silence D. anxiety9. A. u

25、ses B. takes C. asks D. plays10. A. lesson B. advice C. promise D. order【解题导语】 本文是记叙文,主要讲述了一个男孩子机械地使用父亲提议的话题,在第一次约会时闹出的笑话。【新词链接】 ask sb. for sth. 问某人要某物。 stare at 凝视,长时间看 plays his last card 打出最后一张牌【试题解析】1. B 根据故事开头提供的情景:He asks his father for advice。2. C 此处的work意为“奏效”。 3. D 介词复合结构“with+宾语宾补”可以表示状态、

26、条件等。4. A 此题区别不同方式的“看”,stare at 意思是:凝视,长时间看。5. D 联系上下文,他父亲提供了三个话题。6. A 此题考察more的表达方式,意思是“又过了几分钟”。7. B 根据句意,turns to是“转向”的意思,最贴切。8. C 联系故事情节的发展,得到否定回答之后接下来是“没有人讲话”了。9. D 短语plays his last card意为“打出最后一张牌”。10. B 与文章开头的第二句话asks his father for advice相呼应。(五)-记叙文There once was a blind man who decided to visi

27、t Texas. When he arrived on the plane, he (1)_ the seats and said, Wow, these seats are big! The person next to him answered, (2)_ is big in Texas. When he finally arrived in Texas, he decided to visit a bar. Upon arriving in the bar, he (3)_ a beer and got a mug (4)_ between his hands. He exclaimed

28、, Wow these mugs are big! The bartender replied, Everything is big in Texas.After a (5)_of beers, the blind man asked the bartender where the (6)_ was located. The bartender replied, Second door to the right. The blind man (7)_ for the bathroom, but accidentally tripped over and skipped the second d

29、oor. (8)_, he entered the third door, which (9)_ to the swimming pool and fell into the pool by accident. (10)_ to death, the blind man started shouting, Dont flush, dont flush!1. A. saw B. felt C. took D. touched2. A. Everything B. Nothing C. Something D. All3. A. took B. bought C. drank D. ordered

30、4. A. placed B. lain C. stood D. spread5. A. few B. amount C. couple D. pair6. A. bathroom B. living room C. waiting room D. kitchen7. A. looked B. headed C. went D. searched8. A. As a result B. In fact C. Instead D. So9. A. turns B. opens C. gets D. leads10. A. Starved B. Scared C. Moved D. Frozen【解题导语】 本文是记叙文,主要讲述了一位盲人乘飞机去Texas进行访问时的笑话。最后要去厕所时却掉进了游泳池里

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