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1、c题库编程题/2-5#include#include#includeusing namespace std;class Triangle int a,b,c;public: double Area() double s=(a+b+c)/2; return sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c); ; int Perimeter() return a+b+c; void Input() cinabc; ; void main() Triangle t1; t1.Input(); coutt1.Area() t1.Perimeter(); /2-3#includeinline int m

2、ax(int a,int b) if(ab)return a; else return b; inline int max(int a,int b,int c) return max(a,max(b,c); void main() int x=21,y=15,z=22,d; d=max(x,max(y,z); coutd;/2-4#includeint overload(int n);char overload(char n);void main() int n; char s; coutn; coutn=overload(n)endl; cout输入as; couta=; coutoverl

3、oad(s)endl;int overload(int n) return n;char overload(char n)coutbendl;return 0;/2-2#includeiostreamusing namespace std;inline char trans(char ch);int main() char ch; while(ch=getchar()!=n) couttrans(ch); cout=a&ch=z) return ch-32; else return ch+32;/3-1#includeusing std:cout;using std:endl;int Min(

4、int a,int b) return (aba:b);int Min(int a,int b,int c) return (Min(a,b)cMin(a,b):c);int Min(int a,int b,int c,int d) return (Min(a,b,c)dMin(a,b,c):d);void main(void) coutMIN(1,2)=Min(1,2)endl; coutMIN(3,4,5)=Min(3,4,5)endl; coutMIN(4,5,6,7)=Min(4,5,6,7)endl;/3-2#includeusing namespace std;void Area(

5、float r) coutthe circles area is: 3.14*r*rendl;void Area(float a,float b) coutthe rectangles(squares) area is: a*bendl;void Area(float a,float b,float h) coutthe trapzoids area is: (a+b)*h/2endl;void main() Area(5); Area(3,3); Area(3,5,4);/3-3#includeusing namespace std;void Sort(int a,int n) bool f

6、lag; for(int i=0;in-1;i+) flag=false; for(int j=1;jaj) int temp=aj-1; aj-1=aj; aj=temp; flag=true; if(!flag) break; for(int m=0;mn;m+) coutam ; coutendl;void Sort(float b,int n) bool flag; for(int i=0;in-1;i+) flag=false; for(int j=1;jbj) float temp=bj-1; bj-1=bj; bj=temp; flag=true; if(!flag) break

7、; for(int m=0;mn;m+) coutbm ; coutendl;void main() int a10=3,5,1,2,9,0,8,6,4,7; float b10=0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0; Sort(a,10); Sort(b,10);/3-4#includeusing namespace std;class Rectangle float a,b;public: Rectangle() coutinput the two side of the rectangle:ab; Rectangle(float x,float

8、y):a(x),b(y) float Cir() return (2*(a+b); float Area() return (a*b); ;void main() Rectangle Re; coutthe rectangles circumference is:Re.Cir()endl the rectangles area is:Re.Area()endl;/3-5#includeusing namespace std;class Circle float r;public: Circle() coutinput the radius of the circle:r; Circle(flo

9、at x):r(x) float Cir() return 2*3.14*r; float Area() return 3.14*r*r;void main() Circle C(5); cout the Circles circumference is:C.Cir()endl the Circles Area is:C.Area()endl;/4-1class student int no; char name20;public: student(); int getno()const; char*getname();#includestudent:student() no=1; strcp

10、y(name,wang);int student:getno ()const return no; char*student:getname() return name;int main() student s1; s1.getno(); s1.getname(); const student s2; s2.getno(); return 0;/4-3#includeclass object float a; float weight;public: object(float w); object()coutdestruct weightendl;class box:public object

11、 float b; float height,widt;public: box(float w,float h,float wi):object(w),height(h),widt(wi)coutconstruct heightendl;coutconstruct widtendl; box()coutdestruct heightendl;coutdestruct widtendl;object:object(float w) weight=w; coutconstruct weightendl;int main() box b(1.1,2.2,3.3); return 0;/4-4#inc

12、ludeiostreamusing namespace std;class baseclasspublic: baseclass()couta.cendl; virtual baseclass()couta.dendl;class derivedclass:public baseclasspublic: derivedclass()coutb.cendl; derivedclass()coutb.dendl;int main() derivedclass obj; baseclass *p; p=&obj; return 0;/4-5#includeiostream#includeusing

13、namespace std;class Doument char *name;public: Doument(char *na) name=new char strlen (na)+1; strcpy(name,na); virtual void print() const cout姓名:nameendl;class Book:public Doument int pagecount; char *name;public: Book(int p,char *na):Doument(na) p=pagecount; name=new char strlen (na)+1; strcpy(name

14、,na); void print() const cout页码:pagecount姓名:nameendl;void disp(Doument& i) i.print();int main() Book b(23,小明); disp(b); return 0;/5-1#includeiostreamusing namespace std;class pointprivate: int x; int y; int z; static int num;public: point(int a,int b,int c); int print();int point:num=0;int main() po

15、int p1(1,2,3); p1.print(); point p2(5,3,2); p1.print(); point p3(3,6,4); p1.print(); return 0; point:point(int a,int b,int c) x=a; y=b; z=c; num+; int point:print() cout第num个点x,y,zendl; return 0;/5-2#include#includeusing namespace std;class Stu char name15; int age; float score;public: static int co

16、unt; static float sum; Stu(char *p,int a,float s):age(a),score(s) strcpy(name,p); count+; sum+=score; Stu() coutinput the students name,age,score:nameagescore; count+; sum+=score; ;int Stu:count=0;float Stu:sum=0;void main() Stu p(子机,19,98),q; coutthe number of students is: Stu:countendl the total s

17、core is: Stu:sumendl;/5-3#includeusing namespace std;class Point float x,y,z;public: Point(float a=0,float b=0,float c=0):x(a),y(b),z(c) Point operator +(); Point operator -(); Point operator +(int); Point operator -(int); void show() cout( x , y , z ) = ( x , y , z )endl; ;Point Point:operator +()

18、return Point(+x,+y,+z);Point Point:operator -() return Point(-x,-y,-z);Point Point:operator +(int) Point temp; temp.x=x+; temp.y=y+; temp.z=z+; return temp;Point Point:operator -(int) Point temp; temp.x=x-; temp.y=y-; temp.z=z-; return temp;void main() Point a(1,1,1),b(2,2,2),c,d; couta :;;

19、 coutb :;; coutendl; c=a+; coutc = a+n; coutc :;; coutendl; d=+b; coutd = +bn; coutd :;; coutNew a and b :n;;; coutendl; c=a-; coutc = a-n; coutc :;; coutendl; d=-b; coutd = -bn; coutd :;; coutNew a and b :n;;;/5-4#incl

20、udeusing namespace std;class Complex float real,image;public: Complex(float a,float b):real(a),image(b) Complex() friend bool operator =(Complex &x,Complex &y) return (x.real=y.real&x.image=y.image);void main() Complex Cp1(1,2),Cp2(3,4),Cp3(1,2); cout(Cp1=Cp2)endl (Cp1=Cp3)endl;/6-1#includeusing nam

21、espace std;class Complex float real,image;public: Complex(float x,float y):real(x),image(y) Complex() Complex operator +(Complex &a) return Complex(real+a.real,image+a.image); Complex operator -(Complex &b) return Complex(real-b.real,image-b.image); friend ostream & operator (ostream &output,Complex

22、 &c) output(c.real,c.image); return output; ;void main() Complex Cp1(1,-2),Cp2(2,5),Cp3,Cp4; Cp3=Cp1+Cp2; Cp4=Cp1-Cp2; coutCp1+Cp2=Cp3endl Cp1-Cp2=Cp4endl;/6-2#includeusing namespace std;class computer float x,y;public: computer(float a=0,float b=0):x(a),y(b) computer operator +(); computer operator

23、 -(); computer operator +(int); computer operator -(int); void show() cout( x , y ) = ( x , y )endl; ;computer computer:operator +() return computer(+x,+y);computer computer:operator -() return computer(-x,-y);computer computer:operator +(int) computer temp; temp.x=x+; temp.y=y+; return temp;compute

24、r computer:operator -(int) computer temp; temp.x=x-; temp.y=y-; return temp;void main() computer a(1,1),b(2,2),c,d; couta :;; coutb :;; coutendl; c=a+; coutc = a+n; coutc :;; coutendl; d=+b; coutd = +bn; coutd :;; coutNew a and b :n;;; coutendl; c=a-; coutc = a-n; coutc :;; coutendl; d=-b; coutd = -bn; coutd :;; coutNew a and b :n;;;/6-3#include#include

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