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1、III. 长对话理解 (共5小题,每小题1分;满分5分)你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。听下面一段对话,回答第l6至第l7小题。16. Whats the matter with the man?A. He finds it difficult to go to sleep at night.B. He cant sweep the floor.C. He was seriously ill.17. How many days has the man been like this?A. Two days. B. Three days

2、. C. Four days.听下面一段对话,回答第l8至第20小题。18. Who had the worst morning?A. DingJun. B. Li Mei. C. The saleswoman.19. When did Li Meis daughter buy her a pair of new shoes?A. Today. B. Last night. C. Yesterday.20. Why did she go back to change the new shoes?A. Because the shoes were too small.B. Because the

3、 shoes were broken.C. Because the shoes were too big.IV. 短文理解 (共5小题,每小题1分;你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个问题。请根据短文内容,在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。短文读两遍。21. How do I make friends?A. By writing letters. B. By making telephones. C. By sending E-mails.22. Where was the school I wrote to?A. In Beijing. B. In London. C. In New

4、 York.23. Who would like to be my pen friend at first?A. A woman teacher. B. A boy. C. A girl.24. Why didnt the boy write to me?A. Because the teacher didnt want him to. B. Because he was ill.C. Because he moved to another town.25. How many pen friends do I have now?A. Two. B. Ten. C. Many.V. 信息转换。(

5、共5小题,每小题1分;你将听到一篇短文。请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺的单词。每空仅填一词WheredoesMr.Smithlive?Ina(26)HowdoesMr.Smithgotowork?By(27)WhatdoesMr.Smithusuallyreadontheway?A(28)WhatdoesthemanthinkofMr.smithslife?Its(29)Whoistheman?Healwayssitsinthesameseat(30)Mr.Smith第二部分 英语知识运用(共三大题,满分55分)VI. 单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分;满分20分)从每小题所给的A、B、C

6、、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。31. The meeting is over. Our teacher is coming to the class.Oh, yes. She must haveto tell us.A. anything important B .important somethingC. important anything D. something important32. Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning? _ is OK. Im free today and tomorrow.A. Either B.

7、 Neither C. Both D. None33. Few of them hurt themselves in the accident last night, ?A. dont they B. didnt they C. did they D. do they34. How about going hiking this week end?Sorry. I prefer _ rather than _ .A. to stay at home ;go out B. to go out; stay at homeC. staying at home; go out D. going out

8、;35. Excuse me, is thispencil?No, its not.A. yours; mine B. yours; my C. your; mine D. your; my36. to the United States?No, never, but I went to Canada a few years ago.A. Have you been B. Have you gone C. Did you go D. Will you go37. Excuse me, would you please tell me _ ?Certainly. Go straight alon

9、g here. Its next to a hospital.A. how we can get to the post office B. how can we get to the post officeC. how get to the post office D. how could we get to the post office38. I enjoy learning English _ it takes me a lot of time.A. unless B. though C. because D. for39. I dont know if his uncle _ .I

10、think he _ if it doesnt rain.A. will come; comes B. will come; will comeC. comes; comes D. comes;40. Remember this, children. _ careful you are, _ mistakes you will make.We know, Miss Gao.A. The more; the more B. The fewer; the moreC. The more; the fewer D. The less; the less41. May I go out to play

11、 basketball, Dad?No, you _ .You must finish your homework first.A. mustnt B. may not C. couldnt D. neednt42. Kate likes eating chocolate. _ .Look! She is eating.A. So Lucy does B. So does Lucy C. So they do D. So do they43. You dont look well, Peter; Youd better stay in bed. _A. With pleasure. B. Th

12、ats very kind of youC. Oh, its nothing D. No, its very cheap44. Ive had enough bread. Would you like _ ?No, thanks.A. a few more B. one more C. another more D. some more45. I wont leave my office until my work_.A. finish B. is finished C. will finish D. are finished46. Dont _ too late, or you will f

13、eel tired in class.I wont, Mum. Good night!A. wake up B. get up C. stand up D. stay up47. Would you please tell me something about your travel in London ? _.A. Excuse me. Im afraid not. B. It s very nice of you to say so.C. Certainly. Ill be glad to. D. No. I dont like it.48. I really feel before th

14、e interview.Take it easy. Sure you are the best.A. nervous B. patient C. cool D. serious49. Oh, Mrs King, your necklace looks nice. Is it new?No, I _ it for 2 years.A. had B. have had C. bought D. have bought50. Look! What does the signmean? _A. It means “NO PARKING”. You cant park your car here.B.

15、It means “NO PHOTOS”. You cant take photos here.C. It means that you can park your car here.D. It means you can take photos here. VII. 完形填空。(共20小题,每小题1.5分;满分30分)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项选出一个最佳选项。AThe Americans were getting ready to send their first man to the moon,and an old Irishman(爱尔兰人)was watchi

16、ng them on the television in the bar of a hotel.There was an Englishmanin the bar,too,and he 51 the Irishman,“The 52 are very clever,arent they? They are going 53 some men to the moon.It is a long 54 from the world.”“Oh,thats 55 ,”the Irishman answered quickly.“The Irish are going to send some men t

17、o the sun in a few months.Thats 56 away from the moon,you know.”“ Yes,it is.”The English man said,“ 57 it is too 58 for the people to go to.”The Irishman laughed and said,“Well.the Irish arent stupid.You know,we 59 go to the sun during the day;of course,we will go there 60 .”51.A.said to B.told C.ta

18、lk to D.spoke52.A.Englishmen B.Americans C.Irish D.Frenchmen53.A. to reach send give test54.A.time B.street C.road D.way55.A:good B.nice C.true D.nothing56.A.1ong B.far C.further D.much farther57.A.and B.but C.or B.warm C.cold D.cool59.A.dont B.cant C.wont D.mustn60.

19、 the morning the afternoon C.on Monday D.during the nightBIt doesnt matter when or how much a person sleeps, but everyone needs some rest to stay alive. Thats 61 all doctor thought, until they heard about AL Herpin. AL Herpin, it was said, never slept. Could this be 62 ? The doctor decided

20、to see this 63 man themselves.AL Herpin was 90 years old when the doctor went to his home in New Jersey. They 64 that he got some sleep of some kind . So they stayed with him and watched every movement(行为)he 65 . But they were surprised . 66 they watched him hour after hour and day after day, they n

21、ever saw Herpin sleeping. In fact, he did not even own a bed. He never needed one.The only 67 that Herpin sometimes got was sitting in a comfortable(舒适)chair and reading newspapers. The doctor were 68 by this strange continuous(不断)sleeplessness. They asked him many questions, 69 to find an answer. T

22、hey found only one answer that might explain(解释)his condition(状况). Herpin 70 some talk about his mother having been injured(受伤)several days before he was born, but that was all. Was this the only reason(理由)? No one could be sure.61.A . that B. what C. why D. how62.A. true B. right C. OK D. wrong63.A

23、. usual B. happy C. sad D. strange64.A. thought B. think C. hope D. wished65.A. had B. did C. made D. got66.A. Though B. Because C. If D. Since67.A. rest B. way C. pleasure D. sleep68.A. interested B. puzzled C. surprised D. tired69.A. helping B . beginning C. surprised D. hoping70.A. forgot B.remem

24、bered C. answered D. showedVIII. 补全对话。根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A: Hey, you look mad. Whats wrong?B:I.I just cant stand that terrible driver. He is so.A: 71 Oh, would you like something to drink, coffee or cola?Neither. A cup of water is OK.Here you are. (one minute later) 72 ?Yeah, m

25、uch better.So what exactly happened to you?Just now I was riding my bike along the road. A car passed me quickly and suddenly stopped one meter away from me. At the same time there was another car coming in the other direction(方向), I had to brake(刹车)hard and then I hit the person on another bike. 73

26、 ?Luckily no. But we both fell off our bike. 74 .No, no. I got angry just because the driver drove off without saying anything. 75 . 第三部分 阅读理解(共一大题,满分40分)IX. 阅读理解。 (共20小题,每小题2分;满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Scott is asking for a job at a trading(贸易) company.Mr. Zhang: Tell me about your

27、education background.Scott: I went to Shanghai University. I studied business there. Have you taken any other courses besides business atthe university? Well, I have taken a few computer courses and English courses. How is your English writing ability? I think its pretty good. I write a lot of e-mails every day. I can also speak and write some French. And youre good at computers? Yes, I think so. I am pretty good at Word and Excel. What kind of working experiences do you have? I work at a trading company for two years. We had a lot of customers

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