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1、建筑工程英语教师用书建筑工程英语Unit Seven Floor ConstructionI. Learning ObjectivesAfter learning this unit, you will be able to know how to choose a better way to do a job; learn to write site report; have basic ideas of floor construction; know how to construct solid ground floor; get knowledge of concrete toppin

2、g and concrete floor on fill; learn to use the correct terminology in the description of floor construction.II. Background information楼板,又称楼面、楼层、楼盖,是建筑物中水平方向分隔空间的构件。楼板层必须具有足够的强度和刚度来承载其上面的家具、设备和人等荷载,并将荷载传递给承重构件,以保持建筑物的水平支撑。它还应满足防水、防潮、防火、隔声、保温、隔热、耐腐蚀等功能要求。楼板层主要有钢筋混凝土楼板、砖拱楼板、木楼板和钢楼板等几大类。本单元是对楼板施工的概述,内容

3、包括常见的地面装修,板的种类及底层板的施工方法等。III. 教学建议Part One, Section A该部分重在培养学生施工现场语言交流能力和现场日志写作能力。1、 Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks as required.2、 Key to the listening:1) works best2) separating layer3) cracking4) level your tiles5) take time6) grout7) dry out8) stick to the semi-dry method3、Anal

4、yze difficult points , professional words or phrases.1)semi-dry method半干法2)lay tiles 铺地板(瓷砖等)3)separating layer 分隔层4)we laid the tiles on to polythene sheeting over a screed.我们在砂浆底层上铺一层聚乙烯薄膜,然后再铺上地砖polythene sheeting聚乙烯薄膜 screed 砂浆底层。5)We never got any cracking because of differential movement that

5、way.用那种方法,我们从来没有出现过由于不均匀沉降引起的裂缝。6)level screed砂浆底层找平。找平是一道地面施工工艺。顾名思义就是用某种器材,比如水平仪,经纬仪等一起,使砌体或者施工物体的表面,侧面等看起来平整,没有坡度。7)bed 铺设(bedding floor tiles) bed tiles: 铺砖(place tiles in position)8)grout the joints灌缝。(灌浆是指把浆液压送到建筑物地基的裂隙、断层破碎带或建筑物本身的接缝、裂缝中的工程。通过灌浆可以提高被灌地层或建筑物的抗渗性和整体性,改善地基条件,保证水工建筑物安全运行。)9)guvno

6、r (governor): here means “boss”.4、George writes a report according to the conversation above.This morning, Dave told me that he didnt often use semi-dry method to lay the tiles. Instead, he used a separating-layer method in his last job and found it work well. I told him that that method took longer

7、 time as it consisted of two steps. He argued that the semi-dry method had two parts too. Finally I convinced him of the advantage of semi-dry method in terms of saving time as one had to wait for the screed to dry anyway.5、Reference Translation of Section A 戴夫:我不常使用半干法来铺瓷砖。这种方法似乎有点花时间。你经常这样做吗?乔治:是的


9、它干吧,不是吗?这是浪费时间,尤其是你工作区域不大的时候。戴夫:这点我倒还没有想过。乔治:如果我们下周来比较两种方法,我的方法90%会比你的快。不信走着瞧。戴夫:好吧,头儿,你赢了。我们用半干法吧。Part One, Section B该部分在于让学生了解楼板建造的基础知识,楼板的功能要求和楼板的类别。较详细的分析了实心底层楼板和组合楼板的施工。1、Lead-in: Ask students to think about as an occupant of a room what their requirements for the floor would be. (open answer)P

10、ossible answers:It must be safe.It must be fire-resistant.It must be noise-proof.It must be vibration-proof.It must be leveling and stable.It must be able to bear great load.2. Ask the students to think about how those requirements they listed can be achieved. By what construction method? With what

11、material? Then encourage them to find the answers in the text.3、Professional Words and Expressions1) in-situ concrete floor: 现浇混凝土楼板,是指在现场依照设计位置,进行支模、绑扎钢筋、浇筑混凝土,经养护、拆模板而制作的楼板。2) precast floor: 预制楼板,指在工厂加工成型后直接运到施工现场进行安装的楼板。3) thermal insulation layer: 隔热层。楼顶隔热层即在屋面上层、房顶上面安装建筑材料进行房顶防晒隔热屋内保温,使顶楼层不会受太阳

12、辐射而温度过高,提高顶楼层舒适度。4) Bitumen:沥青,柏油a black sticky substance which is obtained from tar or oil and is used in making roadse.g. The oil was once considered too difficult and expensive to extract as it is a mixture of clay, water and bitumen. 之前这里的石油被认为太难开采,因为油层中粘土、水、沥青混在一起。5) asphalt: 沥青,柏油a black subst

13、ance used to make the surfaces of things such as roads and playgrounds.e.g. Most roofs, whether tile or asphalt-shingle, have a life span of 20 to 25 years.无论是屋瓦还是基于沥青材料的盖屋板,多数的屋顶的生命周期都约为20-25年。Notes: what is the difference between bitumen, tar & asphalt?Bitumen is the heavy end (i.e. higher molecul

14、ar weight) residue from the fractionation of crude oil. Tar is similar, but is not extracted from crude oil; it is extracted from coal. Asphalt is a mixture of bitumen and aggregates (inorganic heavy fillers, sands, grit, stones) of various kinds used for construction of road surfaces.6) capillary a

15、ction: 毛细作用。(浸润液体在细管里升高的现象和不浸润液体在细管里降低的现象,叫做毛细现象。能够产生明显毛细现象的管叫做毛细管。)7) concrete blinding: 混凝土垫层。(混凝土垫层是钢筋混凝土基础与地基土的中间层,作用是使其表面平整便于在上面绑扎钢筋,也起到保护基础的作用,都是素混凝土的,无需加钢筋。如有钢筋则不能称其为垫层,应视为基础底板。)8) composite floor system: 组合楼板。(又可称为楼承板、承重板(行业内最多的叫法)楼层板、楼盖板、钢承板,是指压型钢板不仅作为混凝土楼板的永久性模板,而且作为楼板的下部受力钢筋参与楼板的受力计算,与混凝土

16、一起共同工作形成组合楼板。)9) prestressed components: 预应力构件。(为了充分发挥钢筋的作用(普通的钢筋混凝土构件,混凝土的抗拉强度很低,当混凝土的变形达到极限应变,构件出现裂缝,钢筋的应力只发挥了其强度的十分之一),避免混凝土的过早开裂,在混凝土的受拉区预先施加以压应力,当构件承受拉应力时,必须先抵消压应力才能开始受拉,然后才能出现裂缝,就可以延缓裂缝的出现或减小裂缝的宽度。)4、Analyze difficult points1)Whilst in-situ concrete floors are widely used, precast floor constr

17、uctions offer advantages that can outweigh the main disadvantage of being more costly.虽然如今现浇楼板应用广泛,但预制楼板构造也有不少优点,这些优点足以抵消其造价更高这一主要缺点。whilst:然后,连接两个分句,表示转折。outweigh:超过,比有价值。Advantages outweigh disadvantages.利大于弊。2)accommodation of service which are required in the floor to provide easy access楼板内需安装专用

18、设施以方便通行accommodation 居所,膳宿,适应性调节e.g. accommodation bridge 专用桥梁 accommodation road 专用道路3)The former is at ground and basement levels, resting directly on the ground with materials of plain or reinforced concrete.实心楼板位于底楼和地下室,直接与地面接触,用混凝土或钢筋混凝土建造。resting on位于之上,这里是现在分词作状语。e.g.: The building method use

19、s straw bales that rest on a foundation of gravel encased in clay cement. 这种建筑方法是把秸秆草砖放在粘土水泥围住的沙砾地基之上。4)Solid ground floor comprises of several layers as it is supported directly by the ground.由于直接受地面支撑,实体楼板由几层构成。comprise of:由组成。e.g. Train Online Booking System mainly comprises of ticket query, book

20、ing subsystem, complete online ticket query (includes simple query, detail query), online booking and so on.火车联网售票系统主要包括的火车票查询子系统、订票子系统等功能系统。5)The topping also helps the precast elements to act together as a structural unit rather than as individual planks in resisting concentrated loads and diaphra

21、gm loads, and conceals the slight differences in camber that often occur in prestressed components.面层(覆盖层)有助于预制构件整体作为一个结构单位而不是作为单个板件来承受集中荷载和隔板荷载,同时面层能够掩盖预应力构件常见的轻微拱度差异。topping: 面层,表层,覆盖层e.g. topping of road 道理面层,铺筑路面 topping joint 面层叠缝rather than:而不是e.g. In partnership with the US, both have the pot

22、ential to become the solution rather than the problem.而与美国合作,中美双方就都有可能参与解决问题,而不是成为问题本身。Concentrated load:集中荷载。反正作用在一个点上的荷载叫集中荷载,比如构造柱布置在梁上那么这一点的荷载就叫做集中荷载。Diaphragm load: 分布荷载。(分布荷载是作用于整个物体或其某部分上的荷载,作用范围不能忽略。)5. key to the exercisesI. Answer the following questions 1. Concrete.2. The functional requi

23、rements for floors are: 1) strength and stability; 2) thermal insulation; 3) noise and vibration control; 4) fire resistance; 5) damp penetration resistance; 6) durability; 7) accommodation of services; 8) provision of acceptable surface finish.3. It consists of the following: (1)Hardcore (2)Concret

24、e Blinding (3)Damp Proof Membrane ( DPM) (4) Concrete Slab (5)Wearing Surface.4. An in-situ concrete floor is one which is poured into formwork erected on the building site where the floor is actually required. The formwork is constructed in the shape of the required floor and the concrete is poured

25、 into it and left to dry. The formwork is stripped away, leaving the concrete floor in place.5. Topping is the concrete poured over the precast slab element. It is important for precast concrete floors because it can finish their rough surface to a smooth one and help the precast elements to act tog

26、ether as a structural unit rather than as individual planks in resisting concentrated loads and diaphragm loads, and conceals the slight differences in camber that often occur in prestressed components.II. Match the following words or phrases with the correct Chinese.1. g 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. f6. I 7.

27、j 8. b 9. e 10. hIII. Read the following drawings.1. Find a proper word or phrase to describe each of the pictures.1). erecting formwork2). pre-cast concrete slab3). reinforcing fabric4). placing pre-cast concrete slab5). pouring concrete6). surface finishing2. Read the pictures again and tell your

28、partners which ones are related and why. Picture one, three and five are related to each other. They show the construction of in-site concrete floors the formwork erecting, reinforcement binding, and concrete pouring. Picture two, four and six are related to each other. They show the construction of

29、 pre-cast concrete slab floors pre-cast concrete slab producing, placing, topping and finishing. In fact, picture five and six can be related to both in-site concrete floors and precast concrete floors. Precast concrete floor needs concrete topping to help the precast members to act together as a st

30、ructural unit rather than as individual planks in resisting concentrated loads and diaphragm loads. In-site concrete floor needs finishing so that the floor can have good appearance and be wear-resistant.Part Two该部分的重点在于让学生了解楼板的其中一种类型填充料(回填土)之上的楼板,并能用英语表述其施工步骤。1、 Professional words and expressions1)

31、 raft slab: 筏板,指两个方向上都有钢筋加固的混凝土板,其浇筑于填充料之上,承载墙体。2) floating slab: 浮板,内墙体之间的楼板。筏板和浮板最大的区别就是浮板不需要承受墙体的重量,因此没有承重边梁。所以,一般建筑物底层或者地下室的楼板为筏板,地面以上楼层的楼板为浮板。3) edge beam: 边梁,顾名思义就是在混凝土板边缘起加固作用的梁。分为外边梁和内边梁。4) damp proof course: 防水层,为了防止雨水进入屋面,地下水渗入墙体、地下室及地下构筑物,室内用水渗入楼面及墙面等而设的材料层。2. Analyze difficult points1) A

32、 floating slab varies from a raft slab in that it is generally constructed without load bearing edge beams and within the perimeter of masonry walls.浮板与筏板不同之处在于浮板一般不带承重边梁,而且浮板是位于砖砌墙体的内部。in that: 在于,因为e.g.: Identifying the principal active ingredient of alcoholic drinks was a vital step forward in that it allowed the quantity of intoxicant to be measured accurately.识别出含酒精饮料中主要的活性

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