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1、外研版高考英语大一轮必修5学生版高 考 英 语一轮总复习必修五Module 1British and American English.单词在语境中默写,在联想中积累写得准用得活积得多1.accent n口音2.structure n. 结构;体系3.present vt. 陈述;提出(观 点、计划等) adj. 目前的;到场的;出席的4.attempt n& v. 尝试;努力bination n结合 combine vt.结合6.confusing adj.令人困惑的;难懂的 confuse vt.使困惑 confused adj.感到困惑的pare vt.比较 comparison n比较

2、;比喻8.variety n种类 variation n变化 vary v改变;使变化 various adj.各种各样的9.differ vi.不同,有区别 difference n不同;区别 different adj.不同的,有区别的10.simplify vt.简化 simple adj.简单的 simply adv.简单地;仅仅;不过11.criticise vt.批评;评论 critic n批评家 criticism n批评;评论,评价12.remark n& v评论remarkable adj.显著的;非凡的用所给词的适当形式填空1.The _ look on her face

3、showed she was _ by the _ question.(confuse)2.From the appearance, we can not tell the _ between the twins, though they always have some _ ideas.As for this phenomenon, ideas _ among many people.(differ)3.He made simple _ on her _ achievements.(remark)4.After he was criticised by the _, he realized

4、that _ was very important.(criticise)5.The book explains grammar _ and clearly, because the author used _ example sentences to _ abstract concepts.(simple)bine反义词集锦separate vt.使分离;使分开divide v. 分开divorce v.(使)离婚/分离isolate v. 隔离;孤立split vt.分离;使分离2.ify结尾动词清单simplify 简化identify 确定;鉴定;识别electrify 使电气化;使充

5、电horrify 使恐惧classify 分类;分等modify 修改,修饰beautify 使美丽3.“评论”名词一览remark 评论;讲话review回顾;复习;评论criticism 批评;评论,comment 评论;意见;批评.短语在应用中记牢,在归纳中记多写得准用得活积得多1.have_._in_common 有相同的特点2.make_a_difference 有影响;使不相同;关系重大;起作用3.be_similar_to 与相似4.lead_to 导致;引起5.add_up_to 总计6.differ_from 和不同7.get_around四处走动(旅行)8.in_favou

6、r_of 支持;同意9.refer_to_._as_. 称为10.thanks_to 多亏;幸亏11.instead_of 而不是12.pick_up 拾起,捡起;(无意间)学会;接人;收听(广播)选用左栏短语填空1.Sara went to Africa as a volunteer in order to _ to the life of the children there.2.As we all know, driving too fast and drunk driving can _ a lot of accidents.3.Judging from his expression,

7、 I knew he was not _ my plan. 4.Underground railway is being built here. We are sure to take the subway to _ in the city in no time.5._ modern science and technology, people lead a more and more comfortable and richer life.1.“inn.of”短语大比拼in favour of 支持;同意in view of 鉴于,考虑到in memory of 纪念in respect o

8、f 关于,涉及in terms of 就而言in charge of 主管,掌管2.to为介词的短语荟萃pay attention to注意be/get used to 习惯于be accustomed to 习惯于devote . to 献身于lead to 导致refer to 参考;指的是stick to 坚持object to 反对背原句记句式会仿用1.Americans use a flashlight, while for the British, its a torch. 美国人把手电筒称为flashlight,而英国人叫它torch。while此处表示对比,意为“而,然而”。东

9、南部雨量充足,而西北部则很少下雨。There is plenty of rain in the southeast, while theres little in the northwest.2.A Londoner has more difficulty understanding a Scotsman from Glasgow than understanding a New Yorker.伦敦人要听懂来自格拉斯哥的苏格兰人说话比听懂纽约人说话更难。have difficulty (in) doing sth.“做某事有困难”。由于缺乏独立,目前大部分学生很难适应大学生活。For lack

10、 of independence, most students have_difficulty_(in)adapting_to college life at present.3.However, if you turn on CNN, the American TV network, you find newsreaders and weather forecasters all speaking with different accents.然而,如果你打开美国电视网络节目CNN,你会发现新闻播报员和天气预报员操着不同的口音。“find宾语宾补”结构,意为“发现处于某种状态”。走进屋内,你

11、会发现所有墙壁正在被粉刷成白色。You could find all the walls being_painted_white when you went into the house.1compare vt.比较;匹敌;比喻;相比n.比较教材原句Prepositions, too, can be different: compare on the team, on the weekend (American) with in the team, at the weekend (British)介词的用法也有所不同,把美国的on the team, on the weekend与英国的in

12、the team, at the weekend比较一下。(1)compare . with/to . 把和相比较compare . to . 把比作compared to/with . 和相比(通常作状语)(2)beyond/without compare 无与伦比,举世无双(3)comparison n. 比较;对照;比喻in comparison with 与相比Many parents like comparing their own children with/to their friends children. 许多父母喜欢拿自己的孩子和朋友的孩子进行比较。Compared (co

13、mpare) with the escaped driver, I am proud of what I did.(2014湖北短文写作)与逃逸的司机相比,我为我所做的事情感到骄傲。The young girl, whose beauty was beyond/without compare, eventually got married to a young poor guy.这位美若天仙的女孩最后嫁给了一个穷小子。2differ vi.不同,有区别教材原句The other two areas in which the two varieties differ are spelling a

14、nd pronunciation.这两种英语另外两个不同的方面是拼写和发音。(1)differ from be different from/to 与不同differ in be different in 在方面不同differ with sb. about/on sth. 关于某事与某人意见不同(2)difference n. 不同;区别make a difference 有影响;重要,要紧tell the difference between . and . 区分与的差别Baker differed with many members of the club on/about the ma

15、tter of money.在钱的问题上,贝克与许多俱乐部的成员观点不相同。To our surprise, he differs from his twin brother in hobbies.To our surprise, he is_different_from/to his twin brother in hobbies.令我们惊讶的是,他和他的孪生哥哥在爱好方面不同。A pair of gloves may be a small thing, but it can make_a_big_difference in winter.一副手套可能是很小的物品,但它在冬天却可以发挥很大的

16、作用。3present vt.陈述;提出(观点、计划等);呈现;赠送,颁发,介绍adj.出席的,在场的;现在的,当前的 n礼物;目前经典例句I knew I had presented her with an impossible task.(朗文P1796)我知道我给了她一项不可能完成的任务。(1)present 向某人赠送某物present sb. to sb. 正式把某人介绍、引荐给某人(2)be present at 出席(3)at present at the present time 目前,现在On Teachers Day, my students presented me wi

17、th some flowers.On Teachers Day, my students presented some flowers to me.教师节那天,我的学生送给我一些花。At_present, more and more people are enjoying Running Man.现在,越来越多的人喜欢奔跑吧,兄弟。名师指津present 用作形容词,表示“在场的”时,通常作表语或后置定语;表示“现在的”时,常用作前置定语。语境串记One expert present at the meeting presented me with a book on the present

18、financial crisis as a present.出席会议的一位专家送给我一本关于当前金融危机的书作为礼物。4confusing adj.令人困惑的;难懂的教材原句Sometimes the same word has a slightly different meaning, which can be confusing.有时候,同一个单词在意义上一点细微的差别就让人困惑。(1)confuse v 使困惑;把弄糊涂confuse . with/and . 把与混淆(2)confused adj. 混乱的;迷惑不解的,感到迷惑的get/be/become confused about

19、 对迷惑不解be confused by 被搞糊涂(3)confusion n. 困惑;混淆,混乱in confusion 困惑地;困窘地Most of the children are still confused (confuse) about the ending of the film.大部分孩子对这部电影的结尾仍感到困惑不解。Dont confuse him with his brother. They are much alike.别把他与他弟弟混淆了。他们非常相像。语境串记They confused me by asking so many confusing questions

20、. I was totally confused, standing there in confusion, not knowing what to do.他们提了一大堆令人费解的问题,把我难住了。我稀里糊涂,茫然地站在那儿,全然不知所措。5attempt n努力;尝试;企图vt.试图;企图经典例句All attempts to control inflation have failed.(朗文P113)控制通货膨胀的所有努力都失败了。(1)attempt to do/at doing sth. 试图做某事(2) make an attempt to do/at doing sth. 试图做某

21、事at the first attempt 第一次尝试Theres no point in attempting (attempt) to present your idea to him hell never listen.试图向他提出你的想法是没有用的他不会听。She made an attempt to_leave/at_leaving for camping with her classmates but was stopped by her parents.她试图和她的同学动身去野营,但被她的父母拦住了。熟词生义读句子猜含义The young man is being questio

22、ned by the court in relation to the attempted murder at present.未遂的.基础点全练(单句语法填空/完成句子)1She has successfully combined a career _ bringing up a family.2Film has a much shorter history, especially when _ (compare) to such art forms as music and painting.3There are _ (vary) of goods on the shelves in th

23、e supermarket at Christmas.4There was a _ look on her face when she met with the _ problem.(confuse)5The writers writing style was what people remarked _ most at the meeting.6_ is obvious that he was killed.7He _ (简化了故事) so that the children could understand better.8Please _ (把加起来) all the figures t

24、o see how much they _ (总计).重难点多练1present面面观(1)写出下面句中present的词性及含义The chairman presented a present to all the people present and presented his opinions on the present situation.(2)根据汉语提示完成片段All of us must _ (出席) the meeting in the afternoon. The boss will _ (向我们介绍新经理). After that, one of us will _ (送

25、给他鲜花). _ (现在), please vote for the person who will do it.2attempt点点练(1)单句语法填空They made an attempt at _ (escape) but were caught by the police.Not many people can answer this question _ the first attempt.(2)句型转换The boy attempted to jump over the fences.The boy attempted _ _ over the fences.He attempt

26、ed at passing the exam, but he failed in the end.He _ _ _ _ _ the exam, but he failed in the end.3differ万花筒(1)介、副词填空The student differed _ the teacher _ the answer to the question.This picture is different _ hat one. Compare them and tell the difference _ them.(2)一句多译美国人和中国人在时间的处理上非常不一样。_ (differenc

27、e)_ (differ in)_ (differ from)_ (different).阅读词汇专练根据语境选出move的词性和词义(A)vt.使感动 (B)vi.活动,移动 (C)vi.搬家(D),挪动 (E)n.行动,步骤1You mustnt get off the train while its still moving._2My parents kept on moving because of my fathers job._3The childs suffering moved us to tears._4He said he was starting his own c

28、ompany, which sounded like a smart move._5The robber said that if any of us made a move he would shoot._1have . in common 有相同的特点教材原句We have really everything in common with America nowadays, except of course, language.现在除了语言外我们和美国一样了。(1)have a lot/much/a great deal in common with 与有很多共同之处have nothing/little in common with 与没有/很少有共同之处(2)in common with 与一样(3)common s

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