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冰河世纪4中英文台词 2资料.docx

1、冰河世纪4中英文台词 2资料100:00:00,000 - 00:00:06,000200:00:06,100 - 00:00:15,000300:01:31,000 - 00:01:31,810地壳 30千米400:01:31,840 - 00:01:32,500上地幔 720千米500:01:32,670 - 00:01:33,500下地幔 2171千米600:01:33,550 - 00:01:34,516外核 5100千米700:01:34,580 - 00:01:35,518内核 6400千米800:01:42,580 - 00:01:44,690地球(很久很久以前)900:02:1

2、2,345 - 00:02:13,835打门!Goal!1000:03:04,500 - 00:03:06,911冰河世纪4:大陆漂移1100:03:24,551 - 00:03:26,678那是什么?艾莉,你听到了么?What was that? Ellie, did you hear that?1200:03:26,887 - 00:03:29,219我听到了,曼尼,不管是什么,还很远I heard it, Manny.Whatever it is, its miles away.1300:03:29,389 - 00:03:30,720桃子,你还好么?Peaches, are you a

3、ll right?1400:03:31,258 - 00:03:32,247她去哪儿了?Where is she?1500:03:32,526 - 00:03:34,517小孩子哪有那么起这么早No teenager is ever up early.1600:03:35,595 - 00:03:37,790放心啦,典狱长,人家又没给关禁闭Easy warden, shes not on lockdown.1700:03:42,469 - 00:03:44,869你们俩是怎么当叔叔的!You two were supposed to beresponsible uncles!1800:03:4

4、4,938 - 00:03:48,169什么?我才没有看到桃子15还是20分钟前溜走了What? I didnt see Peaches sneak offmaybe 15 or 20 minutes ago.1900:03:48,241 - 00:03:50,402也没有看到她和路易斯去瀑布了Or that she went with Louis to the falls.2000:03:50,477 - 00:03:52,672瀑布?那群小混混去的地方?The falls? Where the delinquents go?2100:03:52,746 - 00:03:54,839别紧张,

5、只是孩子们玩的地方罢了Relax, its just where the kids hang out.2200:03:54,915 - 00:03:57,645才不是,混混就上瘾了No, no, its a gateway hangout.2300:03:57,717 - 00:04:00,413先是去瀑布,然后穿鼻环First its the falls,then shes piercing her trunk.2400:04:00,487 - 00:04:02,682下一件,她就要开始吸莓毒了and the next thing you know,shes addicted to berr

6、ies.2500:04:02,956 - 00:04:06,221曼尼!你反应过度啦Manny! You are overreacting.2600:04:06,393 - 00:04:08,657她不会永远是你的小姑娘Shes not going to beyour little girl forever.2700:04:08,828 - 00:04:11,991我知道,所以我才担心I know. Thats what worries me.2800:04:14,668 - 00:04:15,692快点!Come on!2900:04:18,572 - 00:04:19,630路易斯!Lou

7、is!3000:04:19,706 - 00:04:23,073你能不能把脑袋钻出来一次?外面多好玩啊Would you get your head out of the groundfor once and try to have a little fun?3100:04:25,145 - 00:04:28,376我是个鼹鼠,我头就该在地底下啊Im a molehog.My heads supposed to be underground.3200:04:28,448 - 00:04:32,680而且我对好玩的定义,才不是冒险去找可爱的猛犸帅哥And my idea of fun isnt

8、risking deathso that you can meet some cute mammoth.3300:04:32,752 - 00:04:35,949伊森不是可爱,人家是性感Ethan isnt cute. Hes hot.3400:04:36,923 - 00:04:39,756另外,总不能一辈子都睡安生觉吧Besides, you cant spend your whole lifeplaying it safe.3500:04:39,826 - 00:04:41,487- 我肯定愿意- 老爸?- I know I would.- Dad?3600:04:42,162 - 00

9、:04:43,789不要生气啊Theres no reason to be mad.3700:04:43,964 - 00:04:46,694你知道我反对你去瀑布的You know how I feelabout you going to the falls.3800:04:46,766 - 00:04:47,960尤其是一个人Especially alone.3900:04:48,134 - 00:04:49,692她不是一个人,长官Shes not alone, sir.4000:04:49,869 - 00:04:51,029你不算,维纳You dont count, Weiner.41

10、00:04:51,204 - 00:04:53,638好吧,我地位就是这样,谢谢Yes, theres my place,and you just put me in it, thank you.4200:04:53,707 - 00:04:54,696走吧,大小姐Come on, young lady.4300:04:54,941 - 00:04:57,136快回家,这样我才能盯着你Were going homewhere I can keep an eye on you.4400:04:59,546 - 00:05:03,812那,我等在这儿,还是So, should I just wai

11、t here, or.4500:05:21,534 - 00:05:23,968哼哼,大地之母,想吓唬我!Yeah, you dont scare me, Mother Nature!4600:05:24,137 - 00:05:27,300尽管放马过来,我都能接招Theres nothing you can throw at methat I cant handle.4700:05:31,544 - 00:05:32,568我觉得我们快到了!I think were almost there!4800:05:32,746 - 00:05:35,306但愿吧!就是方向盘坏了We had bet

12、ter be! I just lost the steering.4900:05:39,219 - 00:05:42,188有人见到小贝贝么?吃饭时间到了Has anyone seen Precious?Its her feeding time.5000:05:42,355 - 00:05:45,347老妈!奶奶又在说死掉的宠物了Mom! Grannys talking abouther dead pet again.5100:05:45,525 - 00:05:47,516嘿,大家,爪放在空中甩!Hey, paws up, everybody!5200:05:48,128 - 00:05:5

13、1,359爪给我放下来!叔叔,拜托!太恶心了Paws down, Uncle, please! That is nasty.5300:05:55,535 - 00:05:58,231小心点,米尔顿,这样会撞到人的!Be careful, Milton,youre going to hurt somebody!5400:05:59,205 - 00:06:00,194坏猫咪!Bad kitty!5500:06:00,273 - 00:06:01,297石头!Rock!5600:06:12,819 - 00:06:16,516那能不能告诉我,什么时候我才能去找男生玩?Okay, so tell m

14、e, when exactlywill I be allowed to hang out with boys?5700:06:16,690 - 00:06:20,490等我死了,外加三天后,确定一定以及肯定我死了When Im dead, plus three days.Just to make sure Im dead.5800:06:37,477 - 00:06:39,308曼尼,你还好么?Manny, are you okay?5900:06:41,781 - 00:06:45,478从我脸上下来!Get off. my face!6000:06:46,519 - 00:06:50,78

15、5真有意思,现在,我该先吃谁呢?That was fun. Now, who should I eat first?6100:06:51,891 - 00:06:53,051不要,不要!No, no, no!6200:06:55,795 - 00:06:58,730蘑菇叔叔!真的是你么?Uncle Fungus! Could that really be you?6300:06:59,232 - 00:07:00,392借过,借过Sorry, sorry.6400:07:01,401 - 00:07:02,732老妈,老爸!Mom, Dad!6500:07:04,471 - 00:07:05,

16、495马歇尔!Marshall!6600:07:05,572 - 00:07:06,698- 嘿!- 奶奶?- Hey!- Granny?6700:07:06,806 - 00:07:09,172这个南瓜熟了,可以采了!This pumpkins ripe for picking!6800:07:09,342 - 00:07:11,037我全家都来了My whole familia.6900:07:11,211 - 00:07:13,202看到么?他都还在抱他的父母See? He still hugs his parents.7000:07:13,379 - 00:07:18,248我以为再也

17、见不到我的小宝贝了,我们到处找你I never thought Id see my little baby again.Weve been searching everywhere for you.7100:07:18,418 - 00:07:19,476有么?You have?7200:07:19,552 - 00:07:22,749我就知道!我就知道!我内心深处就知道我没被抛弃!I knew it, I knew it!Deep down, I knew I wasnt abandoned!7300:07:23,656 - 00:07:25,817哦,那不准确,我们确实抛弃你了Thats

18、incorrect. We totally abandoned you.7400:07:25,892 - 00:07:30,591但是我们一直都很想念你,对不对?But we always missed you. Right?7500:07:30,764 - 00:07:32,356对,对,对Yeah, yeah, yeah.7600:07:32,532 - 00:07:36,161而且我们知道,希德想见他可怜的奶奶And we just knew Sidwould want to see his poor, dear Granny.7700:07:36,336 - 00:07:39,032最

19、后一面before her time is up.7800:07:39,205 - 00:07:42,368我要把你们都埋了,在你们坟上跳舞Ill bury you all and dance on your graves.7900:07:42,575 - 00:07:43,599太可怜了So frail.8000:07:43,676 - 00:07:46,941而且她等不及要和你呆一块儿了,希德And she cant waitto spend time with you, Sid.8100:07:47,113 - 00:07:50,514没错,奶奶?奶奶?Oh, yeah, Granny?

20、 Granny?8200:07:56,689 - 00:07:59,055- 奶奶- 你们都不让我玩- Granny.- I never get to have any fun.8300:07:59,359 - 00:08:02,692带她去你住的地方看看?她可以睡一会Why dont you show her your cave?Yeah, she could use a nap.8400:08:02,862 - 00:08:04,625哦,我有好多话要跟你说Boy, theres so much to tell you.8500:08:04,798 - 00:08:06,698上次见到你之

21、后,发生了好多事A lot has happenedsince the last time I saw you.8600:08:06,866 - 00:08:08,128没兴趣Not interested.8700:08:08,301 - 00:08:10,769但是我们在冰河世纪和恐龙大战呢But we fought dinosaurs in the lce Age.8800:08:10,937 - 00:08:13,098非常不可思议,但真的很刺激It didnt make sense,but it sure was exciting.8900:08:13,606 - 00:08:16,0

22、97终于摆脱老蝙蝠了!我们走!We got rid of the crazy bat! Lets go!9000:08:18,378 - 00:08:20,209喂喂!你们就这么一走了之Whoa, whoa, whoa! You cant just leave.9100:08:20,380 - 00:08:21,608希德会很伤心的Sid will be crushed.9200:08:21,981 - 00:08:23,949对不起,小朋友,家里都四分五裂了Sorry, cookie,things are breaking apart back home.9300:08:24,117 - 0

23、0:08:27,450所以我们需要搬到内陆去,奶奶太累赘了So, were headed inland.And Granny is just dead weight.9400:08:27,620 - 00:08:29,383- 再见- 快,快!- See you.- Mush, mush!9500:08:30,156 - 00:08:34,593还有,告诉邻居,她会乱跑!And warn the community.She tends to wander!9600:08:35,328 - 00:08:37,558好吧,难怪希德也是这样了Well, that explains a lot abo

24、ut Sid.9700:08:37,797 - 00:08:41,096爸,妈,你们有看到奶奶的假牙么?她找不到了Mom, Dad, do you have Grannys teeth?She cant find them.9800:08:44,804 - 00:08:46,965嘿!你能给我嚼一下么?Hey! Can you chew this thing for me?9900:08:47,640 - 00:08:50,370大家都去哪里了?Guys? Where is everyone?10000:08:50,810 - 00:08:52,038我来吧Ill handle this.10

25、100:08:53,780 - 00:08:54,872希德?Sid?10200:08:56,282 - 00:08:58,409你全家被小行星撞成末了对不起Your family was wiped out by an asteroid.Sorry.10300:08:58,585 - 00:08:59,745啥?What?10400:08:59,919 - 00:09:03,411迭戈想说的是,What Diego is trying to say is.10500:09:03,990 - 00:09:05,423他们走了they left.10600:09:05,592 - 00:09:0

26、8,823他们只想找到你,这样你就可以照顾奶奶They only wanted to find youso you could take care of Granny.10700:09:08,995 - 00:09:13,591拜托,哪有这么变态的家庭,会把奶奶抛弃给一个人?Come on, what kind of sick familywould ditch their Granny on someone?10800:09:13,766 - 00:09:16,735真是疯了吧,真是Thats just crazy. Thats just.10900:09:17,303 - 00:09:18

27、,770真是Thats just.11000:09:19,806 - 00:09:21,034真是我的家庭.my family.11100:09:22,342 - 00:09:24,902至少你还有奶奶,对不对?At least you still have Granny.Right, buddy?11200:09:25,078 - 00:09:27,740是,奶奶,奶奶?Yeah, Granny. Granny?11300:09:28,214 - 00:09:29,238奶奶?Granny?11400:09:29,315 - 00:09:32,113哇,一个老太太,她也太快了吧Wow. Fo

28、r an old girl, she moves fast.11500:09:36,489 - 00:09:38,286- 奶奶?- 奶奶- Granny?- Granny.11600:09:38,358 - 00:09:39,382奶奶?Granny?11700:09:39,459 - 00:09:40,858出来吧,快出来吧!Come out, come out wherever you are!11800:09:40,927 - 00:09:41,951出来吧,奶奶Come on, Granny.11900:09:42,028 - 00:09:46,431来这里吧,奶奶,我这里有梅子!Here, Granny, Granny.I have prunes for you!12000:09:46,599 - 00:09:48,794你想要的那种!Just the way you like them!12100:09:50,536 - 00:09:52,629看不下去了I dont want to see that.12200:09:55,842 - 00:09:57,104噢,不Oh, no.1

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