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1、Madagascar+1+马达加斯加+1电影中英对照剧本Madagascar 1 马达加斯加 1-Alex:Surprise!大惊喜!-Marty:Alex! Do not interrupt me when Im daydreaming! When the Zebra is in the zone, leave him alone.interrupt: 打断 daydream: 做白日梦 zebra: 斑马Alex!别在我在做白日梦的时候来打搅我! 斑马在家,闲人勿扰。-Alex:Come on ,Marty, just wanted to wish you a happy birthday

2、!别这样,Marty,我只是想来祝你生日快乐的!-Marty:Hey man, thanks.嘿,哥们儿,谢了。-Alex:Hey,I got something stuck in my teeth. Its driving me crazy! Can you help me out here? Please?stuck: 被卡住 drive me crazy: 使我发疯了嘿,我牙里塞了点东西,快受不了了。你能不能帮我把它取出来,拜托?-Marty:You came to the right place, my friend. Doctor Marty D.D.S is in the hous

3、e!D.D.S: 牙科学博士 算你来对地方了,我的朋友。Marty医生,牙科学博士正巧在家呢!Please hop on top of my sterilized examination table, if you may. I dont see anything.Itson the left.hop on: 跳上 sterilize: 消毒的如果可以的话,请跳到我消过毒的检查台,上来。我什么也没看见啊,在左边。-Alex:Oh,sorry.噢,抱歉。-Marty:Okay, just dont talk with your mouth full. Right here. What a hac

4、k is this doing in there?好,张嘴的时候别说话。找到了。这个东西在里面做什么?-Alex:Happy birthday!生日快乐!-Marty:Thanks man. It was behind the tooth! Youre all right.谢谢,哥们儿,原来它在牙齿后面啊,你没事了。-Alex:Its hardly on a shelf yet.Here, check it out. Look at that, look at that. Look at that, its snowing.这个还没有上市呢,这个,看看。看看那儿,看看那儿,看见没,在下雪哟。T

5、en years old, ha!, A decade! Double digits. A big 10. You dont like it?decade: 十年十岁啦,哈!,十年!两位数,非同寻常的十岁!你不喜欢它吗?-Marty:No, no. Its great!不,不是,礼物很棒!-Alex:You hate it. I should have gotten you the Alex alarm clock. Thats the one, thats the big seller.alarm clock: 闹钟你不喜欢它,我应该给你一个Alex牌闹钟的。那个最合适,是畅销货。-Mart

6、y:No, no. the present is great, really. Its just that another years come and gone, and Im still doing the same old thing.不,不,这个礼物很好,真的。只是因为又过了一年,而我还是老样子。Stand over here, over there. Eat some grass. Walk back over here.这里站站,那里站站,吃吃草,然后走回去。-Alex:I see your problem.我明白了。-Marty:Maybe I should go to law

7、school.也许我应该读法律去。-Alex:You just need to break out of that boring routine.routine: 惯例你只是需要从哪乏味的日常生活中解脱。-Marty:How?怎么做?-Alex:Rock the old that,get out there, who knows what youre gonna do! Make it up as you go along!Add limb, improvise, on the fire!limb: 树枝 improvise: 临时制作不要老一套。冲破禁锢,谁知道你要做什么!现编现演,加点情趣

8、,来点即兴,来段辣舞!-Marty:Really?真的吗?-Alex:You know, make it fresh!你知道,保持新鲜感!-Marty:Fresh? Okay. I could do fresh.新鲜?好吧。我也可以做些新鲜事。-Alex:Works for me.对我很管用哦。 CENTRAL PARK ZOO中央动物园 -Alex:Here come the people, Marty.Oh, I love the people! Its fun people fun time! Lets go Gloria!, Up and down and open!Marty,参观的

9、人来了,哦,我爱人群!是娱乐者的娱乐时间了。快点,Gloria,上,下,张嘴!-Gloria:What day is it?今天星期几?-Alex:Its Friday! Field trip day.星期五!郊游日。-Gloria:Yes, its future day,letsget up and go! Ten more minutes.是的,有意义的一天,让我们行动起来!再多睡十分钟。-Alex:Come on, Melman,Melman, Melman! Wake up! Rise and shine! Its another fabulous morning, in the Bi

10、g Apple! Lets go!fabulous: 极为美好的 big apple: 【指纽约市】快点,!Melman,Melman,Melman!醒醒,太阳晒屁股啦!又一个美好的纽约清晨,快起来!-Melman:Not for me. Im going in sick.我可不觉得,我病了。-Alex:What?什么?-Melman:I found another brown spot, on my shoulder. Right here! See? right there!You See?spot: 斑点 shoulder: 肩膀我在肩膀上又发现了一块褐斑,就在这儿。看到了吗?就是这儿,

11、看到了吗?-Alex:Melman, you know its all in your head.Melman,你知道这都是你的幻觉。-Monkey:Phil. Wake up, you funky monkey.funky: 有臭味的Phil,醒醒,你这臭猴子。-Marty:Oh Im gonna be fresh.Straight up the ground. Tasting fresh, Freshelicious. Zip lock fresh!zip lock: 拉连锁哦,我要保持新鲜感,直截了当。尝点新鲜的,新鲜。斑马的新鲜。-Loudspeaker:Ladies and gent

12、lemen, children of all ages. The Central Park Zoo proudly presents.女士们,先生们,各位小朋友。中央动物园隆重推出-Alex:Show them the cat!, Whos the cat!给他们看那狮子!谁是狮子?-Loudspeaker:.The King of New York city, Alex the Lion.Alex the Lion!纽约市之王,狮子Alex狮子Alex。-Marty:Its showtime!表演开始!-Marty:Gather around people,big show about to

13、 start! Check out the Zebra take, a cannon, thats right!gather: 使聚集 cannon: 大炮大家聚一聚,盛大的表演马上就开始了!看看,这匹斑马在玩大炮,没错!-Penguin1:Just smile and wave, boys.Smile and wave. Kowalski, target 目标只要微笑,挥手就行了,孩子们,微笑,挥手。Kowalski,汇报战况。-Penguin2:Were only 500 feet from the main zoo line.我们离公园主干线还有500英尺。

14、-Penguin1:And the bad news?有什么坏消息吗?-Penguin2:Weve broken our last shovel.shovel: 铲子我们的最后一把铲子坏了。-Penguin1:Right. Rico, youre on lead of patrol. We need shovels and five more popsickle sticks.patrol: 巡逻 popsickle stick: 冰棒棍 好的,Rico,你负责巡逻。我们需要铲子,还要五个冰棒棍。We dont want to rescue another cadet. rescue: 营救

15、cadet: 军官我们可不想再营救一个家伙了。-Penguin3:And me, Skipper?我呢,船长?-Penguin1:I want you to look cute and cuddly, private. Today were gonna blow this dam.cuddly: 逗人喜爱的 dam: 水坝我要你装的可爱点,二等兵。今天我们要离开这水坝。-Marty:Yeah! You dont see that on animal planet! Well shows over, falks!, Thanks for coming!耶!你在动物世界里可没看过这样的表演吧?表演

16、结束了,伙计们!谢谢光临!I hope you thought it was fresh!, Ill be here all week.希望你们觉得这个表演很新鲜,我会整个礼拜都在这儿。In fact Ill be here for my whole life 365 days a year,including Christmas, Hanaka, Helloween!实际上,我一生中每一年365天我都在。包括圣诞节,光明节,万圣节。Please dont forget to never stay on a pet. And tip your cabman, cause hes broke.p

17、et: 宠物 cabman: 出租车司机请别忘了,别老和宠物待一起。要给出租车司机小费,他没钱花了。-Penguin1:You, quadropaint.Sprecken Sie English?你,黑白的家伙,懂英语吗?-Marty:I sprecken.我会。-Penguin1:What continent is this?continent: 洲这是什么洲?-Marty:Manhattan.曼哈顿。-Penguin1:Hoover-Damn! Were still in New York. Abort! Dive, dive, dive! Abort!妈的!我们还在纽约Abort,跳,跳

18、,跳!-Marty:Hey! You on the docks! Wait a minute! What are you guys doing?dock: 码头嘿!传万里赴的家伙!等一下,你们在干什么?-Penguin3:Were digging to Antarctica.我们在挖地道去南极洲。-Marty:Anhootica?南哪个极?-Penguin1:Can you keep a secret, my monochromatic friend?你能不能保守秘密,我的斑纹朋友?Do you ever see any penguins, running free around New Yo

19、rk city?你在纽约见过企鹅大摇大摆地在街上走吗?-Penguin1:Of course not. We dont belong here, its just not natural.当然没有,我们不属于这里,这是不符合自然规律的。This is all some kind of wackdown conspiracy. Were going to the wide open spaces ofAntarctica. To the wild!wack: 怪人 conspiracy: 阴谋这就像是酒后的阴谋。我们正在前往自由的南极洲野生世界。野生世界!-Marty:The wild? You

20、 could actually go there? It sounds great.野生世界?你们真的可以到那儿去?听起来好棒啊。-Marty:Hey! Hold up!Where is this place? Tell me where it is!嘿,等一下,这个地方在哪儿?告诉我在哪儿。-Penguin1:You didnt see anything. Right?你什么也没看见。对吗?-Marty:Yes, sir. Sorry. No, sir.是的,长官!对不起,没有看见,长官!-Loudspeaker:For his final appearance of the day. Th

21、e King of New York city, Alex the Lion!这是他今天的最后一场演出。纽约之王,狮子Alex。-Alex:Thank you! Thank you very much! You guys are great.Youre a great crowd.谢谢!非常谢谢!你们真棒,非常配合,Give yourselves a hand. Thank you. Thank you! Oh well, thank you!Oh,thats too kind,tookind.也给自己一些掌声吧。谢谢谢谢!哦,谢谢,噢,你们太友好了,太友好了。-Melman:Underpan

22、ts!underpant: 内裤啊,内裤!-Man:Everybody get home safe.Hey,check out my web site.Twenty-four hour Alex Cam.Watch me sleep.祝大家安全到家,嘿,别忘了查看我的网络。Alex24小时视频,看着我入睡。-Gloria:This is the life.这才是生活。-Melman:Thats the spot.Oh, Im in heaven.heaven: 天堂那就是红斑。哦,我真是在天堂。-Gloria:Whoo, its Martys birthday!哇噢,Marty的生日!-Ale

23、x:Open it, just open it!打开,打开嘛。-Marty:What is it? What is it?是什么?是什么?-Gloria:Come on, open it up!拜托,打开吧。-Marty:Yeah! Thermometer! Thanks. I love it Melman, I love it!thermometer: 温度计耶!温度计!谢谢。我喜欢它,Melman,我喜欢它!-Melman:Yeah, I wanted to give, you something personal. You know that was my first rectal th

24、ermometer.rectal: 直肠是啊,我想给你一件私人的礼物。那是我的第一个直肠温度计。-Marty:Mother.天啊。-Alex:Ok,Ill miss that bad boy.好吧,我会想念哪个坏孩子的。-Marty:Get the cake,Melman,come on.快拿蛋糕来,Melman,快。 -All:”Happy birthday to you! You live in a zoo. You look like a monkey. And you smell like one too.”“祝你生日快乐!你生活在一个动物园里你看上去象个猴儿,而且你闻起来也象个猴儿。

25、” -Monkey1:I say.我说-Marty:Aw,Well done, you guys are just embarrassing me! And yourselves!embarrass: 使窘迫啊,好现在,你们真让我丢脸,还有你们自己。-Alex:What are you talking about?Weve worked on that whole week.你这是什么话?我们排练了一整个礼拜呢。-Gloria:Lets go, lets make a wish ,babycakes.算了吧,让我们来许个愿,小蛋糕。-Alex:Come on, What did you wis

26、h for?好了,你许了什么愿?-Marty:No, cant tell you that.不行,现在不能告诉你。-Alex:Come on, tell!好了,说吧!-Marty:No sirrey, Im telling you! It is bad luck! You want some bad luck? Ill blow it out, but if you wanna be safe.不行,先生,我说了不行。会带来霉运的,你想要霉运吗?我会说出来的,但是如果你们想要安全点的话-Gloria:Ah, Marty would you just tell us? I mean really

27、, What could happen?.Marty,你就说吧,好不好?我是说真的,能有什么霉运呢?-Marty:Okay. I wished I could go To the wild!wild: 野外的好吧。我许愿,我可以去野生世界!-Alex:The wild! Wow!野生世界!哇噢!-Marty:I told you it was bad luck!我就说过,不是什么好事。-Alex:The wild? Are you nuts? That is, the worst idea Ive ever heard.野生?你疯了?这是我听过的最差的愿望。-Melman:Sounds ama

28、tory.amatory: 恋爱的听起来蛮诱人的。-Marty:The penguins are going, so why cant I?企鹅们已经在行动了,我为什么不可以?-Alex:the penguins are psychotic.psychotic: 精神病的那些企鹅有神经病,-Marty:Come on, just imagine going back to nature. Back to your roots, clean air, wide open spaces!拜托,想想吧,回到大自然回到你的故乡,清新的空气,广阔的天地。-Gloria:Well I hear they

29、have wide Open spaces in Connecticut.我听说在康涅狄格州有一块野生区。-Marty:Connecticut?康涅狄格州?-Melman:Yeah, What you got to do is you gotta go over Grand Central. And then you gotta take the metro north train. North?那你的去大中央车站坐车。然后坐地铁北上?-Marty:So one could take the train?Just hypothetically.hypothetically: 假设地可以乘地铁?

30、就假象一下吧。-Alex:Marty, come on! What would Connecticut have to offer us?Marty,拜托!康涅狄格州能有什么给我们的呢?-Melman:Lyone disease.Lyone关节炎。-Alex:Thank you, Melman.谢了,Melman。-Marty:No, No, really I just wanna.不,不,其实我只是-Alex:Theres none of this in the wild. this is highly refined food thing that you do not find in t

31、he wild。refine: 使精致你肯定不可能在野外找到这个东西。这可是精制的食物,你在野外可是找不到的。-Marty:You ever thought it might be more than life at stake, Alex?stake: 牛排Alex,你不也曾经期待比牛排更多的食物吗?-Alex:He didnt mean that baby.No, no, no.他不是说真的,不,不,不。-Marty:Doesnt it bother you guys that you dont know anything about life outside of the zoo?你们一点也觉得对外面的世界一无所知很难受吗?-All:Naa. Nope.不,不会。-Alex:W

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