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1、八年级上册英语unit6单元测试题有答案八年级上册英语unit6单元测试题(有答案)八年级上册英语unit6单元测试题(有答案) I.词形转换:请将下列词转换为比较级形式. 1.calm 2. happy 3. athletic 4. intellectual 5. little 6.many 7. funny 8. good 9. bad 10. thin II.根据所给汉语,完成句子. 11.English becomes useful. 英语变得越来越有用了. 12. Im at speaking than . 我的口语比听力好. 13. He is really and he can

2、make me . 他真的很滑稽,能使我大笑. 14. I am than of the students in my class. 我比班上大多数同学都镇静. 15. She is really with her study, so she always gets the best results. 她总是很努力学习,所以她总能得最高分. III.单项选择 16. Which is bigger, sun moon? A. a; a B. /; / C. the; / D. the; the 17. There are two pens on the desk. One is mine, i

3、s Lindas A. the other B. another C. some other D. others 18. There a notebook, a pencil and some books on the desk. A. is B. are C. has D. have 19.The key this exercise is in our textbook. A. to B. for C. about D. at 20.The blue skirt is than the white one. A. dear B. much expensive C. expensive D.

4、much more expensive 21. There are more students in Grade Two than . A. Grade One B. other grade C. in Grade One D. any grade 22. I didnt pass the exam, I was very unhappy. A. but B. and C. so D. however 23. In my class, 85% students ride bikes to school. So students get to school by bike. A. all B.

5、more C. most D. a few 24.- is it from your home to the hospital? -It is about three miles. A. How B. How long C. How far D. How often 25. The girl speaks English very A. good B. nice C. fine D. well 26. I like talking with others. But Tom doesnt. He often reads books. So Tom is than I am. A. funnier

6、 B. more outgoing C. wilder D. calmer 27. Which would you like . this one or that one? A. very B. well C. better D. good 28. John cant get up so as his little sister. A. earlier B. early C. more early D. very early 29. I have homework to do. A. many B. a lot C. a lot of D. a few 30. Is Taras book ch

7、eaper than ? A. hes B. him C. yours D. his IV.用适当介词填空 31. Thank you your letter. 32. There are some similarities Liu Li and Liu Ying. 33. My best friend Wang Ping is good sports. 34. Thats not very important me. 35. I like to have friends who are me. 36. She is quite different her brother. 37. Lily

8、likes to do the same things me. 38. some ways we look the same. 39. I go to lots parties on weekends. 40. She is very popular school. V. 完形填空 A man saw a fisherman standing 41 a lake with a mirror(境子). “ 42 ”,he said, “could you tell me 43 youre doing? “I m fishing”. Fishing with a mirror?” the firs

9、t man asked. “Sure, it s my new 44 .” answered the fisherman. “Could you tell me how it 45 ?” “Okay, but itll 46 .” you a hundred dollars.” The man wanted to know the answer, so he gave the fisherman the money. The fisherman said,” First you aim the mirror into the water, and a fish goes by, you let

10、 the ray(光线)of the sun on 47 head. The fish is puzzled and then you 48 it.” “So 49 have you caught?” “You are 50 one today!” answered the fisherman. 41 A. in B. above C. beside D. around 42.A. Pardon B. Excuse me C. Sorry D. Hey, man 43.A. what B. why C. how D. when 44. A. interview B. instruction C

11、. interest D. invitation 45. A. work B. works C. working D. worked 46. A. cost B. pay C. take D. spend 47. A. it B. its C. its D. itself 48. A. know B. catch C. work D. do 49. A. How many B. how much C. how long D. how often 50. A. four B. the four C. fourth D. the fourth VI根据对话内容,选择方框中适当的句子,使对话完整,通

12、顺. A. And both of us are pretty outgoing. B. She is good at reading. C. She is good at drawing D. What else do you like about Helen? E. What about you? F. Theyre both outgoing. G. Harry is more athletic than me. Mike: Who is your best friend, Connie? Connie: Helen. Mike: Why? Connie: Because she lik

13、es to do the same things as I do. 51 . Mike: Are you good at drawing, too? Connie: Well, I like drawing. 52 Mike: 53 Connie: She is more outgoing than me. I am a little bit quiet. 54 Who is your best friend? Mike: My best friend is Harry. Connie: Is he like you? Mike: No, he isnt 55 And Im more outg

14、oing. But some people say that we look the same. VII阅读理解 A Once a man traveled through a country. The citizens (公民)told him that nobody was allowed to stand except the king. The man was very surprised at that, and he asked why they had to do so. They told him because the king of the country was very

15、 short and there was no one shorter than him, the king didnt want to see anybody higher than him. So he ordered his citizens not to stand, and then the people would be shorter than him. The man was so brave(勇敢)that he went into the palace to meet the king. When he met the king, he had a conversation

16、 with him. After that, the king, made a new rule that allowed people to stand. The citizens were very surprised, so they asked the man what he told the king. He said,“I just tell him if he asks everyone not to stand, they will remember they have a short king all the time . If they are allowed to sta

17、nd, they will forget all about their short king.” 56.Who was allowed to stand in that country? A. All the people. B. Some people C. Only the king. D. Only the king and his wife. 57. Why did the king make that rule? A. He was selfish. B. He was ugly. C. He was tall D. He was short. 58. What did the m

18、an do after he heard that rule? A. He stood in that country. B. He didnt stand in that country. C. He went to the king and had a talk with him. D. He left the country. 59. What can we infer(推断)from the passage? A. The man was stupid. B. The king was stupid C. The man was not brave. D. The king was n

19、ot brave. 60. What is the reason for the king to change his mind? A. He was afraid of that man. B. He thought the man was wrong C. He thought he was wrong to his citizens. D. He didnt want people to remember he was short B Nowadays we can see ATMs everywhere. So wed better learn how to use an ATM to

20、 withdraw(取)money. First, we must find an ATM for your cards. Some ATMs can only work with certain banks cards. But now more and more ATMs can use all the banks cards. Second, we can put our cards in a slot(插口)on the right side of the machine. Make sure the card is facing the right way. Then , when

21、the screen says,“Please enter your PIN,” we can press the numbers. After that, we can select the type of transaction(交易).So we can press the key for withdrawing money. Next, we can put in the amount of money we want to withdraw by pressing the numbers. Then the screen may say, “Please wait”. After a

22、 short while, we can take our money from the slot at the bottom of the machine. At last, if we dont need other services, we can press the key for ending. Then our cards will come out from the slot we put it in. And we can finish our dealing and take the cards and money away. 61. Can we use every ATM

23、 to withdraw our money in a certain card? A. Yes B. No C. The author didnt tell us in the passage D. The author is not sure about that. 62. When should we enter PIN? A. Before we put our cards into the machine B. After we put our cards into the machine. C. After we select the type of transaction. D.

24、 After we put in the amount of money. 63. The card should be put in the machine . A. from the slot on the left B. from the slot on the right C. from the slot above the screen D. from the slot under the screen 64. When will money come out of the machine? A. Before we put in the amount of money. B. Be

25、fore we enter PIN. C. After we put in the amount of money. D. After we end the service. 65. How many times should we press the numbers when withdrawing money once? A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times. D. Four times. VIII根据短文内容及首字母提示,完成下面短文。 Kamala is a little girl. She lives in a s (66)village in the

26、mountains of Nepal. There are only 380 people living in i (67).Kamala has a big family. She m (68)look after her brothers and sisters, and the cows, even though(尽管)she is only n (69)years old. She is at s (70)from six to eight in the morning. Here she learns to r (71), write, and count. A (72)class,

27、 she helps her mother do h (73) She wants to go to bed early, b (74)she has to wash clothes in the evening. “ My days are l (75),” says Kamala, “But I love school.” 、写作训练 有的朋友在性格上很相似,而有的朋友在性格和兴趣爱好上却有很大差异,你喜欢什么样的朋友呢?请仿照课文SECTIONB中3a部分那些同学的看法,写一写你自己的看法和原因;再介绍一下你最好的朋友,谈谈你们的相同点和不同点。(80词左右) Unit 6 I. 1.

28、calmer 2. happier 3. more athletic 4.more intellectual 5. less 6.more 7. funnier 8. better 9.worse 10. thinner II.11.more and more 12. better; listening 13. funny; laugh 14. calmer/quieter; most 15. hard III. 16-20 DAAAD 21-25 CCCCD 25-30 DCBCD IV. 31. for 32. between 33. at 34.for 35. like 36. from 37. as 38. In 39.of V. 41-45 CBACB 46-50 ACBAD VI.51-55 CADEG VII. 56-60 CDCBD 61-65 BBBCB VIII.66. small 67. it 68. must 69. nine 70. school 71. read 72. After 73. housework 74.but 75.long 八年级Unit4英语词汇填空题 八年级Unit5英语词汇填空题 更多初二英语试题,请关注

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