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1、届中考英语完形填空练习题1.【2016河北】阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Have you ever offered a helping hand to those who are in trouble? One day, two _ (1) were walking along the road to school when they saw an old woman carrying a large basket of pears. They thought the woman looked very _ (2). They went up to h

2、er and said, “Are you going to town? If you are, we will help carry your basket.” “Thank you,” _ (3) the woman, “you are very kind. You see Im weak and ill.” Then she told them that she was now going to market to _ (4) the pears which grew on the only tree in her little garden. “We are all going to

3、the _ (5).” said the boys. “Let us have the basket.” And they took hold of it, one each side. They walked _ (6) with the heavy basket, but happily. The other day, I saw a little girl stop and _ (7) a piece of orange peel (皮), which she threw into the dustbin (垃圾桶), “I wish _ (8) would throw that on

4、the sidewalk,” said she. “Someone may step on it and fall.” Perhaps some may say that these are not _ (9) things. That is right. But such a little thing shows that you have a thoughtful mind and a feeling heart. We must not wait for the _ (10) to do great things. We must begin with little things of

5、love. 1. A. boys B. girls C. men D. women 2. A. bored B. tired C. pleased D. surprised 3. A. asked B. told C. replied D. spoke 4. A. bring B. buy C. take D. sell 5. A. town B. market C. garden D. school 6. A. weakly B. quickly C. slowly D. quietly 7. A. take out B. cut off C. put down D. pick up 8.

6、A. nobody B. everybody C. somebody D. anybody 9. A. little B. good C. great D. bad 10. A. pay B. time C. advice D. love 【答案】【小题1】A【小题2】B【小题3】C【小题4】D【小题5】A【小题6】C【小题7】D【小题8】A【小题9】C【小题10】B【小题1】考查名词及语境的理解。句意:一天,两个男孩正走在上学的路上,这时他们看见一个老太太提着一大篮子梨。boys 男孩;girls女孩;men男人;women女人。根据下文第三段中said the boys.可知,这里说的是两

7、个男孩。故选A。【小题2】考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:他们觉得这个老太太看起来非常的累。bored 厌烦的;tired 累的,疲惫的;pleased 高兴的;surprised惊奇的。根据文意可知,这两个男孩想要帮助这个老太太拿篮子,所以他们是觉得这个老太太拿着这么大一篮子梨很累。故选B。【小题3】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:“谢谢你们。”这个老太太回答说,“你们真好,你们看,我又虚弱,病得又厉害。”ask 问,要求;told是tell的过去式,意思是告诉; replied的原形是reply,意思是回答; spoke的原形是speak,意思是说。根据句意可知,这里是老太太回应两个男孩的帮助。

8、故选C。【小题4】考查动词及语境的理解。句意:然后她告诉他们她现在正想要去市场卖梨,这种梨生长在她的小花园的唯一的一棵树上。bring 带来;buy 买;take 带走;sell卖。根据文意可知,老太太拿着一大篮子梨是要去市场上卖,故选D。【小题5】考查名词及语境的理解。句意:男孩们说:“我们都要去镇里。让我们拿篮子吧。”town 镇,城镇;market 市场;garden 花园;school学校。根据文意可知,这个男孩是去镇里的学校上学,而老太太是去镇里的市场卖梨,所以他们都要去镇里。故选A。【小题6】考查副词及语境的理解。句意:他们提着重重的篮子慢慢地走着,但是非常的开心。weakly 虚

9、弱地;quickly 迅速地;快地;slowly 慢慢地;quietly安静地。根据句意和空后的the heavy basket可知,篮子很重,所以他们走得很慢,但是还是很开心。故选C。【小题7】考查动词短语及语境的理解。句意:还有一天,我看见一个小女孩捡起一块橘子皮,把它扔进了垃圾桶里。take out 拿出来;cut off 切断;put down 放下,镇压;pick up捡起。根据句意可知,这里是捡起橘子皮。故选D。【小题8】考查不定代词及语境的理解。句意:她说:“我希望没有人把橘子皮扔到人行路上,也许有人会踩在上面摔倒。”nobody 没有人;everybody 每个人;anybod

10、y 任何人;somebody有人。根据句意可知选A。【小题10】考查名词及语境的理解。句意:我们不能等时间去做一些大事情,我们必须从充满爱心的小事开始做起。pay 付款;time 时间;advice 建议;love爱。根据文意可知,这里作者建议我们不能等着去做大事情,而是要从身边的小事开始做起。有时候一些小事也会有很大的意义。故选B。考点:日常生活类短文2.【2014达州】Not only adults but also teenagers have problems in their life. Here is a survey showing the main problems of 1

11、. They feel stressed because they have 2 homework to do both at school and at home. They have lots of exams 3 . And parents usually send them 4 different classes at weekends. As a result, so many of them almost become bookworms (书虫). On holidays, they could hardly have 5 time to do what they are int

12、erested in. Now more and more teenagers 6 short-sighted. They often read in bed or keep 7 for a long time without having a rest. Some of them are crazy about playing computer games. Some 8 too much watching TV. 9 serious problem among teenagers is that many of them are becoming fat. They eat too muc

13、h junk food, but they take little exercise.I think teenagers should think of ways on how to 10 the problem. They should make a plan for study and hobbies and find time to relax as much as possible.1. A. adult B. adults C. teenager D. teenagers 2. A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too 3. A.

14、 join B. to be taken C. to take D. to join 4. A. to B. for C. of D. in 5. A. our own B. their own C. his own D. they own 6. A. are geting B. are getting C. got D. are become 7. A. red B. read C. to read D. reading 8. A. pay B. cost C. spend D. take 9. A. Another B. Other C. Others D. Some 10. A. doi

15、ng with B. do with C. dealing with D. deal with 【答案】1【小题1】D2【小题2】B3【小题3】C4【小题4】A5【小题5】B6【小题6】B7【小题7】D8【小题8】C9【小题9】A10【小题10】D【解析】试题分析:不仅仅是成年人而且青年人在生活中都有问题。1.学习和心理压力大,学习时间过长;2. 没有足够的放松休息时间,身体发胖;3.眼睛近视的人越来越多;4.一些学生厌学。应该学会自我调节。.【小题2】考查短语及语境的理解。A. too many修饰可数名词的复数形式;B.too much修饰不可数名词;C.much too跟形容词;D. m

16、any too形式不符合英语的习惯表达。他们感觉压力大,因为在家和学校都有很多作业要做。homework是不可数名词,应该用too much修饰。所以选B。【小题3】考查动词及语境的理解。他们还有很多的考试要参加。A. join加入一个组织,成为其中的一员。B. to be taken表被动、将来; take表主动和将来;D. to join要加入。参加考试用短语take exams,所以选C。【小题4】考查动词及语境的理解。周末父母送他们去各种班。结果有些孩子几乎成了书虫。A.sendto派去;B.send for派人去拿;C. of的;D.sendin递送。所以选A。【小题5】考查

17、动词及语境的理解。在假期他们几乎没有他们自己的时间去做他们感兴趣的事。A.our own我们自己的;B. theirown他们自己的;C. hisown他自己的;D.they own形式错误。have ones own time to do的意思是有自己的时间做某事。所以选B。【小题6】考查动词及语境的理解。现在越来越多的青少年变得近视了。A.isgetting主语是单数;B.are getting主语是复数;C. got是get的过去式;D. are become形式错误。有Now这个时间词提示用begetting,表示正在发生的变化。teenagers是复数名词,所以谓语动词用复数形式ar

18、e;所以选B。【小题9】考查形容词及语境的理解。A.Another另一个;B. Other其他的;C. Others其他人;D. Some一些;过长时间读书导致一个问题是厌学;另一个严重的问题是很多青少年变胖了。因为吃了太多的垃圾食品,又缺乏锻炼。所以选A。【小题10】考查固定搭配及语境的理解。我认为青少年应该想一些方法来如何解决这个问题。注意把学习和爱好和放松相结合。固定搭配what todo with与how todeal with意思一样,如何处理。所以选D。考点:生活类阅读。3.【2016重庆市A】根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案, 并把答题卡

19、上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。“Who would you like to change your life with if possible?” Last week, we asked many middle school s tudents this question. The following are some of their 1 .Zhang Yike, 12 I want to change my life with my friend. Wang Xiaohui. She is studying in England now. She has 2 to many countries

20、, such as the US and France. They are the places I wish to visit. Whats more, she 3 much better English than me. If I change my life with her, I can visit many beautiful countries, eat delicious 4 and meet different kinds of people there.Qiu Haoran, 14 Id like to change my life with Chinese teacher

21、Miss Zhao. Miss Zhao is a very kind lady. She 5 a lot, so she always has so many 6 stories to tell us. We all like her classes. I also want to be such an excellent teacher and be 7 with my students.Tan Bo, 13 I will change my life with my elder brother. My brother is a college student now. He doesnt

22、 have to go to class all the time. He can study 8 he is interested in. And he even has a part-time job to make money. To 9 , all of these sound very interesting. I really want a life 10 that.1. A. answers B. problems C. questions D. changes2. A. gone B. come C. been D. moved3. A. says B. speaks C. t

23、alks D. tells4. A. drink B. air C. food D. water5. A. teaches B. knows C. thinks D. asks6. A. long B. short C. terrible D. interesting7. A. busy B. angry C. popular D. serious8. A. that B. which C. who D. what9. A. me B. him C. you D. them10. A. at B. on C. for D. like【答案】1【小题1】A2【小题2】C3【小题3】B4【小题4】

24、C5【小题5】B6【小题6】D7【小题7】C8【小题8】D9【小题9】B10【小题10】D【解析】试题分析:短文大意:这篇短文主要介绍了一个关于改变自己生活的话题,并介绍了三个中学生理想中的生活。【小题1】:考查语境理解及名次辨析。Answers答案;problems问题,难题;questions问题;changes变化。联系下文描述,可知本句指的是,下面就是他们的一些答案。故选A。【小题2】:考查语境理解及动词辨析。Gone去,运转;come开始,出现;been存在,是;moved移动,感动。结合语境可知此处指的是,她已经去过很多国家。在完成时态中,gone to表示去了还没没回来;came

25、 to表示来了还没走;been to表示去过,已经回来;moved to表示去了,还没回来。结合语境可知选C。【小题5】:考查语境理解及动词辨析。Teaches教;knows知道,了解;thinks思考,认为;asks问。联系后一句描述,可知本句指的是,她知道的很多。故选B。【小题6】:考查语境理解及形容词辨析。Long长的;short短的;terrible可怕的,令人讨厌的;interesting 有趣的。句意:因此她有许多有趣的故事告诉我们。故选D。【小题7】:考查语境理解及形容词辨析。Busy忙碌的;angry愤怒的;popular流行的,受欢迎的;serious 严肃的,严重的。联系前


27、选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。At a day care centre in Texas, Jessica McClure was playing outside. Jessicas mother, 1 worked at the day care centre, was watching her. Suddenly Jessica 2 and disappeared. Jessicas mother cried and ran to her.The well in the yard was only eight inches across, and a rock always 3

28、 it. But children had moved the rock. 4 Jessica fell, she fell right into the well.Jessicas mother ran to a phone and called 911 for 5 . Men from the fire department arrived. They 6 that Jessica was about 20 feet down in the well. Then they told Jessicas parents their 7 . “We cant go down into the w

29、ell” they said,” Its so small. So we are going to dig a hole 8 well. Well dig down about 20 feet. Then well dig a tunnel (通道) across to Jessica. When we reach her, well bring her through the tunnel. Then well bring her up through our 9 .”The men began to gig the hole on a Wednesday morning. Two days

30、 later, on Friday morning, they were 10 digging. And Jessica McClure was still in the well.All over the world people waited for news of Jessica. They read about her in newspapers and watched her rescue (营救) on TV. Everyone 11 the little girl in the well.At 8:00 p.m. On Friday, the men 12 reached Jes

31、sica and brought her up from the well. Then doctors rushed her to the hospital. Jessica was badly injured but she was still 13 . A doctor at the hospital said, “Jessica is lucky she is very 14 . Shes not going to remember this very well.”Maybe Jessica will not remember her days in the well. But her parents, her rescuers, and many other people around the world will not forget 15 .After Jessicas rescue, one of the rescuers made a metal cover for the well. On the cover he wrote, “To Jessica, with love from al of us.

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