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1、最新选修7unit3教案教案资料Unit 3 Under the seaDESIGNERS: Qi Yuping Han Guilin Wang Qingmei Yuan Lihua Liu XiaolanWang Jucun Cai Xiaoqin Han Jinyu TOPIC: Living wellTEACHING PERIODS: Three TEACHING AIMS AND REQUIREMENTS1. Enable students to learn about plants and animals under the sea.2.Enable students to gras

2、p the usages of important new words and expressions as well as the useful sentence patterns.3. Let students revise the grammar item: the Passive Voice and “being done” structure.4. Develop students listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities.TEACHING IMPORTANT POINTS1. All the words and expre

3、ssions2. All the tasks of reading, speaking and integrating skills.3. Grammar: the infinitive.DIFFICULT POINTS1. How to improve the students speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.2.The the Passive Voice and “being done”.TEACHING METHODS 1.Reading method2.Self-study3.Cooperation4.Interactio

4、nTHE FIRST PERIODTOPIC: Reading and Language pointsDESIGNERS: Han Guilin Yuan Lihua Liu XiaolanTHACHING PROCEDURESStep I 预习检测(学生活动)Ask the students to use some words and expressions of this unit correctly.Ask the students to answer some questions about the text.StepII导入新课,明确目标(教师活动)Lead inHave a fre

5、e talk with the students about plants and animals under the sea .Learning aimsHelp the Ss know more about plants and animals under the sea as well as the animals loyalty and help to human beings.Summarize the main idea of each paragraph as well as the text.3. Enable students to grasp the usages of i

6、mportant new words and expressions. Step III小组合作,互动探究(生生互动)1.Pre-reading Let the Ss talk about the picture in Pre-reading and get them prepared for the reading passage. 2. Skimming Let the Ss skim the text and get the main ideas of the two anecdotes. Q: Who is Old Tom? What is the first anecdote abo

7、ut? How about the second one?3. ScanningLet the Ss do scanning and find the answers to the questions in Exercise 2. Then ask some pairs to ask and answer the questions before class.4. Careful-readingAsk the students to read the text carefully and finish Ex. 1 on page 21.Show the following sentences

8、on the screen. (The sentences are given with blanks.)1). I thought, at the time, that this was just a story but then I witnessed it with my own eyes many times.2). As I was sorting out my accommodation, I heard a loud noise coming from the bay.3). We ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous

9、animal throwing itself out of the water and then crashing down again.4). “Come on, Clancy. To the boat,” George said as he ran ahead of me.5). As we drew closer, I could see a whale being attacked by a pack of about six other killers. 6). And those others are stopping it diving or fleeing out to sea

10、.7). Within a moment or two, its body was dragged swiftly by the killers down into the depths of the sea.8). In the meantime, Old Tom, and the others are having a good feed on its lips and tongue.5. Post-readingDeal with Exercise 3 in Comprehending. Let the Ss work in groups and do some discussion.

11、Look at the title of this text: Old Tom the Killer Whale. Who is Old Tom and what is special about it?6.Evaluation standardComplete the exercise of multi-choices. Step IV 师导生学,排疑解难(师生互动)【Useful words】 1. I thought,at the time,that this was just a story but then I witnessed it with my own eyes many t

12、imes. (回归课本)用法点拨(1)vt.当场见到;目击 I witnessed an accident on my way home yesterday.We were witnessing the most important scientific development of the century.(2)vt.表明,说明 Her flushed face witnessed the great excitement she felt.(3)vt.作证 None could witness that he was present.(4)n.C 目击者;证人The witness was

13、 crossexamined by the defending counsel.(5)n.C,U 证词,证据,证明His ragged clothes were (a) witness to his poverty.The old man gave witness on behalf of an accused person.归纳拓展 be a witness to是的目击者翻译句子(1) 一位证人声称见过这支手枪。One witness claimed to have seen the gun.(2) 1949年一个新的国家诞生了中华人民共和国。The year 1949 witnessed

14、 the birth of a new countrythe Peoples Republic of China.2. I was sorting out my accommodation. (回归课本)用法归纳accommodate vt.向提供住处(或膳宿);容纳,接纳,招待住宿;供应,供给;使适应,使适合,调节 使适应accommodate oneself toadapt (oneself) to 适应;顺应accommodate sb. withsupply sb. with 向某人提供make accomm

15、odations for 为提供膳宿book accommodation at a hotel 向旅馆预订房间arrange sb.s accommodation 给某人安排住处翻译句子(1) 这所大学为学生提供了良好的住宿。The university offers excellent accommodation for students.(2) 今晚我们能找到旅馆住吗?Can we find accommodations at a hotel for tonight?(3) 这幢房子可容纳两家人居住。The house will accommodate two families.(4)银行

16、将提供一笔贷款给你。The bank will accommodate you with a loan.3. “Man overboard!Turn the boat around!”urged George,shouting loudly.(回归课本)用法归纳urge do sth.敦促/催促某人做某事 urge sth.(upon/on sb.)大力推荐;竭力主张urge sb.on鼓励,激励;为加油urge后跟句子多用“should动词原形”,should可省略用法点拨urgency nurgent adj. urgently adv.翻译句子:The teacher urg

17、es us to read English every morning.He urged his horse forward.他策马前行。She could hear him urging her on as she ran past.The report urged that all children be taught to be independent.4 From Jamess face,I could see he was terrified of being abandoned by us. (回归课本)用法归纳: abandon ones hope放弃希望 abandon med

18、icine for literature弃医从文abandon oneself to sth./doing sth.纵情于;沉溺于abandon ones country/friend背弃祖国/朋友 abandoned young man堕落的年轻人abandoned adj.被遗弃的;自暴自弃的;无耻的 翻译句子:Parents who abandon their baby should be punished.The captain gave orders to abandon the ship.船长下令弃船。Lu Xun abandoned medicine for literature

19、.鲁迅弃医从文。5. George said as he ran ahead_of me. (回归课本)用法归纳:ahead of time 提前 ahead of ones time 超越某人那个时代look ahead 向前看,为未来着想或打算 go ahead 先走/行;可以;进行straight ahead 径直向前翻译句子(1)他站在时代的前列。He_is_ahead_of_his_time.(2)他提前考试完.He_finished_the_exam_ahead_of_time. 6.What evidence was there that Old Tom was helping

20、the whalers out? (回归课本)用法归纳help sb.(to) do sth.帮某人做某事 help (to) do sth.帮忙做某事cannot help doing sth.禁不住做某事 cannot help but do sth.不能不/不得不做某事help oneself (to sth.)自用,自取所需(食物等) help sb.with sth.帮助某人做某事翻译句子(1)Hes always willing to help out.他总是急人之所急。(2)When I bought the car,my sister helped me out with mo

21、ney.我买这辆车时,我姐姐借给我一笔钱解了急。(3)Nobody helped me out when I lost my job.在我失业时,没有人帮助我。(4)It was Jane who helped me out of my financial difficulty in 2009.2009年,正是Jane帮助我摆脱了经济困难。(5)Soup will help out our meal.汤可以弥补我们饭食的不足。【sentence patterns and phrases】1. It was a time when the killer whales, or “ killers”

22、 as they were then called, hoped the whales catch the baleen whales that were on their annual migration.该句中包含有三个定语从句。When the killer whales, or “killers” as they were then called , helped the whalers catch the baleen whales 是关系副词when引导的定语从句,修饰先行词a time;as they were then called是关系代词as引导的定语从句,意为“正如当时被

23、叫做的”,修饰先行词“killers”; that were on their annual migration 是关系代词that引导的定语从句。练习 汉译英1) 那就是他到达的时间。2)那是一个没有收音机,没有电话,也没有电视的时期。2. On the afternoon I arrived at the station, as I was sorting out my accommodation, I heard a loud noise coming from the bay.本句为主从复合句,主句是I heard a loud noise coming from the bay; I

24、 arrived at the station为省略了关系词that 的定语从句;as在句中引导时间状语从句。句中现在分词短语coming from the bay作宾补。即时练习Listen! Do you hear someone _ for help?A calling B call C to call D called3. It took over half an hour to get the boat back to James, and when we approach him, I saw James being firmly help up in the water by O

25、ld TOM.It 是形式主语,to get the boat back to James是真正的主语;and是并列连词,并列句后一个分句中,when引导时间状语从句,being firmly help up in the water by Old TOM作宾补。It takes sb some time to do sth 是一个重要句型,表示“某人花费多少时间做某事。”其中take还可以有时态变化,sb也可以省略。Step V Evaluation standard 达标检测Finish the exercises in exercise books.Step VI Summary & A

26、ssessment 小结与学生自评Ask several students to sum up what they have learnt in the class.StepVII Homework 作业布置Recite the above language points.VIII Pre-Learning 课前自学Pre-learn the usage of “being done”. Record after Teaching _ _ _ _ THE SECOND PERIODTOPIC: GrammarDESIGNERS: Qi Yuping Wang Qingmei Wang Jucu

27、nTEACHING PROCEDURESStepI预习检测(学生活动)Ask the students to recite some words and expressions of this unit. Ask the students to answer some questions about the grammar.StepII导入新课,明确目标(教师活动)1.Learning aimsRevise the Passive Voice of the v-ing form.Learn how to use the Passive Voice especially “being done”

28、 form by practicing and summarizing. 2.辨别下面不定式在句子中充当的成分:辨别下面V-ing在句子中充当的成分:Her job is teaching. Reading aloud is very important for us to learn a foreign language.Its no good waiting here. Lets go home. When he came back home from his night shift, Jason tried to avoid wakening his family.After heari

29、ng the funny story, all of us couldnt help laughing ear to ear. Thank you for offering me so much help.The children are busy doing their homework.developing countries 定语 working people 定语StepIII师导生学,互动探究(师生互动)一、V-ing被动形式的构成(group work 师导生学 合作探究)【观察探究】V-ing 一般时和一般时的被动形式;1)He hurried home , looking be

30、hind from time to time .2) The building being repaired is our dormitory .V-ing 的完成时和完成时的被动形式1) Having lit a candle , she went out.2) Having been asked to stay , I couldnt leave .3) Having heard this , our teacher expressed her satisfaction .【归纳总结】如果v-ing与句中的逻辑主语构成被动关系,即当动词-ing 形式的逻辑主语是动作的承受者时,需用其被动形

31、式(being done,having been done)。其否定形式是:not being done, not having been doneV-ing 形式表示的动作与主句谓语动词同时发生,用其一般式; V-ing 形式表示的动作在主句谓语动词之前发生,用其完成时。【即学即练】人们不喜欢无缘无故的赞扬。People hate being praised for nothing . 这问题远没得到解决。The problem is far from being solved . 她不介意被一人留在家里。She didnt mind being left alone at home .没有被邀请参加聚会,他感到很不高兴。He was unhappy for not having been invited to the party.尽管被告诉好多次了,但他仍然犯同样的错误。Having been told many times, he still m

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