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1、without stress , they mayfeel very satisfied with the current life but lack of power to discover newthings . too much result in nothing except a countermarch of thesociety . no stress , no development . so a certain amount of stress is good .it can stimulate us and increase our level of alertness .a

2、nd our answer to stress is another vital problem . how to do withourselves when stress suddenly break into our life ?to wave the white flag andadmit our unability , to give up to our ideality , or worstly , just to suicideas to put an end to everything of cause not . the principle is to tackle withs

3、tress gentlely andharmoniously. we should try our best to release ourselves .such as to do some exercise , to linsen to traditional chinese music orclassical music to ease our minds and to learn to view these changes of lifeaschallenges .its no use crying over spilt milk . only to accept what hashap

4、pened can solve the problem .ok , i think i was under large stress 3 minutes before , but now i am hereand have finished my speech . here is the last thing i want to add to my topic,face to it and overcome it ,stress is also a piece ofcake.关于励志的英语课前演讲稿2 Good afternoon, ladies andgentlemen. The issue

5、 of the Yellow River hasbecome the biggest concern of members of the Chinese peoples PoliticalConsultativeConference. My childhood, in fact, is closely associated withtheriver. My father is an engineering geologist, and he used to take me with him onhis trips to the hydropower stations on theriver.

6、I enjoyed those trips,especially the trip to Longyang Xiareservoir. Although ten years have passedsince my visit, I can still recall the scenery;I can still recall the water Isaw at thereservoir. It was pure, clean and blue, not like the water I saw inthe middle reaches of the river, which had turne

7、d brown and muddy after passingthrough the LoessPlateau. Once during our stay at the power station, we were caught inathunderstorm. And when rain stopped, I could see trickles of water rolling downmountain slopes and flowing intothereservoir. It carried little mud or sand,because at that time, trees

8、 and grass still grew around thereservoir. And theyprotected thesoil. At Longyang Xia I was struck by the beauty of nature, and asa child I wanted to stay there and to grow up with our YellowRiver.Li Bai, the Tang Dynasty poet, said praises to the flowing water in theYellowRiver. He saw it as coming

9、 down from heaven and nurturing the peoplealong her way to thesea. However, in 1997,for 330days, not a single drop ofwater from the Yellow River went into thesea. And droughts are not the onlypunishment bynature. A friend of my fathers, a university professor, is doingresearch on the YellowRiver. Ac

10、cording to this professor, the Yellow River willsoon change its course if we allow this situation tocontinue. Because there isno longer enough water to carry away the silt and mud in the lower reaches ofthe river and the riverbed rises higher and higher eachyear.We have taken too much from nature, b

11、ut given back too little inreturn.And this is the cost of the unbalancedgrowth. If we had taken care of thevegetation in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River, we would stillexperience the river as Li Bai describedit.While the developed countries are consuming proportionallymore naturalre

12、sources than the rest of the world, theyve also taken some good measures inprotectingnature. And as a developing country, China can learn from them inthisaspect.Last year, when I was visiting Australia with a group of Chinese studentswho had won prizes in an English Skills Test, our Australian hosts

13、 invited us tojoin them for a horse-ride in themountains. After two hours on horseback, wereached a valley, where there was a most beautiful meadow, with flowers in allcolors dotted on a huge blanket ofgreen. When I began to praise the beauty ofnature, my friends told me that in this valley, there u

14、sed to be a big mine andthe wastewater from the mine turned everythingbrown. When the mine wasabandoned, people made great efforts to restore the greenvegetation. They alsoused the latest biological technology choosing the best grass seeds suitable forthe localsoil. So the beautiful meadow is a resu

15、lt of commitment, hard work,and newtechnology.What happened to this valley in Australia should also happen to our YellowRiver and, in fact, it ishappening. I have seen farmers planting trees onmountains along the YellowRiver. I have seen them climb the mountain tops withseedlings on their shoulders

16、because they had nomachinery. I have seen thempour on trees the water they had carried up in buckets from milesdownthevalley. These farmers are quietly nourishing our Yellow River, just as the riverhas nourishedthem.And these farmers, men and women I dont know, gave me the confidence thatwe and our

17、Yellow River will grow together, and someday in the future, we willbe able to drink the clean water from our Yellow River again, because she is ourdearestmother.Thank you!关于励志的英语课前演讲稿3 Todays speech I want to talk to my classmates about a few stories, thesestories are in our side, but we have never

18、noticed,thinking. One night last semester, go alone to five teaching selfstudy. Fatigue tohis eyes faint, faint yellow light trance to see a little boy shuttle betweentables and chairs, those hands links to pick up the garbage in the tablebucket.Looking back, his mother is holding a large woven bag,

19、 came and tookthegarbage. Mother and son of the shadow under the irradiation of a group of lightsappear very long, repeated, fade out of theclassroom. I just looked at, whatseems to be thinking, so for a longtime. A small thing in life study, let me look at yourselfagain. His little badhabits, bring

20、 others?Shouldnt we be good youngpeople who love school andlife?How can we indulge in the erosion of negative energy on us?I have asked afew students, how dont you remember to take away the garbage generated byself-study in class?Most students are vacant answer, not someone to accept?Some of our own

21、 little habits, littlelaziness. Slowly become entrenchednegative energy, we didnt even notice, slowly accustomedto. Our youth, we areyoung, but ignorance is not synonymous with youth andyouth.Classmate, dont know if you have ever met this kind of situation, onenight, you are going to carry a bag to

22、the library to study, is shouting to letthe dormitory of several other elder brothers go with you, at that time, aclassmatesaid: oh, boy, the sun came out to the west, you should go to thelibrary, dont pack!you hesitated, thinking about next weeks exam, orthinking about to go to the library self-stu

23、dy make-up class, so, you are goingto go, then another voicerang: hurry up to open the computer, hero league opena black shop sent a person ah, how can you do without!at this time, yousilently put down the bag, opened the computer, just study the idea of abruptwas left behind .The word positive ener

24、gy students are familiar with, itsnetwork meaningrefers to all give people up, give people hope and pursuit, make people actionmotivation andfeelings. As a contemporary college student, I think we should bea positive energy person, at the same time, also should make friends withpositive energy, in e

25、ach others communication, let positive energy togetherinto a larger upward force, so that college life morepositive. true, good,beautiful has always been as a synonym for positive energy, specific to collegelife, positive energy also covers a lot ofmeaning: for example, pay attentionto social welfar

26、e undertakings, to participate in social practice, let lovetransfer, so that their lives are sublimated;In the face of setbacks and lifeis not the best, to be able to persevere, with a positive attitude to face;Inthe study, be able to persevere, hard work, perseverance;Be a responsibleperson, able t

27、o understand their responsibilities, parents expectations andsocialexpectations. My classmates, my story is not overyet.After that night, I often talked to my classmates about the experience,everyone also havefeelings. Gradually, I found that after class we didnt leavethe classroom in such a hurry, but scanned the table bucket, conveniently taketheirgarbage.

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